Atlantica Global - Gonetlet

Greetings Atlantians!

We would like to ask for your time to fill up this survey for our general updates here in Atlantica Online! With accumulated feedback we can be able to provide more interesting updates in the near future~!

Atlantica Survey:
Pirate’s Treasure Survey:

Reach milestone rewards based on the number of respondents! Responses from each surveys are combined.


300 Responses – 30 Mercenary Skin Enhancement Stone
500 Responses – 4 Double EXP Licenses
800 Responses – Shining Goddess Acce Set (NT)
💎1000 Responses – 2 Days AO Setting!

~Atlantica VALOFE Team
CosmicBreak Universal - CosmicBreak Universal Official
The details of the 8/31/2022 JST maintenance are as follows.

■ New Mission [New Age of the Queen Garnet] Begins!

In the mission [New Age of the Queen Garnet] players will be able to control the rookie pirates Karin and Ena!
New rewards have also been added to the Mission Coin Exchange.

Mission Coin Exchange Items Added

※Mission and Mission Coin Exchanges can be accessed from the Angel Force Base.
※The rewards listed above can be obtained by talking to Ena after completing the mission on [Normal], [Mad}, and [Hell] difficulties respectively.

■ Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed.

・Concerning the Green WInd stage
- Measures were taken against a bug which would submerge the character under the ground in specific conditions.

・Concerning the Tierouge AM
- An issue where the part did not display normally.

・Concerning the Homura-chan
- An issue where the part did not display normally.

■ Suspension of Accounts for Malicious Activity
We have confirmed instances of unsanctioned activities by some users in-game.
In accordance with the CosmicBreak Terms of Service to which all players must agree upon creating an account,
accounts found to be involved in said unsanctioned activities have been restricted for 14 days.

For the Terms of Service and Play Etiquette details, please read below.
CyberStep Terms of Service
CBUNI Play Etiquette

If the accounts above are found to continue engaging in unsolicited activities, they may incur more stringent punitive measures up to and including permanent restriction as detailed in the Terms of Service above.
Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your support of CosmicBreak Universal!
梦塔防 - 765611981064***83

























1、活动期间内 200%经验 ↑、200%掉率↑




服务器开启后,少侠们都能够参与战斗力排行榜和封炎积分排行榜的角逐冲刺。9月1日和9月7日 20:00,游戏系统会分别对各位少侠的战斗力和封炎积分进行排行统计,并根据名次自动发放奖励。



封炎积分冠军:浴火狂狮 (30天)*1、金色称号“炎帝克星”(30天)*1、封炎币*2888
封炎积分亚军:浴火狂狮 (30天)*1、金色称号“炎帝克星”(30天)*1、封炎币*1888
封炎积分季军:浴火狂狮 (30天)*1、金色称号“炎帝克星”(30天)*1、封炎币*888











Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. - D&A Studios
Phase Two is complete and it’s time to move onto Phase Three. I believe Phase Two was a significant positive change to the overall game play. I hope everyone agrees! I feel that depth was added to the game by having pick-up at locations, which add to the archives, and an audio player, to replay indecipherable Audio clip, have improved replay-ability.

Just like the previous phases, I greatly appreciate everyone’s feedback. It helped shape the final outcome of phase two.

Thank you for being here.

• Finalize The Church on Spruce Street (4 more ghosts are planned). (Updated Nov 8)
• Implement and complete House on Jefferson St. (Updated Nov 8)
• Implement and complete House on Pecos Cir.
• Provide the Demon with a home since he was evicted from Evergreen Ln. (Completed Nov 8)
• Identify and implement optimization opportunities. (Updated Nov 27)
• Develop and Implement Relic and Ghost Event system. (Updated Nov 27) (Move Relic to later phase)
• Continue to develop quality of life improvements. (Updated Nov 27)

Community feedback is encouraged!

Of course, there have been other very individualized issues and those are just as important to resolve. We will get to those.

Again, thank you all for your amazing support!
Aug 30, 2022
Wizardry: The Five Ordeals - スパくん
- In some cases, face_b did not display properly.
Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. - D&A Studios
This is a significant update where many things have changed and to ensure you get the most out of this, I would encourage everyone to start a new game. I hope everyone loves the new changes! There was a tremendous amount of work put into this over the last month.

Just to give everyone a snippet of advice. Gold trophies may be difficult to get the first time at a location. As you collect specific evidence for a ghost or collect pickups, you may be able to take better notes on a particular ghost. Your investigations will be much easier by having more notes on a specific ghost. If you find yourself struggling to get evidence or the ghosts are being stubborn, feel free to conclude your investigation, reorganize your notes, and come back another night.

About pickups…
Pickups are items that you will find at locations and will go directly into your archives. They will give you more information about what happened at the location, facilitating better notes. You may have to return several times and collect a bit of paranormal evidence to gain enough information, allowing you to find a particular pickup.

- Corrected notes text if you collected 3 EVPs.
- The PC in the office is operational.
- Audio player allows player to replay audio captured during the investigation back at the office.
- Email inbox is now where player will find invites to new locations to investigate. Taking notes on the client's info will facilitate investigations.
- Archival information is available on the PC. Taking notes on particular Archival information will also facilitate investigations.
- Locations on the interactive map will only be available to investigate after the player has reviewed the client's email on that location.
- Hud Text size increased.
- All the ghosts per location now are spawned at the same time.
- Player can crouch to facilitate picking up items.
- Added oscillation to camera during walking to enhance immersion.
- Added Pickup Items at locations which can be found during investigations, if found will be added to the archives as information.
- Corrected a few text stragglers with the hand Icon.
- Adjusted EMF range on non-paranormal items at Spruce St.
- Adjusted collision in Evergreen Garage to prevent being stuck behind door.
- Added blocking volume on Evergreen upstairs decreasing likelihood of being stuck when crouching
- Adjusted Bullseye size and opacity.
- Added sound to EMF meter.
- Eliminated red color bleed in the night vision camera.
- Corrected miscellaneous Typos.
- Improved Text position on Notebook
- EMF meter will now properly light up if it's turn on within a Field.
- Demon was removed from Evergreen and relocated.
- Fixed buzzing sound associated with lamp/light string.
- Settings menu is now accessible in game.
- Added a "Hustle" button (walk/run just not as fast as I would call a run).
- Adjusted appearance of Residual Ghosts
- Adjusted appearance of Shadow People.
- Improved Temp Sensor Material.
- Master volume controls in the settings menu.
Aug 30, 2022
Dusk Diver 2 - sales
1. Accelerates the Party Satiety depletion rate.
2. Adjusts the threshold condition for the use of Burst Ultimate to 160% Burst Level.
3. Specific characters have a chance to trigger Wall Launch or Lacerate from Break Strikes (Ground).
4. Slightly increases Bonus EXP gained from knocking down enemies with Burst Ultimate.
5. Increases both damages dealt and received by companions.
6. Support skill level limits have changed to Lv2 in New Game mode.
7. Some Bosses will now regenerate Super Armor while not undertaking damage but have their HP and Super Armor value reduced.
8. Lowers the Weapon Rank requirements for skill learning.
9. Other balance changes.
Aug 30, 2022
Indies' Lies - Laurenxy
Indies' Lies has an honor to participate in BIC Festival 2022, one of South Korea biggest game shows!

During September 1-9. we will have a proxy booth at D09. See you there!

Captain Forever Trilogy - Farbs
Hi Pilots,

I've added Captain Forever Universe Update 15 to Captain Forever Trilogy.

Explore, rescue, mine, work, and salvage your way through an enormous, persistent galaxy. Captain Forever gave you things to do - fight and build. Captain Forever Universe offers a place to be.

Started 12 years ago, this project was previously titled Captain Jameson, or sometimes The Dawn Star. At the encouragement of fans I've resumed development, and I'm glad I did. With a massive design overhaul, a new renderer and graphics, and new features coming online, I think Universe is shaping up to be something special.

If you own Captain Forever Trilogy then you can play Universe right now! I'd also love to hear from you about it, so please consider joining the Discord.

Getting Started
  1. Open Steam and click Library
  2. Right click on Captain Forever Trilogy and select Properties...
  3. Select BETAS
  4. Select captainforeveruniverse15 from the drop down list
  5. Close the properties window
  6. Captain Forever Trilogy will now update. This usually only takes a few seconds.
  7. From your Steam library, select Captain Forever Trilogy and click PLAY
  8. Select Play Captain Forever Universe Alpha 15
  9. Enjoy!

Without oxygen, your pilot will die. Replenish oxygen by entering atmosphere zones surrounding stations. You will need to renew oxygen licenses at oxy stations to expand your reach. Most importantly, every time you leave atmosphere, make a plan for where your next breath will come from.

Docking with stations to access their services. To dock, just follow a station's red and green lane lights and nudge the docking module. Try this at the nav station near where you first spawn, to add data to your onboard map.

VMEDS is your Virtual Multifunction Electronic Display System - it's your interface through to all the things your ship can do other than flying, shooting, and building. You'll see it when you first start the game, and can interact with it using number keys, function keys, or your mouse. I find the mouse pretty cumbersome though and strongly recommend using keys.

Open VMEDS with the TAB key during flight to access your onboard map, ship settings, help files, and to save and exit the game.

Cruise Control
If you have distance to cover and no threats along the way, hit the Left Shift button to toggle cruise control. This allows you to travel without holding the forwards key, and also causes time to pass at double the usual rate. It's great for distance travel, but can go catastrophically wrong if you fly into danger, so take care!

Your goal is to discover wormholes to other sectors, and defeat the Border Force patrols preventing travel between them. To do this you'll need to rescue blockaded stations and build up your ship. As you explore you'll find occasional Juliet level factories, which you can use to gain Kilo level modules and build an unstoppable dreadnaught.

Every player's world is generated from the same seed, so if you find something cool you should let other pilots know! You can find us in the Steam community pages and on the Discord.

Changes for Update 15
  • Multiple pilots - players can have multiple concurrent pilot/ship save files, all in the same universe
  • Wide sectors - Everywhere is big again!
  • Metagame redesign - Discover wormholes to unlock new spawn locations, defeat Border Force to travel
  • Boss ships moved to sector outskirts
  • One Juliette factory, building a Kilo part, per sector
  • Mail delivery system
  • Coords everywhere (nav screen, main UI, mail modules, mail pickup offers)
  • More station names
  • Simplified score, now it's highest level of ship defeated - this is your pilot's THREAT rating, shown on VMEDS main menu

See you out there!

TwelveSky 2 Classic - 12Sky2Classic

Heaven Jade Chest 14[/b]
The Heaven Jade Chest 14 is a random chest that contains one of the following items. Only items in the list below can be acquired.
  • Auto Buff Scroll (7 Days) [Automatically Applied]
  • Sky Lord's Holy Feed (900 Min) [Automatically Applied]
  • Absorption Pill (600 Min) [Automatically Applied]
  • White Feather - Wings craft material.
  • Black Feather - Wings craft material.
  • Golden Feather - Wings craft material.
  • Bronze Bar - Worth 100 Million Silver Jeon.
  • Silver Bar - Worth 500 Million Silver Jeon.
  • Ancient Platinum (15%) - enchant your equipment by (15%).
  • Platinum Upgrade Stone - Advanced UpLv exclusive upgrade stone.
  • Herbal Medicine Box
  • Expansion Pill Box - Required G12 to consume.
  • Diamond - Jewel that you can insert to the gear
  • Silver Jade Stone - Combination material for Cloak Gold Jade Stone.
  • Gold and Silver Stone - Equipment craft material
  • Genuine Jade - Material to refine items.
  • Proustite – Use to Refine (Increase success chance 5% & decrease fail chance 5%)
  • Mount Box(15%) - Acquire 1 mount with 15% upgrade rate.
  • Fahrenheit Jade - A rare jade. Can be use in various ways
  • Mount's Spirit - Material item for crafting mounts.
  • Earth Chest - Receive a random warlord item(R)
  • Heaven Chest - Receive a random warlord item(E)
  • Stats Increase Pill - Can proceed Rebirth 1 time without consuming CP.
  • Holy Mount Stone - Add additional stat on a mount. The existing stats of the mount will change to another stats or value.
  • Guardian Chest – Contains a random guardian pet
  • Bloody Cape Box – Contains a bloody cape
  • God of Fist Title Ticket can increase your Title Rank pass through
    • Title Rank 12th (L12) > Title Rank 13th (M) > Title Rank 14th (H)
    • Requires 10000CP each additional + Rank. Total of 20000CP to reach Rank 14th (H)
  • Horse Shoe – Use to craft Black & White Storm Horse
  • Bull's Horn – Use to craft Emperor & Imperial Bull
  • Unk Emperor Bull
    • Critical Damage Rate Refine Value is set at 15%
    • HP Value Range 11 – 20%
    • Damage Attack Value Max 20%
  • Unk Imperial Bull
    • Critical Damage Rate Refine Value is set at 15%
    • HP Value Range11 – 20%
    • Defense Value Max 20%
  • White Apostle Costume - (No Stat) Permanent
  • Black Apostle Costume - (No Stat) Permanent

Find the Heaven Jade Chest (14) in the "Misc" section of the Item Shop for a limited time![/b]