Prison Life - AO Games
  • Language tags for games in the game browser.
  • Now you can see a personal statistics of things you've done like escapes, searches and more!
  • notification with sound when you get cases from drops/daily quests
  • Blinking animation for pets
  • In some rare cases items were stuck in the middle of the screen
  • Outline of player interaction not showing up


Apr 24, 2022
On The Western Front - Aggroblakh
Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay between updates. I didn't have any new features to add this time, so I took the opportunity to bug hunt and deal with issues that I've known about for some time but hadn't gotten around to fixing yet.

The biggest and most time-consuming one was to track down and eliminate the long 10+ second pauses that would occasionally occur when the pathfinding broke down and had to brute force a path. Upon refactoring and restructuring some things under the hood, I think I've managed to get rid of the problem.

I also took the time to update the Unit Rotation tutorial to use the Order of Battle screen instead of the context menus. Using the context menu to withdraw units wasn't very intuitive, so I removed that ability without updating the corresponding tutorial. Apologies for any inconvenience.

  • Updated the unit rotation tutorial.
  • Updated pathfinding so long pauses in the game should no longer happen.
  • Fixed issue with units returned from raids continuing to fire forever.
  • Fixed bug with cancelling scheduled orders.
  • Tweaked formatting of pilot lists in Aerodrome screen.
  • Adjusted enemy offensives to focus more on the first line of defense rather than attacking everything indiscriminately.
  • Fixed crash with grenades upgrade caused due to a missing tooltip.
  • Fixed reserve unit names generated when starting a new game.

Thanks for playing!
Apr 24, 2022
Square - Unusualsoft
Gameplay has been tweaked and improved.
Luminary Online: Rise of the GoonZu - mcreyes

[Hestia Town Opening] #2

Greetings! Luminarians,

We would like to announce the 2nd town to be opened for Server Hestia.
- Shenburry
1. The stocks of Shenburry Town will be offered for public.
Date: April 25, 2022
Time: 11:30pm PST/PDT

Luminary Global Team
Webpage -
Facebook -
Discord -
Testing payment services.
Apr 24, 2022
Vanguardian - 1repcloser

Considering this project is no longer in development, and since I have no plans of continuing development, I have reached out to Steam asking to remove this project from the Steam store.

The deeper reason:

I don't want to contribute to the sea of unfinished early access games. As someone who buys games on steam, I struggle to find games worth playing myself, and as a developer, I don't want to contribute to that experience, however minute it may be.

Although I doubt anyone will see this, I thank all who supported me early on, it has not gone to waste, as I have continued my path of game development, and this experience was a valuable lesson.
Apr 24, 2022
Car Detailing Simulator - Games Incubator_Team
  • big scratch cleaning improvement
  • mirror cleaning improvement
  • fix for missing japanese characters
Three Kingdoms The Last Warlord - 汉末霸业开发者
This new updates as follow: (4/25 3:00 pm.)
1. Optimization
Treasure editor:
1.) The default setting for new created item will be Rare;
2.) The existed items (non Rare) cannot be available to switch to Rare.
Community Announcements - Johnny B
Disabled button on Main Menu - Was enabled for testing for new feature in 0.4 patch series. Forgot to disable for the hotfixes. My bad.
Apr 24, 2022
Magical Girl Noble Rose - tomop
Fixed an oversight in the previous update.(Only English version)