Dec 30, 2022
Community Announcements - bob
Reworked BGM System
Added Animations on monster death
Added unlock requirements of different characters
Fixed several translation errors
Dec 30, 2022
暖雪 Warm Snow - biligame

Bug Fixes:
1. Savedate will no longer be affected when maingame and DLC are switched
2. Fixed an issue where Nightmare level would be incorrectly displayed when restarting in Endless mode
3. Fixed some effect problems in Lv Kunhai's boss battle
4. Fixed an issue where a quick kill of the White Wolf King could cause a black screen in Endless Mode
5. Fixed some effects errors of Nightmare Skin
6. Fixed an issue that in Endless mode where Lucid Point still decreased when the Dragon Emperor entered the Phase 3 animation
7. Fixed an issue that in Endless mode where Lucid Point still decreased when the Blacksmith Boss entered the Phase 2 animation
8. Fixed an issue where spirits of painting could not be killed in Endless mode
9. Fixed an issue where Barbarian/Shattered Ice/Snow Lotus/Celestial Light/Wine Sain could trigger [Falling into Greed] related skills
10. Fixed an issus that some Interface being blocked by health bars

Experience optimization
1. Improved the sight range of Photophobia
2. Optimize the ending interface button (Restart -> Quick Start; Exit the game -> Return to the Buddhist Hall)

Join our discord channel to get more information and chat with the devs:
Dec 30, 2022
Dragon's Treasure - 易水犹寒
Ravager - 4MinuteWarning
Dev Notes
  • It’s here! We roll forward our plotline into the beginnings of Act V, with new content for all of our main cast. We have been working on this in the background for a solid year, and I hope you enjoy the results as much as I do.
  • Something had to slip in order to make our deadline. In our case it was Naho, and the majority of our court events. They will appear in the next few minor updates, as they clear editing.
  • Our minor characters and hordes will get proper attention in our following major update, v5.1.0, which is the next thing I’ll be working on. After taking a quick break.
Act V Features
  • Plot: A continuation of the main plotline - from your reawakening in Act V, through to the middle of its first Chapter.
  • Court: An introduction to the court and its residents.
  • Court: A thorough briefing from your generals (fourteen variants).
  • Harem: A visit from Malice (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
  • Harem: Catching up with Adeline (two variants).
  • Harem: Catching up with Chanwe (two variants, collab with Var).
  • Harem: Catching up with Cooch (two variants, collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Harem: Catching up with Darja (two variants, collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Harem: Catching up with Heloise (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
  • Harem: Catching up with Issa (collab with HereToHelp & DoItToJulia).
  • Harem: Catching up with Maelys (three variants).
  • Harem: Catching up with Marie-Anne (four variants, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
  • Harem: Catching up with Mina (four variants).
  • Harem: Catching up with Sabetha & Inej (two variants, collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Harem: Catching up with Valzira (collab with Garoompahfah).
  • Scene: Chanwe consecrates new ground with you (collab with Var).
  • Scene: Chanwe desecrates new ground with you (three variants, collab with Var).
  • Scene: Chia has another ordinary day on the job (collab with Mattrex).
  • Scene: Chia sacrifices everything for her career (collab with Mattrex).
  • Scene: Cuchilla enjoys a pint or three in the tavern (four variants).
  • Scene: Heloise adopts the position in the palace (collab with Mattrex).
  • Scene: Heloise is reminded of her proper place in the dungeon (collab with Mattrex).
  • Scene: Marie-Anne becomes a proper cowgirl (two variants, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
  • Scene: Marie-Anne makes like horses do (two variants, collab with Var and DoItToJulia).
  • Scene: Marie-Anne’s dungeon service (two variants, collab with DoItToJulia).
  • Scene: Malice realises your dreams (five variants, collab with Mattrex).
  • Scene: Mina fulfils her obligations as a countess.
  • Scene: Sabetha nobly falls upon your sword (two variants, collab with Garoompahfah and DoItToJulia).
  • Scene: Sabetha and Inej tackle your problem together (collab with Garoompahfah and DoItToJulia).
  • Dynamic: Waking up with Adeline.
  • Dynamic: Waking up without Adeline (collab with Mattrex).
  • Dynamic: Inej makes a plea bargain.
  • Dynamic: The first steps on Maelys’s path to damnation (two variants).
  • Dynamic: The first steps on Maelys’s path to redemption.
  • Art: Cooch enjoys a pint or three in the tavern (three variants, Lubbio).
  • Art: Heloise’s new palace scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: Heloise’s new dungeon scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: A morning visit from Malice (four variants, Lubbio).
  • Art: Marie-Anne’s pregnant cowgirl adventure (Lubbio).
  • Art: Mina’s obligations as a countess (Lubbio).
  • Art: Sabetha nobly falls upon your sword (Lubbio)
  • Art: Heretic and pregnant variants for Chanwe’s handjob scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: Heretic and pregnant variants for Chanwe’s titfuck scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: Heretic and pregnant variants for Chanwe’s vaginal scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: Heretic and pregnant variants for Chanwe’s anal scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: A pregnant variant for Cooch’s oral scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: A pregnant variant for Darja’s anal scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: A pregnant variant for Marie-Anne’s palace oral scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: A pregnant variant for Mina’s titfuck scene (two variants, Lubbio).
  • Art: A pregnant variant for Mina’s forced scene (Lubbio).
  • Art: Malice corrects your mistake (Undoodle).
  • Art: Pregnant sprites for Cooch (two variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Pregnant sprites for Darja (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Pregnant sprites for Inej (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Battered character art for the royal herald (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Pregnant sprites for Marie-Anne (two variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Pregnant sprites for Mina (two variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • BG: An eclipse variant for the throne room.
  • Animation: Animated idles for Sun Priestess Chanwe (two variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Cooch (two variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Darja (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Inej (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Marie-Anne (two variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Mina (two variants, Amon Ra).
  • Voice: Cooch’s initial and repeat welcomes (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s conversation about pregnancy (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s conversation about mundane matters (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s conversation about the Fair Wench (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s conversation about queenship (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s conversation about fuckin’ (Morpha).
  • Voice: Cooch’s anal scene (Morpha).
  • Voice: Heloise’s initial and repeat palace welcomes (Lord Gush).
  • Voice: Nonverbal voice acting for Heloise’s gagged dungeon interactions (Lord Gush).
  • Voice: Mina’s initial and repeat welcomes in the palace (Marina Montague).
  • Voice: Mina’s palace conversation about pregnancy (Marina Montague).
  • Voice: The dragon’s part in Chanwe’s interactions (two variants, GreyScale).
  • Voice: The dragon’s part in Cooch’s interactions (GreyScale).
  • Voice: The dragon’s part in Darja’s interactions (GreyScale).
  • Voice: The dragon’s part in Malice’s interactions (GreyScale).
  • Voice: The dragon’s part in Mina’s interactions (GreyScale).
  • Gallery: New scenes Ancestor And Descendant, Consecration, Desecration, A Pint In The Tavern, Top It Up, Put A Cork In It, An Improper Princess, Descent, Nadir, Flesh And Blood, Paying Rent II, Cost Of Living, Extortion II, Cowgirl, and The Sabetha Special have all been added to the gallery (Tosk).
  • Achievements: A new secret Steam achievement for Act V has been added (Tosk).
Act I-IV Features
  • Art: Character art for Issa’s special dress, reimagined (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: Character art for Issa’s normal outfits and emotes, remastered (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emotes for Adeline (six variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New anger and pain emotes for Chanwe (eight variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emotes for Cuchilla (six variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New crying and pain emotes for Darja (eight variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emotes for Heloise (ten variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emotes for Marie-Anne (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New shock, pain, and happy(!) emotes for Maelys (twelve variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New surprised and awkward emotes for Malagar (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emotes for Mina (eight variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New shock, pain, and sleeping emotes for Naho (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain and sad emotes for Sabetha (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New pain emote for Succubus-Heloise (Irrelevant Art).
  • Art: New grinning and smug emotes for Valzira (four variants, Irrelevant Art).
  • Animation: Animated pain idles for Adeline (three variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: New animated anger idles for Chanwe (five variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated pain idles for Cooch (five variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated pain idles for Darja (four variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated pain idles for Heloise (five variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated pain idle for Succubus-Heloise (Amon Ra).
  • Animation: Animated idles for Issa’s special dress (seven variants, Amon Ra).
  • Animation: The showdown with Balthorne, animated (Amon Ra).
  • Translation: The first part of the Danish translation has been added (Danish Team).
  • Translation: The French translation has been improved throughout (French Team).
  • Translation: The lowlands has been added to the Russian translation (Russian Team).
  • Translation: Small fixes have been made throughout the Czech, German, and Polish translations (Soulphase).
  • Gallery: Existing scenes Dracogenesis, Making Friends, and Walk The Dog have been added to the gallery (Tosk).
  • If you step out of a conversation menu in Act V without having seen all followup questions, you will be able to return to it and ask the remaining questions. This does not apply to followup questions that are dependent on specific world states, and resolving a topic will still lock it off as normal.
  • Notifications that character plots will “continue in a future version” have been moved forward or removed, because this is that future version.
  • Issa's scenes respect the new Fluid Dynamics content flag.
  • The ability to gift Broken Chanwe and Severed Maelys to hordes has been temporarily disabled, whilst new variants are written for their scenes that take their state into account.
  • When playing the “Drinks With Cuchilla” scene from the gallery, you may choose whether or not you have been using Darja’s special dragon hole.
  • Visual direction during Naho’s lowlands fights - and their consequences - have been improved.
  • Visual direction during Valzira’s initial encounter in the swamp has been improved.
  • The developer interview has been updated for public builds.
  • Game credits have been updated.
  • Cuchilla’s angry animated idles will show properly.
  • Cuchilla’s “Hair Of The Dog” scene has been restored to the gallery.
  • Marie-Anne’s sprite will not appear in front of one of her Good Boy Good Girl animated scene.
  • The game now tracks if you’ve visited Maelys in her severed state before. This unlocks access to a shortened intro, and also (potentially) her damnation path in Act V. On old saves, you will have to visit her twice for this to work.
  • Messy side-portraits will show up properly if Maelys is wearing her normal outfit.
  • Mina's Bed Of Riches scene will not show you having withdrawn while you're left in to soak.
  • Mother will not be described as heavily pregnant if she is no longer so.
  • Naho’s “Walk The Dog” gallery entry has the correct art displaying for it, and points at the correct scene.
  • Valzira will display her captive sprites if captured during Act IV. Existing saves will have this fix applied during the transition to Act V.
  • Many mismatches of voice and text have been realigned. The remaining reported mismatches are awaiting re-recording, please bear with us.
  • And! All of the bugs found by our valiant playtesters, over six months and more than fifty different builds. Those folks are the real heroes.
VRROOM - skarredghost
The time has finally come! After months of designing, developing, testing, drinking lots of coffee, and praying the gods of programming, we are ready to share with you the platform for VR live events and concerts we have worked on in the last months! It is just an alpha for now, but it is already enough to let you have a taste of our vision to revolutionize live performances in virtual reality.

On January, 10th at 8pm CET we will have a big concert with three French artists to celebrate the launch of our alpha. It won't be a traditional concert with a stage and an audience, but more like an interactive videoclip... you have to see it to understand it. So prepare to wear your favorite SteamVR headset and join us to dance while listening to the amazing Web7, LeJuiice, and Maxence... with the special participation of the virtual DJ M1n0t0r for a very long afterparty!

The experience is currently in closed alpha, so to join the concert you have to directly contact us of VRROOM and we will be very happy to give you a key! You can find us on Discord ( or send us an email at info AT vrroom DOT world.

See you in the metaverse!
Soul Dossier - 某某秃子
Dear agent

It is estimated that the version of the Spirit Mirror System will be updated at 12/30 18:30 (UTC/GMT:+8:00). It is estimated that 180 minutes of updates will be required to restart the server. The online agents will be forced to offline. Please offline in advance to avoid losses! We will inform you after the server is opened. Please forgive us for the inconvenience caused by the agent simulation training!

Compensation will be issued for this update: Holy Coin x10000

Benefit function: weekly exemption role

This week, you can experience the role for free. The agent camp: Su Qingli, Shang Xiang, Jiahui, Yeluo, Ling Zhengying, Ge Yongming

Simulated Spirit Complaining Camp: Lord Bachi, Nie Xiaoqian, Yu Ji, Spoon

Welfare activities: farewell to the old and welcome the new "one year old with the sound of firecrackers, spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu"

The first spring of the New Year theme opens!

Collect the accumulated activity after completing the task: Ge Yongming - Golden Dragon Series of Thread Embroidery, Wu Qizhi - Firecracker (Back) in the Spring Festival, New Year's Day Head - Welcome the Spring Festival

New Activity

● Opening of limited time exchange activity: "Soul Coming IV"

"The last member of the women's group - Snow White! Now she has joined the group, and the group of Soul's arrival has been assembled“

Time: 2022/12/30-2023/1/13

Activity rules:

1. During the activity period, you can exchange all the white snow snow clothes for white snow snow special effect hair and white snow snow

2. Equip the whole outfit to activate the special effects exclusive to the women's group!

● Shopping mall special effect jewelry updating

"Welcome the sound of firecrackers in the Spring Festival, and the Jade Rabbit lights up to send good luck"

New Year's Day New Year's Day back decoration in the mall: white snow - jade rabbit lamp · auspiciousness

Wearing New Year jewelry to feel the atmosphere of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new

● Time limited accumulative recharging activity: "Heyuan Fangyuan"

"The white robe rides the crane from the cloud, and the female sacrifices clasp their palms to pray"

Time: 2022/12/30-2022/1/27

Recharge up to 3000/6000 yuan accumulatively during the activity time, receive limited Lingzhengying Heling hairstyle and Luofang Praying hairstyle, and unlock other hair colors corresponding to the currency, totaling 11 hair colors. This series of hair color will not be available again in the regular operation activities within three months after the end of the activity.

● The fourth phase of Brilliant Mall will be opened in a limited time

Time: 2022/12/30-2023/1/13

1. Blooming Soul Coins You can obtain 120, 80, 30, 15, 10 and 1 Blooming Soul Coins by drawing the Blooming Soul Treasure Box

2. You can purchase exclusive clothing of limited Brilliant Mall with Brilliant Coin

In this issue, the exclusive clothing of Blooming Mall is: Snow white snow series (the skin will not be sold back)

3. It can be exchanged for the single skin in the current Blooming Treasure Box

This issue's exclusive clothing for the Blooming Treasure Box is: Nalan Lotus Dance - Wine Red Temptation, Fragrance - Fascination for Luxury White, Wei Qingyu - Fanning Sweetheart

4. You can buy high popularity return costumes in the Blooming Mall!

The costumes for this return period are: Wuqizhi - Romantic Full House, Lingzhengying - Laser Sword · Blue Demon, Jiahui - Beach Memory, Lingzhengying - Dimensional Battle, Yuji - Pine Crane, Manlin - Spring Festival Lucky, Xing Tian - Burning Flame, Xiaopi - Pajama Party, Lingzhengying - Weiqing Language, Summer Rain - Ice Magic Butterfly, Su Qingli - Spirit Butterfly Dance, Spoon Madness - Pajama Party

5. Brilliant Mall will regularly refresh the limited avatar box of Brilliant!

The limited avatar box of this issue is: neon colorful dynamic avatar box

6. After the closure of each phase of Blooming Mall, the Blooming Coin will be emptied. Players are requested to purchase items in time

7. The Brilliant Mall will be updated every half a month

[New fitting room]

Blooming Treasure Box: Nalanlian Dance Wine Red Temptation Series, Shangxiang Fascination Luxury White Series, Wei Qingyu Fanmi Sweetheart Series, Xiaoxue Soul: Snow Series

Lingshi&Ancient Coin Mall: Snow Jade Rabbit Lantern · Auspicious

Jinling Shopping Mall: Nalanlian Dance Wine Red Temptation Series, Shangxiang Fascinating Luxury White Series, Wei Qingyu Fanmi Sweetheart Series, Xiaoxue Soul: Snow Series

Returning to Jinling Mall: Wuqizhi - Romantic Full House, Lingzhengying - Laser Sword · Blue Demon, Jiahui - Beach Memory, Lingzhengying - Dimensional Battle, Yuji - Send Crane, Manlin - Spring Festival Luck, Xingtian - Burning Flame, Pi - Pajama Party, Lingzhengying - Weiqing Language, Summer Rain - Ice Butterfly, Su Qingli - Fairy Butterfly Dance, Spoon Madness - Pajama Party

Function Adjustment

1. Delete the secondary confirmation box for adding friends

2. BGM switches back to default

3. Font color adjustment of benefit label

4. Added a 5-second countdown for exiting the internal game

5. Optimized the array eye position of the church map

Balance Adjustment

1. The number of times a magpie hits a scout

2. Consume times only after small star exchange is successful

[Problem Repair]

1. Fixed the problem of incorrect UI display of the role of the team store

2. Fixed the problem that the church map dog hole would get stuck

3. The problem of starting the game after the local ESC exits has been modified. The suspension pop-up window does not use the Forget Your Worry Wine option

4. Fixed the problem that Xiaoli 2's skill blood pool could not be transmitted in some places of the fishing village

5. Fixed the problem that the special effect of Snow White's main star skill in the fishing village map shifted
Virtueror: The Virtual Conqueror - vivaladev
It's been 9 months since my last update and that's because the development has been on hold from April to November. Things are back to normal now and I worked hard all December to bring you plenty of news and updates in this new dev log.

Getting ready for the closed alpha
The most important news is that I am going to release a first alpha build on the 13th of January.

Most of the work during December has been focused on completing all the features planned for this first release and I am happy to say that all the basic features are already implemented and the release date is confirmed.

If you want to be one of the first gamers to try Virtueror join the Discord server of the game as that's where I will share the links to download all the early Linux and Windows builds.

New mission screen
I implemented a brand new screen to select the mission to play, but it brings much more than that.
This screen is far from finished, but it's already fully usable to select a mission to play and for some other gameplay actions.

This is how it looks for now:

As you can see, a planet is divided into 12 territories and you need to control the majority of them to control the planet.

Once your troops can reach a territory it's possible to interact with it in different ways:
  • EXPLORE: will send a squad of scouts to find out more about the territory
  • CONQUER: will start a playable mission
  • SEND AI: will delegate the conquest to your AI generals
There's still a lot of work left to do for this screen as I am planning to add more panels and more actions. It will be a key screen for several grand strategy and RPG elements of the game, but I will show you more about it in the future.

The AI is alive!
It took a good amount of work, but at last the game has a basic AI and I have to admit that it's very rewarding to see it doing things on its own!

At the moment the AI can do the following things:
  • Create a new unit
  • Conquer a resource generator
  • Connect a resource generator to its base to extract resources
You can see all these actions in the following GIF:

I am planning to add more actions soon, but it's hard to predict how things will work when everything is in place. For sure the AI will take a lot of work and balancing, so expect to see many updates about it for a long time.

Wall building based on waypoints
Until now the game didn't offer much control when designing walls.
Basically you could only select a starting and an end point and an algorithm was deciding the layout of your wall. That was okay for something small, but it was making design quite frustrating and tedious most of the times.

Now it's possible to set waypoints with a single action click and start the construction with a double click.

This allows to define any kind of turns and corners and it's way more flexible and intuitive.

In the future I will improve the feature showing the waypoints during the design stage, but for now this works well enough.

Cell conquest based on waypoints
The same design limits that were affecting wall design were also affecting the design of areas to conquer with your units.

As for the walls, it's now possible to set waypoints to better define the cells your units have to conquer.

This feature reflects the one implemented for wall building, hence I will work on the same improvements in the future.

New settings screen
I started to implement the settings screen even if for now the only settings available are the video ones:

I will probably start to work on the audio settings next, especially if I add audio support to the game before the second alpha build as planned.

Minor updates
- Now game uses data packages for all images
- Now units do not move along the conquest path while conquering cells. This is for consistency with wall construction.
- Fixes and improvements in game code
- Fixes and improvements in the GUI library
- Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes

What's next
For the next 2 weeks I will keep focusing on the first alpha build. In particular I have to prepare the packages for Linux and Windows and make sure they work on other computers too.
I will also try to implement a couple of new features before the release, but I can't be sure of anything at the moment.

Then I will prepare a new roadmap for the second build that I will release in February. Obviously much depends on the feedback I will get from the early testers of the first build, but you'll find out more in the next update.

Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update!
Territory - Territory Dev
  • Quickslot issue
  • Repair actor issue
  • Dirt Planter placement
  • No footsteps on dirt road
  • Changed dirt planter so it’s now a raised box. This is mainly to keep the plants up out of the grass because that looks dumb and this was an easier solution than masking the grass underneath the planter.
  • Watering Can craft recipes made slightly more expensive
  • Military Alarm audio volume reduced
  • Military Alarm max time activated reduced
  • Landscape effects to main menu map because why not
  • Optimised the grass a bit
  • Reduced some more texture sizes
Known Issues
  • Harvesting plants from interact menu not working properly. (Can still harvest from planter HUD like usual)
Dec 30, 2022
Shin Lotion Samurai - Retsu
Update has been performed.
Applications with "Ver 2.03" in the lower right corner of the title screen have already been updated.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem in which the player would move even though no time was added when kicking a destructive floor.
Due to the large impact on time caused by the above-mentioned bug, the ranking of the 13th game has been switched.
Warspear Online - WS_Strange

Gladiators, have time to compete for rewards in the new LXXVIII Arena season!

The most courageous warriors will discover new skills, the PvP-skills “Arena Warden’s Assistance” and “Wrath of the Gladiator”, and will also replenish their collection with the unique “Silent Zealot” costume (only available for winning a season during a World Creation)!

In addition, in the first two weeks, the number of Imperials of Greatness received in daily rewards will be increased by 2 times:
- from 29.12 23:00 CET to 05.01 23:00 CET in "Arena 5x5" mode;
- from 05.01 23:00 CET to 12.01 23.00 CET in "Crucible 3x3" mode.

In this season, 30.12 11:00 CET - 27.01 11:00 CET, the following modes will become available:
- Arena 2x2;
- Crucible 3x3;
- Temple of Seals 3x3;
- Arena 5x5.

A complete list of awards can be found in the Arena menu in the game.

Stay strong!