Fuchian Chronicles - ShenTzu Games
Thank you for waiting, as of this post, Chapter 2 of Fuchian Chronicles is now live! Kimi is being deployed on the GFE Canis as war with the bunnoids rages on. What will Kimi encounter on her first proper mission?

If you've played Chapter 1 previously, simply load up your latest save and continue playing from there. And if you'd like a refresher, you can press J in game to open the journal and get a recap of the events and your choices in Chapter 1. You can also review tutorials there to get a refresher of gameplay elements.

Along with the new chapter, many new features have been added to the game. See below for the major changes:
  • Autosaving added! By default, autosaves occur every 5 minutes (not including time spent in dialogue/cutscenes/battle), but you can change this in the journal (press J). Autosaves are automatically placed in the first save slot, so please use the remaining slots for manual saves.
  • Mid-battle equipment changing added! Since the skills available to you are based on what you have equipped, this is a feature I wanted to have since the beginning but couldn’t since it broke a few things. But I got it working now! Scroll down the command menu when it’s your turn and you can have the currently active party member change their equipment. You can’t do this consecutively though, so make sure to plan your equipment carefully.

    Keep in mind that you can’t change ship equipment mid-battle because that makes no sense.
  • Armour Piercing Ammo has been reworked! Instead of giving a percent attack bonus, using this item now adds an Armour piercing “element” to gun attacks, which does more damage to armoured enemies. Armoured enemies now have slightly increased defence to compensate, making them more resistant to regular attacks. Which enemies are armoured? Their appearance is a good indicator!
  • “Level up” mechanic added! It’s similar to the traditional level up in RPGs in that party members get exp after fighting, and once a threshold is met they gain extra stats. However, the stat gains are minor and meant to reflect Kimi and her fellow soldiers gaining battle experience. Grinding remains optional as promised, and all fights are possible without “leveling up”. I mainly added this mechanic as an extra incentive to fight the optional encounters, and to make story fights a bit easier for those who want it.
  • New Achievements! In addition to new achievements relating to Chapter 2, there are now achievements relating to how many NPCs you help around the ship and how many battles you’ve fought in. You don’t need to help all the NPCs to earn the achievement, but you will need to help more NPCs than there are available in Chapter 2.

    If you’re loading from the end of Chapter 1, you can talk to Nina (the gray haired cafeteria lady in the Mess Hall) twice after the opening cutscene to update the total number of people you’ve helped. Nina will also let you gain some extra stats to make up for the “level ups” you may have missed when fighting enemies in Chapter 1, and doing so will add 10 to your progress for the “Diligent Cadet” and “Veteran Soldier” achievements. This feature will be removed once the game is complete.
Several minor tweaks and features have been added as well:
  • New items/equipment/skills menus for more functionality, primarily to prevent use of incompatible items/skills. This means that you can't accidentally waste ammo items by using them on characters that don't have guns equipped anymore! As a result, ammo items can no longer be used out of battle, but to make up for that, using them in battle no longer uses up your turn. The “Deploy Strikecraft” skill no longer consumes the actor’s turn as well.
  • Message backlog feature added. Press “Page Up” during dialogue to see the backlog.
  • Updated options menu with more settings such as FPS sync and message speed. If the game suddenly seems to be running in slow motion and/or if your monitor runs at over 60FPS, please turn FPS sync on.
  • Save screen updated to show what chapter you’re in. Don’t worry if you see a 0 above your location in the save file, it’ll be updated to show the current chapter upon changing to a new chapter.
  • Shift key now toggles between running and walking instead of needing to hold it down when the “Always Run” option is enabled.
  • Minor changes to dialogue to make the speech more “foxy” with some new expressions.
As before, I playtested this as much as I could, but may have missed a few things. If you see any bugs/typos/errors/etc please post it the relevant thread in the Community Hub, same with suggestions. I avoid posting in the suggestions thread as to not influence discussion, but rest assured that I do read it!

Finally, the price of the game has been increased as I said it would in the Early Access notes. The price will continue to increase every time a new chapter is released, but you'll get access to all chapters of the game regardless of when you bought it. This means that those who buy the game early in development will effectively get the game at a steep discount. It's my way of thanking people for supporting me during development.

Thank you again for playing my game! I hope you enjoy Chapter 2, and future chapters as well!

- ShenTzu

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind - Not Alex
David from the Six Ages team will be joining us for a special livestream on Monday April 18th at 2pm Eastern!

Single-player or co-op, horror or cute, romantic or funny, roguelike or mystery -- we have something for everyone! Starting from this very moment, the whole Kitfox catalogue is on sale to celebrate the company's founding, a whole nine years ago.

We'll also be streaming schedule with our developers and special community guests, from today and going all week! Our plan is to stream most days at 2pm Eastern time, either here on Steam or on Twitch, with this schedule:

So come with all your questions and pick up a few cool indies for your library!

-Alexandra + Tanya
Move or Die - vladw
Hey there!

We teased you, now it’s time to please you! It's been a cool minute since we last came up with a new game mode ,but now it's time to deliver. Pandora's Blast is ready to make its big Move or Die debut starting today! Let’s take a peek inside, shall we?

A tale tailor-made for troublemakers

It all started with our 6-Year Adventure, which like the past actual year, quickly turned kind of grim. As our four trouble-seeking protagonists went about their yearly anniversary tour, they found themselves blundering about an ancient temple. One thing led to another and one of them, most likely Count, couldn’t help themselves and opened the mysterious Pandora’s Box. This promptly led to every evil breaking free into the world starting with the damned box itself. Some of these evils are worse than others, with a few even taking Joe form and finding their way into Move or Die.

The all seeing eyes of ouch!

The gist of the curse is straightforward. To survive Pandora’s wrath all you have to do is hide from her all-seeing eyes and evade their beams of death. The last Joe standing is spared and gets to declare himself the winner. If it sounds a bit unnerving it’s because it is:

To get this new Rare-rated game mode all you have to do is provide the appropriate amount of Not-Coins and enjoy the havoc.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the drop rates for game modes and mutators has been tweaked since the 6 Year Anniversary Update rolled out and we’d really appreciate the community’s input on this change and if it’s been noticeable so far. Please let us know in the comments or on our dedicated Discord channel. We're really trying to find a good balance for this, that makes the unlocks feel rewarding for everyone involved.

A silver lining for a sinister curse

Now, preaching all doom and destruction can get a little dull, so here are a few positive things we can look forward to in the following months.

Another great game-mode is in the making that we’re pretty sure you’ll absolutely die for. It’s a bona-fide killer! Make sure you join our Community Discord Server to get the latest news, and while you’re at it why not make some game-mode suggestions of your own? We’ve made a “game ideas” channel specifically for this, so check that out too - Join the Discord Game Suggestion Channel

Last but definitely not least, get your thinking-chicken-caps ready for The Community Character Collaboration (contest)! We’re opening submissions for new Move or Die characters and are in dire need of dumb ideas. Make sure to check out our Discord server because all the details, as well as submissions themselves, will be posted in the #character-collab channel - Join the Discord Community Character Collab Channel

That’s it for now but stay tuned for other exciting friendship-ruining announcements!
- Team Move or Die
Apr 14, 2022
Striving for Light - Deventide
This update is dedicated to your feedback regarding melee performance and build diversity. For the majority of players range builds are superior compared to melee builds. In this update we are introducing 3 new melee skills with new mechanics where one skill is serving as a basic melee skill which is unlocked directly from the start of your run (like the range skill for additional projectiles).

  • [Skill] Clash of Steel:

    Your melee attacks have a 30% chance to create blades, which cut through your surrondings. Area scales with AoE size.

  • [Skills] Piercing Blow:

    Your melee attacks have a 30% chance to create a piercing blow, which pierces through all enemies in the attack direction. Blow size scales with AoE size.

  • [Skills] Wind Shock:

    Your melee attacks have a 30% chance to create a wind shock, which knocks back all enemies in front of you. Wind Shock size scales with AoE size.

    Wind Shock is a basic melee skill that is unlocked directly from the start and has the same spawn possibility as the additional projectile node for range attacks. This shall equal out the gap between range and melee possibilities on the start of a new run.

  • A new animated tutorial for explaining how to use skillgems has been added.

  • [Skill] Increased Melee Damage

    The skillnode design has now the same color as all melee nodes for improved consistency.

  • Enemy HP scaling has been increased for the endgame
  • Slightly increased heart drops from world objects
  • Decreased heart drops from enemies
  • Decreased dodge skill spawn rate in skilltree

  • Fixed a bug which made it possible to unlock phoenix weapons by the NPCs.

Thanks for everyone providing helpful feedback, which is what drives the development forward! You are invited to join our discord and participate in the ongoing development of Striving for Light!

            Join Official Discord!
Apr 14, 2022
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Welcome to another parchment of Quillian news, delivered by the news Chaffinches, as the Ravens and Pigeons are on holiday. We have been ferociously working on the game to hammer it into its final shape.

One feature we have always been keen on getting in is the idea of ‘NPC Stories’. What are they, you ask in whispered tones?

Each named NPC will say some flavour dialogue at each level gained on friendship, culminating in a bespoke task that you must complete before they 'love' you.

The new dialogue adds a bit of much needed depth and personality to the existing NPCs. Combined with an updated chat system and favours that are tied to their traits, the whole system really helps fill out the characters more.

You can find redemption in some NPC stories

Speaking of story, we are putting in more of the main story that you all so eagerly want, along with the player's main objective. Just what is your motivation to do the things you need to do? What’s that mysterious noise from the deep woods? What is behind that strange door? Who let the pugs out?

You'll need to get a handle on that door

One other area of the game which we have been putting a lot of code and art effort into is the User Interface, or UI to those who know their gaming acronyms.

The new UI system is now being implemented for remaining areas, such as the family ledger, shop ledgers and chat systems.

Using your lovely new ledgers, you will be able to assign shifts, send your family gathering or give them specific orders that will raise their stats via learning...from gardening to studying books.

Things are looking a bit shifty in the ledger

We have also been working on combat for Midwood, and Gary has done an absolutely magnificent job with the monsters and their varying anims.

Midwood’s creatures have a very different style to those of Simplewood, and are a bit faster and more aggressive. Get your dodging shoes on!

Our combat isn't a drag to play

There are lots of other treats being prepared, including the creation of new hubs, a new haven, generations, shop specialisations and more. So keep an eye out (not literally) for more developer updates in the coming weeks.

A big thanks from the team for your continued patience and support.

Happy chocolate egg eating time!
In their first dev diary, developers Adam, Tib, and Viktor introduce the Skelebros, where their adventures take them, and some behind the scenes glimpses.

Check out the game below!


Beeswax Game's Twitter
DreadXP's Linktree
Apr 14, 2022
Survive The Backrooms! - Hecking Heck
Hello Guys,

I have decided to update you all a lot more often from now on via these Devlogs, I am also working on a Discord Server for people who want to join the community around the game.

I do not have an ETA for the server as I want it to be perfect for you all, alot like the game itself.

I do have some more information for you all on how the game will work however, so keep reading!

How will the game work?

Well about 2 days ago it worked completely different from how it does now. Before you were able to host Peer 2 Peer servers, this meant you could host and invite your friends, you would then wait in a lobby and then proceed to the game. this was fun and it worked well in testing however it had far too many problems to make the game feel fun for everyone as a whole. for starters, if the host left the game, you all had to. it is very hard to implement "Host Migration", it is something that is far beyond this project so I have changed the multiplayer system completely...

We now use a "Dedicated Server" system, this is good for many reasons. For starters these servers run 24/7 and can be joined by anyone at any time. no more having to keep your pc on for your friends to play when you aren't there yourself. This also allows players who wish to start their own community a server to start from.

If you choose to create your own server, you WILL have to rent it as doing it from your own computer is very very dangerous. renting it also allows for quick and automatic verification of servers meaning they will appear on the games "Server List". You may be thinking, why cant all servers appear there? why do I have to verify. this is because it allows us all to abide by EULA, verification of course is free.

This means, for obvious reasons, servers will not get verified if they feature Racism, Homophobia or pretty much anything else that is toxic or not nice. this doesn't mean you cant swear however and in fact doesn't actually dictate how you run your server. just its name and description.

If you do not want your server to be verified for whatever reason this is also okay, you will have the option to switch between the two at any time. instead players will have to know your servers IP address, again if this is hosted then you will automatically get one you can use. if you rent from home you would have to mess with port forwarding and open yourself up to DDOS attacks. again why I will not support home hosting.

As for the hosting itself, I do offer hosting from anywhere between $5 - $20 a month depending on what your needs are, most people can get away with $5 package and I feel this is more than fair.

You of course do not need to host servers as there will be both official and community run servers on the list that you can join and play on.

Now all the big talk and boring stuff is out of the way, I will explain how the multiplayer works after you have actually gotten into a server...

As stated above, previously you had to wait and progress through the backrooms together, spectating until everyone had either died or escaped, this is no more. now you can progress at your own pace and make your way through the backrooms alone or meeting people along the way. there will of course be multiple rooms but they will all be in the same level, instead of loading a new one once you escape you will now just be instantly teleported to a new backroom. there will still be only 3-5 backrooms on launch but as stated in previous news updates and announcements, I will be adding tons of backrooms through launch week and the following months.

Steam invites will work and you will be able to join your friends so have no fear about having to all queue at the same time or battle with group lobbies.

Another thing I do not think I have mentioned is the fact that the Backrooms are dynamically generated, you may have already known that or expected it but for those who don't know what it is or didn't expect it. dynamic means the rooms are randomly generated every time, you will never find the same generation again. coupling this with multiple servers that are all generating different maps, you will never be able to figure out a "tactic" or "path" to escaping quickly. the best way I could recommend would be learning to memorize code patterns for the escape doors.

I know I have probably bored you all senseless and I would like to thank you if you have read this far. I like to give my entire through process to games and I feel I have done that here.

Thanks for reading, have a good day!

- Heck
Apr 14, 2022
NeuroWorm - Yomigael
  • Fixed missing music in one of the Arcade levels.
  • Improved Score screen.
  • Improved gamepad controls.
  • Improved UI.
  • Minor fixes & improvements.
Monster Master - elleros
So we been busy this week and have a new update with a load of fixes :

- Perm slow issue should hopefully be now fix.
- Leech glitching
- Exploder or the Boomer damage dealt is fixed. Damage is dealt in proportionally to distance from Boomer. But beware if your too close you will get full force of the blast. Out side of the blast range you are safe.
- Passing through cars and dumpsters is fixed.
- Navmesh improvements.
- Monster no longer run through bushes.
- Entering incorrect Private lobby key, will inform you on invalid key and allow you to return back to main lobby.
- Radcliff special has been fixed so you can now use it indoors as well.
- Lighting issues have been fixed.
- Press space to warp message has been removed.
- Melee screen shake reduced.
- Intractable exp slider.
- Correct labeling for the monster master abilities in card menu (now L-Shift not CRTL).
- Bunch of other small fixes and house keeping in game on on the server.

Please note that as past of these updates on the server you will need the latest version from Steam to be able to connect to the servers.

Happy monster hunting and happy Easter. Next week we hope to have some more updates for you.
Apr 14, 2022
Space Reign - McSlade
Hello, after a month since the last small update we have finally made some progress on new features and changes per your initial feedback for the general flying, navigation and combat experience.

Development build 0.16 changes:

  • 3D radar implementation
  • Tacview player ship hologram
  • Light fighter cockpit to fit 3D radar
  • Camera shake
  • Dynamic cockpit camera
  • Tacview unit height indicator
  • New ship trails
  • New status screen ship image
  • Ship explosion VFX upgrade
  • New explosion sound effect for Ares
  • Option to target friendly and unknown contacts
  • Engine destruction effect
  • Ships in motion now have a chance to spin out of control before the final explosion (this is currently set to 100% for testing purposes, unless destroying it while it is stationary)
  • Crosshair interaction with target lead marker
  • Front targeting (with T) calibration
  • Several internal errors
  • Afterburner not working with 0% thrust
