Oct 28, 2022
WHATEVER - ipoon
- Adjust level 8 speed trophy's time threshold
- Adjust level 8 stars' time threshold
- Fix level 4 collision

Sorry for your sorry for your inconvenience.
Kenshi - Kirstals
Hey there Kenshi fans, we’re here for another round-up of excellent community content highlighting some of the amazing work done by the Kenshi modding community.

Did you know that there are more than 10,000 items in the Steam Workshop for Kenshi? Big up the modders, we appreciate all your efforts.

The world of Kenshi is pretty terrifying as it is but if you really want to get into the spirit this Halloween, we have 15 spooky mods created by the community to share with you.

We've also collated into a single Steam Workshop Collection.

Fog Hounds are some kind of terrifying, weird dog/Fogman crossbreed and “will happily eat your face”. Lovely.

To add to your Fog Land adventures, we have the Mist Ghouls, who don’t eat, don’t bleed, don’t talk but are unnaturally fast and incredibly tough.

Now, we don’t really have any other words to describe this mod other then terrifying.

You all thought Beak Things couldn’t get any worse? Then you haven’t met the Hydra, the ruler among Beak Things.

See if you’re able to survive the zombie infested deserts and swamps! They devour anyone who falls at their feet.

With this mod, you can either fight back against a terrible plague, be the reason for the terrible plague an play as the Immortal Vampire Morbius.

Go hunting for a half man, half dog beast that’s been spotted in the Vain area, adding to the other cute and cuddly creatures that want to devour your insides.

This mod was made by Arkhiel back when we co-hosted a Halloween competition with the Kenshi Community Discord. Install this and you’ll find a pumpkin head (excellent), a broom (nice), and “a lot of dudes in a few biomes (border zone, swamp, desert, okran valley and a few more) wearing that and behaving like shrieking bandits, just because”. Lovely stuff.

Ever wanted a rotting corpse with spikes or limbs of a flesh eating insect in your squad?

Who wouldn’t want their arms to be replaced with their chainsaws, along with a matching headpiece?

Another entry from the old Kenshi Community Discord Halloween contest with some rather fetching Halloween-esque cosmetic items. Scare off your enemies by having a cleaver through your head or an arrow in your knee… whatever you’re in the mood for.

Sometimes there are things that we don’t ask for, but this? We love this.

Let’s throw in another contender into the 'most disturbing Kenshi creature’ category with Long Necks!

You’ve been roaming the harsh lands for many seasons, but no corpse has ever risen, until now.

Hunt down or save the Fungoid race, who are known for their high farming and medical skills!

We hope you enjoyed this spooky mod showcase! Let us know if you’ll be trying out any of these mods and tag us on Twitter and Instagram with your screenshots or videos!
Anvil Saga - F.SnowFlake
Greetings to all the gifted blacksmiths!

Do you want to help create the world of Anvil Saga and get your name in the credits? Then we've got some cool as steel news to share with you.

So what do you need to do? Well, just think of a character that would visit Arthur with a request for an unusual order.

Specifically, you'll need to create:
  • The customer's name.
  • Their height, hair color, skin color and general appearance. It's a bonus if you add references or your sketches of the potential Anvil Saga character.
  • Their story. Each special customer in the game has a short story that explains who they are, what they do for a living, and what their request for Arthur is.
  • And a description of the order. What is the item that the character orders and which parts are needed to create it.
These are the minimum requirements to participate, but you are welcome to add more creativity. Draw fan art, create a full biography, write out the character's lines, create a TikTok about them, make an animation – anything you want!

We will pick 3 winners:
All 3 winners will have their character added to the world of Anvil Saga and have their name added to the game's credits.

The first place winner will have their character appear in the next update, and the second and third places will feature in subsequent updates.

The Anvil Saga team will choose the most elaborate, fun, and original ideas as winners.

And you can enter as many times as you want to! Feel free to submit 1, 10, or 500 different characters!

How to submit your character:
Post your ideas on Steam under this post. Additionally, you can post a description of your character on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram with the hashtag #AnvilSagaHeroes

We will accept all ideas until 11 November!I

May the power of creativity and imagination be with you.

Anvil Saga team
Oct 28, 2022
Gnome Online - Gnome Online
-Add Guilds
-Add Guild vs Guild System (Some Maps can be occupied from a Guild to build a City)
-Add Player Housing
-Stamina will regenerate faster when you stand near Campfire and its turned on

-Fixed a bug where you was able to make a trade request to your self
-Fixed a bug where tamed creatures not turned into an item
-Fixed Spawner in Mausoleum
-Fixed some move jitter from Monster/Npcs when walk near together
-Fixed a bug where Holy Magic gained when using Fireball
-Fixed Mouse Cursors battle indicator sometimes showed wrong color
-Fixed issue where sometimes Items from Bank disappeared
-Fixed a bug where items sometimes disappeared from Bank after restart server
-Campfire destroy timer will reset when turn it on

-All kind of Woods can now used for Campfire
-Need to interact with Warp to go from Map to Map (same as it is for Doors)
-Add Map Info before Warp when stand at the border
-Update Materials for crafting Formulas
-Increased Mausoleum Map
-Update Loottables/Gold
-Update Exp Tables and receive Exp from Monsters,which will lead to set back current Player Level (this not affect any progress you made)
-Updated German Lanugage for Abilities
-Updated some Creatures
-Report/Friend Window can no be toggled
-Increase Spawnrate of Bushes
-Monsters in Wasteland can now climb up/down Mountains
-Campfire destroy timer will reset when turn it on
-Changed color of PvP indicator name (off to green and on to red)

-Reduced Burn effect duration from Fire Magic to from 10 to 8 when with max Level
-Campfire destroy timer will reset when turn it on
-Spells now require Reagents to cast
-Healing can no longer interupted while receive Damage
-Adjust Skillgain Curve
-Weapons can no longer assigned to Hotkey bar 1-5
-Add a 2 second delay when use right click on an Item to equip
-Increased max Health, Stamina and Mana from 300 to 500
-Increased Health regeneration from Food
-Increased Cooldown from Weakening Blaze from 5 to 10 Seconds
Into The Abyss - HellbrewedProductions
Thank you all for being so patient and waiting a year for the game.
We are hard at work updating the game.
This update fixes game breaking bugs & adds 1 objective to the game at the beginning to help the player.
This update:
- Fixed cutscenes not progressing to the next level.
- Fixed Menu controls and options
- Fixed Loading and saving (we are still playing through the game finding bugs and we promise to fix them.)

We will also be uplading a 2 Fresh Demos for you guys for those who haven't tried the game and wish to.

- Hellbrewed Productions : )
Steel Hunters Alpha Test Playtest - a_loseva
What role do destructible environmental objects play in Steel Hunters and what emotions should they evoke? 

Undoubtedly, destruction contributes greatly to the immersiveness of the game, and lets you feel your character’s power and scale – this is particularly crucial if we’re talking about gigantic Hunters. It would be weird to play as a huge robot without being able to interact with the environment, right? Wherever gameplay and our technology allows it, we want to keep realism in the game. if you want to break something – you should absolutely be able to! Aaand the most important part – destroying things is fun! 


The Stages of Creating a Destructible Object

- planning the numbers 
- 2d rendering and 3d modeling 
- adding textures + effects + atmosphere interaction 
- adding objects to the game’s engine 
- crushing objects and reassembling their tiny elements 

Let’s see what this process consists of looking at the example of car models.

First off, it all starts with planning: our team decides what number of objects will be in a thematic set (a thematic set is a group of models that have common properties, for example – a group of public transport, cargo equipment group, military vehicles, etc.). This is a very important step, as the total number of objects and their parts directly affects game performance.

Destructible objects are very complex when it comes to production and are demanding in terms of performance. By combining them into thematic sets with shared components we can reduce the memory load and processing power needed to display them in game, so getting this first step right is crucial. 

Now it’s time for creativity! Our concept artists render the initial ideas onto a 2D canvas, and then it's the 3d artists’ turn to take the reins. Here they model 2D objects in a 3D editor and then start texturing. At this stage, the objects become more detailed, with eye-catching textures and various integrated effects, alongside atmospheric interaction. After this step, the object’s gameplay purpose is now forged, its "context".

If all these stages are completed successfully, the objects are unloaded into the game engine to prepare them for destruction and further assembly – such a short life for a newly born object, right? 

Don't be sad - these objects are born to be destroyed, it’s their purpose. All their individual elements must be placed carefully and properly configured for them to be put on the map later. Properly assembled objects can be destroyed, crushed and customized on the map. Their elements can be rotated (e.g. wheels, doors, trunks, etc.) and their color and «state» (e.g. burnt, dusty or rusty) can be changed.


Possible difficulties arising
The pipeline for destructible buildings is still being fully developed. At the moment, the objects’ material is not taken into account, every building regardless of the material it is made of is demolished (crushed / reassembled) in the same way to bring you a truly realistic destructible environment we will be reworking and tweaking this in future updates.


Eager to know exactly how many destructible objects are currently in the game? Let's break down the numbers by category and see how much you could really destroy, if we didn’t have the extraction timer to worry about. Right now this includes trees, houses, vehicles and various small objects. 

If we talk in dev language, there’s Baked Destruction (that includes buildings and various constructions (e.g. electrical towers) and Simple Destruction (smaller stuff - boxes, billboards, etc.). 

Destructible objects in numbers

Maryland Heights

Crimson Ridge




Simple Destruction



 Baked Destruction






Final word
That will be all for the process of implementing destruction mechanics, at least the short version. By building destructible environments in Steel Hunters, we hope to underline the potency of our Hunters’ abilities and their omnipotence so to say, adding another portion of entertainment to the gameplay. We are building a streamlined demolition production system where every visual cue will help further immerse you into the game.

We hope that with the execution of these mechanics we'll achieve our goal and bring you the ultimate hunting experience!

Gunsmith - Rich
Hello everyone Rich here, i'm dropping an update on the development of Gunsmith! We've got some super exciting stuff in the works that we are really happy with. The progress is going well and next week or very soon after i'm sure we will have something tangible to show to the community!

I'll drop a video below that I made a few weeks back but i've been so busy i've not put it on the official Steam channel so here it is. I will also write some stuff below to explain in text form where we are at with Gunsmith.

So we took an annual break over the September period and I took 2 weeks to actually build a dev studio in my back yard ( more to come on this ). However apart from that, I've been playing a tonne of games ( that are not mine / ours ).

I've been studying on the value that games create for both their players and their games. I have seen upon coming back to design that Gunsmith has lacked a huge amount of potential for both us as a studio/creators and also value for players.

Our main goal for the last 2 years has been content, content,

However when I take a deeper look at this I essentially just see now a giant buffet of food with no real direction. All our scenarios are essentially a sandbox leaving the player to ultimately quit the game because they are bored.

I don't see that as the worse thing ever, the fact someone has sunk so much time into the game they exhaust it is actually a massive compliment, however I would like players to quit their play session on a high rather than a low. I digress slightly.

Being extremely critical of our own work means that when we see how we pick scenarios, countries etc to play. Really what is the point. There is no real difference. So therefore this is something I now consider a major part of the game that needs improvement as a matter of urgency.

I think the best way I have started to look at certain things with our games is the fact that I am also a huge fan and player of multiple games and genres of game. I have to ask myself "would I be happy if i was playing this and it wasn't my game" and the response to myself is, absolutely not I would think XYZ is super under performing.

So we have been quietly taking a look at all these issues over the last few weeks and even some days spending nothing but 2 hours straight breaking down exactly what happens in Gunsmith, how we start a game, how the user interacts, what we think is lacklustre and what needs major improvement.

We have identified huge portions of User Experience we think we can massively improve upon.

Next week or soon after I shall drop another update with more to show and tell but we are very excited.

I think we will be breathing new life into the game with the next major update that is coming soon.

So overall, it's been a nice break to go and come back with a fresh look on how to design games better, how to make the experience better for the players and really make the most of what we have also put into the game. I'm hoping this will really improve many aspects of game play.

Thank you all for your continued support during this games Early Access journey!

We continue!!!

Take Care



Warface: Clutch - Hitechabla


Our best agents (a.k.a. Content Creators) will be transmitting secret codes that will help you to complete the tasks on our promo page.

Follow their channels closely and don’t miss the code:


Good luck!

Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

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Oct 28, 2022
Doomed Lands - keking26
Hello everyone!

We’ve been working really hard on Doomed Lands, and we’re really excited to show off some things we’ve been working on so far.

We’ve implemented a way to skip to the next day in order for you to pass the time as you choose. By sleeping in your bed, you can move onward to the next day!

The passage of time is very important since you only have 7 days before a new boss comes!

Here, you can see the altar. The altar allows you to summon certain monsters, such as the slime you can see below!

Remember when we mentioned bosses?
Well, here’s a sneak peek at one of them - and some spells you can use to defeat them!

And finally, even heroes need to eat sometimes. You can farm and grow your own food just like this!

Mmmmm! Fresh produce is sure to help boost your HP 😉

If you like what you see, don’t forget to wishlist us on Steam!
Thank you everyone for your support as we make our game. We couldn’t do it without you!

See you next time!
Voltaire: The Vegan Vampire - keking26
Hello, non-floaty humans!

We’re so excited to share some updates with you!

We all know Voltaire has a farming aspect. After all, we need lots of yummy veggies to survive the vegan way! Sometimes farming can get boring, though, so we decided to (veganly) beef up the activities list.

There are many activities that complement the farming aspect and are intertwined incentives to organically lead you in your quest - for survival and for veganism!

Potions, explosions, science, oh my!

Alchemy is one example of our other(worldly) activities we have ready for you.
In your house, you have an alchemy table, and through this table, another world awaits you!

On another note - look at how cute our little house is on the inside! Anyway, here’s a close up look at the specific table we’re talking about:

Complete all of the recipes for bragging rights and our eternal undying affection! (And maybe an achievement…? Achievement hunters, keep your eyes peeled! 👀 )

Another example is digging.

Digging to clear out fields and harvesting may yield moldy treats.
These treats can then be offered to C’thul (our version of fishing!) in exchange for its gifts, such as soulstones, just like the screenshot below.

Why are soulstones important?

Soulstones can then be used to unlock new boons, collect new cosmetics or even fulfill alchemical recipes that yield rare new seeds. These new seeds can then be sowed, watered and harvested thus completing a full circle of activities that started by simply digging a new field! Ah, the circle of life definitely moves us all. Well, sort of. We are undead, after all.

You keep talking about harvesting and gaining stuff. What if my inventory fills up and I don’t want this…stuff?

It’s okay if not everything sparks joy and you wish to remove it from your inventory! Composting is a way to both clean up your inventory and a way to level up faster, by turning unwanted seeds into useful XP to level up. Press F to pay respects (and to compost all seeds) 😉

One more example of other(worldly) activities include treasure hunting!

You can hunt treasures across the map in order to earn unique rewards and XP. This allows for some fun and immersive exploration! We love shiny treasure 😭

Exploring the maps is another fun and exciting way to gain new items. You can also just simply enjoy the views!

Well, the sun’s going down, and you know what that means - it’s time for us to defend OUR crops from those pesky minions (known as bugs) by The Dracula himself. They won’t defeat themselves!

So thank you, as always, for your support during development! If you’d like to join our House, check us out on Discord, Twitter, or TikTok. We can’t wait to see you there!

🦇 Ta-ta! 🦇