Tiny Combat Arena - Why485
Hello! This patch was mainly for fixing bugs, but there's a few notable new features.

"Build Speed" lowers with the HP of strategic targets

This one was a suggestion that I think was pretty good. A base goes from 100% effectiveness to 0% effectiveness when it's destroyed, with nothing in between. This kind of binary state of a base made it feel like you weren't doing anything when you damaged a base, and further discouraged players from damaging a base if it was a target of opportunity. As before, a base has its critical structures restored when captured.

This goes both ways! Preventing your own bases from being damaged will make them harder to capture by virtue of being able to replace units quicker.

Visual refresh on smoke plumes in the battlefield

Another important change is the visual language for the smoke plumes. The original fire/smoke plume from damaged vehicles was a holdover from when much less of them were around. However, with the new and much more numerous vehicles, this old effect was causing huge smokestacks all over the map, often over inconsequential wreckages. Spammed like that, the effect lost its significance.

Now, big fire/smoke plume are reserved for damaged bases. It's a visual cue that a base is safer to attack, tells you exactly where the base is without needing any UI elements, and can't be confused for vehicles. Skirmishes between vehicles will still create smoke/fire, but it's more "smoldering field of wreckage" than "oil fire".

New Features: - When structures are near destruction, they sometimes get set on fire - When a vehicle is destroyed, it enters a critical state before being fully destroyed - How long the vehicle is in the critical state depends on how much damage was done to it - After a vehicle has been critical for a short time, it will explode into a semi-permanent wreck Improvements: - Strategic Target critical damage affects production rate of new groups down to a minimum of 10% - Vehicles have a new set of smaller fire/smoke effects when destroyed - GAU-12 fire sound (also used by Shilka and M163) has a more seamless loop - Shilka empty shells now in world space (won't turn with the turret) - Added chihirobelmo credit to the credits.txt for the smart scaling algorithm - Vehicles will defend closer to base radius (should prevent vehicles from driving to random beaches) Bugfixes: - Many changes to FMOD audio stealing logic to prevent audio overlap and cutting out - Firing sound no longer persists after a Shilka stopped firing - Fixed bug where there was exactly a 1% chance that a vehicle could fail to spawn a wreck effect and NRE - Multi-barreled guns no longer create multiple unused audio sources - Friendly AV8Bs no longer error and get their logic stuck when encountering a Shilka - Running ther weapons camera on a munition which self-destructs no longer creates an error
Monsters Domain - G-DEVS.com
In this dev log of Monsters Domain, We will take a sneak peek at the player locomotion, core melee combat system, boss AI behavior, and the look and feel of the first level.

We are preparing for You free prologue of Monsters Domain, remember to wishlists it now:


Player Locomotion

Doing a true first person setup for a game that can have multiple characters is a bit of a complex task. If this wasn’t done right whole gameplay experience will be ruined. The movement should be smooth with little or no head bobbing and players should be able to see their lower body and their shadow if the player rotates the camera in place the legs also should be turned. Apart from that, we tried to add weapon sway and a small change of field of view to really sell the immersive feel of the game.

Melee Combat

The melee combat of the Monsters Domain is the heart and soul of the game. In the demo version of the game, we received much more feedback related to the combat system, and based on those ideas we defined an outline of what new combat should be.

Improved impact and feel of the combat which closely represents an actual combat scenario while keeping it fun.
Easy and lighting-fast input control system.
Adding various types of actions such as parries, counter attacks to keep the combat fresh and reward players for using them while giving players the opportunity to explore the system.
Should be easily expandable across different types of weapons (Swords, Axes, Maces etc)
Optimized and accurate weapon tracing for various types of weapons.
Advanced hit reaction system with the dismemberment of body parts (Gore system).

Based on these ideas we have developed the combat mechanics for different types of melee weapons and iterate on that until we get the perfect results.

Drake Boss AI

We create our first BossAI with a dragon character(Drake) that can able change attacking patterns with target movement and behaviors. For example, if the target trying to beat the boss from melee attacks. AI is also able to launch into air in place and create a shock wave that is able to push Target away from AI.also for melee attacks AI is able to fly and attack. If player uses a ranged attack AI will use a fireball attack and dodge to prevent from target range attack and while in distance AI can determine players stamina and heath it able to Jump towards the target and attack. For that, we implement Poison Trap that spawns around AI so the target can't move while do a melee attack. Light attack and Special attack Basic attack method that AI use hands or legs.

Drake AI Main Abilities :
Fire Ball Attack
Poison Trap
Inplace Wave Jump
Self Heal mode
Flying Attack
Wrap Jump
Light Attack
Special Attack

Level design 01

The first thing first we do with the level is to create the gray box model using the base object.
Here we created the basic design and flow of the first level from the beginning to the end using simple objects in such a way that the player can walk through it.
It helps us to get a rough idea of what the landscape looks like, specific locations, enemy
camps, where the enemies are, etc.

Sep 23, 2022
Hush Hush - Only Your Love Can Save Them - Sad Panda Studios
Hello everyone!

Happy Friday! We're here with a patch for Hush Hush just in time for the weekend. We hope you enjoy checking out the latest content! Here's what has changed since the last build:

  • Added new phone flings from Cassie, Elle, Iro and Mio that give some additional context to their death scenes
  • Added a few missing font characters that were using a fallback font
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game over screen to not get awarded to the gallery
  • Added some missing entries to the credits
  • Added an indicator on save files to indicate whether a DLC was used when saving
  • Fixed a bug that caused the gameover hint to be missing for one of Quill's death scenes
  • Fixed several typos

Thanks again for trying out Hush Hush, and we hope you have a great weekend!

- Sad Panda Programmer
Aloft - Mctrollington
Hey there travelers, settle down and listen,
Hello everyone! Remember how we said we would be working at a reduced pace for the summer? Well, we had a lot of fun, we took some vacations to enjoy the nice (fickle, humid, hot) Quebec weather, and now we’re back on track to keep creating a badass, awesome, fun and wholesome Aloft game!

Hello everyone! Since the last update, time flew by us and now has come the season of harvest, cold evenings and warm beverages (pumpkin spice optional). In Quebec, fall is the season of apple picking, warm cider and slowly realizing that snow is coming, for better or for worse. For Aloft, however, the weather doesn’t stop us from pursuing our goal of making the best game we can!

Since the last devlog where we talked about the Next Fest results, the navigation system overhaul and new assets related to navigation, we had a bunch of new features implemented in the game, as well as several quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. As always, the patch notes will come with the update itself, but more on that later.

If you want more regular updates and engage with the community, we do encourage you to join our discord, it’s full of good stuff, and we share updates more often and in a more casual way.

Community involvement
Ever since we showcased the game during the Next Fest, we’ve kept receiving great feedback from players all around the world and videos kept coming out about the demo. People are just having a blast playing Aloft and that’s so nice to us, it really gives a boost to the team’s morale and encourages us to work even harder. Some big names in the Youtube game even made videos on Aloft, it’s awesome! And now we’re happy to announce that we reached 1000 members on our Discord! Everyone has been awesome, they have great suggestions and impeccable taste. You should join them ;)

Additional building blocks
We really want Aloft to be a game about creative freedom, but you need brushes and oils to paint a masterpiece! We already have several building pieces with which to build your islands, but we missed a couple. They will also allow you to use more rocks and rope in your projects.

Players will now have access to delightfully wavy spiral staircases, stone building parts and rope fences. The staircase was tricky to implement in regard to other building parts, but we think the end result is great and adds a lot of character to staircases. It’s also promoting safety in the workplace, which is always a good thing.

With these stone foundations, players will finally be able to get rid of all their excess resources by building rock-solid buildings.

We are working on the farming system! After preparing the ground, planting the crops and watering them is a wonderful way to become an active part in the creation of biodiversity. Monoculture can be harmful to the environment, that’s why we created a whole bunch of plants and crops that players will be able to grow and harvest. In a later update, we will include cooking and permaculture systems.

The Dorkip is the primary farming tool. Praised by our discord members (for reasons unknown), the Dorkip is a fictional tool combining a gardening hoe and a short spear. The result is something that will allow you to plow the earth and defend it against fungi creatures!

An essential accessory - the bucket - is currently available in two formats: the leaf bucket is cheap to build and contains little water. The wooden one holds more water, but is more expensive to craft. Both have their uses, and they are quite pretty. The water system is still being worked on, so the only way to fill your bucket is by interacting with a pond. Keep that in mind when choosing your farming-focused island!

Finally, of course, farming wouldn’t be farming without being able to plant crops! To allow for the funky layout of some of our fanbase’s custom islands, players will have to put down plots of land before planting their crops. Those will grow better when watered properly, of course!

UI and french localization
Most of the UI in the current demo is a placeholder that worked while we implemented the different mechanics and systems of the game. Now that we have a better understanding of the visual identity of the game and of the user experience, we wanted to overhaul most of the UI to better reflect that. I think you’ll find it’s much prettier and easier to use. Full disclosure, some of the UI is not final as we are still working on it and implementing new systems.

Furthermore, we will also implement a first version of our French localization. Having a team that is mostly bilingual in French and English allows us to localize our game properly in those languages. Just like the UI, it will be a work in progress as we implement more features and correct the bugs we find along the way.

Demo update
So when will you see all those fancy assets and new mechanics? As early as next week at the time of publication (September 30th, 2022). In addition to what was already mentioned above, we will add more assets, fix some bugs and add some quality of life changes. Of course, a changelog will be published along with the update, containing all the changes.

What’s next?
We are in the process of expanding the team and to make sure we have all the skills needed to make the game of our dreams happen. Our first new teammates will join us next week and we’re still hiring more!

After the update, the demo will stay up for the foreseeable future. We really enjoy seeing everyone playing our game, making videos on it and giving us such great feedback. Thank you all so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you around the hurricane.

If you want more Aloft content or would like to give feedback, be sure to wishlist the game on steam here and join the Discord server using the image below

Sep 23, 2022
Fisher Online - Woolf ✔

This update is dedicated to technical changes and interface changes.

  • The view of the fishing rod assembly has been changed. Now the fishing rod itself and configuration changes are displayed on the screen
  • The mechanics of lighting and shading have been changed, the brightness of day and night are brought to real parameters. The presence and absence of the moon affects night lighting
  • The weather settings have been changed, the visual display of clouds, rain, clear weather, sunsets and sunrises has been significantly improved.
  • Color correction mode has been added to the settings. Also, in this mode, you can adjust the sharpness and color filters of the image
  • The "Weak Computer" mode has been significantly redesigned, performance in this mode has increased. Color correction does not work in this mode.
  • Additional settings for player animations based on your reports

Location Danube:
  • New ground render. Added tessellation, micro-details and other visual improvements to the render
  • A brand new render of vegetation and grass. Added interactivity when interacting with the player, improved response to weather conditions (wind, rain), accelerated vegetation rendering.
Zofia - Dave@74Ninjas
Zofia will be launching into early access September 27th!

The launch will include the intro and 'prologue sections', three other levels, and 2 PvP maps.
The character editor, online co-op, and splitscreen modes should be available as well.

For added chaos, we also made the airship in the hub area drivable and hid a few secrets.

We'll see you then!
Sep 23, 2022
Freedom Planet 2 - SpaceyBat
The last build introduced a critical error that needed to be corrected immediately, sorry about that!

- The fix for the blank Lilac/Normal file glitch was preventing any new save files from being created, so it has been removed. A different solution will be found later.
Melody's Escape 2 - Loïc
Melody's Escape 2 is releasing in a week from now, on Friday September 30 in Early Access on Steam!
Make sure to WISHLIST it now if you don't want to miss the release!


I've also setup a Discord Server for the community, feel free to join us here:

While you wait, here are previews of 2 songs included with Melody's Escape 2, each highlighting a different musical and play style, one focused on the beat and the other focused on held voices:

Shirobon - Fox
aeseaes - Any Body

See you next week! ːmeloblueː ːmelogoldː

ImmaterialAI 5 - NOCLUE
Update 4.4 adds all remaining Season 2 timed unlocks, get all 7 by finishing all quests on diamond by the end of the year (5 unlocks are Plus only).
Season 2
Season 2 started when Plus left early access on the 1st of June, and since then we've already had 8 major updates. We told you we have more plans post-release, and Season 2 of content is not even over yet. More to come going forward feature-wise.
  • Cool story bro (alternative AI flow): finish all quests on Gold
  • The skeptic (alternative AI flow): finish all quests on Diamond (Plus only)
  • return to bliss renamed to Season 2
New language support
  • german and french language support added
    • discussion thread for german here
    • discussion thread for french here
  • italian partial support
  • language is selected based on system language
  • new language files added to open source IAI translation project for easy modification requests from our community
  • New section: Customizations
    • contains multiple features from Graphics and Performance (e.g. Select skin, UI mode, page mode, etc)
    • also contains toggle to enable or disable 'Cool story bro' alternative AI flow available after unlock
  • Plus section
    • toggle to enable and disable the 'The skeptic' after unlock

Thanks for being with us so far, and more on timed unlocks in Season 3, starting next year!

While Season 2 is almost done, Season 3 is right around the corner. All upcoming premium features will be given to all existing Plus members, retroactively for free even if we increase the price of Plus in the future to match the new feature set.
Sep 23, 2022
Rogue: Genesia - PlexusDuMenton
WIP Simplified Chinese translation
It's very Work in progress and unfinished, there may be a lot of issues left, but it's a first version toward chinese localization!

  • Capped critical chance at 100%

  • Artificer's katana Memory leak