Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions - EGOliver

"The walk of war has commenced."
– Princeps of Orientalis-Echion

Event reinforcements! New warlords join the battle for Helios Gate. The Ordo Sinister unleashes Orientalis-Echion, one of its dreaded Psi-Titans, to join the battle. Meanwhile, the bloodthirsty 12th Legion charge to the fray, lead by the terrifying might of their Primarch Angron.

Choose your side at the Gates of Terra and fight! Your actions will determine which new Titan becomes collectable for the Loyalist Legios: the Imperator Magnificum Incendius or the Psi-Titan Orientalis-Echion.
Infection Free Zone - Earl Grey
Greetings, Survivors!

The main narrator of our games (played by Ian Slessor) has a really dedicated fan base! We have seen countless players appreciating him becoming the main voice actor behind our games, including Infection Free Zone. Being fully aware of this fact, we have recently started thinking... We should combine two things players like the most - Ian's voice and the new gameplay from the game!

Gameplay Overview Trailer

Watch the new Gameplay Overview Trailer and let us know what you think about it!

Gameplay Overview Trailer includes a brief summary of the following elements:
  • Infection Free Zone introduction and real-world maps usage,
  • Choosing HQ location,
  • Adaptation of the buildings,
  • Citizen types - squads members and workers,
  • Scavenging real-world Points of Interest.
  • Infected - their behavior and types of Infected,
  • Resources and how to obtain them,
  • Radio transmissions.
We hope that you are going to have fun with this nearly 6-minute-long video, which shows the core elements of our game in further detail. Let us know if you have any questions and quoting Ian's words - see you soon in your Infection Free Zone!

Best regards,
Jutsu Games Team

Governor of Poker 3 - Laura_GOP

Howdy Governors! The 50M Wild West Balloon is open for y'all!🌵🤠 Enter NOW this
Stimulating saloon were you can win up to $50B chips!🤑💰 Start playing at the Wild West 50M Balloon TODAY!

The Governor of Poker 3 Team
Aug 19, 2022
Zelter - Volkytalkie
Hello, survivors! Through the many updates to Zelter one thing remains true. It’s very easy to die. Of hunger, of thirst, of zombies, of more zombies, and also of becoming a zombie. Luckily there are ways to overcome the challenge. Our friend Nine Days Playing was certainly up to it and showed some really great Zelter skills in a new video.

Strategy and foresight are key, and aside from sharing his outstanding gameplay, we will try to provide hints & tips that should help you stay alive.

  • Stay sneaky early on
You won’t immediately find reliable weapons to kill the zombies. Luckily they’ll only become aggressive if they see or hear you. Be ready to sneak around and conserve your ammo and your health.

  • Eat, drink and be wary
Getting eaten by a zombie is of course the biggest danger in Zelter. But far from the only one. You may well starve to death or perish of thirst. Ensure you have the resources to prevent that. Both for yourself and for your NPC companions.

  • Don’t always eat things raw
You may be tempted to wolf down a potato spud immediately, but ultimately it’s better to plant it. You might also feel the same way about apples, but roast it and it’ll be 3x times as efficient! Hunger’s a dangerous foe and you’ll want to make the most of what supplies you gather.

  • Break things!
Chopping a tree or hitting a rock with a pickaxe are perfectly natural things to do (in a game), but don’t forget to dismantle furniture and vehicles if you need resources! Cars and couches can give you leather for instance.

  • The right tool for the right job
You can attack any resource deposit with any weapon, but the most effective yields are obtained by using the right resource for each type. Axes for trees, pickaxes for stones, hammers for garbage & destructible items, sickle for crops. Otherwise you’re in for a loooong day of stabbing a tree with a spear. A tool’s materials are pretty important too. Stone tools will give you resources after hitting the right item four times. Iron tools will do the same in just three hits!

  • DEX helps hit hard and fast
Dexterity affects your attack speed, which doesn’t only relate to hitting zombies. You’ll also strike faster with your harvesting tools, so you’ll gather resources faster!

  • A dead NPC = a deadly zombie
NPCs have their own hunger and thirst. If they drop too low, they’ll go so far as to scavenge for supplies themselves. They might have good intentions, but they may well die on their own. And if (or when) they do, they become a deadly new kind of zombie. Intelligent, resilient and retaining enough memory to use tools.

  • Guns are strong, but expensive
Over the years of video-games we all have the instinct to shoot the zombie. But bullets are rare and expensive. Consider using cheaper alternatives. Ammunition for the slingshot & crossbow is easier to come by and can be crafted in greater quantities. In fact if your aim is true, the slingshot is a good friend to have. You can fire and roll in quick succession and a zombie gets stunned on the second hit! Plus if you manage to sneak past the enemy - you save all your resources from a potential dangerous encounter!

  • Build! Especially barricades and turrets!
When you’re being assaulted by an entire horde, it helps to have extra guns firing at them. If those guns are mounted on reinforced turrets - that’s even better! More advanced barricades actually damage the zombies who try to attack them. Pair those with turrets and you’ll whittle down the horde much faster and without loss of life. Zombies will attack your structures, so bear that in mind when placing your fortifications.

  • Don’t feed the boars
Some animals in the world of Zelter are more scared of you than you are of them. Boars, however, are a lot more bold. They’ll try to eat your crops and if they’re attacked, they’ll retaliate with lethal force. Be sure to keep them away but don’t push your luck if you’re low on health. You may need to confront them eventually to get tough leather!

  • Helicopter attracts a lot of attention
The helicopter is the only way out, but it’s also the single loudest thing in the world of Zelter. As a result, when it shows up it rings the dinner bell for a huge wave of zombies. This is the part where you’ll have to remember all you’ve learned about turrets, barricades and conserving resources.


There are many ways to play Zelter. Did you discover any strategies or hints that we haven’t covered here? Share for the good of your fellow survivors. And as always, stay tuned for more from Zelter!

Allods Online RU - Lazy_Pengu

Сегодня весь Сарнаут отмечает день торжества научной мысли! Все инженеры Лиги и Империи собираются в столицах, чтобы обсудить последние достижения технологического прогресса и представить публике новейшие изобретения на празднике, который называется «Парад машин»! Разумеется, самые авторитетные инженеры облачатся по такому случаю особенно эффектно.

Принарядиться можно у Затейниц либо в Лавке Редкостей — туда по случаю торжества на ограниченный срок завезли особые механические доспехи!

Набор инженера: переносной реактор, шлем и доспех!
Механический шлем
Механические доспехи
Переносной мана-реактор

Как всегда, подробности можно узнать прямо в игре. Для этого нужно лишь заглянуть во встроенный календарь — горячая клавиша «Н» по умолчанию.

Желаем приятной игры!
Community Announcements - Morning Shift Studios
Community Announcements - Morning Shift Studios
Community Announcements - Morning Shift Studios
Community Announcements - Morning Shift Studios
Community Announcements - Morning Shift Studios