MIR4 - direarms

From our battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4

Greetings, This is MIR4.

[AISA254] server will be restarted for server stabilization.

Sorry for causing inconvenience on playing.

[Restart Period]
■ Monday, Aug. 29, 2022, (UTC+8) 11:00 am

Thank you.
Roaming through the Rivers - 纵意行文化

Isles of Sea and Sky - Panic
Akurra received an award, nominations for best game and game design at BitSummit, and was chosen for the PAX West Rising Showcase!

Read more in our latest Kickstarter update here:

Aug 28, 2022
Tough Love Arena - M. Paul Weeks
You can find the full changelog at https://about.toughlovearena.com/log#0.95.8

  • Pause Menu: You can now hold any 1 key/button to switch from Single Player to Two Players controls
  • Pause Menu: You can now hold any 2 keys/buttons to exit without saving
  • Event Mode: Rebooting exits fullscreen. As a workaround, after it reboots to the Welcome/Attract Screen, when you press anything to proceed it will also go fullscreen
Mr. Triangle's Maze - redtrianglegames
Thank you for your continued interest in Mr. Triangle's Maze. A few things have been updated based on your valuable feedback.

Upon starting a new game, there is now a proper warning about the exit level flashings and how to disable them for your save data. Access the menu while in a stage and you can toggle it on or off and all warps with flashing lights should be disabled.

In the spirit of what we set out for with the Wolf Boss, we wanted to preserve the challenge of him. So what we did was we created the option to fight the boss with or without armor. Without gives you the thrill of immediate death, while the armor now has two hits that it can take before it blows up.

In addition to these things, the frame rate of the game has been slightly increased and is a bit smoother. As our engine progresses we will up it to an even higher FPS when possible. This edit to the frame rate is one that should still be manageable.
Aug 28, 2022
Cardia Playtest - SaymN
  • An unified interface has been added.
  • Some more Localization (de)
  • Save/Load is NOT stable
Lone King - slizer88
  • Enemies fixed acquiring terrain as their target, crashing the game
  • Argent Kunai now shows ammo, fixed crashing the game
  • Teyrn now has space mines
  • Arasan's AOE attack now only triggers when it can see the player unit
  • Templar sensor defect now only hides enemies for one turn
  • Explosive barrels fixed crashing the game

  • System messages added for non-story alerts
  • Mute button added in-game
Aug 28, 2022
Reina and Jericho - Reclamation Games
Most of the time we talk about game development things in these posts, but in this case it’s about the business side of things. Reina & Jericho is very close to completion, but we had one dilemma which is that since we were near the end of the development cycle, we were also low on money. We mostly use money to buy things like electricity, food, and software licenses. It’s helpful stuff.

Our bank account was low enough that, despite crunching, we weren’t on pace to be able to stay afloat financially after release. There is a two- or three-month lag between when a game goes on sale and when the revenue finally reaches the publisher (in this case: us) and more than one good studio has been forced to shut down despite finishing their game, releasing, and having strong sales figures.

You may think to yourself “If their game was selling well couldn’t they just find a _____ to lend them money?” and the answer is complicated. A lot of the people willing to lend money to a game studio are also the same people that are interested in buying game studios on the cheap, and there is no better time for this then after a release when financial resources are low. It’s still important to just not run out of cash in the first place. Even if a Good Samaritan money lender comes along you still want to have more leverage than “We’re broke if you don’t lend to us.”

So, we went to get more money. We have pumped the breaks on development on Reina & Jericho for the last couple of weeks to do some sub-contracting with another studio. The development on Reina & Jericho is in no way endangered -- on the contrary, we have been able to make some arrangements to bring additional resources to help us finish the game, and we will be able to finish it at a higher level of quality than we originally expected. This is something that we as a studio have been trying to make happen for quite a while, and it’s exciting to have it finally fall into place. The tradeoff is that we do need to spend a few weeks diverting our resources to help close out a different game.

And so, we’ve gone from crunching on Reina & Jericho to crunching on another project. The bad news is that the hours are still quite long, but the good news is that the other project has a solid deadline, we are generating revenue as a studio, and we have some strong business opportunities and professional connections that have been made that will allow us to increase the final quality on Reina & Jericho substantially.

The release date is still not far away, but we regret that we’ve had to slow development for the last month and will be doing so for the next month as well. The fact of the matter is that this remains a significant step towards solving a problem that has plagued us (and our environment art) for quite some time and we are very excited to finally have access to the help we will need to bump it up a notch. But the tradeoff is that we do need to spend the time gathering resources before we can move ahead with that final step.

It's difficult that we have to put it off with the game so close to completion, but one of the advantages we have is that we don't have a publisher or anyone else forcing deadlines on us. We don't need to roll out our game in an incomplete state (a practice that is becoming increasingly common across the industry).

Reina & Jericho was started with the intention of creating a good game that was also a work of art. If it were a product we could release it right now, but we actually have a statement we want to make with the game and a quality level we want to hit because it isn't a product to us, it's art. As art it isn't finished quite yet, and so we are making a compromise on the timeline side of things so that we can get the people we need to give it a little bit more love.

And it will be worth it.
My Time at Sandrock - 样
We're live-streaming the Logan Strikes Back! new content now! Come play and chat with us! 😋

Join us now!
Aug 28, 2022
Lonely White - PsychoFlux Entertainment
이번 업데이트에서는 많은 오타가 수정되었으며 그 외에 편의성 개선 및 난이도 조정이 이루어졌습니다.

  • 마력의 팔찌의 마력 회복 속도가 소폭 빨라집니다.
  • 몇몇 장비의 설명이 변경되었습니다.
  • 롤러스케이트의 효과가 50% 감소되었습니다.
  • 피격 이후 경직이 걸릴 시 차지 어택이 제대로 발동되지 않던 문제를 수정하기 위해, 이제 차지 어택의 이동이 끝난 이후에도 공격 판정이 약간 남게 됩니다. 대신 차지 어택에 약간의 딜레이가 생겼습니다.
  • 몇몇 이동 불가 지역으로 갈 수 있던 문제를 수정하였습니다.
  • 바다 스테이지의 시간 제한 초과 시 피해를 입는 속도가 보다 느리게 조정되었습니다.
  • 광산 스테이지의 시야가 더 넓어졌습니다.
  • 광산 스테이지 폭탄의 피해량이 줄어들었습니다.
  • 그 밖에 다수의 오타를 수정했습니다.