Mar 10, 2023
Lost Region - Delraid

Hello everyone. News Blog is ON!

Be sure to check the full weekly report following the link.

This is my punch stick

We are working on melee damage, on gun melee damage, to be precise. However, this new feature comes at a cost. Using your firearm in melee combat will damage its durability. Guns without any additional modules won't deal a significant amount of damage, but they will have a stunning effect, which could help players either run away or even come out on top in a fight. But for those who have modified their guns with additional modules, the melee damage potential becomes even greater. In fact, in some cases, the gun's shooting ability will become just an additional feature, as the main purpose of these guns will be melee combat. The melee damage feature adds a new layer of strategy to Lost Region, as players will need to consider the durability of their weapons before engaging in melee combat. It also adds a new dimension to gun modifications, as players will now have to consider which modules will help them deliver the most effective melee damage. If the melee damage is your goal, of course, it comes with a prize. Guns that are focused on melee damage are much heavier and could be less effective in range battles.

What is replication?

For those unfamiliar with replication, it is the process of synchronizing the game state across all players in a multiplayer game. This includes everything from the positions of objects and players to their animations and interactions with the environment. While replication is crucial to a smooth multiplayer experience, it is also one of the most time-consuming tasks for game developers. This is particularly true when working with Unreal Engine 5, which offers incredible graphics and gameplay capabilities but also requires careful attention to detail when it comes to replication. The Lost Region development team is working hard to ensure that the replication system is fully optimized. This involves extensive testing and debugging. Unreal Engine 5 offers a powerful and flexible replication system, the system uses a combination of client-side prediction and server-side reconciliation to ensure that the game state is accurate and up-to-date at all times. Now You know a little more about Unreal Engine 5.

Hope You all have a great weekend and an awesome Friday! Cya next week! ;)
MiniRoyale Playtest - Indigoblue

Mini Royale - Another testing is about to go live!

Greetings to all! At 6PM CET today, we go live with another alpha-test of Mini Royale, so make sure you tune in and tell your friends.

Here is all you need to know.

Start: 10th of march, 6PM CET
End: 11th of march, 12PM CET

Modes: SOLO

Regions: EU / US-West (If more players tune in from other regions than listed, we can adjust them during testing.)

Join our Discord to stay up-to-date on all Mini Royale news.

Mar 10, 2023
War Thunder - CyberStonka

  • A bug that might sometimes cause the hit decals to be too large has been fixed.
  • A bug where the effect of a shell room explosion can not be played has been fixed.
  • A bug where APDS shells were missing secondary fragments has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the camera to switch to the pilot that ejected during the first flight when the aircraft crashed again has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the number of the remaining rounds to be coloured grey after reloading has been fixed.
Enduring Confrontation
  • A bug where AI controlled ships at the beginning of the mission dropped their tasks and tried to find the enemy and destroy them has been fixed.
  • Hunter F.58 — The display of the vehicles at long range in the sighting camera for the AGM-65 missiles has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
Sidestep Legends - LingonStudios
This update adds a much needed feature for these types of games. The ability to steer the randomness a bit with the help of Reroll, Banish and Lock. If you have played other games in this genre you probably recognize them, but in short here is how they work. You can use them when levelling up. Reroll will replace the upgrades options with new ones. With Banish you can remove an upgrade entirely from the pool of this run and it will be replaced with another one. Lock can be used on an upgrade option to keep it for the next level up, useful in the case where you get offered more than one upgrade that you would want to pick.

In order to get charges of Reroll, Banish and Lock you need to unlock them in the skill tree.

This update also introduces two new passive upgrades, Ability Area and Revive. You can read about them in the detailed as well as some balance changes and bug fixes in the full patch notes below.

  • Added Ability Area upgrade, both in game and in the skill tree. It increases the area of abilities that covers an area
  • Added Revive upgrade, both in game and in the skill tree. In the case of taking fatal damage a revive is consumed instead and you will be brought back to full health
  • Added the Reroll upgrade to the skill tree. A reroll can be used to get new choices of upgrades when levelling up
  • Added the Banish upgrade to the skill tree. A banish can be used to block an upgrade from appearing for the rest of the round
  • Added the Lock upgrade to the skill tree. A lock can be used to keep an upgrade option to the next level up
  • Added support to switch tips on pause screen with controller
  • Added support to swap the position of abilities with the controller on the pause screen
  • When using Blink and aiming with the mouse (moba controls, wasd controls) you will now teleport to the position of the mouse cursor if the distance between the cursor and the player is within the range of the Blink ability
  • When using throwing a Healing Potion and aiming with the mouse (moba controls, wasd controls) it will now land at the position of the mouse cursor if the distance between the cursor and the player is within the range of Healing Pot ability
  • Healing Pot ability range is now affected by the Ability Range upgrade.

Balance changes
  • Stealth from the Dash Stealth upgrade will now apply effects from the Stealth Armor upgrade
  • Stealth from the Dash Stealth upgrade will now apply effects from the Stealth Sprint upgrade
  • Stealth from the Chanel Heal Stealth upgrade will now apply effects from the Stealth Armor upgrade
  • Stealth from the Chanel Heal Stealth upgrade will now apply effects from the Stealth Sprint upgrade

  • Fixed a bug causing the Flame Walk heal upgrade to show the wrong description text sometimes
  • Fixed a bug causing stealth effects from other sources than the Stealth ability to show up on the Stealth ability's duration
  • Added a buff indicator for the Channel Heal Armor upgrade
  • Fixed a bug where the character could end up gliding against walls or other map elements after releasing the movement controls
  • Fixed a bug causing abilities bound to the A button to be activated after picking the boss upgrade
  • Fixed postion of level up text for super ultrawide screens
  • Fixed a game freeze bug that could happen in rare cases when the boss should spawn
  • Fixed a bug causing whirlwinds to deal way too much damage while the player is immune to crowd control effects
SpaceBourne 2 - DBK Games
SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 1.3.0

    • A dynamic AI diplomatic manager has been added to the game, which makes the AI behave more intelligently in diplomatic actions.• The AI now has the ability to attack and reclaim stations belonging to the player's faction.Note: This feature was added to force the player to think carefully about which factions they will declare war on. If the player declared war on multiple factions in previous versions, they may encounter multiple attacksNote 2: If the player attacks a high-level faction or a faction with many allies in previous versions, they may have difficulty defending their stations.
    If you encounter such a situation, we kindly ask you not to consider it as a bug.
    Note 3: In these battles, the Player can only select generals for defense. The generals will decide on their own what to do on the battlefield. We are waiting for your feedback on this system; If you like this system, we can also use it as an optional feature in the player's attacks..• Japanese language has been updated.• Spanish language has been updated.• Turkish language has been updated.
Reported by players as follows :
• The game crashes at the end of the Jump (We have optimized and/or changed several warp effects for this bug and have been testing on multiple machines for the past 3 days without encountering any crashes. Therefore, we assume this bug has been fixed. If you still encounter this bug after this version, please let us know.)
• When increasing the tier or level of a ship, some stats are lower than the previous level or tier.
• Pirates attacked and broke my warp. I fought back and destroyed the pirates. However, I received a crime notice, and the Star System Security attacked me.
• Changing ships via the Ship Manager console keeps the weapons loadout from the previous ship on the new one, causing various issues.
• Memory usage increases up to 4x in Pirate Raid missions, and the game eventually crashes.
• When assigning "Soldiers" under "Captain," only the Captain levels up, while the Soldiers do not.
• In any defend mission at LFP, there are too many waves of enemies, and after a while, the game gets stuck.
• I had no bookmarked structures in the operation list and clicked one of the things on the top bar to sort them, and my game completely froze.
• Some T5 components provide less stat boosts than T4 components.
• Looking for a Ship Mission in the same system where a mission has been completed crashed my game.
• The Compressor talent does not work as expected.
• In the Rescue a Person Mercenary Contract, the person I saved still moans about needing help inside my ship as I fly across the galaxy.
• Star Gate pilot/dest signs have collision, and if I collide with them, the jump sequence is disrupted.
• My stations have disappeared, although they are still present according to the faction view.
• If I open another UI after a battle is over, the Battle Summary UI remains at the bottom, and I cannot close any UI.
• Stations always sell items one level below the player's level.
• If I have built a station or outpost in a system, I can only see them in the Scanner interface, and the other stations in the system are not added to the scanner.
• The game crashes in the robot parts collection section of the Rebuilding a Friend mission before capital ships arrive.
• The game's default mouse cursor changes to the default windows cursor when you start a new game. It stays as windows cursor unless you close the game completely and re-enter and load a save file.
• The game crashes when using the Turret talent with the character during a Mercenary Contract.
• Pods that remain after using the Stabilize Pods skill do not disappear when I warp, and the UI markers always remain visible.
• There is no audio in the Hoverbike tutorial video.
• In the Rebuild a Friend mission, during the first mission, I am unable to locate Koron's Lab on Xunvars Planet, even if there is a marker. Additionally, if I jump to the planet and then log out, the mission markers disappear when I log back in.
• Stations that have been taken over still appear as owned by the faction they were taken from.
• When taking on a high-tier mission in the "Defend the Miners" questline, enemy waves do not stop spawning, and the game eventually crashes. If a low-level mission is chosen, the mission can be completed without using the warp engine.
• The Star Striker questline crashes at a certain point.
• In Faction Operations, generals spawn at their appropriate levels, but squad members spawn at level 6.
• If a radio call comes in during a hack mission while the Hack console is on, the keyboard buttons do not work, and the game becomes stuck.
• No slots are shown in the Transfer Item interface in the Ship Manager Console.
• While attacking a station, the landing pad where the fight takes place is sometimes floating in space away from the station (in main faction stations).
• During takeoff: 1. Land normally (new landing). Hold R (Takeoff) and F (Services). When taking off, the Services screen will appear, and the ship will remain landed, usually resulting in a bug or crash in the ground or landing pad. 2. Land normally (new landing). Press R (Takeoff) once. Wait a few seconds. The ship will take off, and the Landing UI will remain stuck in the player's view.
• All faction soldiers leave the army at once.
• Initializing Operation at Escape Route does not work if I save/load at the Escape Route in that system.
• If a sub-goal of an (X) Request mission is in space and the following sub-goal is on a planetary surface, and I land on the planet before reaching the planetary surface sub-goal, the mission's second stage does not progress.
• The Signal Disruptor perk sticks as active, does not disable and drains all energy.
• Bounty Hunting missions do not show the mission waypoint in the Scanner (T map) screen.
• Summoned wingmen do not shoot at enemy drones.
• I have difficulty switching from third-person view to cockpit view. The C key is sometimes not recognized when pressed and held. (Note: Due to the addition of a free camera in the game, the Close camera and Backview camera have been removed. and the camera switch button only switches between cockpit and third-person views.)
• If the Map or any tabs are open while in the warp, the UI bugs out not only during the warp but also when you exit the warp with the mail/character/ship/cargo screen up, making it impossible to move or control your ship.
• The Multi-Missile perk sometimes hits my own ship (especially when moving fast) and causes it to explode.
• I can make peace with the faction I'm fighting in a battlefield. In this case, although the war ends in the diplomacy interface, it continues on the battlefield. And after the war is over, even if I win, I cannot capture the station, I can only destroy it.
• On the second floor of the Pit of Esley ( Acdama planet Azalea N4), I voluntarily jumped into the rift and couldn't get out because the jetpack doesn't work.
• Mission targets of canceled missions are still alive when far away from the player. Reloading does not remove them.
• Occasionally, some of my saved files crash. (We were unable to reproduce this bug, but we have made several changes to prevent this issue from occurring. If you encounter this bug, please report it. Note: This fix will not fix previously crashed save files, but it will prevent this issue from occurring in the future.)
• The weapons stop firing, and even though I can activate the ship's weapons, I cannot change the weapon group or fire.
• The ship's firing sequence is getting disrupted. For example, there is a turret on the ship with a fire rate of 1/s. Normally, it should fire once every second. However, in the game, every turret loaded onto the ship puts 2x turrets on the ship, and the fire rate is divided between these 2 guns. Consequently, each turret fires once every 0.5 seconds. This means that if you load 5-6 turrets onto the ship, before the first turret finishes firing, it enters a new firing sequence.
• Whenever I open the character interface, "Character Main" is selected/highlighted, but "Talents" is displayed. I have to click on Talents and then back on Character to get to it (clicking straight away on "Character Main" does nothing).
• When I visited Abi at The Brotherhood, there was an issue where it completely skips dialogue describing what The Brotherhood is and the mission you have to do to join.
• In the mouse model that I'm using, there's a double-click feature. If I use this feature to learn a perk in the Talent Tree interface, the game crashes.
• In some dialogues, when I skip the dialogue, the next dialogue line appears, but the voice of the character I'm talking to doesn't stop, and all dialogue sounds overlap each other.
• When I paint some of the new faction ships, some of the colors are saved incorrectly. When I save/load the game, the saved colors are changed.
• Whenever I change my ship, I lose the consumable modules (shield, repair, etc.). (We have not yet identified the cause of this issue. As a temporary solution, consumables are now being transferred to the cargo of the ship when the ship is changed.)
• When playing the game in a non-English language, the Faction and Mail buttons do not enable.
• T5 (Legendary) Torpedo Launchers have a capacity of 0 and T5 Missile Launchers with 13.2 capacity cause issues.
• In Bounties, you can see the location of the bounty target before detecting its location from the scanner.
• Sometimes when changing the weapon groups on the ship, the mesh of the ship's weapons visible on the ship doesn't fire, and the projectiles come from the location of the ship's cockpit.
• If I use the slow time feature on the character, the camera moves too much when I shoot, and for a long time, I cannot bring the character to a proper angle.
• In a side mission I got from the station, we attack an outpost. However, after a while of coming to the battlefield, especially as ally ships are destroyed, a memory leak occurs in the game, and the game crashes after a while.
• When I go to the asteroids to search for ore with the ship, I see Vokal and Zokal. When I mine them, I get Wolfram and Asortak.
• If I use the grenade skill from a very short distance, sometimes it puts me into ragdoll.
• Levelling up ships and their tiers break weapons and their convergence point.
• When I am mining asteroids and get out of the ship with the character, every time I press the "F" key, countless "Worms" spawn.
• The Anka copilot skill causes a visual glitch.
• Sometimes the ships I just bought come out as TIER 0, and their stats are below the general average.
• If I wear headphones while playing the game, it crashes.
• Being knocked down and changing the camera (Q/E) can move the camera below the ground.
• In defend and attack building missions, buildings are not destroyed at the end of the mission, which causes a memory leak and results in crashes in the long run.
• I can't warp away if I failed an LFP quest.
• If too much time passes while trying to find Momo in the Jack rescue mission, Momo disappears and it seems like the mission has progressed, but the quest doesn't update.
• I get stopped in the middle of the warp to join the Brotherhood guild. If I don't save/load the game or land on a station, I get called back every warp after that.
• Sometimes the blur and bloom settings are reset in the post-process settings in the game, and if I deactivate them, they are reactivated.
• Some ship models have an issue where when I upgrade them, the aim offset gets messed up. The ship's weapons fire at places other than the center of the crosshair.
• If the Cursor mode is on and I go to the pause menu, I cannot use weapons after closing the pause menu.

Conur Life - Lutte
What I wrote above.
Creeping Deck: Pharaoh's Curse - Tavrox


  • - New monsters : Jackal
  • - New monster : Sand Golem
  • - New monster : El Naddaha

  • - In Picking View, cards were displayed behind the screen and not readable
  • - In Picking View, tags were hard to read
  • - We now attribute a random skill during firs trun
  • - Revamped the work system to have less bugs and more readability code-wise
  • - Fix : Ambush didn't do anything
  • - Fix : you could click on end run and select a card
  • - Removed : Popping buttons in end fight ui, it was crap, it's simpler now
  • - Improv : when you have
  • - New status : Impious
  • - Change on Mummy's pattern
  • - Disciple had no shadow, was he a vampire?
  • - Potion of rage was in first run, while locked in level 3
  • - Purse of jewels was buggy, should be fixed.
  • - Status when triggered now have a visual feedback
  • - When you hover a target there's an arrow showcasing it
  • - Deckbuilder view fixes, this view was buggy as hell

  • - Cards with random attribution were buggy, should be fixed
  • - Dreaming of ra upgrade was more costly
  • - Nerfing the base attack to give more leverage to upgraded / other cards
  • - First run ever now gives a specific skill instead
  • - Deckbuilder small improvements & fixes
  • - Decklisting should now show how many cards you have in a deck
  • - Events that give max energy / max hp wasn't working properly

0.3.8 (upcoming next version on 10/03)
  • - Some cases were lifebar was jumpy or would disappear, should be good now
  • - New monster : Soldier
  • - New temple settings with progression & new monster
  • - Fallen Bird gameplay adjustments
  • - Scaling effects gameplay adjustments
  • - Tooltips were displayed outside of screen
  • - Problems around gaining currencies without the corresponding perk
Mar 10, 2023
Project Zero - Beginner Games
Hello again!
This past week I have been mostly working on implementing Anti-Cheat and bots in to the game.

Anti-Cheat isn't super important right now, but I want to have something working already so don't have to worry about it much later on.

The reason for adding bots is just that players would have something to do in the game and not just run around alone.

I have made some changes to the Create Room interface

and started to rework Glock-18​

I reworked some codebases to look and perform much better.
Mar 10, 2023
BEAT AIMER! - Sigcom
  • Added Suisai Kagura Expert chart
  • Refactored audio volume control
Madden NFL 23 - Electronic Arts

Take your Ultimate Team™ to the next level during Season 4: Game Changers. Stack your line with the first-ever 99 OVR LT John Madden player item. Then celebrate the best players from the 2022 NFL season that you voted for during Team of the Year, add Megatron to your roster with an upgraded Calvin Johnson player item from the Field Pass, and see the six NFL stars that earned Superstar X-Factors based on their performances this season. Plus, coming soon is the inaugural Ring of Honor induction, including upgraded Ultimate Team™ player items, later this season.