Peripeteia - Shodanon
We’ve sapped our video editing powers this week, preparing a trailer for Realms Deep 2022. Stay tuned on September 16 at 19:00 GMT!
In the meantime, this screenshot saturday we have a little shitpost for you. Our new physics-based MG belt system and everyone’s favourite mouse being fed.

While working on the belt feed, Shod was listening to Sansu otoMADs and the silly idea came up to put Nyn’s face on the casings. It was just a joke for our discord, but we decided to put that up as this week’s screenshot.
otoMAD in question:
Sep 5, 2022
Racket: Nx - kfir
- Small Adhara multiplayer set change
Hydroneer - grandmaMax
Sep 5, 2022
Last Visit - pavrekgames
- Adding a new task is more visible now
- Corrected some UI elements

Please post any bugs or feedback on Last Visit Steam group or by e-mail to
Bound By Blades - Zethyn
Developer Update & Upcoming Release!

It's been a long long time since we've had an official developer update, so let's get you caught up!

We Are Content Complete
We've been content complete for a few months now, this means the game has all the content in it, and is in the final stages of bug squashing and polish readying up for release later this year!

Please welcome our newest bosses!

Necromata, a winged monstrosity of demonic proportions brings her flames of fiery rage to battle you.

Lithos harnesses the power of elements and magic, allowing him to cast a large variety of spells using his grimoire to change the elements of his attacks.

OriKara represents the combination of the Icy Queen Kara and the Molten King Ori who will challenge you with their opposing elements to destroy you.

And there's one more epic battle for you to fight, but that's for you to discover in your own journey through Ashmyr!

We've had the wonderful opportunity to work together with Reece Bridger to bring all of the characters in Bound by Blades to life with hints of compelling backstories, and a thrilling tale of adventure. And each playable character of the Bound has their own personality they bring into conversations now!

Every NPC brings with them their own unique story, so make sure to talk with them between battles!
Here's a few of the new characters you'll meet in the castle of Fangsfate!

The general of the Bound, leading and training warriors in the city of Fangsfate!

The Enchantress, wielding her power of being a Myrthos to connect to her ancestry and enchant your gear with powerful buffs!

The one in charge of Fangsfate, ensuring protection of the inhabitants and welcoming any new arrivals!

Other Cool Stuff
So much stuff has been updated, here's some more to check out!

Updated Character Select
Now you can see the armor of each of your characters and freely swap between them in the selection screen!

With the help of our publisher, Assemble Entertainment we can confirm localization has been added into Bound by Blades, and we'll soon announce the languages supported! Here's a clip with just a few implemented so far!

Set Bonuses
This one is definitely one of the most exciting features we've added, every boss has their own unique set bonuses and they get pretty wild! Equipping 2 pieces gets you a small bonus, and equipping all 5 gets you a major bonus!

Pets Pets Pets
We've included the new evolutions of pets, along with being able to have 4 of them, and pet missions where you can send them out to return with materials!

The End Game Systems
The end game systems bring upon the Tower, which is 25 challenging levels of bosses, where you fight either a single powerful foe or several in a row! And the Endless Dungeon, where you fight waves of increasingly powerful monsters with rewards after each wave you clear! But to reach these, you'll need to get past the story bosses and their daunting Ex variations with altered abilities!

Multiplayer Lobby System
We've worked on updating the multiplayer menus and built out the lobby system so you can now search through rooms or create your own room name, make it public for anyone or hidden for just your friend to join!

Announcement Trailer
And if you haven't already, watch the Announcement Trailer for a quick glimpse of some of the new stuff in action!

Thank You!
Thank you for checking out this update, and I hope you're all as excited as we are for everyone to get to journey through the world of Bound by Blades!
Sep 5, 2022
Railroads & Catacombs - pretahouse

- I have gone deeper into this mechanic to give it a richer playable aspect. Now, there are 3 states of Sanity, Lucid, Paranoid and Hysterical, each giving advantages or disadvantages to combat and exploration.

- Now the number of Stamina points (what you need to use cards in combat) depends on Sanity's status. As you explore this dark world you lose your mind and fear takes over, reducing your ability to respond.

- In a lucid state your character can pick up more information from his environment and is more prepared for a possible combat, this means that you can see more information on your mini-map and surprise the enemy.

- If your Sanity is very low, your perception of your surroundings will be very poor, you will barely see any information on your mini-map and enemies will surprise and ambush you with ease, losing the first turn of combat.

- In addition, character animations have been added to represent each state, and combat animations have been added to represent each state. The character will now tremble and become nervous as their Sanity drops.

- Ambient sounds have been added to make the world more believable. Sounds have also been added for each state of Sanity, you can hear the character's breathing speed up as their Sanity drops to the point of hysteria and whimpering in panic.

- Now you can see the state of wounds of your character, as your life points decrease, wounds will appear on the character's face.

- The number of segments in each zone has been adjusted, it is now slightly larger than in the demo version.

- Adjusted the number of Bones and Wood that you earn after combat and exploration to be a little less.

These changes have been made possible thanks to your feedback. I will continue to need your reports, so I look forward to hearing from you on our Discord:

Neon Tail - fei
Wo ho ho! Indie game dev life has been quite crazy lately!
However things are slowly stabilizing, so regular updates should keep coming.
Lots of new fixes, debugs and some features that were requested years ago finally got an acceptable state in the game.

- Added new Character Switch Wheel Menu.
- Added Plasma Canon Punch! (Air + Rb hold, then X)
- Added New Combat based missions (WIP).
- Added Baseball bat, new combat animations, new effects.
- Designed and implemented Optrellian's combat system (unbalanced).
- Added new Figurines.
- Added Aerial attacks for Optrellian.
- Added an Automatic Camera. (Heavily requested feature)
- Made the AutoCam a setting in the pause option menu.
- 3 modes: Always On, Always Off, and Default deactivates AutoCam on Grind and Combat.
- Added Continuous Boost to Optrellian's Combat design.
- Added Bombs and Landmines to Toast's Combat (WIP).
- Added Charged Attack to Optrellian's Combat.
- Changed Telopern's Technology given to Ruby to really look Alien.
- Fixed a lot of bugs.

My Colony - bastecklein
This update fixes some bugs (including long standing health stat bug) and adds 4 new buildings and one new tech to unlock! See full notes here:
TombStar - TinyPixxels
We've just popped out a REALLY EXCITING UPDATE, full of NEW FEATURES, a brand new EASY MODE and a couple of big bug fixes!

Here's what's new in version 1.1.0:

New Features:

Special “Grimheart Badges” have been added which can be unlocked by completing in-game achievements. Each badge dramatically alters gameplay, and they can be stacked to create unique combinations.

Grimheart Badges:

  • High Octane (everything moves faster)
  • Danmaku (more projectiles, slower speed)
  • Wild Guns (random guns every time you dodge)
  • Only Need One (start the game with only 1 heart)

Easy difficulty:

Players can now lower the game’s difficulty by toggling a setting in the options menu. The easier difficulty lowers enemy fire rates and projectile speeds, and increases health and gold drops - this results in a slower-paced, more relaxed experience.


  • Returned A.J’s starting weapon to the previous damage amount with a slightly nerfed fire rate.
  • Slightly reduced the difficulty of levels 1-Settler’s Run and 2-Glow Caves
  • Meteor Summoner attack VFX updates
  • New Achievements - Beating the game with High Octane, Only Need one, and both at the same time.
  • Added some new rooms to the Cave and Moon biomes.
  • Some performance updates
  • Improved the background cloud fill, mostly focused on lower-quality settings
  • Overhauled the general shaders

Resolved Small lag spikes on some pcs for the following:
  • Rocky Rumble Projectiles
  • First Occurrence of the Train traps
  • Entering the Shop
  • Drop pod enemies
  • BurningBlades/Bolstered blades charge start
  • Entering Chest rooms
  • Sniper Ultimate effect
  • Enemy Enrage
  • Barrel Explosions
  • Reward drops
  • Hover Clubs explosion
  • Gaining Ultimate Charge
  • Collecting a heart
  • Barfingtons Barf
  • Heal beams

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue where input glyphs were not correctly showing on some tooltips
  • Fixed an issue where the Tick on L&P and the Chest would flicker on the minimap
  • Resolved an issue where numerous enemies could not have their fire rates adjusted, which would affect some enemies when they enrage

Sep 5, 2022
HOSTLIGHT - SelectaPlay
Changed the default quality of volumetric lights to improve performance.

The quality can be changed within the options menu.