Empire Chronicles - cris_litvin
Empire Chronicles (Version 0.9.404) - Minor Update

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with jumping on new games broken last patch.
Path of Exile - CommunityTeam_GGG
Our Friendly Fire event has been quite chaotic, so in today's news post we're highlighting a few antics from it as well as some clips from the on-going Ruthless with Gold event! The Krangled Passive Tree event starts soon too, so don't miss out! Check out the clips in today's news post on the Path of Exile forums here!
Escape Dream - courtney3002

Stage 1

  • I slightly lowered the difficulty of some traps.

Stage 7

  • From the 3rd day, when the night changes, a passage is created that allows you to go back and forth between day and night.

Bug Fix

  • I have corrected some of the traps that were incorrectly set in Stage 5.
Gaucho and the Grassland - epopeiagames
The new NPCs of Gaucho and the Grassland have arrived and with them came several other news. In addition to the new characters, it is now possible to give a unique name to your own village that will be displayed in a beautiful portico at the entrance of it.

Entrance portico
Everything starts after the victory against Boitatá in the mysterious zone, thus starting a new mission: to help the new characters settle in the village of the region that is founded right after the duel.

New NPCs
Now the player has the mission to build and furnish houses for these new characters and thus receive their gratitude and some rewards from them, including several exclusive resources available only in this area of the game.

This new area was created so that the player's experience would not end just with the victory in the duel against Boitatá, and as the village is filled with houses and establishments, it is possible to collect economy ingredients at each given period in a chest, being almost like a long-term investment.


In addition to helping the new NPCs who are residents to build houses in the village, it is possible to create workshops for professionals to produce exclusive items only possible through their craft, such as the blacksmith, for example.

In addition to helping the new NPCs who are residents to build houses in the village, it is possible to create workshops for professionals to produce exclusive items only possible through their craft, such as the blacksmith, for example.

And don't forget to add Gaucho and the Grassland to your and join our Discord community.


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Mar 20, 2023
AdventureQuest Worlds Unity Playtest - jdfight
- Mob prioritizes player to charge to it first
- Player does not attempt to charge if already within range
- Charging towards npcs is disabled
- Auto attack will be triggered automatically when a skill other than the auto attack is pressed
- Auto attack now lets you switch targets
- Lowered the time to exit combat after monster death from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
- Red target rings now show appropriatley to the monster you have focused
- Disabled the regen timer when the player is in combat which caused the HP bar to randomly shoot up in combat
- Fixed Quest Complete screen
- Fixed Stuck in jump loop
- Fixed monster/player charge priority
- Fixed player exiting combat earlier
- Fixed backfoot rotation in some animations
- Load default hair if hair or helm fails to load.
- Screen shake fix
- Fixed Quest reward popup text off-centered
- Player now charges first before the monster on first combat initiate, band-aid fix for drops on last mob position, randomized player/monster charge target location
- LevelText for reward items no longer says "Level X" - just "x"
Last Devil - aassdd2135
1. The soul essence provided by the Little Angel will increase as the level gets higher.
2. When all items of a certain type have been collected, they will no longer appear in the corresponding rooms.
3. Fixed Japanese and Korean translation errors on the notice board in the Demon Lord's Hall.
4. Corrected some translations in the instructional signage.
5. Increased the probability and quantity of gift items dropped by each boss (approximately doubled).
6. Fixed an issue where some players were unable to trigger the heroine's mission. Now, when the affection level reaches LV3 full, the plot will not be triggered. Just send a gift again and press confirm to re-evaluate.
7. Quest items are no longer distinguished between main story or hell stages. They will drop as long as the designated boss is defeated.
8. Fixed an issue where dodging more than 60% of attacks resulted in complete invincibility.
Mar 20, 2023
Beneath the Mountain Playtest - Failosipher
hard mode changes, affix balances, and new Battle Shout talent for berserkers
Mar 20, 2023
Here to Stay - Marchellus
- bug fix: on custom load some "cheats" were not saved correctly
- bug fix: error when the player save a game with division jobs
3XO: XXX Online - Black Lotus Games
Version 1 - Basic

Please note: This is NOT the final version of the Character Editor!

This is "Version 1", a somewhat simplified and basic version that does not have all the features enabled. While we were polishing our Makeup and Tattoo systems, we discovered a brand new asset on the Unreal Engine marketplace specifically for converting Daz3D textures for use in UE. The product is amazing, and we will definitely be integrating parts of it into our own material systems. But this will take time. Rather than delaying the release of the CE demo, we decided to release a "basic" version now, with certain features disabled, and then release the updated full version sometime later.

This current version allows you to change your Body Type, Genitalia Type, and test out the hundreds of advanced shaping options. The full version, which we'll release later, will include all the features related to materials, such as - Skin Texture/Color, Eye Texture/Color, Hair Color, a few Clothing options (with Texture/Color settings), Nail Color (and possibly Texture), and other minor things.

For now, please play around with the huge amount of advanced shaping options. Your feedback is very important when it comes to these shaping options.

While testing, please think on some of these questions:

  • Which options feel like they don't have enough of an effect and you think could be removed?
  • Which options are hard to understand based on their name?
  • Which options should have their min/max limits adjusted?
  • Which options seem to break things when used with another option?

Known Issues

Below is a list of currently known issues, which will be fixed in the updated full version.

  • Some of the shaping options in the Waist section break the genitalia. - This is an easy fix, just tedious, which is why we didn't do it for this demo.
  • The eyes vanish when rotating the character to the left. - This is due to some occlusion setting in the eye material, and will be fixed.
  • There's a delay when changing Genitalia Types. - This is due to the widgets being destroyed/created when changing Genitalia, and will be fixed when we reformat our code in the full version.

A Note on Performance

Please note: There is absolutely no performance optimization in this demo! We want to see how this demo performs on various PC specs without any optimizations, so we can get a rough idea of how much optimization we'll need to do in the future. It seems to run fine if you have an nVidia 2070 or better, but if you're using a 1650 or something lesser, then you should expect it to lag a bit. If you do experience performance issues, please let us know what your hardware specs are!

Most of the performance drain comes from the ultra high quality hair we're currently using. This hair, known as "Groom" hair in UE, is notorious for being bad on performance, but it looks amazing. We plan on using this type of hair through Alpha 1, and then we may need to change it for something else if it proves to be too much for performance.
Mar 20, 2023
Operation : ERONTA - DKRM
The brightness in level 1 has been increased.