Valkyrie Champions - valorware
The Gameplay Trailer for Valkyrie Champions will be available on Monday 29th August! :) We can't wait for you to see the game in action!
Stormworks: Build and Rescue - Deltars

Dear Stormworkers,

It is minor update week! In todays minor update, we are adding new manually operated components! These include:

The Hand Crank

The hand crank is a person-powered lever that when interacted with, produces a small amount of torque. This allows simple systems to be operated by hand where the torque requirement is low, or where some manual operated backup is required.

The Tap Valve

The new manually operated valve is a fluid on/off valve that can be toggled by hand, without need for electricity or logic. This is very useful for a variety of things, to more authentic steam trains, to emergency release or override systems, or just simpler, more mechanical operation of fluid systems.

The Lever Pump

The new lever pump is a new hand-powered pump that will push fluid while the pump is being interacted with. Again, this is useful for several situations where there is backup, emergency, axillary function, or manual operation just fits the era or style of your creation.

We hope you enjoy these new parts! And please do check out the patch notes below for details on all the fixes and improvements also included in this update.

And now for some quick notes to manage expectations:

Recently we did suggest upcoming audio improvements! In that post we said "We hope this will bring a big improvement of quality of audio over the coming months", but some players showed acute bewilderment when the following update wasn't audio based. That announcement was just about how we are creating a permanent audio engineer role at the studio and we are starting a long term mission to have better audio in our games, starting with Stormworks. Development takes time but I hope we will see a few audio updates, released perhaps every 2 or 3 months. The improvements are coming!

Many players are predicting that the upcoming potential DLC could be space themed. This is not the case. We love the idea of a space update, but we started this next potential DLC a very long time ago, long before the recent uplift in suggestions for space. However, we are really excited about the update we are making and expect it to have a huge impact for a lot of players. We will hopefully be making a big announcement with all the details in October.

We look forward to all your thoughts and feedback on all the new manually operated parts!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Changes that include a #NUMBER relate to fixes or features submitted by the Stormworks community via which can be accessed via the 'Report Bug/Request Feature' button in-game.

Posting a submission to this tracker ensures we review your suggestion/report since we may not see reports submitted via other channels.

Feature - #2486 #2712 Manual pump, crank and valve
Feature - #8074 Add keyboard binding support for vehicle editor
Rework - #12436 Improved steam piston code for a smoother and more consistent behaviour
Rework - #12441 Steam Piston now outputs the cam rotation instead of extension factor so stroke direction can be determined
Rework - Starting weather state is now more heavily affected by world seed
Fix - #8934 Fix tick delay consistency issue with Up/Down gate
Fix - Players receiving healing when disconnecting from the server from a previously used medkit
Fix - #11620 Fixed setVehiclePos not failing when passed nan values, adjusted processing for safe teleport (fix will only apply to new saves)
Fix - #11835 Suspension labelling mistake
Fix - #11851 Increased size of wheel colliders to better fit visually (old wheels sink into floor less)
Fix - #11993 Seats not showing Trigger label if there is no labelled hotkey or axis
Fix - #12091 Terminal Endo Hole in map
Fix - #12865 Body armour double names
Fix - #12918 Moved several non-sensor components out of the sensor category
How I learned to Skate - Hymy
Collision boundary view for Practice Mode
Added an option to show the collision boundaries of the game in Practice Mode. I decided to add this as it is not always clear where the collision boundaries are in the game and what can you actually collide against. Doing a complete graphics overhaul would be too time-consuming, but I think this is a great way to learn where the actual collision boundaries are in some confusing places.

Map changes:
  • Decreased the chase time of one of the birds in the final section that could often land on the ice exactly on your way. It can still reach the ice but should always be passable from below.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a couple of blocker obstacles under the bridges of part 6. It was possible to skate under some of the bridges that were supposed to be blocked.
  • Fixed a bug where in the Permafall mode the timer showed double the time once you fell.
Aug 26, 2022
fpsVR - Sergio
The fpsVR has been updated with the following changes:
  • Fixed: Oculus battery counters were not displayed when the SteamVR experimental option to block the Oculus API was enabled (usually enabled by OculusKiller users).
  • The history viewer (fpsVRviewer.exe) now automatically detects and recreates a corrupted configuration file (this rarely happens, probably due to a bug in the library used to work with json files).
  • Other minor fixes

HeadCount - [MG]Rash
HeadCount is an action-packed #bullethell VR shooter with a focus on #oldschool arcade action. Approachable gameplay 😍 anyone can just jump in and start playing right away.

Block'Em! - CosmicRaccoon
We’re thrilled to announce that Block’Em! by Cat Shawl Games is available to play at the Curve Games booth at Gamescom 2022!

Block’Em! is a fast-paced, block-building party game where 2–4 players compete to be the last Blocky standing. This classic action-packed 2D platformer truly promises to push your skills (and friendships) to the brink.

Come join the crowd and get your hands on Block’Em! before its full release on Steam this September.

Join our Block’Em! discord, to give us your feedback and let us know what you think about the game!


🟹Twitter: @blockem_game
đŸŸ© YouTube:
No More Room in Hell 2 - |NMRiH Dev| Maxx
You know who I feel really sorry for? The gravediggers and funeral directors. What hell are you supposed to do when the goods start walking around biting folks?
When this whole thing started, all we cared about was tearing away from the claws and teeth of our brothers, mothers, best friends
we didn’t think about the way some of them moved differently to others; how some still clung onto relics from their past lives, like they had some sort of vestigial remnant of what they once were buried deep in their rotten skulls.
Those of us who survived more than a few days started to recognise that - in this horde of death and decay - there were certain ‘types’ of zed. I’m not talking about the wacky crap you’d see in movies - “oh my god that zombie has two heads!!”, “Jesus, look at the size of his tongue!”. I’m talking about real stuff - how some moved faster than others, or how certain zeds didn’t care so much about devouring as they did infecting

So, let’s play a little game called ‘know thy enemy’.
First off, you’ve got Walkers. These guys are the most common type of zed you’ll encounter - slow-moving, slow-thinking, but they don’t need to think fast when all they want to do is make a meal outta you. You might think it’s easy to get away from a Walker - hell, I used to think so too - but the scariest thing is
you eventually have to sleep. Walkers don’t. They’ll just keep coming. And one night you’ll be lying there, wiping the dust from your eyes, and then a sharp pain will shoot up your leg

Next up, the Runners. Now this is where we separate the kids from the adults. Runners do exactly that: they run, and god-damn do they run fast. Whatever their fitness was in their past life, these zeds move like lightning. But, unbelievably, that’s not the worst part. Oh no, it gets way worse. Turns out Runners don’t care so much about turning you into pulled pork like the Walkers do. Instead, these freaks come screaming out of nowhere to take a bite out of you and spread the infection. I’ve known too many good people fight off a Runner thinking they had a lucky break
’til they saw the bite on their arm, and realised the Runner got exactly what it wanted. Rest easy, Brett.
And what about the Shamblers? Imagine a food waste bin that’s been out in the summer sun for 3 or 4 weeks, crawling with maggots. Every time you walk past it, your stomach turns and you fight back the urge to vomit. Now imagine that times ten - and you might get somewhere close to how bad these freaks stink. Shamblers stagger through the streets, and if you breathe in their stench, you’re gonna find it hard to breathe...I even heard from one group of Survivors that the fumes caused one of their guys to turn after he died. Sounds like a tall tale, but you never know these days. Oh, and to make matters worse, if a Shambler sees you, you better kill him quick - otherwise he’ll start screaming, and we all know what that leads to

There’s more zed types than these three, but I’ll save that for another night. Something or someone is coming up the road. Ellie was meant to be on watch
aw, hell.

Note from Cenelder
In No More Room in Hell 2, our vision of Hell isn’t far from the real world, and so our zeds are modelled on the ‘classic’ zombie movie: rotten flesh, grounded in reality. There’s real terror to be found in loading your last shells as a horde of Walkers shuffles towards you, blocking your only escape route

But - as our Survivor has made clear - Hell is the domain of a whole host of zed types. Runners will sprint out of alleyways, causing panic and disarray, whilst some of you might find yourselves choking on the putrid stench of the Shambler if you let it get too close.
And these aren’t the only zeds lurking in the shadows. Keep your eyes out for future Survivor Diaries, where we’ll introduce you to a few more denizens of the dark

Early Access Reminder
As always, we treat the words ‘Early Access’ the way they’re meant to be treated, particularly as we’re a team working around the world, many of us in our spare time, balancing NMRIH2 alongside supporting our families and full-time careers. Launching in Early Access gives us the opportunity to open up our production and growth to people who want to play an early and active role in our development journey – sloppy undead warts and all! By releasing in EA, our sales will help us provide the means for our team to keep working on the game through to Version 1.
We’re hard at work making something awesome, and Early Access is a big milestone on that journey, and it’s exactly that: a milestone!
We have a lot of things planned beyond EA, from optimisation to more maps; new weapons to feedback-led improvements. By joining us on this journey, you’re playing a key role in making NMRIH2 the best it can be. We can’t wait to have you along for the ride.
Tuesday JS visual novel engine - TuesdayJS
Added a Spanish version of the editor by Suki_Novels

Twitter user @Suki_Novels did the hard work of localizing the project into Spanish. This language is very long in its structure and it is difficult to find expressions that do not break the layout of the interface.

If you have any opinions or wishes regarding the content of the translation, please let us know.
Aug 26, 2022
Astride - Raidho Games
Hello everyone! The Raidho Games team is finally back from their vacation and with that comes more work in progress!

A new breed in the making
As we have finally received all of the breed wishes from the respectful Kickstarter backers, we've started working on the concept art for the breeds. Can you guess which breed of horse this is?

Stable and stall textures
As the first riding arena is ready for Eldheim, the stable and stalls are in focus now. For the early access release we want the players to have a good stable on their property in order to test different features while we develop the game.

Turn at walk
Making a horse turn doesn't just require one single animation, but multiple. Turning at a standstill, at a walk, in trot, in canter. It also requires different animations for how sharp the turn initially is. We want to add this amount of detail to the animation to make the horses feel more realistic, as the horses are the main focus of the game.

Map compiler
This is the making of a map compiler for our development workflow. The server and client have two different sets of map data. The server has collision. The client has both collision and visuals. A custom compiler is required to split these two into different set of scenes.

Fixing the horse rig
The rig has considered being changed for quite a while now, and we finally began the overhaul. It is not finished yet and still has some bugs here and there, but the end goal is to make it easier to work with and avoiding having to tweak the legs for every change made. This will make future animation processes a lot faster. And the best is that the legs no longer defaults to bend at the knee, but uses the pasterns and fetlocks instead - just like real horses do.

Another horse breed
Yet another horse breed is in the making. This one is definitely heavier! Can you guess the breed?

Kickstarter saddle
The Kickstarter tack which will be a part of the Kickstarter tack set reward is also in the works. We love some black leather and rose gold metals! And don't forget that feedback on the tack set as we work on it is wonderful so that we can cooperate on making everyone pleased with the result!

New assets
Lastly, a few new assets that will be brought into Astride. Some training cones, a flower pot/vase and a Viking sword cross country jump!

We are also working on perfecting the horse models for some changes we are making to the rig to make everything work optimal, which will result in a better workflow. All of the horses are getting some polishing done to their meshes and final touches on their proportions, limbs and faces. There is still a long way to go on all of them, but they're getting better and better!

Please note that everything shown in these devlogs is mostly just work in progress and is not finished. Changes may happen and the things showcased here will have further work put into them! To see work in progress daily, join our Discord server community here!
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral

Hampshire has arrived in the Armory and Premium Shop!

You can celebrate the event with a new web campaign—choose a team and set off on a journey around the world to collect combat missions and themed rewards!

To the Campaign Map

In 1932, three Surrey-class cruisers were meant to enter service in the Royal Navy. The design of the ships was based on Exeter, but with a 10,000-ton displacement and a fourth main battery turret added. However, the London Naval Treaty prevented that from happening. The introduced limitation on the total displacement of heavy cruisers forced Great Britain to cancel the Surrey order due to the total displacement limit being exhausted. Hampshire is our answer to the question: "What might the further development of the Surrey-class British cruisers have looked like?"

In honor of VIII Hampshire's release, we're launching a web campaign. Follow the instructions on the map to collect all the available rewards!
Starts: Fri. 26 Aug. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Ends: Fri. 09 Sep. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Around the World and a Little Bit Further
This time, you're about to set off on a journey around the world and uncover the mystery of the Navigators—a powerful ancient guild of seafarers and explorers of the depths. The web campaign consists of seven stages which must be completed sequentially. The final reward will depend on the team you decide to join. Over the entire journey, you'll be able to earn:

    For completing the web campaign, you'll receive two Navigator Tokens—you can use these to get random VIII Hampshire bundles. Moreover, the web campaign is the only way you can obtain the Around the World themed patch and flag.
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The Around the World Campaign comprises seven mandatory stages that will bring your team closer step by step to the mysterious Navigator Tokens. Make your choices on the website, claim the combat missions, and complete them—you'll learn their requirements upon claiming them. Follow the instructions on the map to acquire Navigator Tokens and other rewards!
[expand type=details]
This time, you're about to set off on a journey around the globe, and the campaign map covers the entire world. You need to sequentially complete all combat missions in each port to get all the rewards.
Choosing a Team
[expand type=details]
The choice of team that you need to make at the beginning of your journey will define your final reward. Join either the brave explorers or reckless pirates, and set off in pursuit of Navigator Tokens flying the flag of one of the event characters.
[expand style=more] [/expand]

In the Armory, you'll find bundles with themed Commander William Lymington and the Cloud Privateer permanent camouflage for VIII Hampshire, plus you'll be able to obtain the ship from random bundles. To acquire the latter, you'll need Navigator Tokens.
The bundles are available until: Fri. 16 Sep. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

[expand style=more] [/expand]
Navigator Tokens
You can obtain Navigator Tokens in the Armory and Premium Shop. The Armory also has three Navigator Tokens available in exchange for Credits.
    Navigator Tokens are a temporary resource for the Around the World event. You can obtain Navigator Tokens by completing combat missions of the campaign, which will be available on the website for a limited period. With the release of Update 0.11.9, any unspent Navigator Tokens will be converted into Free XP at the rate of 1:35,000.

Navigator Token
  • Bundle includes
  • Navigator Tokens: 1
3,500,000 Credits Purchase

Navigator Token
  • Bundle includes
  • Navigator Tokens: 1
1,000 Doubloons Purchase
Research Cruise
Navigator Tokens can be exchanged for random bundles which can drop Hampshire, the Cloud Privateer permanent camouflage, Commander William Lymington, expendable economic bonuses, and other items.

Research Cruise
Random bundle
0/35 1 Navigator Tokens Purchase
VIII Hampshire is a British heavy cruiser that embodied the further development of the Surrey-class ships with the number of her main battery guns increased to ten.
    If deemed necessary, balance changes may be applied to VIII Hampshire.
    The ship comes with a permanent camouflage, and she has standard economic bonuses for her tier. She also earns more Credits per battle and has a reduced post-battle service cost. Commander retraining isn't required for this ship.

Free XP
The Armory also has a bundle with 35,000 Free XP.

35,000 Free XP
1 item 35,000 Free XP
  • Bundle includes
  • Free XP: 35,000
1 Navigator Tokens Purchase

Hampshire in the Premium Shop
The conventional Admiral Pack with Hampshire can be obtained in the Premium Shop. The bundle includes:
  • VIII Hampshire with a Port slot and Commander with 10 skill points
  • 10,500,000 Credits
  • 50x Union Jack camouflages
  • 85x expendable economic bonuses of each of the following types: "Credits +40%," "Ship XP +200%," "Commander XP +200%," and "Free XP +600%"
  • Commemorative flag
The bundles are available until: Fri. 16 Sep. 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
