Jun 28, 2022
Erroneous - Minekai007
-Dashing and Jetpacking decrease fire time
-Added Cybean
-Added Curse
-Added Zhield
-Added Fog to Water
-Redid Spawn Menu Visuals
-Shortcut to Flying in Sandbox
-Added Modifier "GlobalGravity" (default is -9.81)
-You can now summon ammo packs and health packs in Sandbox
-Added Music To the Spawn Menu
-Changed Sandbox Shortcut to Tab
春秋 - weiqianyangwenwen
KUUKIYOMI: Consider It! ONLINE - G-MODE開発チーム
Hello, this is the development team.

Thank you for playing our Early Access version.
We are pleased to announce that the maintenance associated with the ver1.0.3 update has been successfully completed.

The contents of the update are as follows

◆Add Situations
・To Start With
・Laser Swords
・After the Rain
・From the Sky...
・At the Bar
・Traffic Light
 (Click here to see the problems you can play now)

◆Change default volume

Thank you for your cooperation in maintenance.
Please wait for a while as we will continue to update the site for your further enjoyment.

We have released this title as an early access version in order to build it up together with you, with your support, opinions and messages.
We hope you will continue to support us in our ongoing development.
Thank you very much for your support.
Olliefrog Toad Skater - Mr. Thee

Ya boy Mr. Thee added a few things. Technically some of these were added in the previous build update, but it took me forever to realized that the announcement feature on this website wasn't under the demo app landing page, but actually under the main app landing page section.

So - this one is a bit of 2-for-one update. Let's start off with the new new stuff:

New Body Customization Option - Body Patterns
While we like our frogs with big round bellies, we asked ourselves "what if we could make the frog look like a flag?" After about a day of hacking stuff together - we discovered that this was surprisingly doable!

Under the far left customization tab, aka the "body" menu, we added a new option - "Patterns". The first pattern listed in this menu is the one you all know and love (circular belly), but now player have 8 options for different patterns they can affix themselves to. Some options even grant access to a 3rd body color!

Making these patterns is pretty easy, so expect more in the future.

New Accessories!
We got a LOT of requests for bucket hats, so we added a bunch of them. You'll find them on pages 9 + 10 in the hat isle. We also felt like adding a new deck - the nutcracker (located just past the thinking frog emoji board on the final deck page).

Now let's go over some of the stuff you may have missed last week.

Gameplay Tweaks
  • added "boneless" and "nocomply" to the tricklist. These are mapped to Up + Up + Ollie and Up + Ollie respectively.
  • implemented coyote time. this means that players now have 300ms after enter leveled air-state to input an ollie.

Also during that update, we added a number of hats cuz why not.

If anything's broken, let me know. We've got about 12 days left on the Kickstarter campaign, so I'll get back to working on that.

Ta-ta for now,
- Mr. Thee
Jun 28, 2022
Everyone Moves With You - My uncle told me too
I am proud to announce we will soon be having a new update. This update will add the following and add new things:

- Press the . key to buy axes with 2 coins instead of having to go into the shop menu every time to do it.
- At least world 2 Level 2, but most likely a few more levels too.
- New enemies for World 2.
- New in game purchasable items for the game shop (Won't cost real money).
- New artwork and level designs.
and much more. Expect this update soon, but keep in mind I am a solo developer working on this project.
Thank you all for your support.
Jun 28, 2022
Tough Love Arena - M. Paul Weeks
You can find the full changelog at https://about.toughlovearena.com/log#0.93.2

  • Buffed Garlic: Backflip can now cancel it's landing frames directly into Jump or Roundhouse by pressing Light or Heavy respectively
  • Gameplay: Reduced the height of all jumping attack hurtboxes to cleanly beat attacks not designed to be anti-airs
  • Noodle: Adjusted Trample hitbox height to better match the animation (slight buff to juggles)
  • Beef/Pork: Adjusted Gutpunch hitbox height to better match the animation (slight buff to juggles)
  • Beef/Pork: Adjusted Jump Attack (Dropkick) hitbox height to better match the animation (gameplay unaffected)
  • Beef: Adjusted BEEFCAKE hitbox height to better match the animation (gameplay unaffected)
  • Pork: Adjusted Chop hitbox height to better match the animation (gameplay unaffected)
  • Onion/Garlic: Adjusted Flick hitbox height to better match the animation (less disjointed, but still a great anti-air)
  • Onion: Adjusted Hopkick hitbox height to better match the animation (gameplay unaffected)
Jun 28, 2022
Chinese Parents - Sherrier
Hello Parents,

This update affects both Windows and Mac players. We've added the ability to import old saves to the [Settings] menu. Simply click the [Import Old Saves] button in the bottom right corner to convert your saves to the latest version.

Important: Importing your old saves will overwrite ALL of your current 2.0 and later save files. This action is irreversible. Be sure to backup your new saves if you wish to keep them.

Save file locations:
2.0 and later save files

Old save files

2.0 and later save files
/Users/<name>/Library/Application Support/moyuwan/chineseparentsgame/Save

Old save files
/Users/<name>/Library/Application Support/unity.Dogleft.wenming/Save

Should you encounter any other issues, please submit these using the following link, thanks! >>>https://forms.gle/9r2HdFjdKbzpdbbx8
Furry Feet - mmm
Our latest DLC features 8 new medieval-fantasy themed levels with new characters and loads of action!
挂机神话 - 狮子
# 新增追猎BOSS — 百战·洪荒相柳,现在在黑市的追猎券中有可能出现关于此类异兽的定位信息了
# 优化抗性算法,现在玩家角色的抗性在对抗控制特效,尤其是群体控制特效时,将更加高效


Hero Realms - classicsmiley
-Favorites list added
-Preparation for additional ranks above Diamond 4
Bug fixes:
-Coop RT timeout fixed