Feb 20, 2023
Gladiators Of The Arena - neonerone_sfg

Version 1.098 out for good, released.


Better commander AI on custom battles.
Better menu stuff.
Better new fighting system.
RuneScape ® - Jagex Azanna
This week: a fierce new retro skin and your last chance for mega boosts to your skilling!

It has been a while since the last retro skin but the wait is over – the Dragon Claws are finally ready to rip! Shred and tear through your enemies (or poor unfortunate target dummies) in style.

The Retro Dragon Claw bundle will arrive with today’s update, costing 200 RuneCoins (180 for Members). It contains:
  • Replica Dragon Claw
  • Replica Dragon Claw off-hand
  • Dragonwing Claw
  • Dragonwing Claw off-hand

Ripping stuff. With the Claws unleashed, we’ll now be turning our attention to the next skin on the list – the Abyssal Whip is on its way! You won’t have to wait nearly as long to get your hands on this classic cosmetic, either. Here’s a look at the work in progress:

We’ll be launching a poll on our social channels to narrow down the final look, so be ready to cast your vote in the near future!

We’re sure many of you are busy working on your shiny new Forts this week, but don’t forget to take advantage of those juicy increased experience gains while working on your Construction! If you were really canny you could also save up some of your rested XP to get more out of your other skills too… work smart, not hard innit #productivity

Double XP LIVE continues until Monday February 27th, starting and ending at 12:00 PM Game Time.

Recently we've had a number of reports from players who have received spoof phishing emails.

We want to remind all players that any emails relating to your account will be delivered to your Player Inbox, which can be accessed in-game and on RuneScape.com. If in doubt, stop, be safe and check your Player Inbox!

For more information on how to protect yourself from Phishing, check out our Safety Tips support article or our official Phishing support article here.

Starts Feb 16th | Ends Feb 22nd | Foresight to Train

Only two days left on Foresight to Train, so if you have any gain goals be sure to jump in before it finishes.

Starts Feb 23rd | Ends Feb 27th | Gemfall

Gemfall returns with multipliers galore! This time your regular Treasure Hunter chests are replaced with just the one, but there are always multipliers active above it. What's more, as you use Keys there’s a chance the gems will shatter, rerolling their multiplier and possibly causing a Gemfall – meaning you can choose extra prizes! If you’re on the hunt for Bohr the Aurora Bear or the Gem Cape, Gem Crown or Gem Sack, this one is not to be missed.

  • Fixed an issue where compacted jewellery did not consume charges when teleporting – also an issue where compacted jewellery with 0 charges allowed players to teleport.
  • The Construction Guidebook no longer leads players to the wrong location. It now instructs players to visit Rimmington instead of Taverley.
  • The Sand Dunk Rest grabbing animation no longer loops infinitely.
  • Set skyboxes will no longer reset upon applying a filter.
  • Fixed an issue where Quest Point Cape Perk could not be activated from the third perk slot on worn Max Capes and any eligible back slot items.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Master Max Comp and the Master Max Trim Comp Cape overrides from being unlocked for some players.
  • Fixed an issue where some of the players couldn't unlock virtual skill level achievements, despite meeting all the requirements.
  • Players can now destroy Dragonkin Stars should they wish to do so.
  • Fixed an issue with the Grand Exchange's price per item taking too long to visually update after adjusting the price.
  • Adjusted the functionality of some notification settings to be more intuitive.
  • The 'Offer' option has been removed from the western Wilderness Chaos Altar.
  • Seren Spirits and other similar ‘distractions’ should now appear correctly in the Senntisten Cathedral.
  • Added blocking to a rock that was lacking collision in the Wilderness.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to repeatedly attempt pickpocketing on NPCs, even though the Thieving level requirement was not met.
  • It should now be easier to interact with the fishing spots at the Prifddinas Waterfall.
  • Gravestones will no longer spawn in an inaccessible area after dying inside the Giant Mole boss arena.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented some players who had previously met the Curator from starting the Desperate Creatures quest.
New Foundations
  • Hotfixed: The Argonlike rocks from the Succession quest have been added back to the Wilderness.
  • Fixed various blocking issues around Fort Forinthry.
  • Players are no longer guaranteed to receive Strange Rocks instantly after starting construction.
  • Hotfixed: Players are no longer able to place the Dwarf multicannon inside the Fort Forinthry.
  • Hotfixed: Fletching Jungle logs at Big Game Hunter will once again turn them into Wooden spears.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fort Forinthry lodestone could be built without meeting the requirements.
  • The duplicated hidey-hole south of Fort Forinthry was removed from the game.
  • Updated the Blueprint Table at Fort Forinthry to remove completed Wall and Gate Blueprints when the relevant segment is completed.
  • Fixed an issue where some of the 'Fort Forinthry' areas did not benefit from the rested XP buff.
  • Joining a player inside 'Fort Forinthry' through the friends list no longer teleports into the Wilderness.
  • Players can no longer use the assist system to start blueprints within Fort Forinthry
  • You can no longer see other players' pets & followers when within the Fort.
  • Wilderness threat monsters will no longer spawn inside the Fort Forinthry safe area.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'A Fort Of My Own' achievement. Previously creating the T3 chapel would tick off the T3 Command Centre instead (and vice versa). Now the correct building will show as complete once it has been built.

Community Showcase

u/Aggressive-Recipe-19 set out on an epic Valentine's quest for their partner! Make sure to check out all the steps in the thread...@SuizzyOwl capturing one of the joyful little moments in life.@Enkoro knows even Dragonkin enjoy a snow day!


@EvilLucario recklessly pushes Arch Glacor enrage over 100% with only 1 def!

@Waydots continues their Ironman adventures - and has found themselves a little confused...

@ChevalricRS gives us some insights into the Fort and how it can enhance your adventures!

Scaper's Screenshots
Here's Sir Theodore making sure the buildings are all OSHA compliant and up to code!Aterivus overseeing some of their glorious handiwork.Highverve snapped this cosy picture of the workshop by twilight. Gorgeous!
Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:

Corporeal Beast
  • Hosted by: Patrick K & Clackworthy
  • Date/Time: Monday February 20th, 19:00 Game Time
  • World: 123
  • Location: Corporeal Beast Lair
  • FC: Patrick K
  • Hosted by: M e r c y & Helpscape
  • Date/Time: Wednesday February 22nd, 12:00 Game Time
  • World: 35
  • Location: The Heart of Gielinor - Sliske Lobby
  • FC: Helpscape
Stealing Creation
  • Hosted by: Lady Spyra, Avatar Korra, and Fast SC
  • Date/Time: Saturday February 25th, 22:00 Game Time
  • World: 99
  • Location: Stealing Creation Lobby
  • FC: Fast Sc
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!

- The RuneScape Team
Sacrificial Lighthouse - ahpyxa

We are happy to give you an opportunity to play the Sacrificial Lighthouse using controllers.

This update also includes small bug fixes.
Mysterious School - NB666

1.加入道具 回魂符
功能:全体阵亡后,弹出一段文字 队友已全部阵亡,按R使用回魂符。倒计时30秒,完了后退出游戏。
获取方式:简单难度开局就三张,在背包里面显示 地图里面刷三张
普通两张 地图刷一张
2.加入道具 聚宝箱
功能:一把游戏结束后,弹出一个提示 你已获得聚宝箱可以在下一局使用。存档
在准备界面加入一个 使用聚宝箱的按钮 只有房主有聚宝箱才能点。其他人也显示这个按钮,点击后提示“只有房主能使用”
聚宝箱分为铜 银 金 铜箱可以开10次 银 20次 金 30次
二 三阶段失败获得银箱
Feb 20, 2023
Word Attack - bsagames
Fix issue where automatic setting of bidirectional play on 3D boards was not occurring correctly.
Booty Farm [18+] - TenderTrouper
Get ready for the best girl next door and some 🔥 spicy action.
When Stella orders a pizza, you can bet it'll come
steaming hot, dripping with cheese.🍕♨️💦

Stella's Roleplay Tapping event is available 🌶️February 20th-March 3rd🌶️
Feb 20, 2023
TechnoMagic - Nesquik
Maslenitsa is a time of celebration for cooking! A whole week of cooking crepes with different toppings, and at the end of the celebration - mass scarecrow burning and climbing the pillar for prizes!
Maslenitsa beginning always heralds a tasty ranking! You'll have to get involved in making crepes, and the most eager cooks will be rewarded with a keg or flasks of denial!
You'll need mix and toppings to bake the crepes, which are sourced from the monsters in all of the lands in Elinor:
- spider cuttings from adult spiders, dark spider, and arachnids,
- creepy mushrooms from ancient skeletons, zombies, miners, coal miners and gravediggers.
Obtained ingredients need to be mixed with elixirs of strength or hardness and the crepe topping is ready!
All ingredients for making crepes are also sold by the Merchant near the Colosseum.
By eating the crepe with a meat topping you will increase the base damage, and with a mushroom topping you will increase your character's armor.
Anyone wishing to receive the Maslenitsa box will have to build and burn a scarecrow themselves in anticipation of spring, the base for a scarecrow being located near Dylan's farm and at the Khatog gate in the Quartz valley!
You will need:
  • straw is contained in the rewards from monsters of all Elinor;
  • fabric scraps can be obtained by defeating skilled bosses and valiant enemies;
  • colored strips can be purchased from merchant near the Colosseum;
  • fuel is made from various elixirs. Canisters are sold by the Colosseum merchant;
  • matches are obtained from monsters of the underground places of Elinor.
When you have collected everything you need, you can go to the end of the ritual!
From February the 24th, near the Maslenitsa Scarecrow stand you will find a pillar, if you climb it you can get one of the prizes: a box with jewelry and 50 ancient tokens, holiday gifts in character info, glittering shards, gladiator coins, crepes, fortune token, combat boots, fruit leaf of money tree, 500 crystals pouch.
You may try your luck every 12 hours or whenever you have a sun token from the crystal store, which is required for each try.
You are always very welcome in the city taverns and they want to ask for your help in delivering the festive meal to the honorable townsfolk.

Happy Maslenitsa!
Feb 20, 2023
Hero's Story - The Silent
Hello, Heroes! New update is available for Hero's Story.

This update is pretty big - it includes both new content and important fixes. Much more time was spent on polishing and testing this update than usual. For example, playes will now properly see item's descriptions in inventory, enemy healthbars will no longer lie about their actual amount of health left, and some items and locations were optimized pretty heavily in terms of shadows, collision and post-process. Maybe I will write another post about the ongoing development of such massive project for solo developer. I hope you will enjoy this update as much as I do!

Full list of changes you can find below.


  • Now players will see item's description when hovering over item in inventory
  • Now you can faster use items from inventory using RMB
  • Now you can faster drop items from inventory using MMB
  • Now enemy health bars will stay on screen longer
  • Some pickable items (icons. descriptions) were updated
  • Travel screen was updated (reworked)
  • Key bindings list in settings was updated
  • Dialogue window when exiting Duke's Keep was updated

  • New Steam achievement: 'Day of destroyer'
  • New pickable items and sounds were added
  • Partial controller support was added*

  • Some irrelevant code parts were removed
  • Various game levels and items fixes

  • Fear status effect was reduced by 2 seconds
  • Now Poison will leave character with 1 health
  • Dark Grimoire will no longer summon Necromancer boss
  • Cartel Sign will now give some Glory Points when used
  • Distance from wich players can see enemy health was increased
  • There will be no more useless keys in Old Chests
  • Chaos Chest will no longer be empty
  • There will be no gold in Chaos Chest anymore
  • There will be more gold in other chests in return
  • Now escape from starting priosn will give players some glory points
  • Now all pickable items will stack

  • Fixed the critical bug when enemy healthbar didn't show correctly health left
  • Fixed the critical bug when there were no loading screen during travel from zone to zone
  • Fixed a bug when picking up hint was stuck on the screen
  • Fixed a bug when opening door hint was stuck on the screen
  • Fixed a bug when inventory closing sound was played twice
  • Fixed a bug when spider couldn't be killed with dagger
  • Fixed a bug when spiders explode after death
  • Various game's levels fixes

Now let's take a closer look at some points.


Inventory and loot in this update have been significantly improved. Among the new items this time are a rare potion that protects against magic, greater potions of health and energy as well as a special loot from the Spider Queen and an ominous eye that reminds of old times. Let me remind you that you can find these items both in the game world and as loot from enemies.


Hero's Story is not an easy game, but that's no reason to make it artificially confusing! In the very first versions of the game, there were simple notifications informing that the door was locked or that the way further was closed. In the new version I decided to go further - and add fancy notifications for all picked up items. In the future, most likely, similar notifications will appear, for example, to start of a fight or getting status effect.


When you get far enough in the world of Teandria, you will most likely see a window offering to travel to a new game zone. In the update, this window has been expanded, and now includes a brief description and an approximate threat (difficulty) level. So far there are no really difficult locations in the game, so don't worry! And yes, it is still impossible to return to the starting prison.

*you can't navigate UI fully using controller yet

Have fun! Your Silent.
Feb 20, 2023
Paragrowth - Flypyp
Hello Everyone! Filip Paragrowth developer here,
Here's another report from latest works over the game.

Previous month was focusing on developing technology for animating legs.
It was doing job already in the trailer, but it had many flaws.

I decided to do complete rewrite from scratch (actually it was about 4th time I redone this mechanic)
and it finally works flawlessly, it's about 2x times faster and gives much more possibilities.
I want animations in Paragrowth to be something unique, this system brings me closer to achieve it.
(the models you see on the gifs are prototypes)

This technology will apply to humanoid characters, to the monsters and insecticides.

Besides new possibilities, it will automatically solve some time consuming animation jobs to handle.

Legs Animating technology consumed most of the time but I also completed many new important tasks over the architecture generating tools.

Next month probably will focus on improving the main character controller, some procedural generating works, some AI coding and exploration mechanics.

Feel free to comment, ask question or give a feedback!
MyDockFinder - MyDockFinder
This update is not updated, and the version number is still

  1. Fixed the issue that the previous version of myfinder was fixed on a certain screen and still displayed on the first screen after restarting
  2. Fixed a crash caused by lyrics issues with the previous version of myfinder
  3. Fixed the issue that the previous version of the pre-stage scheduling window list was unpinned, and the window list disappeared after displaying the desktop or WIN+D
  4. Fixed the issue that the rounded corners of the previous version of the dock run indicator were displayed abnormally

Upcoming updates for the next release
MyFinder can adjust different zoom sizes for multiple screens