Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Reloaded Edition - jakub.kurowski
In this mode, you will have the chance to catapult your enemies into thin air. With strength like that, the infected become nothing more than ragdolls for your untamed entertainment and power.
Anyone who says "brains over brawn" has clearly never seen the likes of you out and about on the battlefield wrecking your enemies to a bloody pulp.

Have fun!

Event will be active until 1st of August 16:00 CEST

Visit TechlandGG for more details.


Karos - m.skalozubova
Maintenance completed, servers are back online ⚒

During the technical work, the following changes were made.

⚡Added daily quests for 105-109 levels;
⚡Added unique "Big HP Recovery Potion"
⚡Added temporary avatars of wings for 7 and 30 days, with a unique characteristic - 10% experience.

Karos Classic:
⚡Added unique "Big HP Recovery Potion"
⚡Added temporary avatars of wings for 7 and 30 days, with a unique characteristic - 10% experience.

❗We remind you that the "Summer Adventure" event is still active on all servers.

Hurry up and go to the Store, so as not to miss the news!

Enjoy your game, heroes!
The Last Spell - ZeddOTak
Hello Heroes,

Yesterday, we published a new important update on the Open Beta with loads of new information and rework. Shortly after, we released a small update for the Open Beta to fix a few issues: unfortunately we made a mistake and this update wasn’t released on the Open Beta branch, but on the Main branch.

When we found out about this issue (thank you players for warning us), we were able to create a new branch with the latest stable version of Fear of the Lake. Thus, all players were able to pursue their ongoing run from the Main branch.

So first off, we are absolutely sorry about this issue and we hope it didn’t affect too many players and their runs.

Second, since this update was not supposed to be available on the Main branch, it contains untested changes only aimed at the Open Beta (where we learn what works and what doesn’t). We have therefore decided to revert this update to the former (and stable) version of Fear of the Lake.

Finally, if you started a new run on this unplanned update (e.g. after 17:00 CEST), this run may end up broken after the revert. If you want to complete it, you can still switch to the Open Beta branch which contains the exact version you started your run with. You can navigate through the branches by going on: Library => The Last Spell => Manage => Properties => Betas => Select the appropriate branch.

Thank you for reading, we will be looking closely at your comments to ensure everything is working smoothly with this revert.
ZONERS - allin.indie
Release Date

ZONERS should be releasing...today?! (29th July 2022)

Except, it might not because a small technical fluff on my end has meant it went into review for approval late ːsteamfacepalmː Fear not, at the absolute worst we're looking at a few day delay, and if we're lucky, we're looking at a release later today! Whilst I wait, I'm hunting down as many bugs as I can find so any players have as few problems as possible.

Early Access Plans

So, Early Access, that means the game isn't finished right? Correct. There's a lot still to add to the game, not least of which is aesthetic polish and game balance. But anyone who dips in during this period will see fairly frequent updates (minimum of monthly) starting the 14th of August. Keep reading for more information on how I plan to approach this and pricing going forward, or scroll to the bottom to see a visually laid out summary of my 3 Phase Road Map to v1.0.

  • The game will release at it's lowest price, roughly half of it's final full release price.

  • Provided there are no major hitches, every 4-6 months I will complete a "Phase" of development, which has certain development goals in mind.

  • There will be 3 main phases, meaning Early Access will take about 12-18 months depending on life circumstances speeding up or slowing down development.

  • When a phase is officially complete the price will be increased by a few £/$.

  • I will spam all my available channels the week before I do this so people have the opportunity to make a purchase decision before a price increase with fair warning.

  • From Early Access launch up to and including v1.0 release, there will be exactly 3 price increases just as there are 3 phases.

Not all planned content, features & polish is included in the below Road Map. As such, this is not a comprehensive list of the tasks, big and small, involved in making a complete game to the standard I want, of which there are probably 100s or 1000s. Please keep this in mind when discussing suggestions or issues with the game. I still have a day job to work and a life to survive. I will do my upmost best to surpass your expectations and try and provide some surprises along the way.

If you have any further questions or just want to share some support, don't hesitate to get in touch here, on the forums, twitter, reddit, email, any will do!

I look forward to the release (FINALLY) and can't wait to keep working hard to make it a full package bursting at the seems with personality!
Jul 29, 2022
東方翠神廻廊 〜 Faith in the Goddess of Suwa. - T.D
Changed the character's equipment as a whole
Added difficulty of some incidents
Adjust the money available in the incident
Adjusted the effect of some equipment
Fixed some bugs
Peglin - 有猫的尾巴
Hi everyone,

We're happy to announce that Peglin will participate in the [F5] GAMES SHOW 2022, it's a annual game event held by 24 Entertainment to showcase indie titles.

During the later live event at 04:30 AM, July 29th (PDT time), we’ll announce the new content for the next update. You can try out the sneak-peak update content, with a special orb, relic and pegboard designed for F5, in a special event branch on Steam at the same time, and we’ll push the main update to the default branch in early August after more balancing and polishing!

In case you don’t know how to access the special event branch: simply right-click Peglin in the Steam Library, find Properties - BETAS - f5-newstory!-F5 Exhibition's Content, and you are already in for the update content!

Peglin will also be on sale next week, alongside with the later Tiny Teams Festival, don’t miss the chance to grab the game.

Hope you enjoy the SHOW!
Marble World - vectorinteractive
Hey everyone!

Part 3 of the 4 logic patches is here! With an absolute ton of fixes & improvements along with a new environment to play in. Also introducing new logic components, and a few which use numbers instead of pulses! Also this patch includes some more new props, paints & freeform shapes!

New environment
The new factory environment is a large area where you can utilize some new moving objects into your tracks! It features something I'd call the slammer, a vat of liquid metal and moving gears!

Several of the props have been added to your toolkit to add yourself too. With more coming soon.

In addition 2 new paints have been added which fit the factory style. Along with 2 new freeform shapes such as the gutter (as seen in the factory) and the highly requested wide track with a higher border!

More logic
Some new logic components have been added along with the introduction of number logic. Using the new comparator object you can compare number values and emit a pulse based on a few comparison options. The number object will let you enter a custom number and it will persist when saving / making it a prefab and uploading!

The counter object will count every rising edge pulse it gets, it fits well with the trigger which now has a checkbox to toggle if it should emit 1 pulse on marble entry instead of a continuous pulse.

And lastly the toggle component is there for easier toggling of logic.

More moving objects
Two new gear wheels have been added that function similar to spinners. They can be used to create some new and interesting tracks! And also introducing the first mover, which moves back and forth and has a configurable distance and speed.

Patch notes
Patch notes for Patch 0.1.25:
- Added a new factory environment to play in
- Added a logic comparator object
- Added a logic number object (the entered number will save with the world)
- Added 2 new metal paints
- Added 2 new freeform shapes, the gutter and a wide track with higher sides
- Added 2 gears which function as spinners
- Added a logic toggle component
- Added 6 new factory props
- Added 2 wheel objects that spin with holes in them
- Added logic interactions to spinners, gravity pads, magnets, portals, bombers
- Added a noteblock object which has a dropdown to select any in-game sound

- Light settings now have a minimum of 0
- Boosters now have support for decimals
- Timer and the delay logic component now can go up to 60 seconds
- When following a marble, the camera will rotate faster when it's automatically rotating
- UI logic gates are now smaller
- Removed the 180 degree turn buttons from the freeform build panel as it no longer supported 180 degrees
- All but one glockenspiel objects have been removed, existing objects in worlds will remain functional
- The one glockenspiel object now has a dropdown where you can select the desired tone
- When selecting the randomize toggle in a marble spawner it will now pick a random marble from its custom marble list
- The logic trigger now has a toggle to only tick on marble entry
- All marble spawners now have a minimum of 0 marbles on the amount slider
- Logic now does not tick until the loading screen is done
- Logic ticks now handle logic number components first and then the normal logic items

- Fixed a bug where boosters wouldn't link with NOT gates
- Fixed several grammar issues with tooltip descriptions
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip icon had a transparent border
- Fixed the delay logic component (it was not working as intended)
- Possibly fixed an issue where the marble edit panel would not respond to clicking the cross button under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue where the "New Prefab" button would partially go out of bounds when scrolling
- Fixed an issue where the reflection in the Desert environment would show the Garden environment
- Fixed an issue where undo'ing a placed prefab whilst in linking mode would leave behind the logic connections on screen
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't click through the water in the Garden and Desert environment

Upcoming Content
In September the game will be fully released and out of Early Access! Stay tuned for the official date announcement.

In the next month August, patch 0.2.0 will be released and the game will go into beta! This will include an attempt for transparent marbles, freeform generated tracks will have separated sections which you can paint. And in addition some UI changes in the Marble Creation section.

The game will also get achievements & trading cards to get it all ready for it's full release!

As always thanks for reading and your continuous support!
Jul 29, 2022
Community Announcements - 一个绅士的自我修养
  • Adjusted buff and deff font display size during card battles
  • Fixed an issue with the wrong number of people being shown for a mission
Dune: Spice Wars - Paul

Hey Everyone!

Community Update #2 is now live!

This update brings a lot of changes to balancing following the various feedback and suggestions provided by the community, as well as notable changes to some well-established systems to give more variation to games. We tried our best to cater to the community's needs and make sure the Dune experience feels better for everyone!

With that out of the way, check out the full list of changes below...

  • Spice tax increases faster overall, your Spice production will no longer be taken into account as much as it previously was
  • The first Spice tax has been decreased in order to compensate for the changes
  • The Fremen now start with 20 units of Spice
  • Not paying the tax as the Fremen now reduces Authority and Intel production, as well as lowering your CHOAM exchange rate

  • Unit models should follow their movements much more efficiently, resulting in a more responsive feeling, but also better handling of units moving at high speeds. They should also change their formation’s direction more efficiently resulting in a more cohesive look
  • Military units now consume less supply at night

  • Stealth units are detected from different ranges depending on the day/night cycle, further during the day and closer during the night.

  • Military units now resupply while in shuttles or worm riding
  • Balanced military unit stats and costs
  • Balanced Command Points: more Command Points at the beginning, less at the end
  • Elite units Command Points cost has been reduced (5 => 4)
  • Nerfed demo unit HP and power, increased the cost for all demo units, including Command Points (3 => 4)
  • For every level gained, units now gain an additional armour point
  • Building health and armour has been increased
  • Missile Batteries and Main Bases now decrease armour
  • Units that are both stealth and melee have a speed bonus while in combat
  • Mercenary upkeep has been increased: 30 => 40 Solari
  • Stealth Drones and Combat Drones’ range have been reduced
  • Harkonnen’s Cerberuses’ effect has been replaced, they now split into three units when they reach 10% HP

  • New UH buildings for Smugglers and Sietch settlement buildings for Fremen that affect allies

  • Villages can now be abandoned if they’re under a rebellion
  • Village trait “Supply Cache” has been removed
  • Construction time for buildings has been increased
  • It takes less time to demolish a building
  • Militia cost more Manpower
  • Fremen Harvesting Tent construction time has been decreased
  • Increased armour for Fremen Harvesting Teams
  • You can now build in devastated villages
  • Missile Batteries are disabled whenever a village has been devastated
  • Freeing a village gives Authority
  • Research Centers upkeep has been increased
  • Reduced the time it takes to use the Atreides’ Peaceful Annexation
  • Harkonnen’s Oppression debuff has been increased: 2 => 3 days

  • Underworld Headquarters are faster to install
  • Reduced the number of Underworld Headquarter building slots available in villages and in Main Bases
  • Underworld Headquarters installation prices have been changed, upkeep no longer costs Solari, it now costs Authority
  • Underworld Headquarter buildings now have a greater Solari upkeep but take half as much time to be built

  • Balanced spying mission speed and cost
  • There are now 4 assassination missions
  • Counter-intel doesn’t give Command Points anymore
  • Agents on CHOAM slots earn more Solari
  • Spying slots in enemy factions are unlocked by completing the first two assassination missions
  • Suk Doctors have been buffed: 2% => 5% extra Knowledge per Infiltration level

  • More information on what is unlocked through the various Infiltration levels
  • Level 2 Infiltration now allows you to see the locations of the faction’s agents
  • Level 3 Infiltration now allows you to see the faction’s unit composition, as well as its operations that are ready to be launched
  • An estimated time until the next Infiltration is reached is now provided
  • Fixed Infiltration so that you have to keep X agents in the slots to remain at Infiltration level X
  • Combat Drugs no longer reduces the unit’s supply and only slightly reduces the unit’s health over time in exchange for higher speed and power
  • Nuke damage has been reduced

  • The development trees have been reorganised

  • “Spying Logistic”, “Stealth Gear” and “Atreides Delegations” have been reworked
  • “Gridex Plane” now gives +10% CHOAM exchange rate
  • “Crew Training Program” now gives +5% Spice production
  • Balanced “Energy Markets” and “Water Trade” (0,4 => 0,2 and 0,2 => 1)
  • “Underworld Contacts” now produces part of a village’s Spice production if it has an Underworld Headquarter
  • “Spice Hegemony” has been reworked (10% Spice gathering rate => 5%, but villages in the same region as an allied Sietch produces +10% resources)
  • “Paracompass” has been nerfed (30% speed/less daily supply drain => 20%)
  • “High Command” gives 1 armour to every unit instead of increasing XP gain
  • “Ground Command” lowers Solari upkeep of military units
  • “Desert Command” now spawns a temporary unit after liberating a village
  • “Diplomatic Maneuvers” has been buffed (5 Solari => 10)
  • “Negotiation Tactics” used to raise Sietch relation, now it increases Solari generation of agents on the CHOAM
  • “Sand Diplomacy” has been buffed (+30% Sietch relation/resources => +50%)
  • “Sand Walk Mastery” has been reworked
  • “Desert Mastery” now gives control of Deep Deserts if it’s surrounded by zones you owned by your faction
  • “Field Work” has been renamed to “Riches of Arrakis”
  • Pillage-related developments have been reworked

  • Influence deficit reduces Landsraad votes instead of making you lose Landsraad standing
  • Command Point deficit now only increases unit Solari upkeep, instead of all upkeep, as well as lowering the units’ power

  • Worms take longer to appear
  • Balanced worm attacks. Military units detect worms faster than harvesters. Ornithopters are even faster at detecting incoming worm attacks

  • All factions start with less Influence
  • Pariah status is extended up to 50 Standing
  • Minor houses have less votes
  • Better balance for “Water Seller Union” > 2 Solari gained instead of 1 per Water
  • Reworked “Architectural Surveys” resolution (now affects Missile Batteries and the Main Base, but both of them have their power lowered instead of not attacking at all)
  • Better balance of “Imperial Intelligence” resolution
  • The Dune Governor win condition time has been slightly increased to allow for 2 Landsraad voting phases
  • Added a reminder whenever a faction has the Dune Governorship charter

  • The Dune Governor charter now increases the Influence cap and produces 2 Influence
  • The Dune Governor charter now has priority over other charters if all conditions for appearing are fulfilled
  • Improved AI voting regarding corruptions and Landsraad access

  • Pillaging villages provide less Solari and cost more Authority to annex the village afterwards
  • Pillaging now takes more time

  • Councillor skills now have names
  • Rabban no longer increases the length of the Oppression ability, and militias now have a power malus
  • Piter de Vries: Stealth Drones and Ornithopters: 1 => 2 Intel gain
  • Iakin Nefud: Combat Drugs Mission cost: -50% => -60% & Unit cost refund on death: 50% => 60%
  • Drisq: Agents no longer all have the Merchant trait but instead Ornithopters move and recon faster
  • Bannerjee: Gain more resources as well as 4 Authority from pillaging
  • Lady Jessica: Force Treaty now actually forces the treaty. The cost in Influence is higher and increases every time you use it with the same faction

  • Improved lobby list

  • New multiplayer mode: “Kanly” ; faster 1v1 game
  • AIso wait longer before replacing a player after a disconnect
  • Allies can see the progression bar of an ally Atreides’ Peaceful Annexation
  • Allies can see Sietches discovered by other allies
  • Allies can see an ally Smugglers’ Underworld Headquarters as well as its buildings
  • Allies can see an ally Fremen’s Sietch settlement as well as its building

  • Deep Deserts and The Desolation are now less harsh
  • 1.2x speed is now available in-game
  • Tier 3 building districts have been changed for the Fremen
  • Main Base districts take less time to be built
  • Added voice lines for harvester orders
  • Reworked game parameters UI to have tooltips and make it easier to extend
  • New Carthag and Sietch Tabr visual effects
  • Chemical grenade visual has been updated

  • Alert sounds rework

  • Fixed crashes when loading a save
  • Fixed units behaviour when attacked from far away (i.e.: Missile Batteries)
  • Fixed cancel resolution not working from client
  • Fix potential server issue when trying to resolve an already resolved discovery
  • Fixed some spying missions counted as "installing an operation" while they didn't provide any
  • Fixed Atreides Merchants displaying incorrect count in Solari production breakdown
  • Fixed special region village Authority cost with Local Dialect Studies
  • Fixed Airfield range not updating when captured by another faction
  • Fixed the harvester death animation if their refinery had been destroyed
  • Fixed texts that referenced Landsraad only displaying the icon and not the name
  • Fixed Recruitment Office construction animation
  • Fixed clickable victory parameter buttons when not in game creator
  • Fixed a sync path to no longer make units do weird back steps, especially with long paths
  • Fixed units behaviour when following other units at short distances, which made them unable to attack while chasing or simply miss their mark
  • Fixed village that could rebel while militia was deployed
  • Fixed Landsraad UI not identifying a resolution with no available choices
  • Fix: Removed factions not eligible to Landsraad from Imperial Audit
  • Fix: Building construction possible in local Sietches without an alliance
  • Fix: Landsraad crash when conceding at the start of the game
  • Fix: Broken developments that were queued and finished from external sources
  • Fix: Intel not getting production bonuses on villages
  • Fix: Block missile batteries on devastated villages
  • Fix: Relation displaying 0 for clients
  • Fix: Alerts bar pushing the rest of the top UI away when there are too many alerts
  • Fix: Sandworms sometimes not showing a roaming FX before attacking
  • Fix: Units in shuttles and worms would not correctly update their recipient zone which could mean that a nuke on a main base could kill units on the other side of the map
  • Fix: Requesting a shuttle now correctly clears all action queues
  • Prevent pressing escape on startup options screen
  • No more idle harvester alert whenever a rebellion is on a village with a harvester
  • Disbanding texts are now normal (unit, village…)
  • Fixed value rounding error in refund dialogs
  • The options screen on first startup cannot be dismissed by pressing Escape
  • Developments aren’t researched further if they’ve been completed using a POI or Spyware while they’re in the research queue
  • Influence doesn’t weigh anything anymore during trades with AIs
  • The Spying tab is now available after finishing a game
  • An AoE attack cannot break a Non-Aggression Pact anymore if the unit belonging to that faction is in the attack zone
  • Better handling of client disconnecting during loading
  • Many typos and localisation issues have also been fixed
  • Known Issue: There are instances of missing or bad translations affecting all languages except English, this will be fixed as soon as possible.

Jul 29, 2022
Throne of Lies®: Medieval Politics - UnZan
v7.0.0a : Hotfix

  • Fix some words that got censored issue .
  • Fix custom mode can not choose sorcerer.
  • Fix Mercenary win condition issue.

For more support please email: support@throneoflies.com
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