Catch Me! - Soap
We are part of the Steam Next Festival and are going to stream "Catch Me!".

Check out some gameplay, before while or after trying the demo.

Super Bullet Break - ificouldwrite
Welcome back, everybody!

We are live once again with the demo of Super Bullet Break as part of Steam Next Fest! 🥳

Join us as we battle our way through Monochrome Tactics, the first of 7 iconic game maps, and collect some of Super Bullet Break's adorably unique Bullets!

Fancy trying the demo for yourself? What are you waiting for?!
Play the entire first level and should you get stuck, why not try looking up some handy tips and tricks in our Super Bullet Break guide!

The best part? The demo will be available until launch, so there is plenty of time to perfect your skills and become acquainted with the Bullets 💖

Have fun!
PlateUp! - Isaac Yogscast Games
Hello Everyone!

We cannot believe how many of you joined the last PlateUp! playtest - it was brilliant following your progress and hearing about your experiences on the Discord (

We're really happy to welcome you all back - along with a load of new people who have applied. So please enjoy unrestricted access to PlateUp! once again this weekend June 17th through June 19th. It will be ending at 12 BST, 14 EET, 7 EDT, 4 PDT on the 20th so be sure you do not miss out!

This may be the first time playing for a lot of people so if you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or even looking for a multiplayer session head over to our discord and people will be there to help. (Thanks mods!)

If you haven't signed up already you haven't missed out, simply request access during the weekend event to gain instant access.

We're happy to confirm that any progress you make in the playtest will carry over to the full release - details of which will be announced soon.

Thanks again for all the support - really looking forward to your questions and comments over on the Discord.

See you there!

Yogscast Games Team
PlateUp! Playtest - Isaac Yogscast Games
Hello Everyone!

We cannot believe how many of you joined the last PlateUp! playtest - it was brilliant following your progress and hearing about your experiences on the Discord (

We're really happy to welcome you all back - along with a load of new people who have applied. So please enjoy unrestricted access to PlateUp! once again this weekend June 17th through June 19th. It will be ending at 12 BST, 14 EET, 7 EDT, 4 PDT on the 20th so be sure you do not miss out!

This may be the first time playing for a lot of people so if you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or even looking for a multiplayer session head over to our discord and people will be there to help. (Thanks mods!)

If you haven't signed up already you haven't missed out, simply request access during the weekend event to gain instant access.

We're happy to confirm that any progress you make in the playtest will carry over to the full release - details of which will be announced soon.

Thanks again for all the support - really looking forward to your questions and comments over on the Discord.

See you there!

Yogscast Games Team
Countdown Final Zone - DZIKI
Join to us on public server and play in DEATHMATCH mode at 15 june 2022 r. - 21.00
Builders of Greece - Julian_Hype
🏛️ Greetings, mighty Rulers! 🏛️

Buildings, streets, farms, or workshops may be very important, however it is the citizens who are really essential for your reigns and breathe life into your Polis. After all, they carry out numerous tasks, trade, erect new structures, cultivate the land, and fight in your name. Your subjects will have no problem with serving a wise, good ruler... but this situation can quickly reverse if they are not satisfied.

...and talk to the community and developers about the game!

A happy citizen is a good citizen

This rule should guide you throughout your whole adventure with Builders of Greece. Suffice it to say that a bad attitude towards your subjects can prove disastrous and lead to your end... sounds terrible, doesn't it? 😰 This is why taking care of your citizens' happiness and needs are so important! Today we are going to tell you how can you win their love and hearts, so that you can go down in history as a great and generous ruler! 👑

Food, services... and?

When your granaries run out of food, know that you are in trouble. It should come as no surprise that famine is very bad for the morale of your citizens! The first thing you should take care of is to make sure that their stomachs are never empty. Free access to fresh water is equally important. Place a few Water Pumps in the streets of your city to quench the thirst of its inhabitants. 💧 Meeting these basic needs may not make your subjects completely happy, but it is essential to further improving their level of satisfaction.

Another important thing is to look after their other, more complex demands - you have to remember to grant them access to more luxurious goods such as lamps or furniture. Various types of service buildings may also prove to be useful here - your subjects will surely appreciate the possibility to go to the Inn, have some fun at the Stadium, or pay a visit to a nearby Healer's house.

The latter can be of great importance, because the inhabitants of your Polis will be happier if you take care of the proper level of hygiene and overall health of your city. It's hard to blame them - the specter of an impending plague can spoil even the best of moods. In addition, their level of satisfaction is influenced by taxes and war... but this is a topic for a completely different article 😉

What can you gain, what can you lose

Okay, now that we've told you how to keep your people happy, we need to think about the consequences of their happiness or misery. Let's start with the positives! Satisfied residents can significantly increase their productivity, thanks to which they can fulfill their duties much faster. But that's not all - inhabitants of the surrounding territories will soon find out how well is your city doing and may decide to settle in it! Needles to say, it is very important for the further development of your Polis! Moreover, happy residents with satisfied needs will climb up the social ladder and improve their households.

On the other hand, dissatisfied or even enraged subjects can turn out to be very troublesome! Not only will they slow down their work, sabotage productivity, and spread the word that your city is not worth living in, but they will also (at some point, when their anger reaches its zenith) start setting buildings on fire! 🔥 Such a situation can lead to many unpleasant events - breaking the supply chain, abandoning houses, reduced profits from trading, or even hunger.

As you can see, citizens' happiness is an extremely important element of the game. Efficient rulers cannot overlook their subjects' moods, so always keep an eye on their satisfaction level! Luckily, now you know how to deal with them all!

Add Builders of Greece to your Wishlist

Have you heard about our other game - Gimle: The Broken Prophecy?
Last Command - CreSpirit
A Story of a program that was left behind.
In a world where humans have vanished, PYTHON, an intelligent crawler program is accidentally awoken and meets Fei, a program of a girl, who does not have the Last Command. The two programs embark on a journey to find their own mission, and uncover the secrets of their program world...
Netherguild - David [Netherguild Dev]
Change log 17/6/2022 | Version 0.187(G)

  • Possibly fixed tutorial tooltips happening twice
  • Disabling tutorial underground now also removes blocking tutorial-tiles

  • V-Sync: GPUs, suffer and overheat no more. Community Suggestion by Twotricks

Text Changes:
  • Finished Eating -> Break Camp

  • Fixed character corpses not working
  • Re-Enabled big shrimp quest
  • Fixed shopkeeper lines activating at the wrong time
  • Fixed equipping tutorial overlapping with warehouse by moving warehouse a bit right
  • Fixed right click inspect when already inspecting characters
  • Fixed selecting inspect by right click / Inspect Character button doesn't do slide-to-the-side for roster UI on smaller resolution
  • Fixed selecting inspect by right click / Inspect Character button doesn't show building upgrading
  • Fixed UI Scaling on building upgrading screen
  • Fixed weird text-hover width

  • Pause menu background tinted black and not gray

Next up -
Fixed camera option and more.

觅长生 - CS233
1. 焦飞个人剧情Part 2

2. 两派之争后续剧情

3. 宁州大地图神识探查

4. 新的神通

5. 女修五官微调

6. 新的百里奇个人形象

1. 这周并没有什么优化内容

1. 修复了正常游戏过程中会误判在神仙斗法中无法存档的bug
2. 修复了关闭音乐后也会关闭战斗技能音效的bug
3. 修复了白露个人剧情中小孩对主角的称呼性别判断错误的bug

一. 测试版本的开放方式:
在steam库中右键觅长生,打开属性,选择测试选项卡,在请选择您想要参与的测试内选择testbranch - 测试版,不用输入代码,关闭后更新即可。
二. 测试版本与正式版本的存档位置和存档续用
三. 测试版本须知

1. 加入觅长生QQ频道在问题反馈子频道发言

2. 加群找管理:
觅长生-升仙台(官方一群):908385158 (已满)

3. 到论坛发帖:
Jun 17, 2022
Night Escaper - yannoo00
Item selection bug(after 10 wave)