Dec 20, 2022
MagiCat - tkhnoman
Button icon now properly show Controller icon when using controller.
You can set controller's icon type (XBOX / PS / SWITCH) from the controller setting.
Fabric Of Reality - Jester
- Updated some gamemode descriptions
- Added more "Tips" ;)
- The tip screen now last a little longer on devices that load too quickly
- Fixed a bug where certain easter eggs wouldn't function properly
- Added some info on seeded runs when hovering over the seed box in the menu
- Slightly nerfed movement stat scaling
- Slightly buffed bulletsize stat scaling
- Slightly nerfed enemy speed early game
- Slightly nerfed the initial defensive buff to bosses when they spawn

If you encounter any bugs or exploits, or just want to give some feedback, join our DISCORD
Myth of Empires - ricoooo
Myth of Empires will undergo a temporary maintenance on December 22 from 06:00 to 07:00 UTC (one hour). Make sure to log off before then to avoid any losses. Maintenance time may be extended as needed. Thank you for your understanding.

Lantern Hunt Event:
Event Period: 12/23/2022 at 00:00 - 1/2/2023 at 23:59 UTC
1.Lanterns containing items will fall from the sky at different points around the map.
2.Lanterns have a chance to contain Cloud-piercing Arrows. These arrows can be used to summon another lantern drop at your location.

If you encounter any problems while downloading, installing, or entering the game, please contact customer service.

Thank you again for your support!
Continent of the Ninth Seal - Ellesmere

Hello C9 Actionist~

We would like to inform everyone that Continent of the ninth seal will perform its server maintenance. This is for new updates, changes, server refresh, etc.

[Estimated Time]

4-5 hours (Subject to change)

[Start Schedule]

December 21, 2022 18:00 PST
December 22. 2022 02:00 UTC
December 22, 2022 03:00 CET

Please note that during the maintenance, the game server will be inaccessible. We can only ask for your kind patience during this time.

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on our customer support service center or on our official Facebook fan page!

Community Announcements - 暗夜以北
◆冬日庆典-阳菜的贺年卡 活动开启◆

1. 活动时间:2022年12月21日维护后——2023年1月6日4:59,共计16天;
2. 活动规则:活动期间的对局会累计和牌点数,达到一定点数后可在活动界面领取奖励。奖励将根据活动时间逐步解锁,包含寻觅卷轴、活动插画等丰厚奖励!(与电脑的对局将不累计和牌点数)

※. 详细内容见游戏内活动页;
※. 活动插画可能于将来游戏内插画屋中销售,插画屋功能详见本公告后内容。


1. 新增“背景屋”且可使用服饰券购买背景,并上架以下背景:

2. 新增“插画屋”且可使用指定宝玉购买插画,插画可在加载界面展示。每周都会刷新不同的插画内容;

3. “星之屋”将上架以下新装扮:

※. 上述背景、装扮为常驻内容,本次活动结束后依然可获取;
※. 插画可在仓库-插画中设置随机展示的插画,如未设定将展示默认加载界面。


1. 2022年12月21日维护后——2023年1月6日4:59,共计16天;

2. 新增寻觅“冬日魅影”雀士获取概率UP:

3. 新增寻觅“冬日华光”雀士获取概率UP:
4 2022年12月21日维护后——2023年1月6日4:59,共计16天;

※. 上述装扮将于2023年1月6日4:59概率UP活动结束后下架,下架后将无法获取。
※. 雀士及装扮获取概率详见寻觅-奖励一览中对于获取概率的说明。

1. 活动时间:2022年12月21日维护后——2023年1月6日4:59,共计16天;



1. 活动时间:2022年12月21日维护后——2023年1月6日4:59,共计16天;



※. 服饰需持有对应雀士后才可以使用
※. 购买后的服饰可在仓库-服饰中查看已持有的服饰状态;
※. 动态服饰可在寮舍内设置是否开启动态,部分界面中暂不支持动态效果
※. 寮舍内点击服饰按钮或寮舍-查看角色-点击角色头像旁服饰按钮可更换服饰。

1. 新增了雀士:相原舞的传记剧情;
2. 新增了友人:近期对局功能,可在页面中查看最近对局过且非好友的玩家;
3. 新增了寮舍:随机装扮功能,可在方案中选择多种装扮在对局中随机使用;
4. 增加了寮舍:装扮方案数量,现在对局装扮方案上调至10套;
5. 新增了大会室:对战表功能,赛事后台的对局管理中可批量导入对局名单;
6. 新增了设置:全局静音功能;
7. 增加了邮件领取界面距离过期剩余时间的倒计时提示;
8. 优化了部分窗口界面;
9. 优化了牌谱查看功能;
Earthling's Undertaking - 、有珠

1. 修复炼丹最多只能产出一颗丹药的问题
2. 修复可能的异常铸造计划导致整个铸造计划序列卡住的问题
3. 修复一处种植会导致回合卡死的问题
4. 修复初始生活技能大于新手时,技能效果未生效的问题
5. 修复同类生活词条超过5个时,工作结算会异常的问题
6. 修复福星器师/气运器师描述及效果配置错误的问题
7. 修复导致种植计划列表混乱或地块上的灵植未与计划绑定的问题
8. 修复弟子存在强制产出丹药数量为N个的词条时,一回合完成多次循环产出的数量总为N个的问题(实际产出数量为N*完成循环次数)
9. 生活技能升级时,概率获得当前生活技能相关的好词条,小概率获得其它技能的坏词条
10. 调整种植获得的境界经验,经验获得和种植品质有关,品质越高经验越高
11. 铸造和派生界面指定\移除弟子时添加小人入场和离场动画
12. 调整人物生活面板部分UI信息显示
13. 添加种植词条显示图标
14. 修复因移除工作计划异常可能导致的卡回合的问题
15. 修复人物悬浮信息界面生活词条重复显示问题
16. 修复在多次炼丹循环同时完成时未能正确计算返还的材料数值的问题
17. 修复任务村落消失导致不能完成任务的问题,已消失的任务村落已重新刷出
18. 调整清风初始特性,由炼丹大师改为炼丹熟手
19. 为历史存档高等级生活技能刷新升级触发的生活特性


Scions of Fate - Scions of Fate
Dear SOF Community!

We will be performing maintenance at 18:00 PM (PST) on 12/21.
We expect this maintenance to last about 4~5 hours.
Kindly find the detailed information below.

Dec 21, 18:00 PM (PST) – Dec 21, 23:00 PM (PST)
1. Christmas Costume Effect Event
Wear Christmas Costumes on Christmas and get benefits!

2. Christmas in Scions of Fate
It will be snowing in all areas except Southern Forest and dungeon to make White Christmas to SOF players.

3. Christmas with Soul Pet! [NEW]
Go and talk to Soyul!

4. Christmas Event Quest [END]
a) Christmas, opportunity for Skyryu
b) Christmas, Pure Crystal Bell creation by Drunken Chan
c) Christmas, Sneaky trade with Heather

5. Premium Shop Update
a) Costume for this month - "SaEumMin"
b) Christmas S.Lion's Roar

For details of the event, please visit our website
SOF Team
Steel Ocean: Wolves of Deep Sea - zhaolei
Hello Captains:

We will temporarily maintain the game "Steel Ocean: Wolves of Deep Sea" from 18:30-19:30 Pacific Time on Dec 21, 2022 (09:30-10:30 Beijing Time on Dec 22, 2022). Captains, please be ready to go offline.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you
Exos Heroes - andy.oh
Dancing Cube - SpicyPaper
Hey there!

This is the biggest update since the game launched in Early Access.
It contains 2 new levels, a Christmas theme, a Christmas hat, and an updated Demo version :)

We added one of the 2 new levels in the Demo to allow the players to enjoy more and give them a better idea of the game and how difficulties impact levels.
We also resolved a bug in the Infinity mode where the elapsed time was stopped when the player reached 5 minutes. Try to go over 5 minutes; Good luck ^^
Since we added 2 new levels and fixed bugs in the Infinity mode, we've reset the leaderboard (you can try to be the best on the board again).
PlayStation and Switch controllers are now compatible with the game.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you discover new bugs or have any feedback. Contact us on Discord, or via the form accessible from the game's main menu.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all!
See you soon. We hope you'll enjoy the update :)


  • Fixed an issue in "Infinity" mode where elapsed time was incorrectly computed


  • PlayStation and Switch controllers are now compatible with the game


  • A new version of the free demo is available
  • In this version a new level was added, there's now one "easy" and one "hard" level
  • All fixes done in the game during the last patches are now also available in the demo (Christmas there, character hat, bug fixes, etc.)


  • Millennials: new level and music
  • Last Hope: new level and music
  • Need a break: the difficulty of the level was changed from "medium" to "hard"
  • Need a break: some animations were updated to be better synced with the music, an "elevate" animation was updated to allow characters to jump to the max height, removed a hole in the wall at the end of the level (this hole sometimes allowed players to get out of the main Cube)


  • A Christmas hat was added to the game for the character. You can equip your character during character selection


  • A new Christmas theme was added to the game, it will be ON by default, but can be disabled in the settings menu. After the Winter holidays period, the theme will be OFF by default
  • Your head accessory is now displayed on your character in the score end menu
  • Update credits menu (scroll and content)


  • In "Multiplayer" mode, the shockwaves now also affect invincible characters (the character is invincible for a few seconds after taking damage)
  • Augment the floor friction to avoid players sliding after a shockwave


  • End menu: the volume of this song was reduced a little bit to match the other songs
  • Sprung: the volume of this song was reduced a little bit to match the other songs


  • Scores made in solo "Playlist" mode will be reset for "Need a break" and "Sonic Boom" due to changes done to those levels, sorry about that. May happen again in the future since we are still in Early Access and some stuff need sometimes to be reworked.


  • A new leaderboard was created, all the new scores done while playing in "Infinity" mode will be saved on this new leaderboard (we made a backup of the previous leaderboard that we'll display in-game during a later update in-game, stay tuned)