Survive the Fall - angrybullsstudio
Hey to all Survivors!

The time has come when we give you a little insight into the world of Survive the Fall!

We would like to share with you some information regarding Stasis, as it is one of the a key elements of the Survive the Fall world.

So speaking of the devil, what is this „Stasis”?

Stasis, due to a lack of proper research centers in the post-apocalyptic world, has not been thoroughly studied by scientists. It can be assumed that it is a kind of life form - not previously known to humanity. Some theories claim that Stasis was released into the atmosphere from the vapor of an asteroid hitting Earth.

Stasis has changed the world's ecosystem. Since the comet's impact, the only season of the year has been perpetual autumn. Stasis affects most organisms it makes contact with. Through it, some organisms of both plants and animals mutate.

Unprotected contact with Stasis will almost always result in mutation or death. It is not known what the natural resistance to the Stasis effect is. Some organisms are more or less susceptible.

Particles of Stasis are carried along with the fog.

Of all the organisms on Earth, fungi have proven to be the biggest beneficiaries of Stasis. Through Stasis, new species of fungi were created. They have become much larger, and their bio-effects seem to be enhanced.

Check out the screenshot of what Stasis and what some of the many new species of fungi created after the asteroid impact actually looks like.

Comic Company Manager - Substandardshrimp
This update adds a new system to the game. Its comic ads. This represents advertisements placed inside the comics books. They can be ads for other comics, merchandise or for other products like fancy X-Ray classes that totally work. You choose focus of ads from one of these options and how many pages of ads the comic will have. More pages results in bigger effect but can make the comic less attractive to readers

Marketing department is also overhauled in this update. Now you can hire specific amount of workers and assign them to different roles in the department.

  • Ads to comics
  • Marketing Department overhaul
Democracy 4 - cliffski
1) Fixed bug where focus group screen tutorial window made no sense.
2) Fixed bug where some button icons were missing during the tutorial.
3) Fixed error in food shortages event where poverty was decreased, instead of increased.
4) Changes to a whole list of in-game events to better balance difficulty.
5) Fixed broken link for fake news, which now correctly affects the violent crime rate.
6) Fixed crash bug when giving a speech if the PC has no sound card.
7) Fixed bug where if a mod was already disabled, its preview image did not appear in the mod screen.
8) Up and down keys can now be used to scroll current list of policies on the new policy screen.
9) Fixed rare crash bug, which could also lead to corrupt textures, when enabling or disabling a mod on some PCs.
10) Fixed bug that would cause the parties that were not the centrist party in 3 party games to have unusually small memberships and thus turnout.
11) Balance improvements to some situations and events.
Apr 14, 2022
Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness - clownst0pper

Ho there, adventurers!

Over the last couple of weeks and since we've launched Black Geyser, we've been delivering updates almost daily to address your feedback. Since our last major notes list, we thought it time to deliver another. If you want to keep up with the frequency of our patches, you can always find real-time updates for our notes here.

March 29th, 2022

  • Combat mode no longer gets stuck when moving far from enemies
  • Demilich buffs himself even if you attack him before the dialogue
  • Fancy Knife is now correctly a quest item
  • Stephan no longer gives sick sounds in healed state
  • Fixed some dialogue errors with Stephan and his wife
March 30th, 2022

  • Combat mode no longer gets stuck when moving far from enemies
  • Defeating Lord Amanuel now gives correct XP
  • Madruk now correctly appears at his home after curing him
  • Looting containers in embassies is no longer possible without consequences
  • Helgenhar no longer speaks in Amanuel dialogue if he is not in party
  • Amanuel's lackeys now have the correct race set
April 1st, 2022

  • Added duration scaling to many buffs and debuffs
  • Fixed some bugs related to the Scofarth bandits
April 6th, 2022

  • Performance improvements
  • Combat log window now retains its height between areas
  • Resolution related fixes with 8K support added
  • Berthold now correctly appears so that you can report back to him
  • Divine Aid no longer heals undead opponents
  • Velianrick, Aldnar and War Council are correctly despawned when needed
  • Power creation based on recipes now works correctly
  • Amanuel's Hoard can now be visited even after its quest is completed
  • Added more types of ammo to shops
  • Added bigger stacks and restocks to shops
  • Added throwing weapons to several shops
  • Fixed an item-related bug that caused a big greed change incorrectly
  • Changed Isla hair style to match her portrait
April 7th, 2022

  • Talgorn's Glen now always loads correctly
  • Dead party member simulacrums are no longer lootable
  • AoE targeting marker now works correctly near corpses and items on the ground
  • Completed filter now works properly in Side quests journal
  • Grendych now properly leaves after you save him
  • Story mode was made easier (enemy damage and HP reduced)
April 8th, 2022

  • Savegames now get correct timestamps
  • The Dryad's seed can no longer be planted on the wrong side of the river
  • Royal Guard patrol route no longer includes the Palace execution scene
  • Cultists now properly target party members in Frick's house
  • More creatures die now in Scofarth due to the river poisoning
  • Reordered Dalkivar hiding peasants reward reply options
April 11th, 2022

  • Bjalla romance cutscene fixed
  • Resurrected companions now always come with their gear (Normal and Easy)
  • Staff of Tree Warden no longer marked as a Metal item
  • Some Alastor opponens rebalanced

April 13th, 2022

  • Player Handbook v1.0.1 (switched to final design)
  • The combined quest ending of Old Beginnings and What Haunts the Ruins now works correctly
  • Added proper loot to Alastor Castle
  • Isla romance cutscene fixed

The Black Geyser Team
Crossout - XO_Team

The Easter event begins in Crossout! Find all the Easter eggs hidden in the garage, complete special challenges and exchange the received Engineer badges for resources, structural parts and containers in the exchanger!

Attention! The event will last from April 14 at 06:00 GMT until April 25 at 23:59 GMT.

Medal “Easter bunny”:
  • There are Easter eggs hidden in all garages, they must be found and destroyed.
  • There are 24 Easter eggs hidden in total. For destroying 5, 10, 15 and 20 eggs, the player receives special thematic rewards: the background and logo for the banner, portrait “Lewis” and 3 destructible objects for the range in the form of an Easter egg.
Special challenges

Those who have already managed to get all the rewards last year will also have something to do!
  • With the start of the event, all players will receive a temporary hologram “Ears”. The hologram will be available until the end of the event and will be automatically removed after that.
  • During the event, 4 challenges will be available to all players, the progress of which is counted only if this hologram is mounted on your armoured car:
    • Finish 1 battle with the “Ears” hologram mounted. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
    • Deal 750 damage with the “Ears” hologram mounted. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
    • Win 3 battles with the “Ears” hologram mounted. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
    • Destroy or help destroy 3 enemies with the “Ears” hologram mounted. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
We wish you good luck in your battles and searches!

For more information on Crossout, follow these channels:
Roxy Raccoon's Pinball Panic - [C$B] Roxy
Rapid Ryan's Arcade Content
  • 2 New Arcade Games!
  • Rabbits run from bush to bush across the table, hit them to score points before they go into hiding.
  • 2 Hats, 2 Furs, 1 Achievement & Leaderboard

  • A pinball take on Whack-A-Mole where you must hit rabbits as they pop out of the ground before they burrow back down.
  • 2 Hats, 2 Furs, 1 Achievement & Leaderboard

Firing Frenzy
  • Score to Beat lowered to 2500 from 3000
  • Time between balls increased from 2.1 seconds to 2.2

Great Gamble
  • The target challenge no longer resets after each ball is lost, a few players indicated this challenge as being too lengthy/difficult.
  • Slightly modified the upper platforms.
  • The camera now zooms out properly if the ball escapes underneath the flipper from the upper platforms.

Magical Meadows
  1. The Bunny Hunt trial no longer pauses Bushwacker & Spin to Win!
  2. Moved some gem locations

  • Updated descriptions on various achievements to better describe their criteria
  • Expanded gem hitbox sizes, it should now be slightly easier to collect them all
  • Reorganized various settings on the main menu
  • Modified the fire effect on the main menu
  • Cleaned up the font on various menus

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where beating Magical Meadows in the story sent the player to the main menu instead of the proper cutscene.
  • Missile Blocker was removed from the Extras menu
  • Fixed some navigation issues when using a gamepad

Apr 14, 2022
Medusa Frontier - RenderGoblin
Early Access Update v0.0.2.31

With the swiftly implemented Frontier Roamer yesterday it became obvious that the actual Frontier would need to be a little bit bigger to make a fair impression. Frontier Terrain in the Early Access edition is scaled 2x thus making the current terrain area 1024x1024.

Medusa Frontier is pretty empty until players build something and the controls and interface for build mechanics do need improvement, which is why Medusa Frontier is an Early Access game.

    *Ice Brine is randomized over a larger area.*Mysterious Face monuments have been replaced by crystals.*Explorable area is now 1024x124 world units(as promised).*Harvesting from terrain reduced to 1 square per harvest.*Player Harvesting now only gathers 1 unit per harvest.*Achievements are disabled for revision and total rework and will likely be redesigned to require twenty hours of gameplay or more.*Player Saves to a new data folder for save games. Development of dependable cloud based save games and inventory will be examined later in development.
Bug fixes:
A variety of game start up fixes should improve compatibility.
Introduction Logo and Medusa Frontier intro screen wait time reduced to about 10 seconds.
Escape Room - Der kranke Kollege - Olipool
- better logging for achievements, if you are still having trouble unlocking certain achievements please send me your log file. it is called "output.log" and can be found here: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Bitbeast Games\Escape Room - The Sick Colleague
You can send it on the Discord or in the Steam forums or send an email to
Thanks! :)

- more robust hint system, now showing less hints for already solved puzzles

- changed the placement of some objects so you won't get stuck or the meaning of them becomes clearer
The Genesis Project - LostCursor
Learn about controls, building, alchemy, and all other essentials to set up a game of TGP!

You can access the official TGP Steam guide simply by clicking the 'Tutorial button' on the Main Menu,

or by clicking the yellow question mark in the bottom right corner ingame!

...or you could just go to the Steam guides page: it's there too!
Black Squad - bloodyedge033

Announcement of the end of the second season of Clan War

1. Clan Matches Season 2 Ended

▶ Clan matches Season 2 ended.
- End date: April 14th 05:00 (based on UTC)
- Compensation Payment: After 05:00 on April 28 (based on UTC)

2. Competitive Match Season 14
▶ The 14th season of competition matches begins.
- Competitive Match Season 14 Schedule: April 21st 00:00 ~ June 16th 00:00 (based on UTC)
- Competitive Match Compensation Payment Date: June 30th 00:00