Touchdown Girls - Sexydigitalgames
Responding to feedback from our user forums, we've improved and updated the Spanish Language / Latin America Translation version of Touchdown Girls. With this small update we've spent additional time to ensure that Spanish language users have the best user experience possible while playing the game.
Dec 24, 2022
Bear's Restaurant - Daigo
Thank you very much for your support in 2022! This will be the final sale for Bear's Restaurant & FishingParadiso this year. Happy holidays and enjoy the new year!
No Time - Lost in Days Studio
Hello my fellow players!

In preparation for Christmas and New Years Eve!
Christmas is around the corner, and to accompany this blessed season, I've made a range of updates to keep you in the Christmas Mood!

New items are now available, only for the Christmas Market!

Firework Rockets, fly into the sky and explode in various beautiful colors!

A plushy!

The fisher guy has now his own place in Fisher Bay!

Vast Underground Caves!
The east side of Mt. Uroruh has a cave entrance, which at some point connected to another cave in the Natural Reserve!

Find the right year in which the cave has not collapsed or is not filled with molten rock, and you may find something precious at the deepest roots of that ancient mountain.

So get your light ready, something like a leviboard to soften long falls down the shafts and get ready for an adventure into the dark deep!

Epilogue aka ACT IV: PART II
The second part of the Epilogue is now available!
After ACT III talk to Luke after you completed his Elanor Quest, he will introduce you to Fred Radios Host!

This will lead into the second branch of the Epilogue, which will explain a many mysteries about MIM, other mysterious characters and the answer to what Edward was really doing all along!

This is also the connection piece to the Dimension Gates, which will play a big part in the third segment of the Epilogue, once it is ready! Enjoy!
I made a space shooter for you, for free!

While I was on vacation, I managed to make a quick space shooter inspired after an old 90s game, the first game I actually ever player, called Terminal Velocity.

Check it out on ItchIO or Gamejolt!

December 24 V0.8
  • Added a new years fade in sequence
  • Added a plushy toy
  • Added fireworks, purchasable at the Christmas market
  • Added Christmas deco to Cape Dun
  • Added proper starfish item preview pictures
  • Added Part II of the Epilogue
  • Added crystals around caves as decoration but if mined there is a very very slim chance for ark ore
  • Added a time agent spawn toggle for the sandbox menu
  • Added various effects to aged items (spoiling, aging for food and boos and letters will turn yellow brown)
  • Added Car and Player Respawns upon spawning inside buildings
  • Added a home to the fish trader in fisher bay
  • Added the shop misc texture palette to the mod folder
  • Added a dedicated Game Over Screen
  • Added a giant underground cave system with a secret at its very bottom
  • (this should happen almost instantaneous and will replace the car on the nearest safe position if the car timetravels into a building without interior)
  • (This should also keep the player from spawning being teleported into a building on new years, when a new building appears)
  • Revamped Sandie's character
  • Revamped the Christmas tree in the town center
  • Revamped the future city center
  • Removed the levi and jetboard impact punch sound
  • Flipped the car landing sounds to have the correct order they should be played in
  • Translated some of the comment lines (not being able to turn on the car or time machine) int german
  • Increased the amount of items being stored in boxes
  • Moved the Gobbo entry to the mythical creatures book
  • Fixed the displacement screen effect (heatwave & under water wobble) from making artifacts at the right side of the screen
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to use things after skipping the tutorial
  • Fixed the missing sky lane cars
  • Fixed the unknown destination chip from sending you to 4000 bc at times
  • Fixed the lowered placement of the opened car doors for the back reactor version
  • Fixed the floating placement of the houses in byroad
  • Fixed the color bug after switching the time machine placement at the mechanic
  • Fixed the inability to pick up the mr coffee once placed in the safe house
  • Fixed the weird faulty trade buttons labeled as "donut" from appearing for some vendors
  • Fixed the broken backwards drive upon entering the car
  • Fixed the sound sliders from not being able to fully mute music or sound
无限投影 - kyzy_4399
Merry Christmas~





Vampire Clans - Ragnacode
Hello everyone!

We've made significant progress on Vampire Clans and are excited to share some updates with you.

First of all, we are working on expanding the diplomacy system. Players will have access to the world map where Paris' vampire clans will be presented. From this map, there will be a possibility to send vampires to rob surrounding resource extraction sites such as sawmills, slaughterhouses, or funeral homes. If you don't want to be violent and you want to be a more diplomatic clan, you can buy resources or even take over those places with money what guarantees regular supply delivery.

We finished the Clinic mechanic which can help your clans stay undercover and gain some resources. Vampires can have now their own business, which allows them to obtain money from cured patients or blood, bones, and human meat from killed ones. There is also a possibility to enslave patients to gain workers easily. New patients will be coming every day, but only when the clinic will have a proper reputation, otherwise much fewer of them will appear. Reputation can be gained by curing people, but even in this way there will be a possibility of losing it - not every illness is the same and some of the patients can't be cured with old surgical tools by an unexperienced doctor - if you decide to try and the patient will die, you'll lose reputation, but when it'll work you will gain much more money and reputation. You can upgrade your clinic and specialize one of your vampires in medicine to increase the chances of successful cure your patients.

We are also making new 3D models for the game, you can see more by following our discord channel. We hope you like it.

We wish you a Happy Holidays, let the smile stay with you during this special time and the whole New Year. All the best!

I hope you like it, tell us what you think about this update on our Discord channel. Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions.

Regiments - Soundwolf776

This update arrives as a regular patch; if the Steam doesn't auto-update Regiments to the latest version - just restart Steam, this will force it to look for updates. You can see the updated installed succesfully by the banner in the main menu (well, and the new content).

Two new Operations

'Doctrinal Approach' puts you in command of an entire East German mechanized regiment in a pitched fight against well-entrenched West German units.

'Task Force McMains' is a classic scenario - a US mechanized Task Force defends against a Soviet attack in the Fulda sector.

Both operations happen alongside the other June events and are unlocked if you've completed the 'Reaction' Operation.

Skirmish mode additions

Four new regiments enter the fray:

British 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards - part of the Corps Border Surveillance Force, this recon-focused formation would be one of the first to engage the advancing Warsaw Pact forces.

British 20th Armored Brigade - an epitome of 'slow and steady' concept, 20th utilizes a mix of Chieftains and FV432 APCs.

British 33rd Armored Brigade - 33rd, attached to reinforce I BE Corps, was already present as Task Forces available to the Belgian forces. Now reversed, 33rd Armored Brigade itself is a UK core force with several Belgian task forces present.

West German 53rd Heimatschutzbrigade - a second-line homeguard formation, utilizing older equipment like M48G tanks and KanJagdPanzer tank hunters.

Some of the old Regiments received adjustments, and quite a few task forces were changed or updated with new units.

A new map - Route "Sherwood" is also available in all Skirmish modes.


Companies are a new game concept - several platoons controlled as a single element.
They will be primarily used to represent formations that don't have enough officers or communication equipment to maneuver with individual platoons. Companies concentrate a lot of firepower, but can be slow and unwieldy to control.

Companies are commanded by issuing orders to the command platoon. Subordinate platoons will follow it and copy its behaviour, but are impossible to control directly. If the command platoon is lost or begins to retreat, the whole company will retreat too.
Companies will move in a line formation by default, switching to column on Fast Move order.

For now, Companies are present in the 'Doctrinal Approach' operation, and two Skirmish regiments - 53rd Heimatschutzbrigade and East German KdA group.

New units

Update introduces new units and make some of the already-present ones fully playable.

In addition to the already playable Challenger, Warrior, Rapier and FV100-series, UK forces receive:
- Chieftain mk.6, mk.10, mk.11
- Centurion AVRE
- FV432 APC and Self-proplled mortar
- FV438 Swingfire anti-tank system
- FV436 Command Post
- FV433 Abbot self-propelled artillery
- Gazelle recon helicopter
- TOW-armed Lynx anti-tank helicopter
- Bedford truck

West German forces now also include:
- M48GA2 tank
- Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm
- Iltis utility vehicle
- Heimatschutz infantry

Warsaw Pact forces also received a pair of units:
- BMP-1 with Malutka ATGM present
- Strela-1
- T-64BV, while already being in game, wasn't available in any of the Task Forces or Regiments in the release version - it has now been introduced to 332nd Tank Regiment in Skirmish
(the bulk of the WarPac reinforcements are still scheduled for the next DLC)

You will also notice a few anti-air platoons focused on infantry-portable anti-air missiles. Unlike the regular MANPADS teams attached to IFV platoons, these are considered to be fully connected to the air-defence radio network - and feature noticeably improved engagement envelope and reaction times.

And many other additions:
- Regipedia improvements
- Ability to select exact nations for AI in Attack & Mobile Defence modes
- Random map selection in Skirmish
- Ability to restart a Skimish game without having to exit back to menu
- Event Cards with randomized events no longer can be rerolled by restarting the phase
- Updated Bloom effect
- Zone labels scale with Icon Size setting
- Minor tank stats pass (primarily addresses the overly optimistic Leopard 1 armor values)
- Supply platoons speed adjusted 55 -> 65 km/h
- Free Camera can be enabled during deployment & post-battle review
- When waypoints are displayed via Shift, current move command displays the actual path a platoon will follow (but not the queued-up commands, that may come later)
- Nation-specific supply trucks are now properly utilized in Skirmish modes
- Incremental improvements to a variety of vehicle models
- A great deal of bug fixes

Thanks for you attention!
Keep calm and carry on.
Swords of Legends Online - [CM] Fossilo

Get 50% more with a purchase of Crimson Coins during the Happy Hour!

Running (EU):from 24/12/2022 at 4:00 PM CET till 26/12/2022 at 4:00 PM CET

Running (NA): from 24/12/2022 at 10:00 AM EST/7:00 AM PST till 26/12/2022 at 10:00 AM EST/7:00 AM PST

See you in Shenzhou!

The SOLO Team
Gunsmith Simulator - Game Hunters Studio


The time has come to sum up the year, which was very good for us! Many milestones are behind us, we took part in two events: SIMFEST: Hobby Edition and Steam Next Fest, we launched playtests, and a free demo of our game. We were surprised because your feedback was huge!

We’d like to thank you for such great support and commitment you have shown us! This has helped us a lot in our work and further development of the game!

We know that the next year will be just as exciting, and we hope you'll see it really, really soon!

In the meantime, we'd like to wish you a healthy, joyful, and peaceful Christmas, spent with your loved ones, and remember that if you eat too much, you always can burn calories on the shooting range! We also wish you, a successful party on the last day of 2022 to inaugurate the New Year well!

Game Hunters Studio
Crossout - XO_Team

Survivors, this time the task is simple. Guess the part which we’ve riddled in the phrase
  • It is too difficult to imagine the upcoming holidays without this decoration, although somebody can find other uses for it.
We will choose 10 random winners among all those who answer correctly. They will receive 3 days of premium subscription and a banner background with blueprints.

  • Guess which part we've riddled.
  • Write the name of the part in the comments below, with your in-game nickname and the platform.
  • Send it until 26.12.2022, 09:00 GMT
For more information on Crossout, follow these channels:
Dec 24, 2022
Tortured Hearts - Or How I Saved The Universe. Again. - Teleport Games
Some news:

My card game is not finished, because AI image generation is not a trivial task at all. It will only be ready next year.
As for the sequel to TH, I've made as much progress as writing about 20,000 words of dialogue, which is a significant improvement, especially considering how many things I have to do at the same time.

Here is a great opportunity! Take advantage!

Before you buy the game, please try the free demo! In this way, you can make sure TH gives you what you expect without risking anything. Thank you.

Also, consider buying the BUNDLE that consists of 3 games.

In general, please support the indie developers of the world by purchasing their artwork.

Fun facts

Char gen guide

Please read the pdf document attached on the Shop page. Also, study the in-game help, it has tons of information about the game.
If you are stuck, either me or other players will help you. Feel free to ask any question.
You can find a very spoilerish description about the first third of the game here (read it only if you are hopelessly stuck)

If you're a new player, here are 2 very important things you should keep in mind:

-In order to invoke a tooltip, you'll have to keep left shift pressed while the cursor is over the target. Items, buttons and even buff/debuff icons at the top of the screen have a tooltip.

-Keeping Space pressed highlights interactives around you. Items, placeables, friendly or neutral creatures will have a blue marker, enemies will have a red one.


The game is non-linear to the extreme. This means, there is no set path for your character. Basically you can go wherever you want (with a few so-called choke points). This, of course, has its downsides because you can stumble upon enemies or skill checks too difficult for your current character. Don't fret though, the game offers plenty of other things to do (combatless questing, exploration, crafting, finding lore, fun conversations) until you become more capable. It's always a good idea to stock up on good equipment and potions before engaging enemies. Companions are super helpful on many levels.

If you find any issue, please notify me via e-mail immediately:
Save Game Path: Users > AccountName > AppData > LocalLow > Game Psych LLC > Tortured Hearts