Deceive Inc. - Yoshiro

LEGAL NAME: Rupert Reid
Age: 21
AGENT ROLE: Vanguard

“Agent Squire, reporting for duty!”


Young and fresh out of academy, many at Deceive Inc recognize a great potential in Squire. Now ready to apply what he has learnt to the field, he will need to focus and settle down in order to fulfill his mission. IRIS has compared themselves to a mother bird kicking their baby off the nest in order for them to learn how to fly.

FILE UPDATE: Agent Knight, who recruited and trained Squire, has gone missing.


Trained by Knight, agent of legend, Squire was taken under their wing as their protégé to become their successor. However, the mysterious disappearance of Knight, often regarded as the greatest spy of all time, has left some big shoes for this young rookie to fill, and the pressure is palpable.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to make you proud”


As a Vanguard, Squire is ready for any situation, and his gear reflects that.

His weapon of choice, the PT-08 ‘Lance’ pistol. Equipped with a silencer, and subsonic rounds, Squire can put his ‘Lance’ to use as the best spies should: quietly and unnoticed by those around. His preferred engagement distance is up close, but don’t worry, he’s always ready for what happens next.


When Squire’s cover is blown by a rival, he gains a burst of speed to allow him to quickly find an exit to the situation, or engage the aggressor as his preferred range by closing the distance faster than they expect.

AGENT EXPERTISE: Eyes on the Prize

When Squire remembers to take a deep breath and focus on his training, he can quickly locate items of interest around him, from intel and key cards to enemy traps and gadgets. This allows him to plan his approach to situations with knowledge about what lies ahead.

Other agents shouldn’t plan on catching Squire in a sticky situation, he’s already rushing ahead.
Starfall Protocol - msz.justbreathe
Hey Galaxy Explorers!🚀🌌

Nebula is almost 200% funded! We are truly blown away by your support!🥳🎉

To Celebrate this milestone, we wanted to introduce something special! By reaching 1000 backers, you can UNLOCK our next Kickstarter Social Goal, the Outcasts!

Hunt down three unique, extremely challenging Ancient Knights for unimaginable rewards, as part of an epic quest line!

We also have two cool new Add-Ons for you to choose from!

Are you ready to design your own intergalactic quest? For a day only, with THREE spots available, you can become a Quest Master for a discounted price!

Come up with your own special mission and create the next big cosmic adventure that players can take on! Choose the mission type, objective, description, location, and rewards for your quest and bring your idea to life via an iterative design process.

You can also seize the opportunity to name a Starship that sails through the stars! At least until adventurous players decide to loot it!

Get creative and name a Starship in the game that roams the galaxy!

Balázs and Márton
Nebula Team
Oct 17, 2022
Isla Sinaloa - juan.diego.osuna.osuna
1. Do the Time Warp – restarts the day as if 24 hours have passed. This allows player to advance their game stories as a much faster pace.
2. Education Day Pass – this one time pass allows you to see everything in museums, zoo and gardens as if they had all been donated.
3. Balloon Ride Camera – you can now move the camera during the free balloon ride (the free one of your own island).
4. Rumble support – if an existing game you will need to turn it on in Settings. It will be on by default if a new game and using controller.
5. We have added the ability to move player to start of scene when stuck using the O key or clicking left stick on gamepad or 4 mouse clicks.
6. Many bug fixes including problems loading garden scene (was too big), fixes for issues at end of free balloon rides, an issue with a lamp, and an issue with exiting bubble popper if not playing with controller.
FREM Sprite32! - game
Today, version 1.0.0 of FREM Sprite32! is complete and released as Windows and macOS builds. It has taken a lot of hard work over the past year to get to this point, and I'm really happy with how the game has turned out. Check out the manual, tutorials, challenges, and code samples scattered throughout the system and hack out some FREMScript to bring the Sprite32! to life. Don't forget to grab your favorite headphones and chill out to the synth soundtrack by Interface Type Seven while you hammer out those lines of code.

What's next on the Road map?

For now I'll focus on patching any bugs that surface, as well as collecting feedback from the players. If you have any comments, concerns, bugs, or cool FREMScript programs to share, please leave a comment on the Steam community page. I can't wait to see your cool programs!

I have a number of ideas for additional content for the Sprite32! going into the future. Some of these include prototype concepts that didn't make the early cuts in development, some are based on feedback from play testers and FREMScript contributors, and still more are from sticky notes on the development board that I have yet to start.

Why not Early Access?

I've been developing the game for the past 11 months, and it is feature complete. It may have a few rough edges, there could be some bugs lurking here and there, and there are certainly improvements and optimizations that can be made. That being said, the game has everything I set out to create, and far more than I'd originally spec'd in the early design phases (the last month has included a plethora of language improvements and new features). Lastly, the game has been in early access on other platforms, and has been in private beta for the past few months here on Steam.

This isn't to say that I won't be pushing updates from time-to-time, or even on a more regular cadence. Rather, this frees me up to address any major bugs/issues that could come up, and then to start deep-diving into larger sets of features without having to worry about stopping at predefined intervals. Moreover, I've been jamming pretty steadily for the past several months to wrap up the final stages of this game. As a development shop of 1, I'm a bit overdue for a break -- I've got a bunch of catching up to do on the ever-growing list of programming and puzzle games that have recently come out!
Cleaning The System - Nasheik
  • Start event bug fixed
Hero Lodge - Hero Lodge Dev
  • Reaching 50% through Rank 8 will now increase the amount of EXP refunded
    when refunding EXP from 80% to 90% of total spent EXP. This will be retroactively
    added to anyone Team Rank 9 or higher.
  • Barkeep conversation about leveling up will now include information about refund amounts.
  • Refund amount % will now be included below Refund Exp tooltip.
  • Hitting Exit game in escape menu will now just say 'Exit Game?' instead of the confusing
    'Save and Exit Game?' that made some player think there was a suspend save option.
  • Fixed a bug where Exit Game wasn't properly rewarding exp from monster kills.
  • Moved 'Map' words from map tooltip to not overlap with the bonus campaign words.
  • Added new back to crafting buttons to all 3 crafting types: will only show if at least 1 other crafting
    type is unlocked.
They Always Run - darxtorn
This week we're celebrating the 1st anniversary of They Always Run!

To mark the occasion, we're offering a 60% discount on base game and 30% discount on its sountrack. Try yourself as an elusive bounty hunter with all-time lowest price, only until October 31st!

We have also added Japanese language support with today's update. Konnichiwa ❤

If you already own They Always Run, check out another single-player game by Alawar – Do Not Feed the Monkeys, a digital voyeur simulator!
Oct 17, 2022
Abalon: Roguelike Tactics CCG - Ross

Your Summoner and hero party gather close to the Cosmic Tortoise - in a crackle of purple energy you find yourself transported to a new world... A brisk chill cools your skin. Dry, colorful leaves crunch beneath your feet. The musk of pumpkins and squash fill your nostrils. It is harvest season here, but something isn't right. An eerie calm unsettles you. It's too quiet. And what's happened to the villagers who should be reaping the crops?

Get Ready for Harvest World

We're excited to announce "Harvest World", our next major update and first seasonal event for Summoners Fate will be releasing next week on October 25 at 10:00AM PDT (UTC-7) to coincide with Steam Scream Fest.

The "Harvest World" update will add an entirely new biome to Summoners Fate packed with Halloween and Autumn themed content. Beginning October 25th and concluding at the end of November, we'll be incrementally adding new content to the game each week as you explore the mysteries of the Harvest World, including:
  1. New tilesets with autumn trees, crops, swamps and more
  2. Three new bosses including a tormented frog demon and the dreaded Demon Lord
  3. New fate encounters with guaranteed more "goblin mischief"
  4. Three new playable Summoners with unique play styles to learn and all-star decks to unlock
  5. New enemies including the shambling, potato-sack-like husks known as the Withereds
  6. New artifacts to further expand player agency and allow even greater synergy exploits
  7. Open a portal to the demonic realms - there, within the dungeons of the Demon Lord may the fortunate discover the fabled hellhound kennels and recover a most rare and coveted prize: a hellhound puppy to call your own!
During the event, there will be a special "in-game" shortcut to teleport you directly to Harvest world so you can play the new content. After the event, Harvest World will be integrated into the full content of Summoners Fate as one of the random worlds you may encounter in your adventures.

Can't wait to learn more?

Join our community discussions on Steam and Discord (links below) - and ask away. You may just convince me to reveal some hints about the specifics of what I have in store for you. Or perhaps you have an idea for a special Halloween themed encounter you'd really like to see?

Join the Discussion:
- Steam discussion board:
- Discord: (RossD20Studios#2359)

Thanks so much!

Roundguard - TanookiFruit
Roundguard is back with its annual Halloween event! From Oct 24 to Nov 1, the whole dungeon is celebrating with fun costumes, spooky vibes, and unique Halloween-themed daily challenges every day.

Let's get dressed up, smash pumpkins, and eat tons of candy! Have a happy Halloween!

Andrea, Wonderbelly Games
Oct 17, 2022
Lost and Hound - Honkytonk
"What if dogs never bark at nothing - they're barking at things we can't see, to scare them away?"

Hayden and Biscuit are taking a break and doing some sightseeing in a haunted graveyard, but the inhabitants haunting the graveyard have other plans for Hayden.

Can Biscuit keep him safe while he visits various tombs and shrines?