Ardor - EsteemedOwl
-Hex attack patterns have an overlay outlining the whole pattern, helping to distinguish in cases where the pattern covers both empty and occupied hexes.

-If you hover over a hex that's threatened by enemies, that same overlay will now highlight who all's attacking that hex.

-Fixed a crash caused by this overlay that could be triggered by resetting turn while a card was applying overlay to hexes
May 22, 2022
Forsaken Barn - Sardos

- added one flashlight to the bunker map. (Some players could spawn without a flashlight on the bunker map.)
Scrapvival - Pogy
Dry Grass 2.0, is going to bring whole new visuals! Completely reworked and remade most of the mechanics and updated whole lighting system. Dry Grass is now using realtime global ilumination with screen space reflections combined! Here is a little snippet about how the new visual is going to look like, stay tuned!

In Next Life - EmberWolf
We have neglected to post notes on our updates on Steam for a while, but we will get back into that habit starting with this update. If you have followed our Discord, you know that there has been a lot of both content, features, and improvements over the last couple of months.

This is only a list of the changes in the latest update, but we will try to post a bit of a recap of everything soon too, because we are about to enter a new phase of the early access soon. If you haven't played the game in a while, there is a lot for you to discover.

New in the latest update:

- Bronze Age III Content

- More kinds of trees can be cut and used for building materials

- Several bushes and flowers can be removed, to allow for building space

- The experience view now also shows all items you have not created yet

- Build log cabins and make wooden floors and doors

- Build fences using bamboo

- Walls can be hidden from view, so you clearly see what's behind them

- Added Chinese as a supported language

Zion Survivors - xenonlu
1. To change some skin of menu and ships.
2. New part of M-ship wing
NRG - Peepo
One of a kind gamers! Thanks for your patience while we took a couple weeks off. To show our appreciation, we return with a gift! The new forest theme will be ready for release on Monday of next week, so get your hiking boots on. It’s a big change of tone from the factory and cloud world and we feel like it’s got a great balance, so we hope you enjoy! Making all these themes is making us hungry… For more themes… So it’s very likely we’re going to go for the beach theme as well before too long. We’ll see if that falls before or after the eyewear inclusion but either way there’s a lot to look forward to!

  • Themes: Forest

  • Customize: Capris, 3D, 4.0, DCs, Botrekkies
  • Themes: Beach
  • Ranked matches


Community and dev access
May 22, 2022
Combots - zoty
  • Walker bot could not be selected using the gamepad
  • Slightly improved the leg animation of the Walker bot
May 22, 2022
Stadtleben - Shadowlpd
New language added:
May 22, 2022
Edengrall - Guedez
Rewrote furniture placement code

Fixed most shops not working
Possibly fixed NPCs not properly animating when using furniture
May 22, 2022
Tin Can - Manny_Lectro

- Issue where player could get a component stuck in a plugspot by pressing both mouse clicks at the same time
- Game crashing when playing videos for users missing the Microsoft Media Feature Pack (Need feedback)
- Missing lever animation on main gen and grav gen
- Missing camera shake during asteroids on relay station

- Lost objects now respawn in the pod