EVE Online - EVE Online
There is an age-old question facing all capsuleers: If you replace your spaceship one spare part at a time, when is the ship completely new and no longer the original?

That’s where we find ourselves now with Tranquility hardware. Nothing remains of Tranquility Tech III - the current cluster is entirely Tranquility Tech IV.

As part of continually evolving and modernizing EVE, we keep improving Tranquility’s technology to achieve better performance. The end goal is to ensure that it lasts forever, in turn making your experience in New Eden a continuously exciting one.

In early 2016 new hardware for Tranquility was deployed after months of preparation. Since then, several changes have been made; hardware upgraded and superseded, and a number of fixes implemented but not many hardware-specific blogs have been published.

So let’s amend that and go on a journey together.

Upgrading the universe

Back in the day, EVE Online was fully on-premise in a datacenter in London, with a few external services such as the Login Server, also on-premise in that same datacenter. The EVE Launcher would update the EVE Client from a CDN, the EVE Client would connect via loadbalancers to PROXY nodes, which would in turn connect to SOL nodes, which would use a Microsoft SQL Server database as their backend - both for some of the business logic but primarily for storage. Everything was in our London datacenter and the universe was in a single database.

The difference between PROXY nodes and SOL nodes in the Tranquility cluster is mostly that session management is on the PROXY nodes even if some processing happens there as well (e.g. there is a dedicated market proxy service that fronts the market sol service). But there was also an intended architecture of the PROXY nodes being spread across the world with dedicated network backhaul. Instead, we eventually ended up moving the London datacenter’s network behind Cloudflare’s network services in early 2020, after adjusting our DDoS protection for over a decade, using Cloudflare since then as the front door.
Fully describing Tranquility Tech IV’s Ecosystem today is not simple. EVE Online now spans across the on-premise cluster and services and also various cloud services that both the EVE Client and Tranquility connect to: this includes Chat, Search, Image Server, a message bus with multiple gateways, and a whole host of smaller domain services, each one with a targeted scope. In addition, there are fully external services such as Project Discovery.

A number of changes were made between 2016 and 2020; mostly moving the network behind Cloudflare, adding Intel Gold 5122 and Gold 5222 powered machines to the cluster and deprecating Intel E5-2667 v3 powered machines. But then a large portion of the hardware changes happened between October 2021 and February 2023.

In 2021, the storage in our London datacenter and the game database machine (both its hardware and SQL Server version) were upgraded. The new storage is an IBM Flash System 7200 that uses NVMe-attached drives (there are no more spinning disks now; does that mean that the space hamsters are gone?) and the new database hardware is comprised of two Dell EMC PowerEdge R750 machines (primary/standby pair), each one a dual-CPU Intel Gold 6346, each CPU with 16 cores (hexakaideca), with 4 TB of memory. The setup is fully redundant and looks like this:

You can read about all the details on the new storage and the new database machine in this devblog and take a look at the 4 TB of memory in the new database machines shown below:

The old database hardware were magnificent beasts of a different era. After the datacenter move in 2016, the game DB was running on two machines (primary/standby pair) with E7-8893 v3 CPUs and there were another identical set of machines for other databases. It was clear that a single such machine wasn’t enough for the game DB, but since that other set of machines was effectively idling they were joined together. As in, literally joined together physically with a special clip. Lenovo calls this QuickPath Interconnect (QPI). Out of the four machines we then got a set of primary/standby 'machines' where each one was actually two machines joined together and acting as one. There was a dramatic video of this at Fanfest 2018.
A speedier and more reliable startup

Let’s wander off the path here for a moment and talk about software.

The old database hardware was two machines joined together and each one a dual-CPU system and therefore the 16 cores were split into four NUMA nodes with very different memory access latency. Each set of 4 cores would have its local memory, then the remote memory in the same box (attached to the other CPU), and finally the remote memory across the QPI (attached to the CPUs in the other box).

We would sometimes encounter what we called “The NUMA Node Issue”, where during startup after downtime - especially after a primary/standby failover when the cache would be empty - one NUMA node, one set of 4 cores, would become incredibly busy for an extended period and the other 12 cores would almost be idling. Yet the game cluster was hammering the database with requests and barely making the startup due to the delayed response from the busy database. That was fixed with software changes in August 2020, by changing the DB connection data structure from a stack to a queue and cycling through available DB connections instead of using the most recently used connection. This distributed the load more evenly across all four NUMA nodes. Still, when selecting new database hardware, the focus was on reducing the number of NUMA nodes and the new machines have two NUMA nodes (the memory attached to each CPU socket) with 16 cores each.

After moving to the new SAN, the new database hardware, and SQL Server 2019 in October 2021, it was time to look at the few remaining startup issues. These were eventually solved with software changes. During startups the average service startup time across all the nodes for each service did not tell the entire story, since the average was skewed by a few random nodes each time taking a long time. The head node in the cluster orchestrating the startup had to wait for the last node at each step, so the maximum service startup across the nodes is what mattered. This was traced to random slow responses from the database where lists of values were being converted to ordered tables that were unkeyed heaps. Instead, a set of conversions from lists of values to keyed tables were created and then a large set of stored procedures were tested to see which method worked better. The first batch of fixes was deployed in March 2022 and improved the startup significantly. The maximum was drastically reduced:

And that resulted in a better average:

Ranking up

The bulk of the machines in Tranquility; the so called ”Rank-and-File” E5-2637 v3 machines; would become seven years old at the end of 2022 and would leave extended warranty.

'Rank-and-file' is how we refer to the largest group of machines in Tranquility that mostly handle solar system simulation. Tranquility isn’t a homogeneous cluster, neither from a hardware perspective nor a software perspective. Various services, such as the market, are on different hardware and loaded solar system such as Jita are separate. In Tranquility Tech III Jita started off on a E5-2667 v3 machine, then later moved to a Gold 5122 machine, and then a Gold 5222 machine, all of which were not the rank-and-file machines of Tranquility Tech III. By contrast, currently Jita is on a Gold 6334 machine, which are the rank-and-file machines of Tranquility Tech IV.
So it was decided to buy fewer but larger machines to replace them. Tranquility is arranged in five FLEX chassis (with a 6th spare chassis).

Tranquility Tech III had five rank-and-file machines in each chassis, where each machine was a dual-CPU quad-core system (total of 8 cores) and ran 8 nodes (a total of 200 active nodes and 40 spare nodes). Each rank-and-file machine in Tranquility Tech IV is a dual-CPU octa-core system (total of 16 cores), and there are three of them in each chassis; each one runs 13 nodes at the moment (a total of 195 active nodes and 39 spare nodes), which we are likely to reduce because of improved performance. In short, 30 machines were replaced with 18 machines while keeping the node count similar.

A node is a PROXY or SOL process in the game cluster that is assigned specific tasks. For example in Tranquility Tech IV there are 170 nodes assigned to general solar system simulation for all Empire, Null, and Wormhole solar systems. But on the other end of the spectrum Jita is solo on one node and the market for The Forge is solo on another node.
The new machines are Lenovo ThinkSystem SN550 v2 dual-CPU machines with two octo-core Intel Xeon Gold 6334 3.60 GHz processors and 512GB DDR4 memory at 3200 MHz.

The CPUs are run fixed at their base frequency of 3.60 GHz since only half of the cores on each CPU can run as high-priority cores at 3.70 GHz, and then the other half drops to 3.40 GHz and we can’t control which node/solar system ends up on the high-priority cores and which on the low-priority cores. Variable frequency also interferes with our CPU usage metrics.

DDR4 RAM at 3200 MHz is a solid step up. This is the highest memory bus speed we have ever had; the previous rank-and-file machines' DDR3 memory ran at 2133 MHz (and the Gold 5122/5222’s DDR4 memory runs at 2666 and 2933 MHz); and the upgrade from DDR3 to DDR4 is a significant performance boost. In particular, the memory bus speed increase is important.

Since 13 nodes are run on each of the new machines, 512 GB total RAM entails an average of 39.4 GB per node. This is a step up from the 32 GB average on the old machines but is less than the 48 GB average on the Gold 5122/5222 machines. So we host memory-hungry nodes, such as all Character Services which are primarily Skills & Skill Training, and also all of Industry, on the Gold 5122/5222 machines.

A side-note here is that we run 40 Character Services nodes and so the total memory space for those services is close to 2 TB. We have found in our #nodowntime experiments that the memory pressure on those machines is about 75% at the end of day 2 or around 1½ TB of total allocated memory.

A side-note on the side-note is that in the that latest #nodowntime devblog, we noticed that “an auto reboot downtime of 3 minutes and 30-40 seconds is pretty normal these days“ – but in 2023, with all these improvements mentioned and more, it is 2 minutes and 5-15 seconds. Here's the very “scientific” #nodowntime progression graph from 2021 updated:

We also said back then that “there is a (soft) lower bound of approximately 3 minutes given the three different activities during downtime - shutdown, database jobs, startup - which last approximately 1 minute each, unless fundamental changes are made, and the most fundamental one is still to not have any downtime at all; downtime will not become much less than 160-200 seconds”. That was then - we're now at 125-135 seconds. Each of the three different activities during downtime has now been improved to approximately 43 seconds compared to the previous one minute.

The auto reboot is a very intense period where all systems are run at maximum throttle, so this gives a good indication of the performance boost of these recent changes and how the new CPUs and new RAM have verifiably improved Tranquility’s performance.

Another way to see that is to look at a stable group of nodes - the nodes simulating the Empire solar systems:

This graph shows the effect as the new Gold 6334 machines were swapped in and the old E5-2637 v3 machines were removed over a period of two weeks. This graph would also be indicative of the performance improvements in unexpected fleet fights.

The effect is less when comparing Jita before and after, since Jita was on a Gold 5222 machine, but comparing weekend peaks there are still good performance gains:

The performance improvements in fleet fights for which we get Fleet Fight Notifications ahead of time will be comparable to Jita’s.

Finally, back on the hardware path after this detour into software and metrics, all the PROXY hardware was replaced, removing the old E5-2667 v3 machines and replacing them with new Gold 5315Y machines. This is more a refresh to stay within warranty than anything else and players should never really experience what these machines are doing.

This might seem like a long post, but it’s a brief overview of the changes that have happened since 2016. The truth is the improvements never stop, and by the time you read this the machines used for other databases than the game database will have been updated. But that, and more, will be for another time.

Fly safe!
Mar 8, 2023
OrbWars - Neox Games
Hey guys! I know we've been kind of quiet over here at Neox Games in regards to news and updates to the game. But that's because we have been stuck in the lab, cooking up some very exciting gameplay changes we'd like to present to you - right now, in fact!

So without further ado we want to announce to you: OrbWars goes rogue!

Over the months OrbWars spent in Early Access we collected player feedback and did a lot of introspective thinking. And what we realized is, that the level-centric OrbWars we've known and loved for so long simply wasn't the best OrbWars could be. Completing a level, aside from the ones containing boss encounters, simply didn't feel quite rewarding and accomplished enough. Cool gameplay features got introduced for one specific level to make each of them feel more unique, but in turn depriving players of exactly these cool gameplay features in subsequent levels. The puzzeling and exploration aspects suffered from annoying backtracking passages.

So we decided to throw all that under the bus.

Instead, OrbWars' main game mode will be a brand new cooperative roguelite dungeon crawling experience! Each attempt at defeating the Monster in the Dark is now unique, thanks to randomly generated levels and enemy encounters from a still hand-crafted and thought-through set of possibilities. But that's not all! Down below is a list of all the major features you can try out and enjoy right now in the newest patch of OrbWars:

  • OrbBoost overhaul: As is turns out, making your Orb do cool and crazy stuff is fun. Which is why OrbBoosts are now bigger and there's more of them! Pick up one of ten Boosts, each with a unique passive, active and melee effect - and once you're done with it, simply pick up the next one and start blasting again!
  • Wait - melee attack?: Yes, melee attack! You read that right. OrbWarriors can now perform a quick close quarters attack in a full circle around them, that deals a smaller amount of damage and knocks enemies back. This attack is made even more powerful by your currently equipped OrbBoost, as mentioned above.
  • Better perk up, 'cause Perks are here: Perks have become somewhat of a staple in the rogue genre, and for good reason. As our main form of temporary player progression, you will now get to pick one of a set of randomly picked perks as reward for clearing some rooms, granting you major buffs and letting you further customize your OrbWarrior towards specific directions.
  • New and improved Trick Rooms - now extra tricky: With the pre-conceived levels, including their puzzle and backtracking elements gone, we put on our thinking hats and designed a wide variety of rooms to challenge your maneuvering skills and your quick thinking, rather than your combat proficiency.
  • Bigger and better bounces: Last but not least! When I started this list I mentioned that making your Orb do crazy things is fun. And I'll end this list on the same topic. Which is why we're introducing Flipper Objects! These nifty little devices will be placed throughout all the rooms and offer special interactions with our Orb if hit, from adding some extra punch to teleporting it to another place and more, so stay tuned to see them in action!

But wait, there's still more! Now, unfortunately we weren't able to get these features ready quite in time for this patch, but you can expect to see them soon the next couple of updates:

  • Player progression reaches the next level: Along with better temporary player progression through perks we want to offer you better permanent player progression, too. Which is why we're introducing Talents! Don't worry, PowerChips aren't going anywhere, but they have been redesigned to now truly contain only the most impactful of skills, while Talents are here to let you tweak and enhance particular stats and abilities of you OrbWarrior to guide them more towards offensive, defensive or utility paths.
  • Elite Mob Encounters are here to toughen you up: Of course, not only the OrbWarriors have become stronger. The Monster in the Dark never hesitates to think of more nefarious ways to bolster it's forces fighting capabilities. Which is why there are now special Elite Mobs you can encounter, possessing entirely new traits and abilities. Be careful of these ones!

And there you have it! Of course, there have been many more, smaller changes beneath the hood and we'll keep you informed on those in our Patchnotes, but this is the bulk of what we've been working on. I hope you're as excited as we are about this new direction for OrbWars and wish everyone lots and lots of fun sharing this coop roguelite adventure with their friends.

Sven "Svole" Friedrich,
Head of Design
3D Aim Trainer - 3D Aim Trainer
Patch Highlights
  • Code Improvements - Game Sync Page
  • Code Improvements - Quick Play Page
  • Code Improvements - Academy Pages
  • Content Update - Added Overwatch 2

Patch Details
Added Overwatch 2
We updated everything regarding Overwatch to Overwatch 2. Allowing you to perfectly simulate the game and improve as fast as possible.

This includes:
  • Characters
  • Weapon Stats
  • Icons
  • Settings
One Military Camp - Miguel García (Abylight Studios
First of all, with this update we want to give you all a big THANK YOU, for the great reception that the game has had among you. We are very grateful for your passion and we are reading all your feedback carefully to prioritize what’s important and keep implementing it in future updates.

We encourage you to keep sending us feedback and suggestions through the Steam Forums and our official Discord. If you are enjoying the game, please, consider leaving a positive review, as this is really important for the project and to keep OMC growing with your contributions and awesome ideas.

· Price adjustment on decorative items.
· Increased mission rewards.
· Increased daily income per territory.
· Increased the food storage capacity in the Canteen.
· Reduction in power consumption of Private Houses.
· Revised the power consumption ratio of energy batteries.

Bug fixes:
· Limited fps during loading screens to avoid issues with graphic cards.
· Improved memory consumption to avoid crashes in PCs with 8 GB Ram.
· Thanks to reports of community members like “Teclilla”, “Dani R”, “Jo”, “andy92980”, “Ðallisan”, among others, we’ve been able to fix some problems in a few missions.
· Fixed a bug where the game made some soldiers invisible when returning from a mission if the soldiers were sent again for a second time without giving enough time for the previous helicopter to return.
· Fixed the problem that caused the mission character select window to appear blank at the end of a mission and prevented users from continuing the game normally.
· Fixed a problem in which some machines crashed on loading when using the full screen mode.
· Thanks to the report of “Robiano#2668” we have solved a bug where you could exceed the number of monitored soldiers when transferring them to another camp.
· Fixed a bug with the anti-drone batteries which were spinning incorrectly when there was no power.
· Fixed the serving food animation in the canteen for male characters.

Pro tip - #1
You can connect several generators by wires and electric poles and this will make them share the load. It’s a good idea to create an area in the camp with several generators connected to each other, and bring power to the rest of the camp from there. You can even create separate grids to avoid chain reactions.

“A One Military Camp story” - #1

Some would say the army is like a family. Those men and women at your side are your brothers and sisters. They will endure the same hardships, they’ll understand your every need and risk their lives to save you, just as you would do for each and every one of them. For us, our “father” was Drill Sergeant Campbell.

He was a tough father. I remember the first day I saw him like it was yesterday; his small, judgemental eyes, sizing up the new recruits, calculating how many of them would still be in camp after training. He wouldn’t tell us why we were getting our hair cut, why it was so important to keep our boots clean, or maintain a well pressed uniform. It was just a matter of discipline, you obey your father because he knows what's best for you. That day, standing in line in the sun, I thought he was nothing more than an old, arrogant, failed war hero. But I was so wrong.

I’m Sergeant Hawkins, of One Military Camp. Let me tell you my story.

I've heard many stories about Drill Sergeants calling their recruits “funny” names. But the truth is, Campbell respected us. At least he called us by our last name, and he never had to ask twice. He stood in front of me, and calmly, in a firm but low voice asked, “Why are you here Hawkins?”
- I came here to become a soldier.
- Come on Hawkins, why would anyone want to be a soldier? -he turned and began to look at the other recruits.
- To defend our country?
- You are very wrong Hawkins. You are here to defend the people you love, even if they are far away. People, Hawkins, not a few feet of dirt. You train so you never have to use what you learn here. So that the bad people out there don’t come and piss Hawkins off. Keep that in mind as you run. And now, give me ten laps around camp.

That first night I was so tired I couldn't sleep. But I was doing it for the people I loved, my other family, back home.

Story #1 - by David Martinez

A Game You Can Afford In This Economy - ActionReplayNick
Ever feel like the deck is stacked against us? That our systems are heavily tilted? That you can't get ahead, by design?

Do you want some validation that your occasional feelings of unease, melancholy, and anxiety are shared by others?

Do you like point-and-click, narrative-driven adventures?

I think you will enjoy this game.

There is a lot of exposition. There are 10 endings to unlock (viewable in a gallery on the main menu).

X4: Foundations - belgoray
We have a big surprise for you in our next beta update. Up to now in X4, all factions have used the same builder ship model, but this all changes today in the new public beta. Of course this means that the new ships will also be in the release version, as soon as the 6.00 public beta process has finished.

In the 6.00 update for X4, the existing builder ship model for the Paranid and Teladi will be replaced by the following new models:

HERACLES (Paranid XL builder ship)

ALBATROSS (Teladi XL builder ship)

If you own the X4: Split Vendetta and / or X4: Cradle of Humanity expansions, you can also look forward to the following new models:

ELEPHANT (Split XL builder ship)

KYUSHU (Terran XL builder ship)

And while we're in such a good mood, we're also going to give you a first glimpse of the Boron XL builder ship - which will join your game universe as soon as you've purchased the new upcoming X4: Kingdom End expansion. Be sure to add X4: Kingdom End to your Steam wishlist to be automatically notified upon release.

WALRUS (Boron XL builder Ship)

As well as replacing the models, all of their stats have of course been balanced accordingly, so now they really are completely unique builder ships.

We look forward to your feedback on the new builder ships, as well as the other changes in Beta 5 (see full changelog below). Please report any issues as usual in our Public Beta Feedback Forum.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 6.00 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum, where they will find the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

Note: If Steam displays an older Beta version rather than "public_beta - 6.00 Beta 5" in the beta drop-down menu, this is just a display error in the Steam client. You can correct this by re-entering the beta password (see forum), but even with the incorrect version displayed in the list, you will still be playing the latest version of the beta if you have selected the public_beta branch.
Captain Collins interview recording
Egosoft founder and CEO Bernd Lehahn was recently interviewed by Captain Collins. The 90 minute interview primarily focused on the forthcoming 6.00 update and the next expansion - X4: Kingdom End, but it also covered a few more general topics and the broader future of the game series. The recording is now available on YouTube, so feel free to have a look:
6.00 Beta 5
  • New Feature: New Construction Vessel designs for Paranid, Teladi, Split and Terran factions.

  • Added Custom Gamestart Editor story states for Tides of Avarice stories.

  • Added ship size information to encyclopedia.
  • Added station construction menu help information when expanding HQ for storage relevant to research.

  • Removed wares required for terraforming from missing resource section in Ship Configuration menu.

  • Improved behavior of missile-armed fighters attacking stations or capital ships.
  • Improved cohesion of travelling fleets in low attention.

  • Improved storage type colours in Logical Station Overview to match module design better.
  • Improved impact and muzzle sounds for various weapons.
  • Improved reflections on cockpit glass.

  • Fixed game not loading when selecting Yaki Characters in Custom Gamestart Editor (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed ships missing signal that Tide has changed to calm phase.
  • Fixed excessive numbers of ships wanting to restock equipment at gamestart.
  • Fixed basic connection modules having incorrect production costs.
  • Fixed ships that cannot collect lockboxes repeatedly attempting to do so.
  • Fixed ships refusing to attack disguised ships that were hostile when attack order was given.
  • Fixed Revisit Known Stations not updating Space if Position changed such that it is no longer in Space.
  • Fixed player being blamed for environmental damage in player-owned sectors.
  • Fixed mining nodes on smaller asteroids hovering above surface (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed miners not using non-turret weapons against certain asteroids (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed subordinates assigned to Position Defence sometimes not resuming previous duties when assignment changes (new feature in 6.00).
  • Fixed sometimes running into invisible wall briefly, immediately after teleporting to new ship.
  • Fixed issues entering spacesuit from ship that is in relative movement to capital ship.
  • Fixed sticky bullets continually adding impulse to hit object.
  • Fixed incorrect direction of impulse added by bullet hits.
  • Fixed laser towers sometimes slowly drifting away.
  • Fixed pushing effect of anomalies being incorrect when approaching from certain angles.
  • Fixed ships sometimes taking much longer to align when player not present due to rotating wrong way.
  • Fixed ware exchange with player's personal ship failing if more than one item queued for exchange.
  • Fixed ships exiting accelerators too far forward then turning around before continuing on path (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed player position after getting up from chair (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed landing gear opening and closing continuously inside dock areas (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck with 50m/s speed limit (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed signal leaks generated by EMP bombs being unreliably placed (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed duplicate entries in Custom Gamestart Editor blueprint selection.
  • Fixed hire and work somewhere else menus being available for spacesuits.
  • Fixed mission targets being repeatedly highlighted under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing consumables from details of currently edited ship in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed minor issues with target monitor relation display (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed stretched checkbox in Ship Configuration menu settings (new feature in 6.00).
  • Fixed sun shining through certain station modules (problem introduced in 6.00).
  • Fixed Chthonios E (Mineral) ship ID not being shown correctly on hull.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers - Rye
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… an alien spacecraft?! Squad 51 vs. The Flying Saucers, a cinematic 2D shoot ‘em up, is soaring onto the Nintendo Switch on March 16th. Band together with a group of rebels and claim extraterrestrial victory! Director Zarog and the malevolent Vega Corporation are no match for a pair of joy-cons.

Visitors from the stars have arrived on Earth with the promise of a bright future for all humankind. The facade quickly falls, revealing the true evil nature of the intergalactic Vega Corporation and their horrific leader, Director Zarog. Through humanity’s oppression, hope rises with the birth of a rebel cause. Step into the cockpit as Lieutenant Kaya, and lead Squadron 51 on a campaign to take down the Vega Corporation once and for all!

Squad 51 vs. The Flying Saucers transports players to the glorious days of the 1950s through an authentic black and white cinematic aesthetic. Take control of four different aircrafts, all with their own unique set of weapons and abilities. Fly through eleven levels and take down the galactic invaders across arctic mountains, lush forests, and battered cities. With cooperative play, a friend can join in at any time to help you take down the waves of enemies and ruthless bosses.

Take flight and save all of humanity on the go when Squad 51 vs. The Flying Saucers barrel rolls onto Nintendo Switch on March 16th.

  • Classic gameplay: Squad 51 vs. The Flying Saucers is a shoot ‘em up game with four different aircrafts to play and set up with special weapons.
  • Cinematic experience: Glorious black-and-white aesthetics, live-action FMV sequences and dubbed voices will tell the story of the battle between the squadron and Director Zarog’s alien supremacy.
  • Eleven levels: Fight against enemy ships and bosses in many different environments - snowy mountains, forests, cityscapes, and many others.
  • Dynamic difficulty: Rookie or veteran, Squad 51 vs. The Flying Saucers supports dynamic difficulty which allows every pilot to enjoy the fight.
  • Multiplayer: Feeling lonely shooting down aliens? Invite a friend! A second player can enter a level at any time. Earn points with your friend and unlock new special weapons and upgrades together.
Mar 8, 2023
Super Mombo Quest - Orube Game Studio
New NPC with unique and challenging activities!

Battle in an endless arena and survive hordes of monstrous enemies.
Project Sphinx - a.zasadny
Hey everyone,

This is official information from our corporate overlords - Project Sphinx demo is out now. The assignment is to download it and play the game. That's a chance no highly advanced and versatile, top of the line robot would miss - and neither should you!

Project Sphinx is a platformer puzzle full of fun and challenges. Although the demo is but a taste of what’s to come in the full game, we think it offers more than enough to let you know what the game is all about. You’ll be teleporting and jumping all around the first few levels and we sincerely hope you’ll have lots of fun doing so.

And if you like it - Wishlist the game!

Airport CEO - Apog Labs

"Uncover the fate of humanity’s final outpost as you survive and explore a thrilling world of floating islands and soaring beasts. Brave the skies on your own or assemble a squadron of your friends as you scavenge scrap to engineer and upgrade flying vessels while bringing your airbase along for the journey."

Today we're extremely excited to finally be revealing Atmosfar, the next Apog Labs title and a dream and vision of ours for roughly the past year and a half. Atmosfar is a sky-high odyssey set on an alien planet of floating islands explored by flying crafts and a mobile airbase as you uncover the fate of your collapsed colony.


First, head over to the Atmosfar website to orient yourself. Secondly, if you haven't check out the trailer yet, you should do so immediately here:

We're currently in the process of launching all platforms where you'll be able to follow the development progress and it might take some time to get everything up and running; please bear with us and keep the blue side up!

// Apog Labs