Mightyy's FPS Aim Trainer - Mightyy
Online Playlists

You can share your playlists to the Steam Workshop, what's cool is they are directly intergated into the game so you don't have to leave to download them or know the import code - just click and play.

More Filters For The Browser

The scenario browser has more filters so you can narrow down results easier.

  • Added Verified Scenario Filter
  • Added Tracking Scenario Filter
  • Added Clicking Scenario Filter
  • Added Flicking Scenario Filter

Improved Layout

The menu has received a slight overhaul improving visibility and user experience.

Other New Stuff

  • Added some extra texture selections for walls and floors (grass, dirt, inverted etc)
  • Added a new video option “Display Adapter” allowing you to change the display monitor that the game uses
  • Map editor now supports jump pads, I’ll improve them again soon
  • Improved tooltip while hovering over a scenario it now looks much better
  • Improved Search feature when typing in text to scenario browser. Previously if you were searching for “Tile 180” and you typed “180 Tile” it couldn’t find it, it's been fixed along with extra metadata for search to predict what you are looking for
Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause some scenarios to not appear or sometimes fail downloading
  • Fixed an issue that would cause download to time out if it took too long, the aim trainer will now wait until download is ready instead of displaying workshop error
  • Fixed issue with preview camera being zoomed out too far on menu
  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause some objects not to be unloaded from scenarios
  • Made Aim Duel Multiplayer text scale down with size correctly
  • Improved Steam Workshop UGC Time out threshold, it will wait for longer if there are issues with the scenario/ugc download e.g steam is stalling, or slow harddrive etc

As always the trainer is ever changing with new improvements and features coming every patch added since launch!

Hare In The Hat - RunServer
We are proud to announce that Hare In The Hat is now fully supported on Mac OS (including Apple Silicon Macs), 64-bit Linux and on Steam Deck devices! All game features including sound and achievements are working without any additional dependencies.
Hare In The Hat: The Abyss DLC will be available shortly.
Conqueror's Blade - Kaeden
When one thinks of gladiators and their brutal contests, scenes with tough fighters slaying foes in an arena or clashes of brute strength and swordsmanship are likely to come to mind. The truth isn’t too far removed from what we’ve seen in films and TV—but that media has definitely exaggerated it.

As Conqueror’s Blade: Colosseum welcomes a new batch of gladiators eager to prove themselves in the Gladiator Games, let’s go back in time to its real-life inspiration, Ancient Roman gladiator fights, and discover the story behind the bloodsport that inspired not only the latest Season but also the brand-new Colosseum Mode.
When did the real Gladiator Games take place?
Gladiatorial fights in Rome can be traced back to 264 BC when two sons organised an event to honour their late father. However, they wouldn't become official until 105 BC. The games were an instant hit, with throngs of people attending the spectacles which were paid for by Roman Emperors as a means to keep the public entertained, and less likely to rebel.

In the beginning, the games were held around twelve times a year but soon became more frequent. As their popularity grew they became more elaborate, as every Emperor wanted to put on the best show. Purpose-built arenas were even erected throughout the Roman Empire to hold official gladiator contests. The last gladiatorial games were held at the Colosseum in 438 AD, after which Emperor Valentinian III abolished them completely.

Bronze Roman gladiator helmet, 1st century AD (British Museum)
Where did the real Gladiator Games happen?
In 70 AD, the construction of the Colosseum—also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre—began during the reign of the Flavian dynasty, then under the rule of Emperor Vespasian. As the largest amphitheatre in the world, it housed the most important and popular gladiator games. The oval-shaped Colosseum was located in the centre of Rome and opened in 80 AD. Featuring three levels of arches and standing at 48 metres tall, it held 50,000 spectators at the height of its glory and remains the largest standing amphitheatre in the world today.
Who fought in the real Gladiator Games?
Roman gladiators were categorised into different types and classes, and their bouts were well-organised. The class a fighter would be placed in was based on their experience, skill, and fighting record, as well as their combat style and choice of weapon. Among these classes were murmillones (fighters armed with swords and shields), the dual-wielding dimachaerus, and the trident-flaunting retiarius, each of whom inspired a new Unit entering the fray in Conqueror’s Blade: Colosseum. Unlike the game, gladiators on horseback (equites) and atop chariots (essedarii) also had their place in the arena.

Gladiator training was rigorous, their teachers strict, and their very lives given in forfeit to the fame and glory they hoped to find in the Colosseum. The defeated were expected to die with dignity (although killings of professional gladiators were rare), while the winners were given a chance to continue to fight for their freedom. After many victories in the Colosseum, a gladiator could be honoured with a wooden sword that symbolised the end of his time in the games, and the dawn of his new life as a free man.

Bronze Roman ring with an engraved gladiator in red jasper, 3rd century AD (Cabinet des Médailles, Paris)
How were the real Gladiator Games organised?
Ancient Roman gladiator games at the Colosseum were very organised affairs. They weren’t just for the enjoyment of the general public, but also for those high up in politics. Often, the state of the current government relied on the success of any one game.

Gladiatorial bouts operated under stringent rules and regulations and were watched over by a referee. Contests were generally a series of single combat fights between two men of similar size and skill, with entertainment being the key element. The fights must have lasted long enough to please the crowd, but not too long and drawn-out as to have bored them. As gladiators were expensive assets, the contest would also generally not end with the death of the loser. Feeding, housing, and training the fighters was a costly business, therefore wounding an opponent was preferable to outright slaying them in combat.

Stay tuned for more Conqueror’s Tales throughout the new Season, Conqueror’s Blade: Colosseum!
Sep 5, 2022
Tri6: Infinite - Bonne
A new Tri6: Infinite patch is now available with some bugfixes and improvements to celebrate the game expanding to more platforms.

The new patch slightly improves the graphics quality by improving the post processing, adds controller vibration also on PC and fixes several bugs all over the place.

If you want to try out the game first, you can download our free demo via Steam.

As we are working on the concept of its successor, feel free to share any feedback you have so we can make it even better!

Full changelog
  • slightly improved post processing
  • added gamepad vibration on collision also on non-PS4 platforms
  • fixed game hang on PS4 opening PS overlay while starting the game
  • fixed ramp exploit
  • fixed rare issue where vehicle could clip through the sorrounding walls
  • fixed rare issue where colliding before next lap led to an empty track
  • fixed random network connection popups
  • fixed game not being paused when losing focus
  • fixed mute setting not being stored properly
  • fixed continue option not working when in settings menu after being in input settings sub menu
  • fixed B/Circle button not being selectable for button mapping
  • fixed controller movement controls only working when set to either left or right stick
  • fixed players 2-4 having wrong default color when joining
  • fixed one gamepad and keyboard not being able to play together properly
  • fixed controller disconnect not being hinted and game continueing to run
  • fixed render issue on 3 players splitscreen
ENDLESS™ Dungeon - The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales
We don't know where Blaze came from, how they got here, or why they keep wearing that hat inside a space station, but we do know they'd been running with a whole gang of cravers. Had been. They're looking for a new posse now, for some reason... 

Blaze is an expert on explosives, and between mines and missiles they can hold off hordes of enemies to defend your team and your crystal. Just be a little careful, as judging by their skills their approach seems to be "If you can't solve a problem with explosions, you need a bigger boom." 

  • Afterburn (Passive): Percent chance to add fire damage to target 
  • Hive Mine (Special): Area damage explosives that trigger with a brief delay after enemy contact 
  • Brimstone (Ultimate): Robot arm launches bombs that target nearby enemies 

Some of you already had the chance to play Blaze during the "First Run" OpenDev, but we hope you enjoyed this glimpse at their background and personality. We'd love to tell you more about them, but frankly we're afraid to ask... 
Swords of Legends Online - [CM] Phaendar

Get 35% more with a purchase of Crimson Coins during the Happy Hour!

Running (EU): from 05/09/2022 at 4:00 PM CEST till 06/09/2022 at 4:00 PM CEST.
Running (NA): from 05/09/2022 at 10:00 AM EDT/7:00 AM PDT till 06/09/2022 at 10:00 AM EDT/7:00 AM PDT.

See you in Shenzhou!
The SOLO Team
No King No Kingdom - Fullmetal Developer
Quality of life update 13.3

Auto-selection of the army when entering the global map
Earlier, I planned to make a passive combat system on the global map, but the development of the game went in a different direction. Therefore, now your army will always be with you, and peasants who have no work will follow you on a journey on the global map.
You no longer need to select them and you will never get into battle without an army!

Added two new hotkeys that allow you to select melee and ranged units separately.

Hotkey now deselects other units, so pressing 2 will select only long-range units and deselect all others (if they were selected)

fixed cyclope sounds
fixed unit spawn at orc hall
small rebalancing of goblins- workers are effective only for work. Normal goblins are cheaper and take much less time to create. A good solution if you urgently need to quickly gather an army

Divine pickaxe now deals a small amount of damage to units
Sep 5, 2022
The Ghost Ship - Joshinscene
Hi all,

We are decreasing the pricing from $10.99 to $9.99 in preparation for our large update coming very soon,

Happy gaming!
Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator - Jan (IPACS DEV)
The Courchevel Altiport in the French Alps is coming to the Aerofly FS 4 Europe Scenery DLC. Courchevel is famous for its sloped runway and high elevation and will feature an accurate height profile and 18% slope for its runway!

Sep 5, 2022
Floor44 - 比挨打强多咧
Added a new item: Potion of Regret
Added a new way to go upstairs
Fixed some bugs