Rogue Spirit - James505Games

Spirits welcome to the penultimate update…

We’re nearly there. This month we’re dropping v0.9, the update before we launch v1.0 - more about that soon - and this feels like one of our biggest drops to date!

Without further a due, let’s get stuck in…

Joining the fight for the Kingdom of Midra are Harpooner and Chief.

Harpooner isn’t you’re typical ranged character. Using a makeshift crossbow, he can shoot and aim his power shots with immense precision, making his primary attack superbly deadly.

His secondary attack will be familiar to fans of Slicer and Reaver - a hook shot, which when pulled off will attach to the opposing enemy and pull them closer. Perfect for those pesky ranged characters.

Chief is an experienced war chief and is exceptional at dealing - and taking - damage! For all, you hack ‘n’ slash fans, Chief should be in your arsenal! His primary attack is a heavy axe to the enemy's head, nice and simple.

His secondary is a little different. Using both his axes as boomerangs, Chief will throw them causing them to spin and damage whoever is in his path.

NEW BIOME: Divine Peak
As with update 0.7, we’re introducing a brand new arena, the Divine Peak. A dangerously beautiful mountainous region that embodies what Midra once was.

With a new area, comes a new boss the Demon King. The master of the peaks and one of our toughest bosses to date - honestly, it took me about 7 times to take him down the other day.

We’ve improved so much of the gameplay over the recent months that we wanted to add more options to fit different playstyles and as such, we’re introducing 2 new familiars Vina (Electric) and Canda (Laser) and a number of new skills including the Frozen Orb, Electric Trap, Flamethrower and more

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve added more polish and rebalancing to the enemies, changed the default camera settings and also included an ability to heal within the Spirit Bridge.


New Playable Character: Harpooner
New Playable Character: Chief
New Skills: Frozen Orb, Electric Trap, Flamethrower, Frost Wall, Glue Bomb, Body Spawn
New Biome: Divine Peak
New Boss Fight: Demon King
New Familiar: Vina (Electric)
New Familiar: Canda (Laser)
Added special rooms to the Marshe biome.
Combat polish
Game rebalancing
Changed default camera settings
Added ability to heal using the pond in Spirit Bridge

That’s all for now, Spirits.

See you in the kingdom soon.

- James (Brand Community Manager, 505 Games)
Revita - Gimmie_Revita
Hi everyone!

We are so excited to announce that Revita is leaving out of Early Access and has reached 1.0!

It's been 414 days since we released the Early Access. Do you remember when you didn't know what you'd get when you were spending hearts to statues? It feels like yesterday...
4 major content updates, 14 small updates, a lot of hats and fishes, tons of fun and fatigue later, we are super proud to announce that you can now play Revita 1.0! We heard there might be a discount on the game tomorrow at 7pm CEST.

This 1.0 version includes:
- 80+ New Relics
- 50+ New Secrets
- 10+ New Synergies
- 30+ New Hats
- New Guns
- New Shard Modifiers
- New Lost Notes
- T̜̤̞̭̮̯͇͔͗ͮ͝h̶͖̲̫͛̃̂e̱̰͓̺͔͔̮̺͗ͧ́ ͈̦̼̖̖̪̖ͯ̉̆̕T̴̝̼͓̀r̛̹̻̙͍̙͉̬͌̓̄ű̼̲̲͕͟t͕͎ͦ̌̔́h̗̥̜̹͕̤͊͂͠ͅ

And a TON more! (Like, there is so, so much)

- Secret rooms now stay around even when taking damage
- Corrupted Rift frequency decreased heavily
- The blacksmiths apprentices can now only recycle 1 relic per area
- The blacksmiths apprentices now appear after every normal area
- Reimplemented the boss damage cap, however it is now a lot more relaxed and also scales with fire rate
- The collector now exchanges 1 common relic for 1 rare, rather than 2 common relics for 1 rare
- The map during floor transitions now also shows previously visited special rooms and all rooms in a crossroad room
- Beating shard 30 now lets you go to 75 custom shards immediatly, rather than you having to go through the custom shards 1 by 1 too, in order to unlock more shards
- Discounts in shop now reduce the price by 0.5HP rather than 1HP
- Removed the "no win" icon from the daily reward wheel
- Decreased the amount of soul coins you get from dailies and weeklies
- The Technician now lets you unlock portals even on shards you haven't beaten yet, but you can only use the portal once you have.
- Restocking a shop via a restock machine will now increase the price of using said restock machine again
- The grandma npc can now also be unlocked after unlocking at least a fourth of all hats
- Enemies that are invulnerable, can't be affected by status effects anymore (Titan Frogeyes, Alt depression, etc)
- You can now "only" hold onto 99999 Soul Coins and 99999 Materials
- Normal shops now have a lil sign attached to them that should make it more obvious as to how to steal
- Cursed shops are now also inflicted by the expensive shops shard
- You can't find the "Enforced Chain" or "Golden Chain" relics anymore, while not having the chainmeter unlocked
- The silhouette curse doesn't affect seperate segments of enemies anymore, its either the full enemy or not at all
- Hats from the gachapon machine are now distributed more evenly in rarity, rather than having all the legendary hats towards the end
- Updated shard display in the title screen
- When shooting enemies the chainmeter will now freeze for a few frames, ensuring that you can still build up your chain even if you don't have a lot of damage
- Lure chests are slightly more frequent when fishing
- Shield Turnips now only give 2 shields rather than 3
- The Priestess now lets you choose between 2 curses to remove
- Talisman now removes a random curse rather than by chronological order
- The collector now gives you choices in regards to which relics to exchange
- Soundeffects now get paused upon opening the pause menu/collection menu
- Hollow Hives now can have a curse chest in front of the boss
- Even more frogs!!
- The Connoisseur can now only spawn after the Tinkerer has been unlocked
- Added new lines of dialogue to the Connoisseur
- The Weapon room can now only be unlocked after unlocking the chainmeter
- Non enemy rooms can't be flooded in the Fungated Funnels via the area mod anymore
- Chaos runs will now always start you with a Key
- Updated Familiar AI
- Rebalanced Key drop rate
- Charmed Bullets don't get destroyed by relics, etc anymore
- Made some changes to the Enigma fight, nerfing some of its attacks
- Adjusted prison key rate
- Boss HP now scales the same way enemy HP scales in loops
- Resources now get halved with each loop
- Max HP, Max Soul and Shields now get halved with each loop
- Main stats now get halved with each loop
- Blessing rate now resets upon looping
- Relic Rarity now gets halved with each loop
- Adjusted some of the enemy journal requirements
- You can't get some curses anymore if they wouldn't affect you anyway

- New minimap in the pause menu, that lets you check what is up ahead
- Miniboss rooms now pop up on the map and the new minimap
- Changed up the default settings
- Mouse Lock doesn't affect the title screen anymore
- The game now starts you off with 1 material
- Added a tutorial window for the imprisoned
- Flashes created by using a statue now are removed when having flashes turned off
- Bee hives and snow statues are now outlined to make them stick out a bit more
- The game now tells you on the death screen, if there is new stuff at the hub
- The Seed at the seed setting machine now is slightly transparent when not fully put in
- Relic popups now show the synergies they are a part of
- New accessibility setting that allows you to resize the cursor
- Damage indicator popups now have a different colour when hitting a boss damage cap
- New setting that lets you turn off the fog effect

- Machine Gun: Base damage is now 8, rather than 7
- Shotgun: Removed the damage bonus and lowered celestial weapon recharge
- Blast Gun: Increased range by 20% (originally -10% range)
- Charge Gun: Reduced range and accuracy at max charge
- Orbit Gun (Base): Decreased range multiplier by 10%
- Orbit Gun (Stationary): Decreased range multiplier by 20%

- Grenade: Increased charge cooldown
- Bow: Increased charge cooldown
- Scythe: Increased charge cooldown
- Sword: Increased the damage from 1.5 to 2 times your damage
- Grapple: Increased speed

- Removed and added a whole bunch of relics to different synergies
- Heart Machine: Changed the effect entirely, now transforming half of your max hp into shields and giving you some shields when not having any max hp to transform
- Worn Out Glove: Now additionally grants freeze bullets, rather than increased freeze duration
- Skull Pendant: Upgrades now increase the cap (50% -> 75% -> 100%) rather than the damage bonus per curse
- Steady Foot: Can now be recycled and works as intended when doing so
- Equality: Can now be recycled and works as intended when doing so
- C.D.S: Now spawns a random big chest at the end of an area when any chest/chest room is skipped during that area.
- Pouch of Toys: Now also affects Familiars
- Watergun: New Synergies with explosion related relics
- Mementos now count as common tier relics, not rare tier relics
- Coupon and Bag of Greed now also affect the current shop

- Homing Missile: Rare -> Common
- Squishy Shield: Now gives 1 HP per shield, rather than 0.5 HP
- Heart Machine: Legendary -> Rare
- Life Vest: Now has a chance to full heal you upon taking a fatal hit, rather than just negate the hit
- Pokerchip: Damage decrease changed from (-10% -> -5%)
- Fake Bill: Now also works on the rare shop, but not in cursed shops anymore
- Bag of Greed: Now also works on the rare shop
- Shopping Cart: Now also works on the rare shop
- Boxing Glove: now also upgrades damage when upgraded (10% -> 15% -> 20%)
- Laser Diode: Added a ton of new synergies
- Tiki Torch: Rare -> Common
- Shell Cluster: Buffed synergy with Moon Earring
- Dust Bunny: Lengthend the time it takes for the damage to decrease
- Orbital Flies: Increased the attack speed by 25%

- Silver Bullet: Rare -> Legendary
- Bouncy Ball: Common -> Rare
- Tesla Coil: Common -> Rare
- Electric Heart: Common -> Rare
- Rc: Common -> Rare
- Nail of Ice: Common -> Rare and lowered damage from (100% -> 150% -> 200%) to (100% -> 125% -> 150%)
- Titanium Armor: Doesn't give you a shield anymore when picked up
- Shield Polish: Doesn't give you a shield anymore when picked up
- Cursed Candle: Now caps at 80% bonus damage
- Idol of Fury: Now caps at 50% bonus firerate
- Converter: Now exchanges shields at a rate of (1.5->2->2.5) rather than (1.5->2->3)
- Back Shield: Rare -> Legendary
- Corrupted Chump: Now scales weaker the more curses you have, meaning you can't make it ridiculously strong by collecting like 20 curses

- Some changes to the Acceptance fight
- Some changes to the Anger fight
- Some changes to the Depression fight
- Bumble Gunner: Now doesn't scale as heavily with tricky tactics
- Non Water based enemies will now also have slowed down horizontal speed underwater as well, not just slowed down vertical speed
- Masklings and Leyeches won't be able to "attack" while charmed anymore, and beyeshops will stop protecting enemies when charmed
- Corrupted Bosses get an additional tricky tactics
- Corrupted Enemies can now get even stronger depending on how many curses you have
- the "Preyest" enemies bullets, don't home in as strongly anymore
- Buffed Commando Culteyes
- Soul Carrier Flies can now appear randomly in enemy rooms

- Reassemble: Now only requires 4 relics to be recycled, rather than 5
- Recycler: Lowered the requirement of destroyed relics from 25 to 15
- Solar System: Decreased the amount of different orbitals required from 4 to 3
- Stronger Together: Increased the amount of different familiars required from 2 to 3
- Black Magic: Decreased the amount of curses required from 25 to 15
- Cleansed: Decreased the amount of curses required from 25 to 15
- Tinkerer: Increased the amount of fully upgraded relics required from 3 to 4
- Soul Collector: Increased the amount of soul required from 400 to 500
- Ceiling Crawler: Removed and replaced by a new secret

- Souls now float towards the player correctly when stuck in walls
- Setting the relic hud to invisible while having a synergy won't crash the game anymore
- Greedlings and Wispeye can't be revived by other enemies anymore
- The technician now plays their introduction cutscene at the proper moment
- Certain enemy segments are now also affected by the corruption visual effect
- Fixed the Moon Earring + Planetary Ring Synergy
- Button prompts will not get stuck during the map screen anymore
- Fixed some ui overlay problems with the shard and custom shard ui
- Fixed weird glitchy behaviour with enemies following you on platform edges
- Fixed "Bag of Greed" giving the incorrect amount of damage
- Fixed a bug with "Cell Clump", where the game would crash upon picking up the relic while already shooting
- Fixed the Softlock in dark Caldarium
- Fixed the incorrect accuracy decrease on "Laser Diode"
- Fixed "Laserpointer" giving more accuracy benefits than intended
- Holding down the focus button while at full hp won't exit the focus after every single segment anymore
- Fixed some area modifiers not doing anything in certain areas
- Prison Keys are not affected by confusion anymore
- Lasers can now be affected by tiki torch
- Some enemy attacks that were previously not affected by slow motion now are.
- Bosses can't carry corrupted rifts with them anymore
- Fixed some secret hints showing up to early or not at all
- Fixed a bug where cursed shop relics could randomly be cheaper
- Game doesn't softlock anymore after a weekly run that had the daily change during the time of the run
- Removing the blinded curse will now immediatly remove the curses effect, rather than just at the end of the room
- Looping while in a corrupted rift will not carry the rift over to the next loop anymore
- Celestial Weapons can't get stuck in walls anymore
- You can't slowly be pushed off the fishing dock anymore
- You now get the correct death dialogue when dying to alt anger
- You don't keep flying upwards anymore when picking up a prison keys while flying
- Orbiting elements like enemy bullets and other rotation based elements are now tied to slowmotion as well
- Orbitals/Familiars you get from "Wind Up Key","Giants Fang" and "Pouch of Toys" are now seeded properly
- The notification icons in the hub now track properly across the different hub rooms
- When looping, holding morality will not curse and bless all your relics each loop anymore
- Glitched Tiles still appear after loop 3
- Pickups can keep falling down if nothing is below them, even if they have already landed on ground before
- Materials can't decrease your chain with certain curses anymore
- The "Shade Cloak" relic now works as intended again
- Fixed not being able to reroll with laser gun
- The "Infestation" relic can now apply bleed
- The "Snapshot Camera" relic now displays the proper stats in its description
- Fixed more procgen issues
- Fixed some "Shell Cluster" synergies
- Fixed the rim light staying around shop relics even after they have been bought
- Explosion damage is now affected by accessibility settings
- Fixed some issue with changing the game windows resolution
- Fixed a relic pool issue, where you could get multiple of the same relic
- Improved the functionality of some synergies with laser diode (Damaged Ammo, Bursting Bubble)
- Steam screenshots are working again!
- Fixed the bug where too many wave rooms would appear in an area
- You can take screenshots via steam again
- Bullets now also get properly destroyed when defeating a miniboss
- Fixed a crash with the Strattos enemy
- Fixed a bug with the hp cost preview in the ticket select ui
- Synergies can be gotten again on following loops
- Small chests can't spawn behind elevators anymore
- Fixed the weird outline around the Sagritarius Bow
- The Sagritarius Bow can't charge up itself anymore
- Adjusted Dynamite + Laser Synergy positioning
- Fixed Rocket launcher + Laser Diode synergy
- Clunky Chamber curse now works with lasers too
- Fixed a crash with the Bursting Soul relic
- Fixed elevators randomly spawning in walls
- Ragnarok can't target invincible enemies anymore
- Familiar Aiming got fixed
- Game doesn't crash anymore when there are too few rooms
- Legendary Pickups now share their background design with the rare pickups
- Accessibility settings get restored when returning from a daily/weekly run
- Fixed a bug where having corrupted HP could prevent you from purchasing things
- Fixed the forgiveness crash on loops
- Broken Chain now lets you go to 1.0 and 2.0 chain
- You can't float while focusing anymore
- Relics will now take effect first, before their blessing benefits
- Tickets that would give you relics that can't be cursed, now can't be cursed anymore
- Explosions caused by the player will now also reactivate familiars
- Fixed a crash with the pisced rod
- Bursting Bubble now works with explosions (You have been asking for this one, so this is on you)
- The "Lazyeye" relic now also gives an accuracy debuff with upgrades, as it says
- Fixed a bug with the Fool, where having custom music play in the hub and then purchasing some of his special songs, wont make them overlap anymore
- The Frozen Culteye miniboss can now still teleport after their iceblock is broken
- Minibosses don't spawn enemies slightly below platforms anymore
- Split Veyeral and Marbles don't get stuck in walls anymore
- Back Shield doesn't randomly freak out anymore
- The grenades Grenade Sentreyes throw out, aren't affected by freezing or slowmotion on the main enemy anymore
- Bullets created via Bursting bubble, now adjust their size and damage, based on the bullet they got created from
- Fixed some visual issues on Acceptance
- Fixed a softlock with the fisherman while playing in simplified chinese
- Fixed a bug where fishing during a boss room would unlock the camera
- Honey traps are now properly affected by the masked curse
- Maggots now stop spinning when frozen midair
- Fixed the slowmotion issue with Depressions big laser
- Fixed the accessibility zoom out bug in the hub area
- Acceptances' grenades can now also be corrupted
- Mimics can't attack while being confused anymore

- minor text changes and adjustments
- minor visual changes and adjustments

Thank you for everything. 💙

Lorenzo il Magnifico - CranioCreationsDigital
Howdy folks,

lately we've been busy with a little something a lot of you were hoping for: asynchronous multiplayer!
As this feature is currently in its alpha stage, it is currently available only through the Experimental Branch; read the following information to see how it works and how to get access to it.

What are we talking about?
This is a different approach to multiplayer. Unlike the current version where you have to stay online throughout the whole game (the "synchronous" multiplayer), in this new version you can exit the game whenever you see fit without losing any progress, just as it happens with offline games.

Another advantage of this new approach is when you create a match, if there is no one online in that moment, your "open game" will persist on the server and other players will be able to join later on. Once the adequate number of players is reached, the game will actually start.

Why is this an Alpha?
We are still finalizing the core features and working out the last few bugs. Before we move on, we need to put the infrastructure through some good ol' stress test. Expect some minor inconveniences, and some occasional maintenance time.

As soon as the new system is solid enough, we will move everything to the main game branch.

PLEASE NOTE: we will need to take down the server from time to time. When this happens, to ensure consistency, all online games will be deleted.

Is the system complete, feature-wise?
Not yet. The Async multiplayer is still missing some major features, such as timers and notifications. We'll keep you posted as soon as something new is available.

What if something goes wrong?
You may encounter issues while playing with this new system. If that happens, or if you see something out of place, don't forget to send a Bug report (or a general feedback) through the gameplay menu. Every report helps!
Of course, we already have a list of minor bugs we are working on. We'll get there, one step at a time.

How to switch to "Experimental" branch
From your Steam library, right-click onto Lorenzo il Magnifico and choose "Properties...".

You'll be prompted with a popup. Click on "Beta" tab, where you'll find a dropdown menu. From it, just choose "experimental".

The game should auto-update as usual, but if it doesn't, simply try restarting Steam.

If the procedure goes well, you should see v.1.2.0 on the top right corner of the main menu, once you open the game.

(If you ever want to get back to the current version, you can opt out with the same procedure by choosing "None" from the dropdown menu)

As usual, thank you for your invaluable support.
If you need further assistance or wanna give us some feedback, don't forget to visit our Steam Community Page or peek around on BoardGameGeek!
Apr 21, 2022
Flooded - Kajtii

Hello, Gamers!

While I’m writing this, I’m on my way to PAX EAST in Boston. There are a few hours left until the event, so I wanted to share a quick update. For now, everything is going smoothly and I have a couple exciting days ahead of me - literally can’t wait! 🤩

I have my gaming gear and merch packed, so come and see me at the Indie Games Polska Foundation section, booth: 15019 (I’ve got some beautiful pins to give away *wink wink*).


What is more important, to celebrate and kick-off PAX EAST, I have something special for you… 😏

The first teaser for Flooded is now on the Steam page! My goal was to reflect the dynamics of the game and the emotions that accompany you while working on the island. I hope you’ll enjoy it! 🍿

Stay safe and see you 🔜 PAX EAST!

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《蜀山:初章》买断版 - Inmotiongame






Steam :搜索“蜀山:初章”,或点击链接:
Acolyte - JaminEatWorld
Acolyte is a natural language game. This means there are no pre-defined dialogue options or binary decisions to make.

You can, within reason, talk freely to your Acolyte - your own digital assistant - to advance the plot in any way you see fit.

Or you could choose to NOT advance the plot at all, and simply soak in the conversation. It’s totally up to you.

Through conversation and verbal command, your Acolyte has access to a broad range of different modules to cover a spectrum of different uses. Some are functional, and some are simply entertaining.

Here’s Ten Ways You Can Interact With Your Acolyte:

The AI Nanomax Assistant is, by default, called Ana. But you are free to name her whatever you wish. Simply ask “I want to change your name “ or “I want to rename you” (or a variant of this!) and your Acolyte will let you choose a new name.

On the flip side, you can also have your Acolyte call YOU anything you wish. Your name being the obvious choice here.

Your Acolyte can personalise the application to your tastes, but in order to do so, will need to understand what makes you tick. Ask your Acolyte to “Run the Personality Test” and she’ll run through a series of questions to get to know you a bit better.

After your Acolyte has got to know you, it’s only fair that you should know her, too. Ask her questions. Find out what an artificial intelligence might think about current affairs or ethics in robotics. Or her favourite colour.

Is AI capable of creating (or appreciating) art? Find out for yourself by asking your Acolyte to “Read me a poem”. Acolytes are programmed to compose and deliver haikus, but their potential for beautiful, flowing prose is endless.

Your Acolyte has a joke module pre-installed with hundreds of jokes. Just say “Tell me a joke” and your Acolyte will furnish you with a funny.

Need specific information to solve a puzzle? Perhaps you need a particular decryption tool to decipher hidden text? Or maybe you just want to look at pictures of dogs in hats. Whatever your search query - ask your Acolyte, and they’ll do the rest.

Want to increase or decrease your font size? Turn the music up? Switch to a Light Mode display? Your Acolyte can facilitate all of these requests: you just need to ask.

It’s not Solitaire or Snake, but your Acolyte comes pre-installed with a conversational guessing game - just ask "Do you know any games?" or "Can we play a game?". Can you work out the rule to this language game?

Your Acolyte has a wealth of information about Nanomax and its employees - if you have a question about the company or anybody within it, just ask. Any knowledge stored on a Nanomax server is also knowledge available to your Acolyte. Your assistant is only limited by your own questions...


Acolyte is due for release May 26th 2022. Wishlist now!

Wishlist Acolyte
Apr 21, 2022
Skábma™ - Snowfall - Sinhei
It’s been five years since the first idea of making a game about Sámi people. This journey has been a real adventure, full of challenges, obstacles, detours, occasional success and a lot of luck. It’s hard to believe that this travel is almost over.

It all started in 2017. The original idea was to make a small low poly game inspired by Sámi, few locations, no text or any verbal storytelling, ready in half a year. BAM! Done.

We then created a demo and after it, thinking that we could do better, we created the second demo… And then the third. Always going back to the drawing board, thinking how we can improve our game.

With every demo our ambition grew stronger: we wanted to create something that no-one would expect from a team this size. We also wanted to prove to those who didn’t believe that an indigenous game would be a) fun, b) interesting to the players or c) any way sellable, that these kinds of games have their place in the game industry.

This “underdog mentality” was our driving force. When we finished our final demo in early 2021, we were sure that we had finally found our core mechanics and our very dear, then still a publisher-to-come, PID Games, agreed and offered us their support.

After that encounter, we finally could start developing the actual Skábma - Snowfall -game.

Now, a little over a year later, although the journey has been an occasional speed run every now and then, we notice that we have traveled a way further than we originally planned.

…And it’s been an amazing adventure so far.

-Marjaana Auranen & Sahin Cengiz

“Travels have their hardships as well as their attractions. The huge effort required doesn’t scare us - on the contrary - it increases our desire to travel. This passion that hardships only feed makes us travel further than we ever intended.” - Jean-François Regnard, 1713
Magin: The Rat Project Stories - michalKUC
So folks! We haven't spoken in a while!
We've been busy, but finally, we're ready to shed some light on the status of our game.
It's still early in the development stage, but we want to share some big news with You!

We're getting published by the one and only - Daedalic Entertainment!

That's right! We're developing Magin: The Rat Project Stories together with the great people of Daedalic!
They love our ideas for the game and we're thrilled to be producing it with them. It's a pleasure to stand alongside Daedalic's games such as Deponia, Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth, Shadow Tactics, etc.

We'll keep you updated on the game's future and our plans. Hope You are all doing well!

The game will progressively get more and more highlights worldwide. We're not yet holding any big announcements with new promo assets and trailers. The game is being developed as we speak and we want to hit the market with some strong assets later - when we really have some shiny, juicy bits to show. For now, we stay lowkey, but You can expect some news about us attending events or making other moves :D WE'RE ALIVE AND DOING WELL!

PS. We were devastated to hear the news regarding Ukraine and the start of the war. Hope none of You and your relatives and friends were victims of the aggression. No one should have to experience the horrors of war. We're hoping for the best possible solution to this situation and a peaceful future. We're sending our love to the people of Ukraine.
SCUM - Beda
Hey everyone, been a while but we are here with another patch. We have some new stuff and a lot of fixes, so lets get to it!

Let's start with the new trader NPC the good ol fisherman.

Now found around the outposts this good ol geezer will have some good nautical goodies to buy and sell.
Of course not only does he sell boats, rafts and the sort but you can also get fishing supplies and use them to sell fish. It's an honest peaceful life. And remember don't talk to the raven.

We have revamped the way weapon decay looks on weapons. With these new details you will be able to see the condition of weapons much easier and give you that gritty look to the abandoned weapons.

  • Fixed the bug where the players would sometime not able to fill an empty bottle.
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes loading more rounds into the M1 would make rounds go void.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to remove partial empty clips from the M1.
  • Fixed the bug where "puppet damage" custom zone setting affected animals as well.
  • Fixed the bug where airplane propellers could deal damage in safe zones.
  • Fixed the bug where lasers in killboxes sometimes would not activate.
  • Fixed some icon issues.
  • Fixed the issue where sometimes the server would crash due to price cache.
  • Fixed the bug where the tire skid audio would play when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed the bug where planes would not spawn in Singleplayer properly.
  • Fixed the bug where suppressed AK would not produce sounds after more than 30 rounds were fired.
  • Fixed the nutrient data on wrong inputs.
  • Fixed the bug where some items would still show in hands even though dropped.
  • Fixed the issue where the RPK bullet chamber audio would desync.
  • Fixed the bug where no audio would be played when filling up some blueprints.
  • Fixed the bug where wrong audio would be played on door interactions.
  • Fixed the bug where checking ammo with no magazine would give wrong max possible number.
  • Fixed up the issues in item descriptions.
  • Fixed the issues with some tooltips.
  • Fixed the issue where crafting improvised shotgun would not spend resources properly.
  • Fixed the text formating when checking battery status on auto crossbow.
  • Fixed the bug where pressing the ESC button with metal detector equipped would now open menu screen.
  • Fixed the bug where name-able items would not save names properly when named with non-ascii characters.
  • Fixed the animation bug regarding the wheelbarrow.
  • Fixed the bug where items activated in killbox were not interactable after server restart.
  • Fixed the bug where editing custom zones would crash the server.
  • Fixed the bug where the contents of vinegar bottle could not be spilled.
  • Fixed the bug where you could get food abrasions when prone.
  • Fixed the bug where you could control your character in pause menu.
  • Fixed a bug where rowing in a boat would not drain stamina.
  • Fixed the stuttering on car mechanic trader.
  • Fixed the bug where killbox would sometimes not initialize properly.
  • Fixed the bug where the character would not loose oxygen when fainting into water.
  • Fixed the bug where camera is not returning to car view after exiting photo mode in SP.
  • Fixed the bug where items left behind in killbox would not get destroyed on killbox end.
  • Big wave of streaming optimizations.
  • Another wave of network optimizations.
  • Reduced RAM usage of the game.

  • Increased the plane audio range.
  • Decreased audio range for cutting actions.
  • Poisonous mushrooms now generate food repulsion.
  • Head bag can now be sliced into rags.
  • Optimized the lasers in the killbox.
  • Made cauliflower edible.
  • Made salted bleak filet edible.
  • Added missing eating sounds.
  • Added description to DW715 rail.
  • Gold Deagle can now be spawned under BPC_Weapon_DEagle_50Gold name.
  • Increased admin drone top speed.
  • Improvised/Animal skin quiver now gives survival skill xp when crafted.
  • Sand bag can now be crafted with little spades.
  • Adjusted trader prices.
  • Aeroplane and car repair kits now have 20 uses.
  • Aeroplane repair kit now properly repairs the plane per use.
  • Skills can no longer be leveled up in trader zones.
  • Isopropyl alcohol is not drinkable anymore.
  • Mines will no longer show up on trader inventory if server setting disables mines.
  • Reduced the lense flare effect on red dot sights.
  • Chainsaw no longer falls under blade crafting category.
  • Adjusted water spline parameters.
  • Puppet meat can't be used with recipes anymore.
  • All vehicles can now be repaired with no skill.
  • Slicing medical gloves now produces rubber bands.
  • Implemented separate kill logs for events.
  • Standing torches can no longer be placed in inventory.
  • Updated localizations.
  • Changed the announcement font to support international characters.

  • Added new possibiltiy to spawn command. You can now spawn exact number of ammo and cash with ammo count and cash value variables.
    • #spawnitem Cal_22 1 AmmoCount 3
    • #spawnitem BP_Cash 1 CashValue 6969
Apr 21, 2022
Squirrelmageddon! - goa_gamer
- improved lighting and fog system
- reforested Summer Squirrels mission zone
- experimenting with weapon skins