Summer Islands - Matt
Hello everyone,

finally the time has come. It took a lot of work to switch from CreateJS to PIXIJS. So the change of the frontend engine. Because there were a lot of similarities in the methods I could save time. But some functions are just different and had to be tested extensively. Or some workarounds had to be integrated. Also I extended the engine with a few methods to simplify the transition.
I think the result is well playable. For example the system mouse is used now. So if the computer is busy with other things, the mouse is still fluid. This gives the gameplay a much more positive side.
In summary, you can say that the FPS are much more stable and run with a higher number. The engine is being developed further and there are still a few advanced features that I could not integrate yet. I am positive to improve this in the future.
I hope the result will excuse the long waiting time. I tried to post my progress daily to give you an estimation. Every file and every line had to be looked at.

Unfortunately I am a bit surprised myself how long this took. My goal was originally to extend the editor. I had to postpone this to the next update.
But I was able to fix some bugs from you. Thanks a lot for your mails and entries.
Of course I have also on request the "Send money to other players" again integrated! Great function in multiplayer. But also funny to interact with the bots.

I will now look into more features again in the future. We have also received more requests for new buildings and I can already say: someone sits right next to me and diligently creates new buildings :D

There was also the wish to reduce the disasters. I have reduced the number to 50% for now. I would expand the whole thing in the future a little bit. The plan would be to have only disasters in randomly selected years. This means that you have e.g. 5 years no disasters and then comes a year with disasters. In addition a consultant could be created who could tell you the years and in which map area (north/south/west/east) these occur. Just as an idea.

As you have already noticed it is summer!!! (at least in the northern hemisphere) What I want to say is that Summer Islands is already available on Steam since 21/06/2019. I'm very happy to have been developing this game and working with you guys for 3 years now. You guys have really brought some great ideas to the game. It was never my plan to work on the game for so long. But I am very happy to have done it. I think the development is getting closer and closer to the end. Unfortunately some of the last updates were not very effective with the performance, so new features suffered a bit. I'm trying to get the focus back here in the future and some things that are already integrated still need some fine tuning. But the whole thing already feels relatively good.

Have fun with the new update.

  • Complete migration to PIXI JS
  • ReAdded: send Money to other Player

  • Number of disasters halved per 10 years
  • Performance improvements
  • FIX save/loading issue
  • FIX catastrophes on/off
  • FIX building disappear short after builded
  • FIX smaller Bugs
Jun 26, 2022
Harvest Hero Origins - Gemdrop Games
Check our steam announcement for details
Down Fast VR - Ramb0 N1nja
Hey thank you for playing the Early Demo of Down Fast VR.
I understand that there are issues and am working on fixing them. Thank you very much for playing this early version of the game and helping in identifying the problems :)

Please don't hesitate to Join the Discord and let me know your feedback.

This update brings a reworked UI and more options in the settings.

You will now be able to Mute all sounds or control the music volume.

Updated camera tracking to get rid of the "floating" feeling which should help with decreasing motion sickness.

Added an option to switch Depth Of Field. It is turned off by default.

Updated In Air control so that you won't go into crazy spins

Removed Calibration option and using a default one which should work well for the average human arm length ːsteamhappyː. A setting for it will come soon in one of the next updates.

Added an option to disable Haptic Feedback as requested in the forum.
Don't hesitate to request changes in the Down Fast VR forum and contribute to the game. There will be free steam keys giveaways :)

Added a written HOW TO RIDE explanation. The tutorial is coming soooooon...

I am very happy to anounce that @antgrass has joined the team as 3D artist and level designer and he is the mastermind behind the map available in the Demo.

He is working on a new very exciting Map which will be included in the Early Access version which is coming later this year

Another nice update but still early draft is the option to swithc to RIDER mode which gives you more control on your bike and the ability to steer and lean independently :)

Thank you all and have fun going downhill very fast!

P.S. The first 5 of you who show me a video of you beating or achieving my best time of 0:52 seconds you have a free steam KEY for when the game goes into Early Access : )
Eternal Starlight VR - WhiteNoise
Greetings captains! This update includes several important bugfixes and improvements:

  • Improved / buffed Omega beam
  • Improved / fixed fighter bay
  • Fixed ui overlap issue on Grethon Dropship
  • Passive items now have an icon (ex: Shield drone)
  • Made higher level ship upgrades get progressively more expensive
  • Upgrading ship speed now also affects turning
  • Satellites - buffed movement speed, changed behaviour
  • Fix for ship armor damage not getting loaded correctly
  • Movement updates for ships
  • Added new enemy loadouts for Entirrizi, Vistian and Terran fleets
Jun 26, 2022
Manic Archers - Ancient Most High
  • New pink fireballs super
  • New blizzard style for frost-arrows
  • New thunderstorm super with lightning balls circling the player
  • Wind super now appears in player color so players know who is affected
  • Wind super now indicates burning and freezing wind
  • Improved many hit animations
  • Some new sounds, i.e. new supercharged sound indicator
  • Big ball explosion powerup now throws more stones
  • Performance and efficiency improvements
  • New combo display in the corners
  • Triple-shot powerup now also multiplies the rage-/fist-powerup
  • Map Names
  • Many fixes & improvements
Jun 26, 2022
Hexfactory - Aquila

- Carbonisation Station and Water Hydrolysis Lab now is under "Warehouse mk2" research
- Carbonisation Station nerf (Requires more wood and Heat Sink)
- First Tests with the new GameMode: "AT WAR"
- Buff on Parasites based on Cycle
- Added total Parasites to PlayerCard
- Now Parasites Pauses every adjacent building
- Buff on Cost of Tier 7 buildings
- Added Engineers House and 7 more new buildings
- 2 New tiles: Gold and Marble

- Finish Turret (Animations)
- New GAMEMODE (Logistic Madness) - Experimental
- Finish the new population type: Engineers Complex
- Create the NEW PIPPETE BUTTON (By Astradaha)
- All production filter: demand > production
- UI Scaling
"LIFE" not found; - BerCh1n
Fixed the Factory Reset Loop bug and another typo I found.

Thx for NotAnon for reporting
Jun 26, 2022
For those of you enjoying the FOUNTAINS demo on PC, here's something that might make you enjoy it even more: a map system! Here's a video showing it off:

Expect the map system to arrive in a patch of the demo within a few days, along with more tweaks and bugfixes.

As we've reached 56% funding on the FOUNTAINS Kіckstarter with tons of time left, I'd like to announce our stretch goal: a Nintendo Switch port!

To port FOUNTAINS to the Switch, we'll have to work with a third-party service who has already ported the Godot game engine to the platform. If enough of you Switch players support this goal, I'm sure we can reach it!

Thanks again to everyone for playing and supporting FOUNTAINS!
The Augury House -
New addition to Affirmations Chamber

New Easter Egg to Neighborhood

Updated Manual

Updated Dev Handbook

More details here
The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game - TRCDMI
The Steam Summer sale has brought hundreds of new players through the doors of the venerable Atlas Theater. Thank you again for your support. It means the world to us!

At Top Right Corner, we love puzzle and escape room games and we believe there should be a lot more of these on the VR market today. Since Atlas was released in mid April, several thousand of you have played the game across Steam, Oculus AppLab and via Viveport. Our goal now is to look towards expansion and improvements that we can make based on your feedback. So far, we have launched six game updates and patches since release and we will continue to support the game, its players and our fans.

That said, creating independently financed and produced games is tough - especially in the VR space - due to the increased challenges of hardware inconsistencies, optimization across different platforms and so on. To be perfectly transparent, out of every dollar that we make off of Steam sales, 57% comes back to us after VAT, local taxes, refunds and Steam's cut. This is roughly the same across Oculus with slightly better figures on Viveport Infinity, though the sales are calculated differently. The economics of VR are tough unless your game is featured prominently on Steam or on the Oculus store itself.

How can you help us expand the game and make more games like this one?

  • If you already purchased The Atlas Mystery, thank you! That is a huge help!
  • If you liked the game, please leave us a positive review on Steam. These really help us move up the rankings on Steam overtime, especially in a category of Escape and Puzzle games, where we can really stand out.
  • If you did't love the game, rather than leaving a negative review, please leave us a comment in our community board first. As developers, we've been extremely diligent about responding to every comment or note that has been posted there and you may find that the question you're asking about has already been answered by we the developer, or by another user. Rather than posting a negative review that will hurt our algorithm, please ask us here first and we will respond to you!
  • If you bought the game on Steam and have posted a review here, please also consider posting a review on Oculus as well. Our main goal towards financial viability and expansion is to get on the Oculus Main Store and to do that, we need as many reviews as possible.
  • We want to expand the game onto new platforms like PSVR2 when it is financially viable.

Lastly, let us know in the comments what you'd like to see in our next iteration of Atlas? Without giving away spoilers, it would be great to get a sense of what puzzles players really enjoyed and how we can expand the story - and atmosphere - of Old Hollywood mystique. We're considering adding more rooms, more characters and more immersion to the secrets of the Atlas Theater.

Thanks again for your help and support in making The Atlas Mystery the best VR experience it can be!


The Top Right Corner development team.
