Dread Templar - 1C_Kordus
- fixing an issue that caused the setting cannot be saved on the start screen
Conqueror's Blade - Kaeden
Endure the trials of the greatest arena ever built, form alliances, and rise to glory as you embark on a new Seasonal Campaign in Conqueror's Blade: Colosseum!

To participate in the Campaign, you must belong to an NPC or player-controlled House/Cohort or Alliance, and fight alongside fellow Heroes via the ‘Battle’ interface or in the open world to gain control of settlements. Territory Wars begin on September 6 and will occur every Tuesday and Saturday throughout the season. For more information about Territory Wars, check out our top tips here.

The Seasonal Campaign is divided into five stages. Maoyang is the core region, with the main objective being its Capital: Anliang (in Stage 5). As stages progress, access is granted to neighbouring regions, which then become conquerable. Maoyang’s fiefs will grant Influence to their captors’ Alliance, and whoever controls Anliang will be the victor. The winning House’s liege will receive the Hegemon title, and all members will receive additional rewards.
Campaign Stage
Dates & Accessibility
Seasonal Seals
Stage 1: Opening Moves
● September 1 - September 11

Territory War in: The Borderlands, Anadolou

Inaccessible: Maoyang
● Deployable Units: 1-Star to 3.5-Star

● Armour Set bonus: Inactive

● Crafted Equipment bonus: Inactive

● Auxiliary Points: 300

● No Extra Leadership
Stage 2: Eye of the Storm
● September 12 - October 2

Territory War in: The Borderlands, Anadolou, Maoyang
● Deployable Units: 1-Star to 4.5-Star

● Armour Set bonus: Active

● Crafted Equipment bonus: Inactive

● Auxiliary Points: 400

● No Extra Leadership
Stage 3: All is Chaos
● October 3 - October 16

Territory War in: The Borderlands, Anadolou, Maoyang
● Deployable Units: 1-Star to 5-Star

● Armour Set bonus: Active

● Crafted Equipment bonus: Active

● Auxiliary Points: 500

● +40 Extra Leadership
Stage 4: Usurp the Throne
● October 17 - October 30

Territory War in: The Borderlands, Anadolou, Maoyang

Battle for the capitals: Reginopolis (Capital of Anadolou)
● Deployable Units: 1-Star to 5-Star

● Armour Set bonus: Active

● Crafted Equipment bonus: Active

● Auxiliary Points: 600

● +40 Extra Leadership
Stage 5: Imperial Dawn
● October 31 - November 13

Territory War in: The Borderlands, Anadolou, Maoyang

Battle for the capitals: Reginopolis (Capital of Anadolou)

Battle for the core capital: Anliang (Capital of Maoyang)
● Deployable Units: 1-Star to 5-Star

● Armour Set bonus: Active

● Crafted Equipment bonus: Active

● Auxiliary Points: 700

● +100 Extra Leadership
The Seasonal Seal System will be in effect in the following modes:
  • Siege Battles
  • Field Battles
  • Territory Wars
  • Rebel Camps
  • Bandit Raids
  • Training Battles (AI)
  • Select event modes (PVP/PVPVE)
The Seasonal Seal System will NOT be in effect in the following modes:
  • Colosseum
  • Expeditions
  • Deathmatches
  • Ranked
  • Free Battles
  • Select event modes (PVE/PVPVE)
  • Tutorial
  • Custom Battles
Armour Set Bonus refers to the bonuses that take effect when you have two or four pieces of a specific set.

Crafted Equipment bonuses are the additional “+ amount” bonuses that you obtain for a specific stat.

IMPORTANT: Restrictions implemented by the Seasonal Seal System are only temporary and do not impact the future availability of and access to content such as Units.

Rewards from taking part in Territory Wars and completing quests during the Colosseum Campaign include Chests of Bronze and Treatise in various quantities, and more (check in-game for more details).
Rappelz - Evanesca

In Rappelz, the +20% rate for sharpening weapons and armor is activated!

⭐How does it work?
Your chance to successfully enchant equipment with attack or defense dice has been increased by 20% of the original!

Right now and until 10:30 am Wednesday, August 31st!

⭐This is not a dream?
Not! Hurry up to sharpen as many things as possible within the allotted time and, of course, do not forget about stability powders so as not to break your favorite equipment!

Who will sharpen everything at +25 faster?
Aug 29, 2022
Line War - Imphenzia

We hope that you all have had a great summer! Last week we returned from our vacation, and now we're back in full development mode, primarily focusing on two major features:
  • Basic AI (an AI opponent to practice against)
  • Teams (2v2, 3v3, 1v2, FFA/free-for-all)
Basic AI

The Basic AI is an interim implementation that we have prioritized based on feedback and reviews. It’s important to know that this is not the full single-player implementation, but you can see it as an offline sparring partner where you can practice as much as you want without worrying about rank or feeling uncomfortable about anyone watching. The Basic AI will be non-cheating, and it’ll look at the battlefield and draw commands only using the knowledge that it can see in the clearings of the fog of war. Creating an intelligent AI opponent is complicated, so this first implementation will be used to satisfy the basic practice needs of players and provide us, developers, with knowledge for the future large scale implementation of an advanced AI.


Team modes are being worked on in parallel according to the road map. We are looking forward to implementing modes such as 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3. We're also aiming to include asymmetric matchups such as 1 vs. 2, where a single higher-skill player can play against two lower-skill players simultaneously and free-for-all (FFA).

Implementing teams is a major undertaking. It may not appear that way, but there are many challenges, including picking phase, matchmaking, networking, UI, Fog of War, bandwidth, replays, testing, and scaling so units and UI can support many different team configurations and colors.

We don’t have an ETA on the release of Basic AI and Teams just yet, but Basic AI should come first during September, followed by Teams.

Recent Patches

We've recently also released some minor patches to the current version. Some were well-needed balance changes, and some were bug fixes. The most important bug fix that we published today should eliminate the state that matchmaking could end up for a few hours where no matchups could be made. We had a few instances of that happening during the summer, but we've reproduced and fixed that bug now.

Keep Playing and Stay Tuned

While we are working hard on this behind the scenes, we hope that you play and enjoy Line War as much as possible. We are aware that the player count has reduced following the release, this is normal for nearly every single game, and we want to focus our efforts on continuing to develop Line War rather than allocating time and funds to marketing.

We’ve seen feedback that the release of Line War was premature, but for us two developers, it was essential that the release took place so we could fund the continued development and gather feedback on whether or not the game-play was appealing enough to continue. Nearly all the negative feedback revolves around the lack of players, AI, and additional features, and through the release, we’ve secured the funds to continue development to implement exactly that and then perform a bigger marketing drive when the time is right. The strategic gameplay and command system is receiving excellent reviews, which is exactly why we are super encouraged to continue development and evolving Line War.

Don’t worry; Line War is not dead. We have a community of hard-core players (that are now beating us, developers, in matches big time), and development continues behind the scenes.

Aug 29, 2022
Stream Racer - Barry
Hey all,

Welcome to patch 1.8.0. Last patch we removed car-on-car collision to see its effect on the game. While there's a large group of users that like this change, there's also a substantial group of player that's don't. That's why we're introducing something new in the patch, game modes! The initial game modes are Time Trial and Arcade. Time Trial are about speed! No car collision, maximum racing! max players for this game mode is 200! Arcade is all about fun! Full car-on-car collision, maximum chaos! max players are 75!

We've also patched / tweaked some others things:

- Introduced game modes, time trial and arcade.
- Game mode is displayed in pre-game lobby.
- Increased leaderboard update interval, this fixes some close finish issues that happened.
- Random time is no longer always night. It cannot always be night.
- Vehicle labels (player names) are now hidden when the vehicle is far away from the camera.
- Fixed a camera stutter issue when following a car manually.
- Hide labels when in prop-camera mode.
- Fixed Racecar Retro Game skin.

This is a forced patch, meaning you have to update in order to start a race (server only works with version 1.8.0 🙂)

Happy racing!
Sprocket - Mushy
Hi all,

Just letting you know I'm taking the week off, to recharge for the next big steps.

Back next Monday (5th September) in full force.

- Hamish
PunjiVR - Sir Loin of Beef II
  • Added a button to start the helicopter engines manually
  • Helicopter engines start when the cyclic or collective are grabbed
  • Removed a forgotten button that loaded a testing level
Aug 29, 2022
Animal Shelter - Games Incubator_Team
Dear players!
Our game's International Homeless Animal Day event is officially over.

Thank you all for participating in our event ❗

We got a lot of positive feedback from you, which made us very happy.
We hope you liked all the limited items in our Animal Shelter game, and everyone who wanted to own them has already bought them! 🥰

Additionally, some improvements have been made to the gameplay:

  • International Homeless Animal Day event has ended - but you will still have the things you bought!
  • The game can now run in the background (experimental, but should not cause any issues)
  • Optimized world space and overlay UI elements
  • Optimizations for refreshing animals' colliders (especially during patting, washing and healing)
  • Optimized moving buildings in build mode
  • Optimized building collision detection (detecting other buildings and furniture)
  • Optimized computer panel lists spawning and updating
  • Optimized (fixed) disabling and enabling water hose when not in use (so it does not impact performance when it's not being used)
  • Optimized non-movable environment decorations
  • Optimized textures for small items and decorations
  • Fixed errors with level of detail controller for kittens
  • Fixed initializing collider manager in placeable game objects
  • Fixed disabling building's entrance arrow after exiting build mode
  • Fixed refreshing dirtiness
  • Fixed incorrect cleanliness value if no cage is present
  • Added more debug log information (missions and in-game emails) and removed some unneeded (in furniture)
  • Fixed disconnecting furniture from building after dragging them into an incorrect place
  • Fixed party table issue that occurred when placing it at incorrect place
  • Disabling build mode buy button for a building/furniture if the associated DLC is not present
  • Added wall monitor (which shows camera view) to unfurnished photography buildings as well
  • Fixed wall monitor's initialization
  • No-savable objects will now gracefully be handled in old save files (to prevent spawning objects which had been saved in old saves files but have been changed to no-savable)

See You soon!
Animal Shelter Team
Cities: Skylines - CO_Avanya
Welcome back mayors, to the second Plazas and Promenades Dev Diary! Today we explore the details of how to manage pedestrian areas, what progression looks like for them, and what an area focus is. So get comfortable and let’s get started.

The key to a successful pedestrian area is managing the service points and keeping citizens happy and entertained. As mentioned in the previous Dev Diary, service points have a maximum capacity. This is the number of trucks that can visit them per week. It can be seen both on the tooltip of each building as well as when selecting it.

If a service point nears its capacity for either cargo or garbage, it will notify you of high traffic but will continue to function. If it reaches its capacity for one or both types of trucks, it will be unable to service all buildings. This will lead to garbage piling up or goods not being delivered. Make sure your pedestrian area has enough service points and that these are spread out to avoid traffic congestion.

Add more service points when you reach maximum capacity

Pedestrian Area Panel
To see how well your area is doing, select the name of the pedestrian area or use the button on any service point to open the Pedestrian Area Info Panel. The panel displays the average happiness of all buildings in an area, and the entertainment provided by parks and plazas divided by the size of the area. These are combined into a land value bonus, which is applied to the entire area, just like the entertainment is, making pedestrian areas more desirable for citizens and businesses.

The Area Panel also shows a breakdown of the different zone types in an area, as well as the area focus, which is determined by the most prevalent zone type in an area. The focus can be either residential, commercial, workplaces (industry and offices combined), or mixed. Only the zones on pedestrian streets in an area count towards the area focus.

Last but not least, the info tab contains a handy overview of the area’s service points and their capacity for both cargo and garbage, as well as information about the area’s size and maintenance cost.

The Pedestrian Area Info Panel provides an overview of your pedestrian area

Progression & Focus
Pedestrian areas do not have levels like other area types, but instead have different categories of buildings that get unlocked simultaneously. Some of these are universal and can be unlocked by any pedestrian area, while others are tied to a specific zone type. The Unlocking tab on the Pedestrian Area Panel shows you what is required to unlock each building and how close you are to unlocking them.

Additional Service Points can be unlocked by any area as it grows and as service points are visited by more trucks. New service points in turn help you better handle the demands of the area as it grows. Like service points, Plazas can be unlocked by any area. As their unlocking depends on the land value bonus the area provides, make sure to have plenty of services, education, as well as parks and plazas in place.

Unlock more service points, plazas, and unique buildings as your pedestrian area grows

Next up we have the 6 new unique buildings, which come in two categories and can be found in the Unique Buildings menu. Pedestrian Area Landmarks tie into the area focus for an area and require either a number of residents, goods sold, or workplaces in an area to unlock.

Meanwhile, the Tourism Buildings are unlocked by reaching certain levels of weekly tourists visiting a pedestrian area. While these are not tied to a zone focus, you will need to provide attractions for tourists to visit in the form of parks and plazas, unique buildings, or commercial buildings.

Increase the attractiveness of your city using the new plazas and unique buildings

Area Policies
The one tab on the Pedestrian Area Panel we haven’t talked about yet is the Policies tab. On this tab, you can apply four different policies to your area to customize how it works. The policies are free to use, but each has downsides to consider.

Slow Driving affects all roads in the area, forcing a speed limit of 20 everywhere and, as a result, decreasing noise pollution. Sugar Ban deals with the health of your citizens, increasing the lifespan of citizens, but with an increased crime rate as citizens start smuggling illegal candy bars into the area.

You can also allow Street Music, which boosts the happiness of commercial buildings in an area but also increases the noise pollution slightly. And lastly, Deliver Everything routes all cargo and garbage through service points for all buildings in a pedestrian area. So in addition to handling the cargo and garbage needs for buildings on pedestrian streets, the service points need to handle cargo and garbage for buildings on regular roads too. I hope your service points are ready for the extra traffic!

That concludes this Dev Diary. I hope you now have a good idea of how pedestrian areas work and if not, don’t hesitate to ask! In the next Dev Diary coming Friday at 4PM CEST / 7AM PDT, we’ll cover the new plazas & service buildings, which can be used on their own or as a part of pedestrian areas. For now, I will leave you in the hands of Overcharged Egg with this video tutorial:

Charon's Staircase - robert.jackson
Hello everyone!

This past week we at SOEDESCO have been to Gamescom 2022!

Bit of a different update this time not about the game but about us at SOEDESCO.

This year we were only in the B2B area of the event, but we were still able to show our games to other developers and industry insiders. The business area is still important for the press, influencers, and other media to check out our company!

Next year we hope to bring Soedesco to the customer-facing side of Gamescom as well😊
Here are some of the photos from the event:

Please make sure to check our YouTube channel for the “after movie” of Gamescom 2022!


Thanks and that’s all for now.

- Robert J (Soedesco community manager)
