Aura of Worlds - glider521al
Hi everyone!

We hope you're getting a well-earned break and time to catch up with friends and family during the festive season. We have some gifts for you with the latest update - 0.112.X:

Seasonal Tidings
  • Aura of Worlds is now on sale with 20% off + the discount in early access.
  • New Year's decorations

  • There's a new gift under the Christmas tree to the left of the starting area (even if you have claimed the previous three)
  • During the festive season, all XP gained is increased by 12%!

Quality of Life Enhancements
  • Improvement to Steam Deck support: We've been making changes to the game to better support the device. One of which has been making the game start in full-screen by default.
  • Spin Turtles continue to spin with low friction when stunned and thrown, allowing you to bowl opponents away.

  • We've been adding more ice decorations to Cold Crust Caverns, with more to come

  • New item pickup animation:

Patch 0.112.7 - Opponent health scaling
Enemy health now scale up according to the areas you complete (this was nescessary due to powercreep from gathering resources in each area sometimes making latter biomes easier than intended):
  • Grotto of Guidance + 5%
  • Gnarled Gardens +12%
  • Celestial Catacombs +12%

  • Rebalanced the critiical hits system
  • Nerfed the recovery rune from 35% recovery to 18% on normal/easy difficulty.
  • Fixed glitch with crystal blades that gave a very high crit rate under certain conditions.

  • Additional narrative context,
  • Decorations set up for New Year celebrations.

Update 0.112.7 - Opponent damage scaling
  • Enemy damage now scales according to the areas you complete.
  • Adjusted health scaling of gardens and catacombs from 15%->12%
  • Fixed text on having insufficient funds when trying to buy an item.

We hope you have a wonderful 2023 ahead!

Graveyard Architect - LUXO Interactive

Hello Architects!

Patch 0.2 is here! Do you want to know what changed?

v0.2 full changelog:
  • added a new playable champion
  • added upgrading champions
  • added destroying uninhabited graves and decoration objects
  • added a dying vignette
  • added new residents' expectations
  • added a new game screen
  • added credits screen
  • improved main menu
  • improved other UI panels
  • improved sword cursor

Let us know if you will find any new bugs or issues.
The Wall - AeroMiles
  • Added BeccaSomething skins
  • Fixed voice chat not working for red team
  • Optimized main menu more
  • Misc fixes
SCUM - Beda
Hey hey all, you thought we forgot about this holiday season? Think again friends, santa is here and he has presents.

Let's start with the news you want to hear the most right now. Update with vehicles. So the first one is the flashiest one. You wanted more vehicles, we said we will bring them out so here comes the Laika!

Another legendary vehicle is now ready to drop on the island. Another modular vehicle, you will need to put some effort before you drive around in this legend. Some say that it is the only true all-terrain vehicle that can run on anger itself.

That is not all that we have for vehicles. Hearing your issues you had with some of the vehicle spawns and accidents we implemented a couple of more functions for vehicle interactions.

As you can see now you have more options for those tricky situations where you were drunk driving and got your vehicle stuck on a ridge somewhere.

You can also push the vehicles backwards as well. We know, groundbreaking stuff.

We are changing some stuff around the traders as well. First of all we have redesigned the trader UI a bit so it is more clear about your payment options and item selection.

But there is also a function behind it as well. You might've noticed 2 little locks in the navbar of that screenshot. It is a part of the fame point trading redesign. The Fame point spending did not work as well as we planned and it showed by your feedback. So we have put a new system in place. Instead of spending fame points as just another form of currency, items will now be locked behind a fame point level. The idea is that the Traders will not trade with some unknown player they cannot trust. So you will still need to save your Fame points and be carful what you do on the island that you don't loose them.

Do keep in mind this is the first iteration of this new system, more balancing and fleshing out will come as well.

We added some more changes!!! C4 got it's first wave of rework or better to say and addition to the functionality of it.

You can now plant C4 on BB elements. Now this is done with a reason. It showed that with the C4 on the ground system it was easily exploitable with some shenanigan Base Building and a lot of the intended elements would stay still. Now you can plant C4 on the elements and make sure you have a breaching hole once detonated and can raid with assurance. You can still plant the C4 on the ground for ambushes and clearing people out of buildings if you want to so don't worry.

Also this is the first version of it and will be adjusted according to yall feedback.

  • Fixed the bug where Herbicide would not spawn.
  • Fixed the bug related with naming Chests.
  • Fixed the bug where weapon scope would become transparent when entering the photo mode while ADS.
  • Fixed the bug where there was wrong physical material on garden box.
  • Fixed the bug related with writing on blank sign element.
  • Fixed the issue with database performance that would impact partial wipes. ( no we are not doing a wipe some private servers had issues, relax)
  • Fixed the issue where cargo drop notification would show wrong information.
  • Fixed the issue where platers looting from cargo drop directly into vehicles could cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where the passengers in boats would showcase dominance through T-pose.
  • Fixed the bug where you could accelerate the boats twice as fast by pressing multiple keys at once like you were the main character in Fast franchise.
  • Possible fix for disappearing items after game restart.
  • Fixed the bug where the steering wheel would not turn when steering the vehicle.
  • Fixed the issue where the Wolfswagen engine was not visible.
  • Fixed the issue where it was possible to re-attach vehicle parts when removing them without a car jack.
  • Fixed the bug where NPC traders would say their voice lines when players are outside of their zone.
  • Fixed the bug where Wheelbarrows would not decay properly when destroyed.
  • Fixed the issue where non functional vehicles would still spawn on a server where the setting forbids them, aka only functional vehicles can spawn.
  • Fixed the bug where projectiles could not damage some BB elements.
  • Fixed the bug where gravel bags found in the world would have a fixed one usage.
  • Fixed the bug where vehicles would turn off when other players are nearby.
  • Fixed the bug where vehicles would not activate mines.

  • Nerfed the strength of brakes on the Wolfswagen.
  • Tweaked gear ratios and gear shift on the Wolfswagen.
  • Added weapon parts category with the armorer.
  • Adjusted hazmat suit effect on lockpicking minigame.
  • Adjusted Fame point gain for selling items.

Again don't forget to have a Christmas tree set up in your base when Christmas comes around or Santa will not visit you.
The Guild 3 - Scandal
Hello folks!

Patch 1.0.5 solves a number of network issues, the loading times are improved and it fixes a number of graphical glitches.

We would like to give a special thanks to NeoX, Tobsga, Wormic, Kate'sJoy, Ishtano, Neopolis and Kruemel for helping us test the network bug fixes for this patch!

Your saved games with the versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.4 are still working!

Build number: 681635
- we fixed a number of network issues, especially those that prevent you from joining a game
- the loading times for the maps are a lot faster now
- we fixed a number of bugs with the inventory of characters and buildings - before that it was possible that one looses or duplicated an item when transferring it from one inventory to another inventory
- we fixed a number of script errors
- we solved a number of graphical glitches
- we implemented new ground textures (e.g. puddles :-) )
- every map has been repainted with the new textures

Please let us know if you still have issues with mixed ipv4 / ipv6 games and we will look into that as soon as possible!

Thank you for your patience so far! You will hear from us again in the next patch notes ;-)
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Your The Guild 3 team

We value your feedback!
Please support us and take the time to give reviews. And it would greatly help us if you could enter the issues you find during your play in our Redmine-Bugtracker. Please do not forget to add save games and/or crash-dumps, where available, follow the link to the forum.

Join the official The Guild 3-Discord server where you can meet other players to chat about the game.
Dec 21, 2022
Battle Map Studio - Bradley
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope you are enjoying the season as much as I am. I have some awesome additions to share with you in this update, so letā€™s get started.

Official Hero ForgeĀ® Support

A little while ago I met with the folks at Sky Castle Studios about bringing Hero ForgeĀ® support to Battle Map Studio. They introduced me to their API and gave me the OK to integrate it to Battle Map Studio. Since then, I have been working on adding Hero ForgeĀ® support and improving Battle Map Studios' asset management tools.

Importing a Hero ForgeĀ® Mini
To get started with importing your Hero ForgeĀ® minis to Battle Map Studio, navigate to the Asset Manager and then select the Hero ForgeĀ® tab.

Before importing minis, youā€™ll need to connect your Hero ForgeĀ® account by inputting your Hero ForgeĀ® Access Key (find it here). If you donā€™t have a Hero ForgeĀ® account, create one here!

Scroll down to view all of your cool Hero ForgeĀ® minis!

Once your Hero ForgeĀ® account is connected, just select a Hero ForgeĀ® mini and click Import. Now you can use your Hero ForgeĀ® mini in Battle Map Studio!

Hero ForgeĀ® minis are imported as characters, so they can move, attack, die, and use the built-in character sheet!

Wall Updates
Since I added layers to Battle Map Studio, Iā€™ve been thinking of updating walls so that they can be layered seamlessly and connect with other styles smoothly. So, in this update, I normalized the base wall model so that each typical wall style is consistent with one another.

Quick Walls
If you didnā€™t already know, Battle Map Studio has a nice tool to quickly create rooms. When using the Dragger tool (hotkey is M), select the House icon button to open the Quick Wall options.

Here you can select a built-in room set, or customize your own. Once you have your wall, entrance, and tile configured, just drag on an area to create a perfect room filled with tiles!

A convenient feature of Quick Walls is that you drag areas to overlap with other rooms to quickly merge and connect rooms.

Colonnade Mode
A player kindly suggested that there was an easier way to make colonnade rooms. I was able to add a new corner archway to most wall styles, so now you can make rooms with archways all the way around.

If you want to quickly create colonnade rooms, thereā€™s a new feature for that! To activate Colonnade Mode, simply hit Customize in the Quick Wall options window and then check the Colonnade Mode toggle.

Winter Asset Pack
In the spirit of the season, I put together a big pack of new winter-themed assets!

New Assets:
  • 6 Snowy Spruce trees
  • 6 Snowy Fir trees
  • 6 Snowy Birch trees
  • 7 Snowy Bushes
  • 9 Snowy Debris
  • 7 Snowy Logs
  • 1 Frozen Road Tile
  • 6 Snowy Stone Tiles
  • 9 Snowy Grasses
  • 3 Snowy Rocks
  • 9 Undead Warriors
  • 3 Iron Sconces
  • 3 Snowy Stone Walls
  • 4 Snowy Stone Entrances
  • 5 Iron Braziers
  • 1 Stone Stool
  • 1 Stone Table
  • 5 Dungeon Chests
  • 6 Small Dungeon Chests
  • 1 Wooden Ladder
  • 2 Stone Baluster
  • 3 Stone Tombs
  • 1 Trap Door
  • 1 Metal Bars Tile
  • 7 Iron Chains
  • 3 Dungeon Candles
  • 3 Snow Walls
  • 4 Snow Entrances
  • 8 Dungeon Pillars
  • 2 Dungeon Altars
  • 2 Golems
  • 1 Hide Tent
  • Refined the Quick Wall window to reflect current UI styles.
  • Holding Shift exclusively (instead of Z) will now ignore ray-casting units during selection.
  • Hitting Z (instead of holding Z) will now toggle raycasting targets during painting.
  • Replaced Oriental Spruce trees with Fraser Fir trees.
  • Created two new built-in palettes named Sazi Pueblo and Frozen Fortress.
  • Reactivated 8 grass styles and renamed each of them to Patchy Grass.
  • Updated Tilt Five SDK to 1.2.2
  • Fixed a bug where water was unavailable in the terrain options and new map window.
  • Fixed a bug where you could drag-move a character when using the brush.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tilt Five to not render anything to the glasses.
  • Fixed a bug where creating a water tile would throw an error while using some tools (e.g. rain).
  • Fixed an input bug where hitting the key to toggle the layer gizmo would trigger when editing an input field.


Book of Demons - Konstanty

Good news everyone! First of all, the game now includes the Czech language! This is thanks to the excellent community translator who took the time to translate the game and worked with us to integrate the translation.

We also, finally, got the official playable verification for Steam Deck! The only thing holding us back from getting that green tick is the text size in the game, which is a tiny bit smaller than required for the Steam Deck. Aside from that everything works and the game runs perfectly. Since the text size probably won't change (as it would require a manual rework of the whole GUI) now is the best time to play the game in your Deck.

Other stuff included in this update are various accumulated fixes and improvements to the rendering and window system backend. Peculiar resolution handling issues on ultrawide displays should be a thing of the past.

As always,
Stay safe in the paper dungeons ĖarchduckĖ
Legendary Mahjong 2 - App2cat
1. Removed mystery boxes from some levels (they may have caused the game to crash and give a negative gaming experience).
2. Tile selections now have the correct offset when using bonuses.
3. Slight improvement in loading speed.
4. Limiting fps in moments of fade immediately before and after loading content.
Right! So we are closing onto third wave of Playtest invites - those who have signed up, you might get one within next 24 hours!

Also I am happy to say, that latest VO is in the works and new music also has found it's way into the game. It all looks and sounds so good!

If you want a small spoiler about one location and hear sweet music mix, head out to GRUNND's Twitter and look it up :)

Also, you still can subcribe for our playtest - who knows!

See ya!

- Olafs

Dec 21, 2022
War Thunder - magazine2

  • A bug that caused the UAV to crash into an invisible obstacle when trying to fly under the bridge in the ā€œPradeshā€ location has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the grass around a moving tank to shake on Xbox Series S and PC with DirectX 12 has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the shadows to flicker on objects and the ground has been fixed.
  • 3D decals for aircraft hits have been fixed.
  • Decals of armour penetration made by kinetic shells have been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.