Six Braves 🕌 - 零殇_Fanzero
AETHERIS - Joy_Sticks

Hello dear adventurers of the Wilderness,

After 3 months of waiting, we are back and we have great things for you.

/!\ This Update does not ensure compatibility with save files from the previous version. Therefore, you will not be able to run existing savefiles /!\

New features
  • Added chapter 5 : new quests, new monsters but also new fights and items.
  • Addition of creatures specific to the Shade
  • Added dynamic weather effects according to the events
  • Added an optional tutorial
  • Added loading screens illustrating the current chapter
  • Added the Village: the game now starts in the Village where you have to choose the adventurers who will form the first group and select (or not!) the Spirits who will accompany them

Gameplay changes
Narrative redesign:
  • Complete rewriting of the scenario
  • Removal of reinforcement mechanics
  • When a choice yieldscontains two possible outcomes, these outcomes always represent a success on the one hand and a failure on the other. The actual outcome is determined by a 50/50 random draw between these two possibilities
  • The sequence of events and battles within a chapter has been changed

  • The influence system has been removed. You are now free to choose your reactions (or almost...)
  • Vazzards can now have a Spirit
  • Spirits provide bonuses and one resurrection but prohibit risky choices (i.e. those with a random outcome)
  • When a Vazzard dies, it becomes a Spirit that can accompany the next adventurers. The bonuses that the Spirit confers depend on the level and build of the dead character.

The Shade :
  • Removed the Game Over when the Shade catches up with you. Instead, a tough fight against the Shade's creatures is triggered.
  • If you win, you regain a 10-day lead over the Shade.
  • In case of defeat, you return to the village to compose a new group of adventurers.

Removal of the "Sacrifice" Passive

Visual Changes
Choices with variable outcomes
  • Choices with variable outcomes are indicated as risky and are represented by a coin toss animation
  • The Shade threat progress bar is replaced by a chapter progress bar
Critical Strikes
  • Added animations for critical hits
  • Added new animations depending on the weapon equipped as well as several animation variations for each weapon.
  • Improved interface to better see and understand the impact of the four possible campfire decisions
  • The inventory interface has been redesigned for a better overall usability
  • Added comparison between equipped items and those in the inventory
Character sheet
  • Improved iconography of statistics for a better understanding
  • The game is now saved at the end of each event or victory in battle

Quality of life
  • Added a user setting to speed up the overall game
  • Added a user setting to speed up the game only when it's the AI's turn in combat
  • Traps are highlighted when they are on the currently highlighted path.
  • Ability to change language during the game

  • AI: NPCs avoid traps set by their allies as much as possible

Addition of sound effects on :
  • The campfire and its different actions
  • The level up interface
  • The critical hits

- The Wild Wits Games Team
Super Cycle (C64/CPC/Spectrum) - Pixel Games UK
  • Fixed a graphical issue in the Amstrad CPC version. Saved games in that version will unfortunately be invalidated.
Learning Factory - ElJorro

Welcome to this year's last content update! It might not look too gorgeous in terms of new stuff and such, but we have made a lot of little tweaks to make your never-ending work at Learning Factory significantly more comfortable!

But first, may we fancy you with this brand new trailer of ours:

v0.17.114 Released
  • New visuals for Manipulators
  • New Upgrade: increases the operating speed for regular Manipulators
  • Cacti now grow faster and provide High Quality Catnip Juice
  • Gameplay Options section added in the Settings
  • In-game wiki shows the speed of plants' regrowing under perfect conditions (suggested by Евгений Ры́марев)
  • Added an option to prevent items to fall off Transporters when they reach the end of a line (suggested by Евгений Ры́марев)
  • Added an option to remove items from the Backpack (suggested by Евгений Ры́марев) - hover mouse pointer over the item and press 'Backspace' or 'Delete' (by default)
  • Added an option for quick Blueprint creation (press 'Ctrl+Q' with your mouse pointed over target building)
  • Added an option for mass selecting and deleting Blueprints (press and hold 'Ctrl', and drag your mouse over target Blueprints)
  • Added an option to setup outputs for outputs of Splitters and Manipulators
  • Buildings placed over the Blueprints include the settings selected for those Blueprints
  • Added an option to toggle notifications from Data Storages on and off (suggested by aCDRph3rr3t_Is_RunningAmok)
  • Added an option to set the zooming distance limit
  • Added an option to mute the game when its window is inactive
  • Improved Pause indicator
  • Added an option to hide big warning when Blueprint mode or Pause are turned on
  • 2 new achivements
  • Interface fixes
  • Bug fixes
  • Optimization

And don't forget to follow Learning Factory on Steam to get the news about new updates as soon as they're out there

How to Get More Involved

Going to Early Access is but the first step to glory (and eternal cat happiness). Wanna be part of what happens next? Head to this blog post and learn how to help make the game even more awesome!

Share Your Gameplay and Become Part of KOTOVOD History
Learning Factory needs your help! Record a 10 or more minutes of you playing the game, share a video using any way you see fit, write your name into Learning Factory credits and get a promo cat! Make history here
SCP Strategy - LUXO Interactive
Hi SCP players!
The beginning of winter means a new update! Do you want to know what is new in version 1.5?

We have added some new visual upgrades to SCP Strategy!

NIGHT inspired by SCP-3899

WINTER inspired by SCP-251

VOLCANO inspired by SCP-1699

You can select any of them in the pause menu.
*in the interests of optimization, this feature is not available on low graphics settings

v1.5 changelog:
  • added 30new SCPs ( We have 430 now! )
  • added 3 new unique alternative looks of the globe
  • added new special events with new decisions to take
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

You can also join our discord.
Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander - Walt Destler
Bugfix: In rare instances, it would become impossible to save the game after jumping to a new star system.
Get ready for an immersive experience, unique game systems, and many new challenges to overcome as the Straw Hat Pirates.

The game is made up of three main components: Dramatic Story, Adventure, and Battle. This video will introduce these systems and how they work.

Learn more here 👇
Kujlevka - Callback
Every traveler who happened to pass through Kujlevka would inevitably find more than the little that can be expected from an ordinary post-Soviet village. At first glance, nothing is unusual: farm animals, gardens, moonshine... However, Kujlevka is much more than just an average village...

The Wizards - Dark Times: Brotherhood - CarbonStudio
Greetings, Wizards! 🧙‍♂

Sit around and listen carefully... for today we have some really groundbreaking news for you, everyone! In a moment, many things regarding the upcoming Brotherhood update and our plans for the future will become clear as day. But before that, let us start from the beginning.

Some time ago we published a content RoadMap for the Brotherhood update mentioned above 👆 We are aware that not all of its points have been delivered and that you are very curious about where the delay comes from. We're truly thrilled to see that you're so excited about the new co-op game mode and that you are asking so many questions about it. Now it's time to answer some of them.

Carbon Studio x Vertigo Games partnership on The Wizards - Dark Times: Brotherhood update

Ok, here's the deal! Vertigo Games and Carbon Studio enter a Publishing Agreement to bring The Wizards - Dark Times: Brotherhood to co-op VR gamers everywhere! This means that not one, but two great, experienced, and Virtual Reality-loving teams will work on the publication of our new product! 🥳

This is a unique opportunity for the Brotherhood update to become an even better, more recognizable, and much more popular title that connects players all around the world! The more wizards you can join forces with, the better, right? This is certainly joyful news that will positively affect our communication with the community 🤝 and open up a lot of new opportunities!

Arranging all the details and making plans for the future naturally slightly changed the course of our work and caused some delays. We are sorry about that! 😅 However, now that everything has been successfully finalized, you can expect a lot of interesting news, more specific answers, and brand-new assets presenting the game! 📣 In before - Brotherhood's release date still remains to be decided - we know you're looking forward to it, as are we, but we kindly ask you to wait with your questions until the new year (for now, let's enjoy the upcoming holidays and new year's eve)!

It wouldn't be a partnership without some quotes!

“From the very first The Wizards, Carbon Studio have shown that this is a team that does fantasy & magic in VR incredibly well,” said Kimara Rouwit, Publishing Director at Vertigo Games. “We’re incredibly proud to be entrusted with this latest release in Carbon’s fan-favorite fantasy series, and we look forward to welcoming many more brave adventurers and spellcasters to the beautiful world their team have crafted.”

"We are looking forward to our new partnership with Vertigo Games as it will enable us to bring even better VR experiences to all Virtual Reality enthusiasts all around the world. Just recently our The Wizards franchise reached a new milestone of 350.000 copies sold and we can't wait to see what we can achieve together with Vertigo Games in the very near future." - said Aleksander Caban, Founder of Carbon Studio.

Dec 21, 2022
General War Memories - jtggame
During this event, your in-game purchases will become even more enjoyable. The event is limited in time, don't miss your chance to get additional rewards.

*Now we will launch (in the game) an event of 4-5 days, each time before the date specified in the description.

Best regards, JTGGame Team!