Nov 5, 2022
The RPG Engine - The Architect
Major stability improvements - mostly for the player-sheets which now run as expected regardless of OS language.
Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow - hauaj ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Hi :3

We've just opened our Discord server. If you would like to join it would mean a world to us. Come say hi as we would love to have you here ːlunar2019piginablanketː

Click the banner below to join or use a link :3

Critter Crops - charlie.lael
Final patch before the end of the open Beta!

Thank you all for playing. We look forward to sharing more along the way! 😁

The demo will be coming down on the 7th so please share with your friends and play while you can!

SkyReqch Team 🧡
Slender Myth - steelrainstudiosbusiness
Hello everyone, we hope you are having an awesome day, we sincerely apologize for not keeping you all up to date with last week's update. Here is what we have accomplished during last 2 weeks:
- Removing glitches
- Update to the Slender model
- Expansion of the hospital
- Reworked some core mechanics
- Updated main menu
- Added soundtracks
- Revamp of the main map

- Main map: ~59%

You can be expecting development updates on weekly basis... Hopefully. In case you have any questions feel free to leave them below. Have a great rest of your day.

- Sincerely,
Steel Rain Studios Team
The Cabin - Summer Vacation - Cell
Hey, just wanted to thank everyone who has purshased the game already and those who have it in their wishlist.

We had a bit of a rocky start, we planned to release once episode 1-5 was rewrote but due to some personal issues we had to release a little early. On top of that I decided to make a smaller side game to see how well they do on steam and to see if smaller stories are something people might be interested in. That game is currently under review by steam and hopefully will be released in a few days.

But now that the smaller game is finished, my focus is 100% back on the cabin so I wanted to jump on and let you know where we're at and what to expect going forward.

The art for episode 2 is 80% complete. It was 100% but since the writer is doing a rewrite of the whole thing we decided to add in a couple of additional scenes to fill in some spaces where we had a massive time gap.

The writing for episode 2 is about 30% done. Might not seem like much but the writing was working on the 2nd mini game as well ( he turned my piece of crap kinetic game into an actual game with choices and different outcomes :P ) also he is a super fast writer so I have full faith in him.

I don't want to give an estimate for a release just yet but we're thinking either end of this month or start/middle of next month. I know Wizard++ is a fast writer but I'm putting the release date that far ahead just to be on the safe side.

Some of you also may have noticed that episode 1-4 is available on our patreon account. This is an older version of the game though and a lot of that will be changed so I wouldn't bother trying it.

I'll also be keeping you updated a lot more. My sole focus this last couple months has been on Emi to get that out and finished. Now that it's done, I'll be focused a lot more on The Cabin.
Nov 5, 2022
Master of War: Rule of Power - Piotr Sowa Omegan's Domain
Hi there and sorry for waiting. For now, I planning to launch updates every 2nd week until it will be enough good to leave for a while(until I got the idea for some major updates).

In this update, there is another AI improvement where building civilian buildings and training workers, the last segment is building a defence, after that, I gonna focus on adding sorcerers and multiplayer.

Also, because the level of AI aggression is high, I planning to change a bit the game economy to avoid the fast building of the base, for example, where currently some structure cost is 25 food, will be 75.

Here are some examples of how the AI base now looks like:

= V 1.0.3 =

- Removed: limitation of the number of barracks;
- Fixed: searching for building locations;
- Added: searching for a building location takes into account only the type of terrain on which the character can move;
- Improved: Depending on the level of the AI player, additional resources are awarded each turn, but not the unit limit;
- Added: When AI is unable to feed its minions:
-- does not produce troops or build more barracks;
-- builds resource generators;
- Added: When the AI does not have enough houses, it builds another:
- Added: production of civilian units in the amount equal to the AI level;

- Terrain icons in the map editor have been enlarged;
- An intro has been added;

- Added: Mountain King(size S);
Nov 5, 2022
Axiom of Maria - Studio Ganzheit

Adding a savepoint also required saving the script instance, which took some extra work. Besides game save, polishing backgrounds and lighting is ongoing as well. The text is not ready yet.
Graffiti Battle - Developer
  • Added new feature, door unlock mechanic. Optional, pressing a door bell may result in door to open buzz sound playing and subsequent unlock of door for duration of buzzing.

  • Added new feature Achievements, accessible by pressing 'G'. Achievements are synchronized with your Steam account.

  • Increased the distance between the player and wall, for a successful spray.
  • Increased the distance of the spraying camera.

The Umbridge Estate - NotSpark
- Massively improved games performance (3-4x FPS) by changing the games lighting engine and converting the game to DX11 from DX12.

- Fixed a bug that when you open a book/map the player keeps moving.

- Updated missing hedge collisions.

- Added a motion blur toggle to game settings.

- Fixed bug where one of the monsters wouldn't produce any (warning) audio.

- Updated the games lobby UI and added the ability to kick players.
Bird and Beast Fantasy - mingjilongyuan

1. Add the blood-returning function of hemostatic herb.

2. Adjust the English display.

3. Add the interface shield to prevent accidental touch.

Next step

1. Add the sound effect of taking medicine.

2. Add the special effects of taking medicine.

3. Further adjust the English display.