Football Coach: College Dynasty - achi
Thanks for being patient as I add updates to the game. Previously, I was doing a more rapid update rollout every few days. Now, I think I'll move to fewer, but bigger, updates. This allows me to marinate on each change and gives me more space to add bigger features. This is the first such update, v0.2.0!

A couple must-have pages have been updated: game preview, and roster. Game preview now has tons of info about the upcoming game, including the team stat comparisons, talent matchups, coaching staffs, impact players, and even the game spread! This spread isn't perfect, but should give you an idea of how big, or small, that upset was. Additionally, 'Players to watch' has been added to each team's roster page, so you can easily get an idea of the best players on each team.

Some updates have been made to the game sim, including adding a proper prevent formation, Prevent 3 Deep, which is used now to defend hail maries. The previous Cover 4 Quarters plays have been changed to 'Soft Zone' type, so they can still be used for 3rd and very long situations. Also, squib kicks have been added, so you can use them late in game to prevent long kickoff return TDs.

As always, there are also tons of bug fixes and UI improvements. You can see the full list of changes below.

- Add option to disable Steam overlay in settings
- Add detailed game preview page
- Add impact players to roster page
- Add "Kick/Punt Return" to team talent ratings
- Higher win% takes priority for some bowl games

Game sim:
- Add full prevent play for hail maries on defense, and new soft zone play type
- Reduce play action usage in obvious pass situations
- Add squib kick play

- Add sort by position
- Add sort by leader points (ascending or descending)
- Recruits now won't commit if they just did visit to a different top-3 school
- Increase number of OL recruits
- UI and tooltip improvements to make things more clear

Bug fixes
- Offensive Recruiter/CEO can now correctly earn recruiting skill badges
- Sort player awards better so best is always at the top
- Use H2H as second tiebreaker for 4 division CCGs
- Correctly put team at 20 yard line for interception touchbacks
- Improve returner and punter award assignments
- Fix rivalry booster gifts so there aren't too many
- Improve early commitments for lower star recruits

Thanks for playing!
Feb 11, 2023
Checkerboard Collection - xXrandom
Also, don't forget to join the Discord:
Mythlink - Home Point Games
  • Updated the "VR Required" screen to support more resolutions
Paperback Adventures - Fatty
Players, you can vote on the next items/guffins to be added to the game here!

Patch Notes:

1. Starting Bonus:
  • A new starting bonus has been added for players who have defeated a boss in their previous adventure.
  • Players will be able to choose a bonus when starting their next adventure.
  • Note: This feature is not retroactive.

2. Difficulty Levels:
  • The difficulty levels have been opened up for all players.
  • All players will now start with 4 levels of difficulty unlocked.

3. Bug Fixes:
  • Minor bugs have been fixed, including the Venom Vial.
Feb 11, 2023
Sand: A Superfluous Game - TheSuperfluous
Change Log 2/11:
Added weapon lockers to the game. These will allow you to store weapons that camp mates will use during raids. Right now they will assign them to the camp mates randomly. The guard profession still works as usual (provides a free shotgun). I will be work improving this system in the future. If a camp mate does not have a weapon locker it will use its default weapon for its current profession. Some weapons might not work correctly; let me know if they are bugged.
Feb 11, 2023
Kit's Quest - Lone Fox Games
  • Added fullscreen resolution options.
  • Made a number of minor improvements.
Feb 11, 2023
The Wall Mustn't Fall - capsulecollapse
  • Some font changes
  • Fixed weapons with ammo capacity+ not starting with a full magazine the first round after purchase
  • Weapon tooltips now show damage type\
  • Frostburn helix model
  • Fixed the card layout breaking when there were 3 gun slots
  • Fixed arrows colliding with coins
  • Fixed crash if active relic was dropped in loot
Punch Pad Workout - MobileFusion
A new mode, 'Music Workout', has been added. There are 3 in game tracks to choose from and you can also generate workouts from your own music located in the folder you have set.
Right to Rule - Zapp Brannigan
Hello everyone and happy Saturday! First off, we've decided to cut down our updates from every Friday to every other Saturday. We thought this would be less spammy and would allow us to actually show off stuff that takes longer than a week to finish.

We know one of our biggest shortcomings has been our animations. That's why we've been taking some time currently to improve them where we can, either with new features or just fixing the various bugs we have. You can see below how we've expanded our locomotion code a little bit to include an aim offset for our characters for Pitch and Yaw and to only rotate the character beyond that offset. We are hoping this will give a more natural and smooth visual when looking around instead of just sliding the character based on the control rotation.

We have also improved upon the player profile system which we showed off last time and fixed a few bugs found with it.

Additionally, we are still hard at work improving the overall artwork for the game and moving towards a more sculpted approach. We look forward to showing off the changes soon!
Feb 11, 2023
MotorCubs RC - jdraisey
Ok it's not Halo related but by random chance this update landed on at build number! So here's the rundown for today's update:

  1. Honeypot Unlock, Level Unlock and Vehicle Unlock badges only appear if the Finish Line criteria was met and/or if a Honeypot was unlocked during the race.
  2. FYI 1st place is now required to unlock vehicles, 3rd place to unlock levels. Leave a message on the Steam Page forum if specific levels are making this too difficult, we will be balancing the entire upcoming week.
  3. Vehicle Selection Screen viewport spacing is centered in 1 Player Mode, and the gap between P1 and P2 viewports is centered as well.
  4. Main Menu buttons now have a separate sound for Hovering over a button.
  5. Player cameras now collide with vehicles and the environment to prevent view clipping.
  6. Boost Overload now respawns the player if they overload the Boost Meter.
  7. Destroyed vehicle debris (wheels and teddy bear for now) are persistent throughout the race.

Thank you for your support and make sure to spread the word about MotorCubs RC!
