Mabinogi - CM Katherz

Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on April 14. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 12:00 AM PDT and last approximately 16 hours.

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.


Thursday, April 14th

Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 12:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 3:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM (April 15th)


Server will be going down at 10:10 PM PDT. No ETA on when they will be back up.


Servers will be opening at 7:45 PM PDT.


Milletians, the servers will be down until further notice to address an issue found with the login servers caused by Fynni Pets. We will continue to update the ETA when we can. For the seal stone concerns, only 1 seal stone was broken in Rabbie.

To address the following:
  • Additional details have been added to the FAQ 2 regarding mini pets being removed from the game for Alexina characters only.
  • There is an issue affecting Alexina Fynni Pets where the pet currently shows as "blackrobed" and is unavailable to summon. Additionally, attempting to use the Fynn Sync skill and selecting pets to use will crash the game client. We are further looking into this issue and apologize for the inconvenience. The issue has been fixed.
  • As an update to the Marketplace FAQ, both the gold and items will be available for Nao and Alexina characters to claim from the Marketplace Bank NPC.
  • When opening the Dressing Room for the first time, if you had duplicate items on both servers, the items will be added to the Point Shop Inventory and may appear on different pages, so please check through this menu for your items.
  • Related to the Hotkey/UI reset:
    • All Glyphwright related items have been merged. Any glyphs that were applied in the "Manage Glyphs" menu of the Glyph Evocation skill have been reset and will need to be set up again.
    • Any saved Interactions are still accessible, but will no longer be applied to your pet. You can apply the Interaction again through the Pet/Partner Information (T) -> Interaction Crafter menu.
  • There is a script error when opening the Cash Shop web page from in-game.
  • The name change page will be available.
- The Mabinogi Team
Apr 8, 2022
One More Island - keking26
Hey everyone! Happy April!
We want to start off by thanking you all for your support during the Next Fest back in February. We really enjoyed seeing people play it and were happy with the feedback we got. We've also implemented some new features based off of your feedback which we mention a bit later in this update. Before we get into it, if you want to join our community, feel free to join our Discord or follow us on Twitter!

Player can now select a governor that has slight gameplay modifiers, pro’s and cons. Increases replayability and adds a bit of fun.

Trade map overview
Trade map now has lines for nice overview of routes.

Feedback from demo players and testers
We've added moving objects

Tiered overview of zones in build menu

Automatic positioning of clay digger

Next up
Implementing more achievements
Managing notifications
And a very exciting announcement in the next couple of weeks 👀
Apr 8, 2022
Star Pilot - Dread
V 1.11.2

Fixed Station location and orientation bugs when returning from PVP.
BeatBeat - janarikgames
  • New program added to Apps & Games: PINkBALL
  • B9's menu is now always accessible and she will answer some common questions player have (whenever she doesn't have a question of her own)
  • New Achievement: FEESHer
  • Pet 'Em will now continue to give Resonance as long as you keep petting the dog
  • You can now pet the dog with a gamepad
  • Tutorial menu now shows which tutorials are already cleared
  • The Shop unlock menu pop-up now includes your current amount of Resonance
Apr 8, 2022
VTOL VR - Paolo
This patch brings many fixes for issues found over the last week.

VTOL VR v1.4.1
  • Fixed: AGM-161 would give launch authorization when target is out of range
  • Fixed: spawn location issue after moving spawn from carrier to land and origin shifts
  • Added filters for inappropriate pilot or lobby names
  • Fixed: player rows overlapped on briefing room scoreboard if a team has more than 8 players
  • Fixed: couldn't request take off from Team B carrier
  • Fixed: couldn't rearm at Team B Carrier
  • Fixed: too many names didn't fit in team selection screen
  • Fixed: team volume knob only affected enemy radio volume
  • Fixed lobby sorting (highest player count first but full lobbies last)
  • Fixed various debug log spam
  • Fixed: TGP/TADS/EOTS direction and laser status not synced for late joiner
  • Fixed: AH-94 TADS not synced for non-passenger
  • Fixed: CAGM-6 did not work in multiplayer
  • Mission elapsed time was incorrect for clients
  • Fixed: rearming station did not get properly cleaned up when returning to briefing room while at station
  • Fixed: changed base team did not sync for late joiner
  • Fixed: AI pilots did not defend against missiles fired by clients
  • Fixed: ground unit would fly into the sky if surface raycast failed (search log for "impasse" to find offending unit)
  • Fixed gap in collider near allied carrier aft ramp
  • Fixed: ground unit in group would continue to move at last velocity if the leader is in "parked" state
  • Fixed: soldiers would try to board a full passenger bay and get stuck
  • Fixed: some air units couldn't fire countermeasures
  • Increased range where AI pilots will react to incoming missiles
  • Fixed: radar would auto-point lock when turned off

AH-94 v1.1.1
  • Fixed: tail nav light remained after tail was destroyed
  • Fixed: master caution did not flash when tail rotor destroyed
  • Fixed: debug log error spam when radar is not equipped
Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2] - Cutlass Boardgames

Winning Love by Daylight has just been announced to be a finalist in four different categories for the 2022 NZ Game Awards:

- Excellence in Accessibility
- Excellence in Representation
- Excellence in Narrative
- Excellence in Visual Art

We initially submit the game thinking we wouldn't even get noticed, but to be seen as a candidate for four different awards is overwhelming. It's amazing to think that the stories we tell about the characters that we've grown to love over this last year and a half, have been recognized to be a quality worthy of the other amazing games coming out of this half of the planet! We're very excited to hear the announcements of the winners, and can't wait to celebrate what other local talent gets the spotlight on the big day!
Mabinogi - CM Katherz
Hello Milletians,

As announced during our 14th Anniversary livestream, a Cash Shop renewal is coming your way on April 14th, 2022! We will be releasing new items and packages on April 14th, such as 1-day Skill Training Potions, new DIY Dyes, Spirit Weapon Additional Contract Coupons, and more to assist you in your journey. More information on all the new goods will be shared next week.

End-of-Sale Items

The following items will be removed from the Cash Shop during the server merge maintenance on April 14th. Items you already own can be used normally, even when the sale of the items end.

Update April 13: The Repair Protection Potion, Fire Erg Crystal (10), and Tendering Potion items will remain on sale and will not be removed from the Cash Shop on April 14th. As always, we appreciate your feedback.
Item Shop Category
Items Removed
Camp Kit
Campfire Kit
Campfire Kit (5)
Fire Erg Crystal (10)
Friend Summon Capsule
Massive Holy Water of Lymilark
Massive Holy Water of Lymilark (5)
Remote Alchemist Coupon
Remote Alchemist Coupon (5)
Remote Bank Coupon
Remote Bank Coupon (5)
Remote Blacksmith Coupon
Remote Blacksmith Coupon (5)
Remote Healer Coupon
Remote Healer Coupon (5)
Remote Tailor Coupon
Remote Tailor Coupon (5)
Remote Weapon Shop Ticket
Remote Weapon Shop Ticket (5)
Advanced Phoenix Feather
Advanced Phoenix Feather (5)
Party Phoenix Feather
Party Phoenix Feather (5)
Arrows (1000)
Bolts (1000)
Bundle of Long Javelins (2000)
Bundle of Short Javelins (2000)
B+ Bomb
B+ Bomb (5)
Ice Bomb
Ice Bomb (5)
HP Elixir
MP Elixir
Stamina Elixir
Alchemy Booster Pack
Archery Booster Pack
Combat Booster Pack
Fashionogi Booster Pack
Life Booster Pack
Magic Booster Pack
Martial Arts Booster Pack
Music Skill Booster Pack
Puppeteer and Gunslinger Booster Pack
Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion
Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion (12)
Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion (6)
Combat 2x EXP Potion (30 min.)
Combat 2x EXP Potion (2 hrs.)
Double Alchemy Skill EXP Potion
Double Alchemy Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Alchemy Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Combat Skill EXP Potion
Double Combat Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Combat Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Dual Guns Skill EXP Potion
Double Dual Guns Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Dual Guns Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Fighter Skill EXP Potion
Double Fighter Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Fighter Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Life Skill EXP Potion
Double Life Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Life Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Magic Skill EXP Potion
Double Magic Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Magic Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Music Skill EXP Potion
Double Music Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Music Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Ninja Skill EXP Potion
Double Ninja Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Ninja Skill EXP Potion (6)
Double Puppeteer Skill EXP Potion
Double Puppeteer Skill EXP Potion (12)
Double Puppeteer Skill EXP Potion (6)
Fishing Booster Potion (2 hr)
Fishing Booster Potion (30 min)
Monster Drop Booster Potion (2 hr)
Monster Drop Booster Potion (30 min)
Dragon Knight's Potion
Full Recovery Potion
Full Recovery Potion (5)
High Gathering Speed Potion
HP Buff Potion
HP Buff Potion (5)
MP Buff Potion
MP Buff Potion (5)
Stamina Buff Potion
Stamina Buff Potion (5)
Tendering Potion
Potion of Proficiency
Production Failure Potion
Protect and Defense Buff Potion
Protect and Defense Buff Potion (5)
Repair Protection Potion
Beginner Colossus Mini
Beginner Pierrot Mini
Intermediate Colossus Mini
Intermediate Pierrot Mini
Advanced Colossus Mini
Advanced Pierrot Mini
Master Colossus Mini
Master Pierrot Mini
Pet Training Kit
Chat Color Change Potion
Pet Age Potion - Age 1
Pet Age Potion - Age 2
Pet Age Potion - Age 3
Pet Age Potion - Age 4
Pet Age Potion - Age 5
Pet Dye Ampoule
Miniature Dye Ampoule
Metal Dye Ampoule
Color Metal Dye Ampoule
Eweca Orb Gachapon (11)
Eweca Orb Gachapon (1)
Fixed Dye Gachapon
- The Mabinogi Team
Apr 8, 2022
Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue - Chromatic Games

Today we are making our first significant balance pass on Dungeon Defenders Going Rogue. We have collected a ton of useful data internally as well as from the speedrun competition and community at large. This is just our first pass at balance and you can expect more patches in the future as we continue to iterate!


Ancient Dragon
  • Will no longer have a random number of flying patterns or fire barrage attacks while flying. As before, the Dragon will do 3 charges in each phase. Previously it had a chance to change directions, but now it will always continue along the same clockwise or counter clockwise path depending on how it started.
Goblin Mech 
  • Saw Blades before charge and during Self-Destruct will now be slower and easier to dodge, but will do more damage. The Self Destruct countdown has also been slightly increased to help ease some frustration.
    • Saw Blade speed reduced by 25%.
    • Saw Blade damage increased by 15%.
    • Self Destruct time increased to 25s from 20s.
  • Dash will no longer cancel Mana Bomb, Arcane Surge, and Arcane Blast (and other charged/cast abilities in the future)
  • Removed jumping animation (and its long cast time) from Apprentice Mana Bomb and reduced overall cast time from 1s to .5s
  • Apprentice's Overcharge now also increases movement speed by 25% and scales from Ability Power
  • Reduced firing angle on Apprentice weapons with multiple projectiles
  • Removed timer from loot phase
Weapon balance

Default Bow
  • Decreased Base Damage from 16 to 14
  • Decreased Attack Rate from 3 to 2.5 attacks per second
Barbaric Lance
  • Decreased Base Damage from 55 to 28 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1 to 2 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 15 to 8 
Twisted Dual Blade
  • Decreased Base Damage from 55 to 28 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1 to 2 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 15 to 8
Dragon Cannon
  • Decreased Base Damage from 35 to 14 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1.5 to 2.5 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 8 to 4
Hawkeye Crossbow
  • Decreased Base Damage from 50 to 25 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1 to 2 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 10 to 5
Winged Staff
  • Decreased Base Damage from 55 to 28 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1.5 to 2.5 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 15 to 8
Mithril Staff
  • Decreased Base Damage from 55 to 28 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1 to 2 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 15 to 8
Conduit Staff
  • Decreased Base Damage from 55 to 28 
  • Increased Attack Rate from 1 to 2 attacks per second
  • Decreased Damage per level from 15 to 8
  • Increased attack range by 50 units
Jeweled Knight
  • Increased attack range by 50 units
Quality of Life Changes
  • Raised Ballista platforms on the Ancient Dragon Plateau to be more visible.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Savagery was adding to critical chance instead of critical bonus.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could get stuck trying to reach the player on Ancient Mines near the core.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spinning Steel Rune was not doing correct damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip was not showing the base effect on the Buster Sword
  • Fixed an issue where Poison Dart Tower had the incorrect cooldown. This results in the cooldown being adjusted to 30 seconds.
Social Defenders
To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels:

For Etheria!
Chromatic Games
Apr 8, 2022
In this update:
- improvements to monster AI and vents
- bug fixed with 2D player and flashlight interaction inside the janitor game
Last Epoch - EHG_Jozef
Hello Travelers,

There have been requests, there have been rumblings, and there have been bees. Today, the much anticipated Community Designed Unique Event begins! Starting today, every week we will be posting a new community poll. Each poll will help further refine a design for a Unique item to be immortalized in Last Epoch. The polls will be opened on Friday evenings two hours before the start of the Dev Stream at 1:00PM CDT, and be closed on the following Friday morning. That means you will have seven days to cast your vote to shape a new item to be introduced to the world of Eterra.

At each step along the way, you can also suggest in comments different aspects of the item, such as name, effect, theme, or even flavor text. Those that get the most likes and still fit within the world of Eterra will be included in the voting options. With this, we will try to include options for ideas that both we and the community enjoy the most: however do be aware, if an idea strays too far from the game, we may have to decline it as an option (sorry, even with a community designed unique, there won’t be any nyan cats in Last Epoch).

So to kick everything off, this week we’d like to get your opinions on the first shaping of the item.

Head over to our forums on and cast your votes in the included Polls to see this item start to take form!