Don't Starve Together - Klei-JoeW
Hotfix 518018 Changes
  • Added link to WIckerbottom’s animated short, One For the Books.
  • Added Topsy-Turvy Treehouse, Monstrous Horror, and Abandoned Ship to Klei Rewards page.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed crash when hammering a burnt Bookcase.
  • Fixed Moon Gleams making extra noise when moving around inventories.
  • Fixed inconsistent book colours on the Walnut Bookstack.
  • Fixed creases in Maxwell noses.
  • Fixed Willow's Forlorn Doll skin eye texture issue.
  • Fixed an issue with Wickerbottom’s Nom de Plume hair.
  • Fixed woodie’s missing beard in his Merrymaker skin.
  • Fixed inconsistency in Wickerbottom’s Feather-Fringed Dress legs.
  • Fixed an issue causing Wickerbottom’s sssshhh idle animation from playing while wearing the Volt Goat Costume Top.
  • Fixed missing eyebrows in Wigfrid’s Straw-Stuffed skin.
  • Fixed missing bangs in Wickerbottom’s Bewitched skin.
  • Fixed missing texture when Wurt peruses The End is Nigh: Gilded Edition.
  • Fixed a seam in Cave Holes rendering.
  • Fixed an issue with webs from Overcoming Arachnophobia stopping movement with the mouse.
  • Fixed a map issue when using the Backtrek Watch while on a boat and traveling far.
  • Fixed the mouseover detection for the Walnut Bookshelf.
  • Fixed WIllow’s Forlorn Doll skin when mining.
  • Fixed skinned objects from going invisible in the Mighty Gym when loading the world.
  • Fixed the Void Bag skin not playing its unique opening sound effect on clients.
  • <s>Fixed a typo causing the ruins to reuse the barracks layout twice.</s>
Notes for Modders
  • Fixed missing c_* commands for word prediction with the console.

Hotfix 518333 Changes
  • Bookcases will now have more books added onto the shelves artwork depending on how full it is.
  • Wortox will now teleport to the center of a boat that has an Ocuvigil instead of the Ocuvigil’s location.
  • Adjusted the facial expression for Webber&#39;s Guest of Honor skin.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a typo causing the ruins to reuse the barracks layout twice.
  • Fixed Wilson’s Holly Beard highlighting.
  • Fixed various Wolfgang mustaches from being invisible from behind.
  • Fixed audio not playing properly with containers when they open and close while playing on a server.
  • Fixed various clothing layering issues with Wonkey.
  • Earthquake debris will no longer break items created by Cave Holes.
  • Fixed Wortox being able to teleport onto water if the Ocuvigil is somehow not on a boat.
  • Fixed Wortox Soul Hop being more permissive than the Lazy Explorer for teleporting near tile edges.
  • Fixed Bookcases having very loud audio for prototyping.
  • Added missing Bookcase minimap icon.
  • Fixed stalactites blocking buildings from being able to be placed under them.
  • Fixed Smallish Tallbird going invisible during some of its animations.
  • Fixed an issue with Ancient Guardian Shadow Tentacles repeatedly trying to attack hiding non-player entities.
  • Fixed bug where Farm Plants may become untargetable by Horticulture books.
  • Fixed Wickerbottom’s Nom de Plume glasses texture when talking.
  • Fixed Willow’s Coldfire profile view texture.
  • Added missing minimap icons for the Bookcase, Winter&#39;s Feast Tree (deciduous and twiggy).

Cross of Auria - Hardytier
Five new achievements are now obtainable!
- Two for collecting all the Veil Crystals.
- One for each of the active Colosseum events.
- One for the current wing of the Zodiac Overwatch.

With the release of 'The First Night' and 'The Second Night', that should conclude achievements that will be added that can not be obtained on a current save file. The other three, while not debug-able, can be obtained by completing their respective event an additional time. Additionally, with the release of these five, that concludes achievements that will be added after their respective event is added to the game. Moving forward, achievements and activities in which to earn them will be added together.

On a personal note, I'm very happy to see that the system is holding strong.

In other news, I'm about to work on the enemy generator #3. The current iteration uses chaotically distributed and fully randomized stats spanning 10 "classes" which were used to create every enemy currently in the game. The next one will use more streamlined pre-rolled stats per level, similar to the 1st iteration, but will have some stats either adding to or pulling from a pre-determined pool of extra points. Basically, enemies of the same 'class' will feel similar to fight minus some surprise variable stat swaps, limited to 4 classes instead of 10 - making life just a tiny bit easier for me. [Build #146, Release Date: August 09, 2022]
Bug Reports:
- The fastest way to report a bug is @

- Achievement integration continues!

Updates & Changes:
- Slightly adjusted Capricorn's troop data.

Notes & Known Issues:
- Achievements added during this update cannot be obtained via debug.
West Hunt - The Wizard

Howdy Partners!

Unlike a dirt road in the Old West with nothing but tumbleweeds drifting through the dust, there’s plenty to see on West Hunt’s Early Access Road Map!

Check out the infographic below to see what we'll be working on in the next few months as we continue to shape the West Hunt experience and move towards Full Release!

As things in development sometimes go, the Road Map may be subject to change, especially as we take community feedback into account! So please let us know your feedback and suggestions!

Stay tuned for more news and details at the end of the month as some items on the list near completion!

Don't forget to join your fellow Townsfolk on Discord here:

We would love to chat with everyone there and would kindly appreciate any feedback or bugs-reporting you can provide us about your experience! West Hunt is releasing as an Early Access game, so there is still a lot more development and improvements that we are excited to make with the community!

See ya'll out in Town!

- The West Hunt Team

West Hunt Twitch:

West Hunt Discord:

Wandering Wizard Twitter:

NewGen Twitter:

West Hunt FB:
Aug 9, 2022
Should be working now
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! - chubigans
Howdy howdy y'all! So as we're looking to future proof CSD 3 for the years to come something we've wanted to do for a while is redo a lot of the gamepad control code, specifically for co-op. There were moments when menus could overlap each other and such, and those problems were much more pronounced when using an xinput controller such as a PS4 pad.

So we've gone in and replaced a lot of the code to better support two gamepads at a time on PC, and fixed the broken xinput gamepad support since our last patch (apologies for that!). Full details are below- and hey, if you haven't wishlisted our next game, Cook Serve Forever, perhaps you could check it out! It's coming very soon and wishlists GREATLY help us!!


  • Overhauled gamepad support, specifically for two player co-op, to better prevent rare issues with menu overlaps and bugs when using xinput and non-xinput pads.
  • Fixed xinput gamepad support (such as PS4 gamepads) for single player and co-op.
We plan on releasing a patch in the future that updates the links in the Socials menu as well as adding a "do not show again" toggle for the opening splash box. Thanks so much y'all for all of the support!!
Aug 9, 2022
Straya - Ayrtech
Fixed - FX issue with critters set on fire.
Fixed - Issue with crafting level.
Fixed - Backpack item sorting / loading.
Fixed - Minor model placement issues.
Changed - Reduced dirt devil frequency.
Added - Stats for bounty made during hunt.

All feedback welcome and please report any issues in the Bugs section.
Clanfolk - Blorf
Hi Everyone,

So I spent the last week in a nerd trance optimizing Clanfolk. The homesteads have gotten bigger than I ever expected and performance was suffering. It was time to roll up my sleeves and break some code :)

This update took longer than expected (8 days,) and I included all the changelists below so that you can see the fine details/suffering if you are interested.

The long story short is that Clanfolk now runs a LOT faster.

Please be advised, I reworked a lot of core logic and may have broken a few things. The testing branch team has been awesome in finding bugs as I made optimizations, but there may be a few left. I will fix these as fast as I can in the form of hotfixes.

I also plan to be here on Steam and on Discord more again starting today again. The optimization work was complex and intense, so I had to block everything out as I worked.

I also plan to take a day or two off soon. For at least the last 2 months I have been working 16 hour days 7 days a week, and I think that I better stop that for my long term health. I have been in emergency mode for release and then the follow up flurry of bug fixes, but now I would like to get into a mindset of a marathon again where I provide content and bug fixes at a regular, but sane, pace. In the long run this will also make the game better.

Starving Animals Fixed

I am calling this one out specially as it was one of the core reasons for the optimizations. I am sorry that it took so long. Some of the CPU gains that I made were applied to making the Livestock brains update faster. This should be the end of those trough starvations.

Large Homesteads Note

So Clanfolk can now comfortably support 40 humans and 40 Livestock. Eventually there will be some soft gameplay push back as populations get too high since Clanfolk is not designed as a city simulator. The AI is just far to deep to support a huge number of agents at once. To me 40 Clanfolk already looks like an ant colony, but it works now at least :)

Large Task Count (Fewer Tasks Are Better)

There are warnings coming for huge task counts. In some cases I was seeing 200+ Tasks per Unit which is just far too high. It is really not in your best interest to have that many tasks as all those tasks are constantly being evaluated by the AI as well as creating a huge work backlog for the units before they can get to lower priority tasks. They essentially get locked down.

People work around these lockdowns using Boost, but that makes things worse since Boost is an emergency tactic pulling all attention towards one task. Players who keep their task count low (300 or less) and use Boost sparingly report having a much better time and report the AI doing quite well in completing tasks.

  • Made Non Strict Priority checking more efficient
  • Optimized task checking substantially such that checking for new tasks while other tasks are in progress happens less often, saving CPU
  • Optimized all "feed object" tasks such that they will only see valid target objects before any expensive checks begin

  • Fixed problem introduced due to optimizations in v0.247 that prevented cooking

  • Upgraded haulable system to better handle large numbers of haulables late game
  • Upgraded to a newer TextMesh Pro, saving CPU by disabling Text Scaling of all things.
  • Optimized the roof support updater for blueprints. Saves a lot of CPU when there are lots of roofs active.
  • Optimized window lighting
  • Optimized entity distance searches around walls

  • Fixed oddly drawn windows and vents as a result of v0.249

  • Cached tool finding code for large numbers of construction jobs, large CPU savings
  • Added new internal build task sorting system to prioritize and cull build tasks better. fixes many large hitches when there are lots of build tasks.
  • Added cached string system to lower memory usage in the Jobs Menu (reduces hitching)
  • Haulable system checks for haulable destination stockpiles over time instead of on demand (reduces hitching with lots of haulables)
  • Upgraded the Tasks Menu Updater to make it take 5x less CPU.
  • Improved memory management with tilemaps.
  • Fixed broken baby carry due to an optimization in v0.247. No more floating babies
  • Clanfolk will only go after spoiling food to eat with higher desirability if it is in a stockpile (no more berry parades)
  • Applied some CPU gains to making the task system update faster at higher time scales. This should lead to more consistent behavior at high speed
  • Added new high priority Livestock task manager to make sure that they get enough updates when eating when there are a lot of livestock
  • Added an update multiplier to task manager based on current unit count vs reference count of (20) So at 40 units, there will be double the updates (and cpu cost) But things should run more consistently.
  • Starving Animals At Troughs Fixed!

  • Updated French Language
  • Fixed case where packing up an object on top of floor or roofs being built could disable those build jobs permanently
  • Fixed cleanup of build tasks in the new optimized system that could lead to packup orders being ignored.
  • Optimized PackupManager such that is tracks only the pack up object instead of all objects because it gets out of hand fast with huge homesteads.

  • Removed a bunch of spam that tends to bloat the log files without providing useful info
  • Added a sanity checker to try to catch error cases with haulable lists and repair them
  • Added possible fix that could cause a null entry to be added to the haulable list after an items destruction if timed just right
  • Optimized the Attribute Updater to use less memory and skip inactive attributes.
  • Fixed haul not calculating its relative priority to other tasks properly in non Strict Skill Priorities (everything was at priority 5)
  • Upgraded Closest Entity finder to categorize items in such a way that very large item counts are less of a problem CPU wise.
  • Upgraded Attribute Manager with mass item finding system
  • All foods given an equal +2 priority offset so hauling of different food types is consistent but prioritized over normal items
  • Update Clear Tile and Harvest Tile to segregate their tasks by related work skill to lessen the impact of large masses of tasks
  • Time Sliced the task update manager to remove the 1 second hitch that was sometimes visible under heavy cpu load.

  • Fixed broken auto farming from V0.253

  • Fixed build tasks that require a tile to be cleared beneath them not showing up in the task list.
  • Fixed task priorities on tasks on top of tiles that need to be cleared being ignored (was using the skill priority of the clearing task)
  • Added better handling for paths that take a long time to return. Causes a lot less re-pathing also better task persistence
  • Added new Trapped Detection that will trigger if a unit is in a room < 50 tiles with no way out. This prevents recurring expensive task finding calcs
  • Added a Trapped Alert.

  • Changed: Babies trapped state is not checked vs doors since they tend to be carried through doors and don't carry keys
  • Fixed non built crafting objects being valid for the auto supply checks, sometimes causing the auto supply to fail until the object was built.
  • Fixed Seniors not getting private room bonus
  • Fixed Bunny Dump at Butcher Block not working when the Butcher Block is reserved and there is no corpse stockpile.

Next Top Priorities
  • Getting Hunters to Haul Bunnies when they are cold [DONE Update 2]
  • Preventing personal needs from breaking chained tasks [DONE Update 2]
  • Keeping fires lit overnight [DONE Update 3]
  • Automating burying loved ones [DONE Update 4]
  • Fixing bed owners stealing unclaimed beds, blocking them [DONE Update 4]
  • Wells duplicating water jugs somehow [DONE Update 4]
  • Upgrading the Boost System to also read skill ordering for decision making [DONE Update 5]
  • Any and all cases of a movement stuck problem causing starvation [DONE Update 5]
  • Performance upgrades for very large homesteads 40+ Clanfolk 100+ Livestock [DONE Update 6]
  • System to make large task counts and over boosting less attractive to new players
  • Carrying Tools back home better
  • Cats and Rats

Thanks again people on the testing branch. It helps keep the main branch stable. If you like quicker daily updates, come join us in the testing branch too :)


Diving back into the code now.

Andrew Hume (Blorf)
MinMax Games Ltd.
Aug 9, 2022
Last Group Out - Woodland117
Update 0.01.03094:

  • Increased chance of Bosses dropping item on death.
  • Changed weights for some items.
  • Stan now sells cola.
PlanetSide 2 - dsosa
All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, August 10, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours.

Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
  • Mission pools now reset every 8 hours, instead of every 24.
  • Surveying the Land mission is now completable on Oshur using Trident bases.
  • Replaced "All Access" icon on Missions and Depot with updated Membership iconography.
  • Made adjustments to nudge laser guided, lockon, and proximity-lock projectiles back into alignment. Future adjustments may be needed.
  • Increased the overall tracking speed and maximum velocity of Defector's Hummingbird.
  • Oshur Seaposts now have Pain Fields in the spawn rooms.
  • Fixed an issue where Outfit Wars enlistment button would show as lit, but unclickable, despite already being enrolled in a war.
  • Fixed an issue where Outfit Wars enlistment button could show as 0/48 when 48 players had completed signup.
  • Fixed an issue causing Spitfire Turrets to use Basilisk audio.
  • NS-45 "Assassin" Pilot now has access to Darklight and Suppressor.
  • NS-45 "Assassin" Pilot's rear sight dots no longer hover out of place during a reload.
Alchemia: Creatio Ex Nihilo - Nigel
- A bunch of enemy balances and fixes
- Switched memorized rewards between levels 1 and 2. Lowered level 1 threshold.
- Update on mastery thresholds
- Fixed recipe list after getting the status Confused
- Upgrades on turbo mode
- Faster death animation on some enemies
- Fixed some sfxs not playing
- More UI adjustements and typo fixes