The following new options can make certain aspects of Crystal Project easier or less time consuming. I encourage you to give the game a try before enabling any of these options, but if something is not for you, that's OK. Please feel free to make adjustments.
These options can be accessed in game via the main menu under More Options > Assist Options and they are tied to save data. Once an option is turned on, it cannot be turned back off.
Enhanced Home Point: Enables setting up to 3 different Home Points at a time. Earlier parts of the game can often involve a lot of backtracking. Most players may want to enable this option.
Custom Difficulty: Enables freely adjusting the difficulty either up or down.
Skip Minigames: Enables the option to skip minigames and obtain an automatic placement.
Extend Timers: Timers which sometimes show up while solving puzzles will be extended.
Boost EXP: Increases the amount of EXP earned after battle. The exact percentage is configurable.
Boost LXP: Increases the amount of LXP earned after battle. The exact percentage is configurable.
Boost Gold: Increases the amount of Gold earned after battle. The exact percentage is configurable.
Balance changes:
Slightly reduced the speed of other Quintar racers.
Slightly adjusted the Undersea Trail track to make it a little easier.
Added more Swamp Kid encounters.
A Swamp Kid's presence is now often indicated by a new type of brown weed.
The following late-game monsters have had their LXP rewards increased: (hidden for spoilers)
Magic Well: Increased from 65 to 100.
Sea Snake: Increased from 18 to 36.
Sea Kobra: Increased from 22 to 44.
Sea Skimmer: Increased from 18 to 36.
Skimmer Boss: Increased from 22 to 44.
Wave Hunter: Increased from 18 to 36.
Shallow Spear: Increased from 38 to 100.
Mermaid: Increased from 18 to 36.
Mermaiden: Increased from 24 to 48.
Merman: Increased from 40 to 80.
Medusa: Increased from 40 to 80.
Merhorse: Increased from 24 to 48.
Biter: Increased from 18 to 36.
Chomper: Increased from 24 to 48.
Sea Salamander: Increased from 22 to 44.
Shank Shark: Increased from 40 to 80.
Coral Eater: Increased from 22 to 44.
Man Of War: Increased from 24 to 48.
Burden: Increased from 42 to 84.
Young One: Increased from 40 to 80.
Flesh Eater: Increased from 26 to 78.
Sentry: Increased from 75 to 90.
Bug fixes:
Two unobtainable Key Items have been removed from the Archive (entries #54 and #58). All Key Items appearing below them have had their entry numbers adjusted to fill the space.
Changing the "Reordered Abilities" option will now update the sort even while the abilities window is currently open.
Wathitdew Record™ Game Studio BATTLEFIELD - Wathitdew Record™
Steam Achievements are dummy achievements...
The steam achievements added to the game are dummy one in preparation to a possible future update to the smile game builder engine... The normal in-game achievements will pop up as usual but will not trigger the steams achievement unless a new update with support for them is released for the Smile Game Builder engine! Thank you for the comprehension!
Dear Detective, The Mirror System had a sudden server failure at 4/20 01:20 (UTC/GMT: +8:00). Some agents are unable to log in or cannot be matched, which is being resolved. We will notify you separately after the server is opened. Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused by the agent simulation training!
-Fixed an error with a Kye map ability in the Twisting Mine Paths -Fixed reappearing sprites after a cutscene has passed -EX Blood Letting now has a chance to inflict Wounded as well as extend its duration.
Fixed: No UI displayed after return to main menu. Fixed: The game may crash when get close to any interactive items and full reload current level and get to the same position.
Yes, it's the 3rd update of the day... They were all rare bugs but unpleasant if you had them, so I wanted to fix them ASAP!
This one is all about magic items.
It was possible to lose item's powers when you picked them up, after winning an encounter, leaving you with a magic item that did nothing... Nobody wants that! Fixed!
I also fixed the inventory screen to update properly when you moved magic items about - the whole rightmost pane is now rebuilt every time. (Display bug only)
- When not moving arrows now fire in the last pressed direction, rather than defaulting to the right.
Boss Rounds:
- Enemies are now all killed at the start of a Boss Fight / Mini-Boss Fight
* Note: Almost all damages in Entomophobia work with a random value between two numbers, so when I type 3-5, that means 3 is the minimum damage and 5 is the max damage.