Dread Templar - FQ_Dominik
Hello everyone!

We have some important news to tell you. As you may have noticed, the roadmap for Dread Templar said that the game should have left Early Access by the end of October, which unfortunately did not happen. Some of you also received a notification from Steam that said "Out of Early Access now", that we apologize for, the message went out by accident.

So how are things with Dread Templar actually? We have encountered some in-game issues that we hoped to have resolved before the planned release date. These have unfortunately turned out to be more serious than we expected, which eventually stopped us from releasing the game in October. Thus we have decided to give the developer as much time as is needed to finish and polish the game so you could have the best experience possible.

That being said, we are aiming for Dread Templar to leave Early Access by late January / early February. We believe the game will be at its best state by then and you will get what you've been waiting for so patiently!

Thank you very much for understanding and for supporting us! Even with the slight delay, the game is still a banger and we are really looking forward to releasing it! Join our Social Media channels and stay tuned!
Onirism - Pizzanami

Happy Halloween everyone !

Oh do we have a special treat for you on this Horrible day !
Introducing.... The Academy of Evil !

Carol was eager to learn magic, and asked her friend Ragg's to teach her.
She brought Carol to the school she attended in her younger years, the Lecordier's Public school of Witchcraft !

Grab a wand, your Broomstick and complete each tasks to learn about magic around the town of Spooktown, the lake of sorrows, the cursed forest and the School castle itself !

This is a very different Tales map, as survival is not the main point, but completing each task is ! Defeat bullies, help teachers, do your magical homework and much more ! Also, don't be afraid to be blasted to bits, magic will bring you back instantly this time !

and since Carol is here to learn about magic, she will be able to use Magic textbooks !

Ignis Badaboum: Shoot forward a big fireball, exploding on impact and setting ablaze anyone unlucky to get caught in the blast.

Magnus Saltus: Summon a magical trampoline under your feet, making you jump to great heights !

Atchoum Fluctus: Make a nasty blizzard appear, freezing the poor souls around you.

Terra Daemonium: Call upon a demon of the underworld, smashing your foes.

Minima Persona: Shrink yourself, making you so much harder to hit !

Volare Natare: Become instantly weightless and able to swim around in the air ! And remember childrens, it's nataaaaaaaare.

Spectrum Invokum: Summon ghosts from the afterlife to attack your enemies.

Abra Isekai: Call upon the mighty ghost truck, sending your enemies to another world, where they can probably enjoy a life they dreamed about.

Nonoss Invokum: Summon Skellie bois to go annoy other students.

Vitibus Spiculum: Entangle targets in magical torns, damaging them and restricting their movement.

Peros Guirec: Shoot foward a mighty Storm, striking lightning on anyone unlucky enough to get close to it.

Lux Spharea: Fire a huge vortex that can bounce on any surface, damaging opponents.

Exponentia Sanguinis: Use the dark arts to steal lifeforce from your enemies.

Malum Cucurbitae: Fire a malicious pumpkin spirit, homing on your foes.

Good luck everyone ! We hope you enjoy this event ! Happy Halloween again !

The game will also be on sale from October 31th to November 7th !

Company of Heroes - JohnT_RE
Check out our latest faction deep dive with the Company of Heroes 3 Gameplay team. We review two action-packed multiplayer games (including one with the legendary DevM!), discuss main rosters, Battlegroups, and all the new ways to play this classic faction.

Company of Heroes 2 - JohnT_RE
Check out our latest faction deep dive with the Company of Heroes 3 Gameplay team. We review two action-packed multiplayer games (including one with the legendary DevM!), discuss main rosters, Battlegroups, and all the new ways to play this classic faction.

Galaxy Life - Matthias
It's update Monday! Our team has been working hard on bringing you fixes and new features in the game!
We are working on new things like your starbase storage increasing when you upgrade it and an all new reward system for logging in daily! These systems are currently in testing phase and will be included in a follow up update.

We are also working on some exciting upgrades to the game and it's engine, but it's too early to provide sneak peaks ;) not to worry, you will hear more about it!

Now what's in todays update?

-You can remove friends now using the neighbours tab in the top bar
-Added scroll bars to more top bar windows to indicate the capability to scroll
-Fixed a crash with unit upgrading
-Fixed a crash when wargates suddenly disappeared
-Fixed a bug causing a crash on login after making a colony
-Fixed a bug where the halloween event would constantly restart after it's completed
-Added required functionality for future game updates
Community Announcements - JohnT_RE
Check out our latest faction deep dive with the Company of Heroes 3 Gameplay team. We review two action-packed multiplayer games (including one with the legendary DevM!), discuss main rosters, Battlegroups, and all the new ways to play this classic faction.

BMX The Game - Barspin Studios
Hi guys!

We are back with a new version! This version has been a few weeks in the Beta branch and tested by the Discord community.

After a long time, we are back with new updates and news. If you want to be more in the loop, remember to enter Discord.

This update is the result of all the feedback collected by the community and implemented with the aim of making the game more accessible, stable, and predictable.

For this, we have changed endless internal systems and processes, such as the cameras, much more stable to improve the experience, the controls, simplified and direct so that everyone adapts easily, in addition to various guides and help, to facilitate and improve the gameplay and of course, a lot of optimization work has been done.

We explain a little more about the most significant changes:
  • Cameras: The cameras have been redone, aiming to be smoother and more stable.
  • Gameplay: Hundreds of values ​​have been adjusted. Speeds, times, and forces have been calibrated to the maximum. With the aim of improving and balancing the user experience.
  • Tricks: Apart from fixing many bugs, animations, and adjustments, new tricks have been introduced that extend the gaming experience.
  • Flips: The flip system is entirely new, just doing a double flick up or down with the left stick and holding the gesture before leaving a ramp will allow you to jump off by launching a flip, without interrupting the possibility of doing other tricks in the air while you flip.
  • Server: Since we put in the sharing features, the server has been giving problems, we have thought of a new system for the future, but for now, we have solved part of the problem, and currently sharing parks and downloading them is operational again.
  • Trick Control & Layout: The Layout of the controller has changed a bit, the pin dropper, the brake, and something else due to the change in concept when performing tricks. Regarding the controls, there were many of you who asked for a change in the performance of tricks, for a simpler, faster system that would be easy for you to adapt to. For this, we have had to change the entire root system and we hope that this change is good for everyone.
  • Skinning, Poses & Animations: A lot of work has been tweaked and redone around this, and many really annoying visual bugs have been improved and removed.
  • Bugs: It is really impossible to try to list all the bugs, but to give you an idea, everything has been covered and improved. Bugs in Grinds, in Backwards, in performance we have worked on everything and more, in lighting many things and we are still playing for the next version, problems with controls, pin dropper etc...

And the known issues to solve in the future:
  • We have not indicated in the Layout that to enter and exit Slow Motion by pressing L3.
  • The replays recorded in the new Featured Park, if they are saved and played from the Media option of the Menu, the pieces of the park do not appear.
  • The tutorial videos have been outdated, we are working on a completely new tutorial.
  • As we have not been able to introduce all the new riding systems, there are still some bugs or strange in the flow of the gameplay, due to the mixing of various systems. This is mainly what we are working on these last few months.

Above all, it is necessary to look at the new Control Layout, since it has changed quite a bit. The trick system, the pin dropper, and how to save and load a mark is very important. We attach them here as well to make it faster for you to check them out.

Thank you all! Stay tuned!
Barspin Studios Team
Join us on
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/7sPP6DF
Instagram: @bmx_the_game
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bmxthegame
Twitter: @BMXTheGame
Company of Heroes 3 - JohnT_RE
Check out our latest faction deep dive with the Company of Heroes 3 Gameplay team. We review two action-packed multiplayer games (including one with the legendary DevM!), discuss main rosters, Battlegroups, and all the new ways to play this classic faction.

Marble Trap - jsprod
Changes to HUD/GUI elements to display nice on both 16:10 and 16:9 screen ratio's.

Small change effecting only people using controller.
I noticed by using different controllers all return different values when moving all the way. But the keyboard always returns 1 or -1. Some controllers never reach the 1 and stop at 0.7 for example. The result of this is that the keyboard players are faster against this player using this controller. So I made the controller stick always act like the keyboard when you move the stick over the half.

I'm also working on a bigger content update!
WORLD OF HORROR - pan staszek

  • This small update should fix all issues the macOS players had while updating the game.

Thanks for reading!