Apr 26, 2022
From the Depths - BaconsTV
What is up Depthians!

Another sweet update being propelled to you epic people! Numerous changes, tweaks, bug fixes and new features!

Before we get into the changes we need to point something out for you good peeps that have been running the Alpha test. Positive/Negative force axis code has changed for custom rudders so if you made anything in alpha using them you should check their yaw/roll/pitch inputs.

Vehicle stability

Acceleration and evasion being very cheap, and having basically no downside is a very old FtD problem. It makes cannons unreliable, ships relatively weak and kiting disproportionately strong. The new stability mechanic adds a benefit for having a stable platform.

  • New stat: stability. Possible range is 0-100%, it's based on the movement of the main construct in the last 3 seconds
  • Added a slider to the target prioritisation AI card, from -1000 to +1000 value for each 1% stability
  • Munition warner range is now a function of stability, instead of rotation rate. Varies between 20-110%, for 0-100% stability
  • All direct fire weapons gain 0.004° inaccuracy for each 1% stability below 100%
  • Missile laser target inaccuracy is rerolled every second, and the actual inaccuracy of the beam is interpolated to the new value over 1s Remote and lua missile error is increased by 0.1m for each 1%

4 values are tracked
  • Average velocity magnitude
  • Velocity magnitude change
  • Velocity rotation rate * velocity magnitude
  • Construct rotation rate

Example vehicles
  • Ships generally have 95-100% stability
  • Flyer moving in a straight line, at 220 m/s (~CJE practical limit) ~90%
  • Flyer circling at 2000m distance, 220 m/s speed ~75%
  • Flyer circling at 1000m distance, 220 m/s speed ~65%

The changes mean stable vehicles and fortresses gain a slight boost against projectile weapons. Faster, and especially more evasive vehicles have a harder time shooting down projectiles, and at long distances their weapon efficiency is noticeably reduced. Makes slow vehicles, cannons and IR/radar/sonar missiles more useful in general.

Custom Propellers

One of the first big changes is custom propellers.
We have created a very in-depth system for customising the look of the custom propellers and we also suggest updating your builds to the new custom propellers, as power usage and thrust have been tweaked.
You can remove blades and rotate any blade around the hub if you wanted to go for a 3 blade Y shape setup, yet keep the functionality of all 4 blades! The sliders are purely aesthetic only and will not change the performance of the custom propellers.

As you can see from the screenshot below, this is the default look until you start adjusting the overall shape via the sliders and also material type from the texture dropdown list.

After spending a little time getting used to the controls you can create something that may fit the style of your craft more.

To give a general overview of this UI, the top screenshot is where you set the general shape, blade orientation, size of the blade and material type.

The second screenshot above shows current nodes and where they are on the blade 0%, 25%, 75%, and 100% you can also insert nodes and set how far down the blade you want the node to be.

This propeller was created using a linear node setup. What that means is that the preset removed 3 nodes along the blade, unchecked one of the blades in the bottom section of the list and setting +/- 35 degrees to the side blades. Adding nodes along the blade gives you more points to adjust the blade thickness, rotation, width and shaping.

However, if you still want more customisation, you can always use the decoration system with Ctrl X on one of the blade segments and create something from multiple parts. (yellow decorated custom rudders)

While we are discussing propulsion, we do have a few new changes.

What you are seeing in the above screenshot has been added to all propulsion methods, auto-balancing and manual. Manual is the usual means of setting up a propulsion block to be strafe/forward/yaw/pitch... Auto-balancing on the other hand (imagine a thruster placed dedicated to looking after roll) auto-balancing can add a few points of thrust to assist in pitch or hover. Auto-balancing will automatically calculate the combination of propulsion required for smooth roll/pitch/yaw/strafe/hover/forwards motion.
Auto-balancing does not change the manual settings you have already stored, so you can turn it on and off without affecting things permanently.

Lastly, on the subject of propulsion, we have set up a function very similar to what was removed previously, which was the "always up" function and added a new method that will also assist the thrust pointing horizontal. You can choose manual control of pitch/yaw and set the two sliders up as needed as a permanent angle or, via the new breadboard component which we shall discuss next.

Generic block setter. (GBS)

This new component in breadboard allows you to interact with any block on the construct that can be manipulated. I'll try to show a very basic example with a neon light.

The basic neon light has 6 attributes we can tweak within its UI: R,G,B, the intensity, the range and if it casts shadows on/off.

If we place down a number of neon lights we can tweak all of them at the same time via the GBS, however for this example we will name the neon light (Example1). If you keep the build cursor on the light and hit shift N, this will bring up the naming UI. You should see the tooltip of your light now has "? Name changed to "Example1" ".

Place down your mainframe and attach the AI breadboard to it. Scroll down to the GBS and click on the new component. You will see that the GBS has something already selected by default that it would interact with.

With the new module selected type the name we gave our neon light Example1 in the block name filter text box, check the dropdown list under block name filter and select neon light. You will know if everything is linked as you can see in the GBS module "LightFitting (#1) " If it still reads #0 then you may have a typo in the filter text box or when you named the neon light.

You will also see the left side notches turn from white (requires input) to grey (not used). This indicates that the attributes tied to LightData: Intensity, requires one type of input and in this case it requires a number from 0 to 10. The other notches correspond to different input types which will be used for other settings if that block type and the attribute selected from the dropdown list allow it.

In order to keep things simple, let us insert a timer and give it a max of 5 seconds. We shall plug that into the topmost notch. (Don't forget to mouse over each notch for a description as to what they require/do) If everything is working correctly your neon light should start to slowly get brighter and turn off once the timer resets and repeat.

In order to access the other attributes, we need a new GBS linked with the same name. This time we will check the dropdown list under the neon light label. Other block types can have quite the long list depending on the complexity of the block, you may also see (LOCKED) and this indicates that currently we have not enabled GBS to access these attributes. So please feel free to poke us and tell us what you need unlocked and why with hopefully some sort of example.

Select LightData: The colour, now you will see that all the notches are white. Mouse over these again and you will notice that each one represents the colour red, green and blue as well as other parameters. Drop 3 "Constant" components into the breadboard UI and attach one to the first notch. Set the constant component to something from 0.00 to 1 and as soon as you plug in your constant the light should be red if left with the default value of 1. Repeat this for the last two notches green and blue and set the colours as you wish. Try doing the same things again and setting up a method to turn on or off Lightshowdows :)

This was just a poor and easy example as you can use GBS with every block that has some tweakable options from spin blocks to turret blocks, from jets to engines, APS components, CRAMS etc... and the usual infinite amounts of trigger types that you can create via breadboard and more so now as we have created a logic gate component :D .



  • Projectiles avoidance fake-missiles now have velocity and lateral distance configuration

Animation Block
  • Added emotion control for the animation block (the droid model does not support this as it is aimed at a future character pack DLC)
  • Added IK control for the limbs of the avatars of the animation block. Added breadboard support for this.

  • Added an option to the APS menu to disable barrel retraction on firing

  • Added an auto-balancing option to jet/huge jet/ion/huge ion/propeller/huge propeller/custom jet engine/propeller hub. Auto-balancing will automatically calculate the combination of propulsion required for smooth roll/pitch/yaw/strafe/hover/forwards motion.
  • Auto-balancing does not change the manual settings you have already stored, so you can turn it on and off without affecting things permanently
  • Auto-balancing updates when propulsion systems rotate, or when they become inoperable (i.e a submerged jet or a dead propeller)

  • Added a new breadboard component that can theoretically 'set' any (whitelisted) setting on any block. It is called the 'Generic block setter'
  • Whitelisted propulsion block, light bulb, animation block, adv cannon firing piece, cram firing piece, cram fusing box, boiler controller, fuel engine values for the 'Generic block setter'
  • Added logic gates as a new breadboard component, with all standard gate types available.

Custom Control
  • Custom control surface tooltips have visualisations showing their pivot axis and force direction for positive/negative input

Custom Rudders
  • Mirror meshes added for all rudder parts.

Fuel Engines
  • Pressing Q while looking at fuel engine parts now also brings up the overview menu of the main block

Propeller Hub
  • Mesh and material customisation for propeller hub added

  • Added automatic adjustment of yaw and pitch orientation adjustments to point the propulsion system directly up, or keep it horizontal. This is the successor to the 'always up' value of the now obsoleted dediblades. It works for jets, ions, propellers,crank propellers, steam jets, CJE and propeller hubs. The maximum angle for yaw and pitch is still 15°.

  • Ships generally have 95-100% stability. 220 m/s (~CJE practical) limit flyer moving in a straight line ~90%. 220 m/s flyer circling at 2000m ~75%, circling at 1000m ~65%
  • Stability components: velocity magnitude change, velocity magnitude, velocity rotation rate * velocity, construct rotation
  • Weapons gain 0.004° inaccuracy for each 1% below 100% stability. Remote missile error is increased by 0.1m. Missile lasers roll a new inaccuracy error each second and interpolate from the old one over 1s


  • Propulsion block yaw/picth angle change triggered through ACB takes 0.25s for a full 0-15° rotation

Aero Elevator
  • Now has an AC of 20 and health of 300 and a cost of 15.

Aero Rudder
  • Now has an AC of 20 and health of 300 and a cost of 15.

  • Now has an AC of 20 and health of 300 and a cost of 15.

  • Effective impact angle for sabot head is reduced to 75% of the actual impact angle (affects ricochet and damage reduction calculations)

  • Modules on the breadboard expand to fit the text being displayed within them

Control surfaces
  • Control/flight surfaces only add 0.75 drag for each 1 unit of force generated

Custom Control Surfaces
  • Custom control surface force direction is now always normal to the placement plane. Local velocity only affects the magnitude of the force
  • Pivots now have an AC of 40 and health of 400 with a cost of 50 other parts have an AC of 35 and health of 350 with a cost of 40.

Custom Rudders
  • Positive/Negative force axis code has changed so anything made in alpha using them should check their yaw/roll/pitch inputs.

Custom Wings
  • Wing parts now have an AC of 20 and health of 300 and a cost of 15.

Debug Tools
  • Explosive, EMP and impact debug tool minimum damage down to 10

  • Improved behaviour for thruster+secondary torpedo propeller interceptors
  • Interceptor hit rate is now also tracked on the controller
  • Interceptor missiles reverted to the old behaviour of trying to get as close as possible before exploding. Got a fallback to make sure they always hit the main target (if possible)

Particle Cannon
  • Beam coherence for the same focus value improved by 25%

  • Flags, sails and balloons now have opaque shaders.

  • Precision spinblock max turn rate in rotate to angle mode scales with MASS^0.2, instead of MASS^0.25 (faster, especially for spinners with lots of mass on them)

  • Stable pressure of steam containers isn't affected by the number of vent outputs

  • Now has an AC of 20 and health of 300 and a cost of 15.

  • Propeller clearance visualizations aren't displayed when the hud is turned off
  • V menu now also shows how many cells are occupied by subconstructs, not just the total

  • The old 1x1x1 wing is now removed from the build menu to encourage more performance-friendly usage with custom wings.


  • Enemy simulator can no longer be activated when in campaign mode, other than in battle.

  • An exception in a breadboard doesn't get up to the surface now and stops that breadboard for ~40 frames

  • [BUGS-3709] A sign evaluator with NaN input also outputs NaN (doesn't stop physics now)
  • [BUGS-3546] Physics breaking sometimes when copy/pasting a breadboard
  • [BUGS-2905] The game configuration slider for damage factor, and the campaign "damage difficulty" now affect block health rather than affecting damage output. It was discovered that many damage types were not properly adjusting for these values and this is a more reliable way of making sure everything works. The higher the damage factor, the lower the block health will be. The higher the campaign damage difficulty the lower player block health will be and higher enemy block health will be.
  • [BUGS-3726] Repaired control surface pivots now work as expected
  • [BUGS-3702] Steam crank wheel connections cannot be copy-pasted to bypass restrictions
  • [BUGS-3705] Transmissions and crank motors with relative RPM other than 1 can be connected now
  • [BUGS-3768] Blocks placed as decoration have a slight rotation error due to float precision
  • [BUGS-3768] Hiding an original mesh, and then applying mirroring makes the original mesh re-appear
  • [BUGS-3768] Some decoration wireframe aren't displayed when there are too many of them (can still happen but should happen a lot less often, it's a limitation due to an optimization)
  • [BUGS-3774] Priority given to hit structural blocks first when several blocks are projected into the same mainConstruct cell
  • [BUGS-3666] Placement offsets for blocks larger than 1x1x1 are now wiped on switching to prefab mode
  • [BUGS-3667] Fixed a multithreading issue causing erratic flight. Mostly affected control surfaces, with multiple vehicles in play
  • [BUGS-3695] Fixed stable pressure for some setups being affected by game speed
  • [BUGS-3700] Fixed steam stat page reporting gearbox power output instead of turbine energy/s
  • [BUGS-3778] Some map markers disappearing in campaign after changing language
  • [BUGS-3738] Projectiles avoidance priority evaluation not displayed correctly

Crank Wheels
  • A steam crank wheel can not be added to a group if it's already part of another group

Custom Control Surfaces
  • Issue with 3m inverted CS corner mirror fixed.

  • Fixed EMP potentially spreading in the wrong construct for some setups

  • Interceptors without any propulsion can target projectiles above 5m

  • Added EMP susceptibility to missile wireless transmitter and receiver.

  • Fixed various threading problems causing aim for all weapons to be ~1-2 frames behind the current position of the target

  • Changed multi-threading code to ensure the main physics calculation chain finishes in time to apply the force to the vehicle rigid body on the correct frame
  • Moved buoyancy force application, sail force application, wing force application, steam calculations and all propulsion force application into the same thread that handles the bulk of force applications and the calculation and application of the rigid body force. This should improve the stability of the physics simulation.

  • Some issues with particles/VFX not playing nicely with glass have been fixed.

  • Force lines in build mode (toggled with backspace) now show in the correct position (previously they were showing the forces calculated on the previous frame)

  • Updated to unity 2021.2.18 from 2021.2.3. This is to fix a Linux UI issue where the mouse is never properly hidden and made inactive

Vehicle Controller Small
  • Fixed sub mesh misalignment on small vehicle controller.
Ashwalkers - Yuuka_DV
Few days left before the end of our Publisher Week! Grab Ashwalkers at 35% off!


King Arthur: Knight's Tale - proba 1 2 3

The wait is over soon, so prepare yourself, the journey in Avalon is about to begin:

Knight's Tale launches today at 7 PM CEST.

Until then, come and join the game's official Discord. Whether you have questions or just want learn more about the game, you will be at the right place. You are busy? Don't worry, we will do a developer Q&A stream tomorrow at 4 PM CEST which will be recorded as well. If you have some questions, you can submit them here so you can catch up really quickly!

Avalon awaits!
Apr 26, 2022
Citystate II - Citystate_Andy
Major fixes
  • Fixed a major error affecting the number of jobs created by the upper class (was 10x the intended value). A lack of workforce was probably affecting your city as soon as the upper class grew.
  • Social class distribution % values were incorrect. Could lead to a negative incarceration rate. (Reported by Omnius, thank you!)
  • The effect of policies on political affiliations was incorrect when the policies were mostly left leaning. (Reported by BiOxYdE, merci!)
  • Effect of policies on pollution was incorrect! Eco-friendly policies now have greater effect on reducing pollution. Thanks to Alex Vagni for reporting this discrepancy!
  • New algorithm for the propagation of pollution. Polluted areas were taking too long to clean up if pollution ceased. Pollution might get all over the place after loading your city for the first time with the patch, it'll take a few in game years to stabilize.
  • Balanced the environment score (used for quality of life index and approval rate). Was wrong in polluted cities.
  • Connected cities will now share jobs across borders when the unemployment is lower than 10%. Unemployment is no longer exported to connected cities, only jobs. Up to 10% of all jobs can be imported from a connected city. When the unemployment is too low, jobs from connected cities will no longer be available to dampen the lack of workforce.
  • When upgrading a service building the employee current funding ratio is now preserved.
  • The dollar reserve was not being saved when exiting the Nation or the game.
  • Improved pathfinding significantly. Highways are used more often. Commutes can now be up to 2048 road tile long (640 before).

Other changes
  • Added some extra safeties to prevent the education score to go brrrr.
  • If you had more than 1 million USD reserve the exchange rate could equal to zero.
  • Doubled the area affected by the carbon capture buildings.
  • Census tool now shows pollution rate on roads, rails and walkways.
  • Changed the color of the pollution layer to be more visible.
  • Increased prevalence of rare ore and offshore oil.
  • Census tool was displaying "Insufficient Demand" for vacant lots even when the demand was high.
  • Shorten display of trade capacity in Nation UI.
  • Improved port placement tool. Have to be rotated manually like airports by pressing TAB.
  • Census tool did not give any information for farming tiles.
  • Increased religion effect on birth rates
  • Population growth from neighbor cities was not taken into account.
  • Slums now participate to the Lower Class natural growth rate (births).
  • Removed "Too Steep" limitation to road building.
  • Removed "Unaligned Intersection" limitation to road building.
  • Updated PT-BR localization
  • The demand for slums would never decrease when many low income citizens were getting richer.
  • Corrected tooltip for the trade capacity in Nation view.
  • Lack of workforce triggers building decay more often.
  • Changed how commuters pick a workplace. Generally choose location closer to their home.
  • Residential buildings under construction no longer loose their occupants during construction (the city's population stays unchanged). (suggested by raxo8888)
  • Government type "Utopia" was not being displayed in the top UI (also reported by raxo8888)
  • Volumetric clouds in city view are now turned on by default for the preset 'High'.

Much appreciation for everyone that took the time to email me suggestions and bug reports!
Looking for Aliens - Ira Roka
We’re delighted to welcome you, humanoids!

We’ve prepared for you an extraterrestrial attention challenge. Do you want to prove yourselves in this fantastic extra-test? You’re staring at your monitor, and our system interprets it as “Yeah, sure”. Loading started...

[Downloading information to your receivers]

[Loading completed]

Dear inhabitants of Earth, look at the image below: you’ll see lots of different references to earth movies, TV shows, and video games. Find as many as you can and write them down in the comments.

Oh, we almost forgot the most important thing: whoever finds the most easter-eggs will receive a key to any Alawar game they’ll choose!

Full size: https://imgur.com/a/92JFLBm

Turmoil Playtest - 1000 Gibibit
Dear Turmoil Testers,

Thanks to everyone for all the useful responses we have received so far. An update has been released which includes some changes to the multiplayer playtest. The test will continue for now while we gather more feedback.

Turn timer
  • Turn timer has been reduced from 48 hours to 36 hours.
  • AFK kick threshold has been reduced from 3 consecutive turns to 2 consecutive turns.
  • You can now play 5 matches at a time, increased from 3.
  • Added an additional popup to the town leave menu when you still have actions to perform in multiplayer.
Because the playtest does not have a tutorial or much explanation, a lot of players have quit before even playing their first or second level. For this reason we have made the AFK timers a bit shorter to keep games going.

You can also play more games at a time, in order to increase your odds of joining a good match. But please don't join more matches than you can handle!

These changes are not meant as a permanent fix to the problem. We're looking at how to better match player expectations in the future in order to prevent lots of players going AFK.

Minimum player count for custom games
  • You can now start a Custom Game with 2 or 3 players.
We have heard your wish of being able to play with just one or two buddies instead of a full four player game. This is now possible. However, there are no AI opponents in multiplayer yet so the game might end a bit sooner. AI opponents are planned for the future and we will take 2-3 player matches into account more from now on.

Other changes
  • Updated localization files.
  • Fixed an issue where playing the playtest would clear your campaign save and progress on the main app.
  • The MacOS and Linux builds now connect to the correct server.
  • Improved the layout of land auction offers. Now aligned to the top left instead of being distributed evenly.
  • Hovering over the starting area in the land auction no longer has a tooltip when its empty.
  • Fixed positioning of loading icon in level recap on display resolutions other than 1080p.
Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle - 68k Studios
Version 1.0.16 is now live.

I was planning to release a new post-game campaign, but I wasn't fully satisfied with the result so I preferred to move all new contents into the original campaign.

This new update, one year after the game's release, contains precisely these new contents:

  • New Boss: Beelzebub. Appears in new games if you have killed the main campaign boss at least once. Beelzebub is a very powerful (but optional) boss; you can find it near the Cathedral.
  • New enemies: Bears and Armored Bears.
  • New items: Anctient Tomes, which increase the level of some skills.
  • New hazards: swarms of flies (a "gift" from Beelzebub)
  • Changes have been made to some enemies attributes (the first monsters will be slightly easier)
  • Increased cost for upgrading attributes with a value that is over 20
Apr 26, 2022
Bugfix :
Several minor bugs were fixed.

Balancing :
Enhanced a job abilitiy for Shinigami Cleric.

Living Harvest (Shinigami Cleric)
Before change:
  • Lv.1
    Deal [Slash]ATK +0.
    3 actions required before reuse.
    Quick MP2 Range: Long distance 2 enemies
    Area: [◇◆] (Target and enemy in front)
  • Lv.2
    Deal [Slash]ATK +3.
    2 actions required before reuse.
    Quick MP2 Range: Long distance 2 enemies
    Area: [◇◆] (Target and enemy in front)
Change details:
  • MP consumption changed from 2 to 1 (common to all levels)

Please leave your feedback on the official Discord:
Apr 26, 2022
Ironsight - Brilson

Hello everyone, this is the Ironsight team.

Server maintenance will take place on Wednesday, April 27th.
Please make sure to disconnect from the servers in advance in order to avoid any issues.


[KST] 14:00 ~ 15:00 April 27th
[CEST] 07:00 ~ 08:00 April 27th
[PDT] 22:00 ~ 23:00 April 26th

Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • [Netcode Improvement] Improved the handling of packet loss and packet ordering when the network is unstable.
  • Corrected the alignment of the Variant Scope when attached to the Kar98k.
Soul Dossier - 某某秃子
4 / 26 server temporary maintenance announcement

Dear agent,

In order to improve the stability of the server and optimize the problem of jamming in the BP selection interface, the Lingjing system is expected to be temporarily maintained at 17:30 (UTC / GMT: + 8:00) on April 26, with an estimated maintenance time of 20 minutes. Online agents will be forced to go offline. Please go offline in advance to avoid losses! We will give another notice after the server is open. Please understand the inconvenience caused by agent simulation training!

Compensation will be paid after this maintenance: lingcoin x10000