Jun 18, 2022
Dread Delusion - Lazarus
Greetings Prisoners,

We hope you're enjoying your journey at the Oneiric Isles! This is the first in a series of post-launch updates focused on fixing reported issues, among other minor alterations based on feedback.

Patch Notes

  • New scenery and item placements throughout the Endless Realm
  • Changed music colliders in intro scene, making the 'intense' music fade out when you leave the battle, and fade back in when you return to the battle (previously it would only end when you met Vela).
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue where wrecked war machines in the opening battlefield were playing their "stand up" animation and clipping through the ground in an ugly way
  • Fixed some misc scenery placements (mostly floating trees) on the starting island
  • Fixed a bug where an enemy's animator reference wasn't being assigned properly (this may address some of the issues players reported)
  • Fixed issue where you could uncrouch in some places you shouldn’t be able to, effectively allowing the player to get outside the map
  • Applied several minor performance optimizations to the player character's movement code
  • Fixed issue where players could get stuck in the windows of the prison-ship in the starting area.
  • Removed rubble piles in the first area which could trap the player if they backtracked and jumped over a railing.
  • Fixed hole in the level geometry in the corner of the fort on the starting island, which allowed players to fall and become trapped in the cavern below.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing the compass from pointing where it should

And as always, please post any issues you come across or feedback you may have in the Discussion Forums.
Jun 18, 2022
NotiVR - Matterworks Interactive
Hello again!

Welcome to the second devlog for PhoneLink VR. We're still hard at work on our redesign, here's some of the highlights from the last few weeks. We'll be launching a beta version of the redesign to get some feedback from the community. A few select members of the community have been previewing a closed beta over the last few days and so far feedback has been pretty positive!

New setup experience

The setup flow in the original app wasn't the best, there was a lot of text and it can be quite overwhelming for new users. We've redesigned the setup experience and updated some of the language to make it easier for new users to understand. There's still more we're looking to do with setup. We're looking into ways to reduce the number of QR codes that need scanning but don't have anything to share just yet.

XSOverlay integration

Since devlog 1 we've worked hard on the XSOverlay integration. Our first iteration of this is working great, just check "Use XSOverlay Notifications" in the desktop app and you'll now see your notifications appear using XSOverlay's system rather than SteamVR's.

Dashboard overlay

One of the technical benefits of our redesign is the new UI system we're using. The old app used Qt which worked fine for the first version of the app but was a pain to work with and iterate on. The new system is powered by Ultralight, which is a UI renderer designed for games. It integrates really well with the GPU which is great when you're working with SteamVR overlays.

We are able to reuse 90% of the code from the desktop UI in the dashboard overlay. Because of this we're hoping that adding new overlays will be much easier in the future. For example, having an overlay attached to your wrist.

See you next time!
Jun 18, 2022
General War Memories - jtggame

This event is a bonus event for your recharge into the game, since when recharging you get separate points in this event, with which you can try your luck by spinning the reel for x50 points or spin a large scrolling for x500 points.

Everything is in your hands, do not give up!

Best regards JTGGame Team!
Jun 18, 2022
Ultimate Waifu Battle Online Playtest - cally
Hitori Kakurenbo Online - infinitethread.games
Hammer of Virtue - Jahasajaju
Hammer of Virtue is a melee action game with fully destructible levels. Watch this Stream to see if it is something for you!
Jun 18, 2022
Spacelines from the Far Out - teamcoffeenauts

Greetings, space stewards!

After the success of our incredible launch week, we’re very excited to announce that we’ll keep adding the numerous features we have planned for the Spacelines universe! Want spoilers? Then check out our artbook!

We want to provide the best possible experience to our community (which only keeps growing) and, thanks to your feedback, this has already brought immediate improvements to the game! This week we published patch 1.1, which adds ultrawide monitor support, improved game balance and lots more! Read more here.

What’s coming on the road ahead:

General improvements
  • Online lobby system, public game sessions and in-game chat.
  • Custom control remapping.
  • Tweaks and improvements to game balance and economy.
  • General overhaul of Chinese, Japanese, French and other languages.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Twitch integration on the Xbox version.
New content:
  • A huge new ship blueprint.
  • More destinations, with variable difficulties.
  • Several new upgrades.
  • New paint jobs for existing ships.
  • New unlockables.
  • A secret new upgrade store.
  • Mini-quest system.
Stay tuned and don’t forget to follow Spacelines to be updated about new content!

Have a safe flight!
Jun 18, 2022
Shadow Fate - HuntingSwan
-Lowered the Purpurea's Strength
-Create Seed is no longer instant
-Fixed a rock that triggered collision in Seahorse Race 1
四魂-X Shikon-X Astro Defense Fortress - Kindermann Corp
We have a new demo, new trailer, new screenshots, new everything!

Join our stream tonight and we'll tell you everything about it!

Here's also our Discord link in case you want to chat.

See you soon!
Isles of Etherion - lucas
Hi everyone! We concluded our second live developer stream yesterday.

In this dev stream, we answered a few questions that were raised by our community during and after our 1st dev stream, and then we'll talked about Magic -- the different types of spells in IoE, how you acquire them, and how you can combine different spells to achieve different effects (spell weaving).

Here's a teaser -- bringing back the Firenado:

This is how it all looks when you combine spell weaving with voxel terrain modifications in combat:

Here's a brief introduction of spell weaving:
