Trifox - Cow_102
Trifox is split into four 'worlds' and we thought it would be cool to give you a quick look at the three main ones that Fox has to travel through as he pursues the thieving no-gooders who have stolen his TV remote. Each world has its own theme – Island, Wastelands, and Mountain – and we hope this whistlestop tour gives you a flavour of each one.


The first port of call on Fox's quest is this tropical hideaway. It sure looks like a little slice of paradise, but you'll quickly discover this place is COCONUTS!

The island was once home to an ancient civilization evidently very fond of building puzzle-based mechanisms perfectly designed for a cunning fox to figure out.

We can't possibly say for sure, but this area of the island may or may not be the hideout for a motley crew of sword-wielding and bomb-lobbing pirate foxes.


An abandoned mining site repurposed by the villainous vulpines, the wastelands are hot, dusty, and littered with ramshackle machinery that almost certainly contravenes health and safety regulations.

Ooh, look at those pretty red barrels. Perhaps they contain lovely juicy apples or delicious tasty cider, perfect for refreshing famished foxes. WRONG. They contain EXPLOSIVES that EXPLODE.

Hold on to your bushy-tailed butts cos these tracks can only mean one thing: MINECART RIDE!


Can foxes swim? Sure they can! Do they like getting wet? Heck no! Fox kindly requests you navigate the mountain's icy rivers extra carefully as he really doesn't enjoy having soggy paws.

You'll need to endure a cold climb with perilous precipices, rickety cable cars, and deadly drops in order to reach the summit.

If you think this looks dangerous and treacherous, you'd be 100% correct. Luckily, our hero Fox eats dangerous and treacherous for breakfast. Not literally. He probably has porridge.

Hope you enjoyed that little tour of Trifox's worlds. We'll be taking a look at enemies and abilities in a future post, so keep your beady eye peeled for that. Until then, stay foxy!

Apr 5, 2022
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition - Starrok
Last week we spoke of aasimars, descendants of good-aligned creatures from other worlds. Today we will look at tieflings, a mixture of humans and fiends. They made their first appearance in the Wildcards DLC for Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and appreciation for them in the community has been huge ever since.

Tieflings are both something more and something less than mere mortals. Outsider blood provides them with special abilities, but also makes them a target of fear, disdain, and hatred. Most tieflings don’t know anything about their outsider ancestor – the evil legacy may sleep for multiple generations, only to appear later in a child of two ordinary-looking humans.

The most common tiefling heritages are:

Hellspawn (Devil-Spawn). These tieflings are born of lawful evil outsiders from Hell. While often rigid, stubborn, and highly focused on sticking to plans and schedules, hellspawn also have a rare talent for penetrating others’ facades. They know a lie when they hear one, and can often determine what hidden vice or secret shame motivates another.

Pitborn (Demon-Spawn). Descendants of Chaotic Evil denizens of the Abyss. Pitborn delight in destruction, especially while unleashing their havoc on what others consider valuable or precious. Perhaps because of this volatility, others tend to simply defer to pitborn, an act that often grants them the dominance they crave.

Motherless (Qlippoth-Spawn). These tieflings carry the heritage of mysterious and twisted original inhabitants of the Abyss. No woman survives the birth of a baby whose qlippoth ancestry has emerged. At best, qlippoth-spawn rip their mothers apart during labor. At worst, they tear themselves out even earlier.

Foulspawn (Demodand-Spawn). Descendants of Demodands, a race created by the titans during their war with the gods. Crude and boorish, they take delight in giving offense and scandalizing polite society. They enjoy breaking taboos even more than breaking laws, especially if it means degrading or repulsing an innocent.

Hungerseed (Oni-Spawn). Tieflings, bearing the blood of oni, evil spirits that manifest as twisted humanoids. Endowed with brawny muscles and thick bones, hungerseed always seem poised to explode into some larger, even more powerful form, and have a voracious appetite for sensory pleasures and carnal delights.

Shackleborn (Kyton-Spawn). Bearing the blood of the denizens of Hell, who put themselves above its laws and limits, shackleborn are fascinated by mutilation and torture. Though they prefer to practice their cruel art on others, they accept that sometimes the wheel must turn and greet their own moments of anguish and confinement with an odd serenity.

Grimspawn (Daemon-Spawn). Descendants of creatures from Abaddon, that wish to destroy all life. Dreary and pessimistic, grimspawn are so enthralled by death, disease and dilapidation that they often dedicate themselves to ending lives from behind the scenes as macabre saboteurs.

Faultspawn (Asura-Spawn). These tieflings bear the blood of Asura, creatures of Hell born as a result of failure or mistake of the gods. Lacking any sense of empathy or pity, faultspawn often abhor all ways of life but their own. They inflict severe emotional and physical pain on others, and never stop picking at the resulting psychological scars.

Spitespawn (Div-Spawn). An innate sense of jealousy and pure malice drives these tieflings to spread misery and despair. Unable to experience joy themselves, they devote their lives to promoting gloom, all the while hiding the hatefulness that lurks at their core.

Beastbrood (Rakshasa-Spawn). Descendants of Rakshasa, evil outsiders with animal heads. They regard themselves as deserving of appreciation and opulence. Through deceit and sheer willpower, they often achieve privileged stations in society.

For many decades, Mendev has been waging an endless war against demons invading Golarion through the Worldwound. It’s no surprise that tieflings are a common sight here, more than anywhere else on Golarion. Some of them are the direct offspring of demonic invaders, born during the war. Others came here for the gold and glory. Some are called by their blood to become cultists and demonic followers, joining the invasion. And there are also those who refuse to accept their evil heritage and become crusaders, protecting Mendev and proving to the whole world that there is always a choice.

In Mendev, most half-breeds are treated just like anyone else, especially in the cities near the Worldwound, where the common threat unites and reduces prejudices. Unfortunately, that is not the case for tieflings. Their appearance constantly reminds others of the enemy, provoking hatred, fear, and disgust. Only a few tieflings are able to break this wall of distrust by carrying out selfless and brave deeds. Others are doomed to be always treated with disdain here. That’s the reason why some of them gather in packs to survive. The Thieflings of Kenabres are a good example of this.

A tiefling’s life is far from easy, and searching for adventure is often the only choice – a way to find a new life and break free from the seal of darkness laid upon them. Or, conversely, to take revenge on the world that has cast them out. Tieflings make great rogues, powerful mages and magi, and even more powerful sorcerers, thanks to the outsider power in their blood. Those who accept the call of evil may also become priests of various evil entities.

But what happens if a tiefling becomes the Commander? Where will they lead the Crusade? Will they lean toward good or evil? It is time for you to write this story in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!

Action Taimanin - Analysis Bot
Thank you for playing Action Taimanin.

After the scheduled maintenance on April 5th, 2022, we found an anomaly where users could not obtain various rewards even after completing the missions of various Passes (Golden Pass, Rank Pass, Story Pass) on some devices.

To resolve the problem a hotfix is scheduled during the following period.

Hotfix: April 5th, 2022, 16:00 ~ 17:00 (UTC)

It is highly recommended not to receive rewards from the Passes (Golden Pass, Rank Pass, Story Pass)
If you can't receive the rewards properly after the hotfix, please contact our customer support (

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Pixel Starships - toma
Hi Captains!

March’s Tournament Finals saw close competition in multiple Divisions, with a nail-biting race to the finish! Well done to all Captains involved. Last month’s Prize features a brand new Skin Design for the Fleet Council Room!

Check out a preview of the new Design below, available in the Dove Store now! A unique version has also been awarded to the Top Ranking Fleet for March.

Please find the latest Patch Notes below. This update is now available on Android, iOS, Steam and MacOS.

Please contact our Support Team if you experience any problems updating the game.

V0.989 Changelogs:

  • New Marker for recently gained Crew and Items
  • New Settings option to delete account from in-game
  • Updated Room Profile menu UI
  • Updated Crew Profile menu UI
  • Updated Skin Profile menu UI
  • Increased Mining rates for Resource Collector Rooms
  • Crafts will now start Reloading on spawn, rather than when in Range of Target
  • Added new Inventory Items Sorting criteria
  • Requirements field display has been reworked for clarity

  • Reward Scene entries are now Scrollable
  • Reward Scene Spin animation speed increased
  • Improved handling of Module Re-arm process
  • Inventory Filters and Sort orders will remain after closing
  • Implemented toggle view for scanned ships
  • Implemented support for color tinting for Missile Effects
  • Implemented support for new Room Skins system
  • Implemented support for Salvage Stat for Resource Collector Rooms
  • Implemented support for scaling Rewards for IAP Fleet Gift Sales

  • Fixed several issues with Surprise Missions
  • Fixed several display issues with Crate/Pod Reward scenes
  • Fixed several display issues with Bank/IAP-related UI
  • Fixed a bug where Repairing a Room would prevent Season Task progress
  • Fixed a bug caused by the Galaxy Ship Skin effect
  • Fixed a bug when buying Items from the Cargo/Drop Ship
  • Fixed a bug causing inverse Season Progress Notifications option in Game Settings
  • Fixed a bug with Sort Order for Crew Inventory Panel
  • Fixed a bug applying incorrect shaders in the AI Menu

Crew Prestige options have changed! Please make sure to triple-check any changes before starting a Prestige combination after the 1st of April.

With an Eggstra Planetary Easter well underway, we hope you have been enjoying some of the sweet treats and rewards. Our fourth season, Alien Oceans, will start on the 8th of April. Crew rewarded in this and future seasons are Special Tier.

We have been working on a large amount of content that we are looking forward to unveiling soon, with a strong focus on providing increased player choice and strategic diversity, alongside entirely new features.

Thank you for all of your provided feedback, leading to many of the fixes noted above. You can join these discussions in the Feedback section of our Official PSS Discord and subreddit.

Good Hunting, Captains!

-SavySoda Team

Apr 5, 2022
Retro Vaders: Reloaded - nutter666
Hello everyone!

The Spring season is here again, (and Easter will soon be too) and to celebrate, the Spring/Easter themed bonus mission (Operation: Bad Eggs) is once again available for all players between April 1st and April 8th. This 10 wave mission finds the Vaders plotting to replace the world's delicious chocolate easter eggs with far less tasty Vader eggs. In order to stop them you'll need to defeat pesky vaders disquised as easter bunnies as well as destroy quite a few of their eggs.

In addition, you might find retro mode looking a little more springy than usual as the vaders get into the easter spirit.

Like the other seasonal event this bonus mission and the easter themed retro mode are only available for a limited time so don't miss your opportunity to complete the mission and unlock the in-game awards and steam achievements.

Finally to celebrate our the spring season we will once again be offering the Classified Projects DLC at a 25% discount, this time for an extended two week period between April 4th and April 17th. This not only gives you access to a host of additional content such as experimental blasters and alternate shield options to use in any mission but also gives you all year round access to Operation: Bad Eggs and the other 3 seasonal missions.

Enjoy Operation: Bad Eggs, watch out for vaders trying to steal your chocolate and whether you choose to pick up Classified Projects or not, we hope you have a happy easter!

- Nutter (and the rest of the Retro Vaders: Reloaded team)
Pillars of Sorrow - Deacrow
Hello everyone,

today we have a small update containing:

  • Story for the first half of the game
  • 9 new achievements
  • Performance and design upgrades
  • Some new mechanics to improve gameplay
  • Bug fixes

The game will also go on sale very soon, so keep an eye out on that.
Apr 5, 2022
Kingdom Karnage - Kepithor
New character King Midas.

Level King Midas from level 1 common to level 10 legendary by storing KKT in the Midas Vault.

Get killing blows with Midas' Golden Touch to win more KKT.

Apr 5, 2022
Severed Steel - Cow_102
Hi everyone. We've made some massive improvements to the workshop and level editor, plus added a new bonus level. To try the bonus level go to the new "bonus" menu in the campaign mission select screen.

The level editor has been upgraded with lots of new scripting features and is now even more feature rich than the one used to build the main campaign! So expect a lot more movement, interactivity, and surprises in workshop levels. On top of all that level editors can now upload multiple level campaigns with narrative they can write. But wait there's more! There is now a prop workshop where editors can download stuff to fill their level with tables, chairs, cars, whatever!

  • Prop workshop, fill your levels with voxel art made by the community
  • Workshop campaigns, multi level stories made by players
  • 7 new Floating Door tracks inspired by Workshop levels (available only in level editor levels and bonus levels)
  • New bonus level by Ouros: Chalet (see screenshots below)
  • Tons of new scripting functions in level editor requested by the community
  • New performance options for low spec PC, along with optimizations for all PCs

  • Added copy function to level editor browser
  • Can use box select on props, lights, and NPCs in editor
  • Added show void action
  • Props can now move along complex paths
  • Props have option to point towards direction of movement
  • Props have option to be hidden on lvl start
  • Props can make scripted actions happen when they are destroyed
  • Altered speed logic in prop movement
  • Fixed some bugs w/ prop movement UI
  • Can attach lights and trigger volumes to props
  • Trigger volumes can fire their own scripted actions even w/ no objective
  • Added ability to sort props into folders
  • Can make void invisible
  • Trigger volumes can trigger actions even with no objectives
  • Can set author name to show in level select screen
  • P99 can actually spawn
  • Fix for first selection bug
  • Optimized cutscene videos
  • Improved Simple Lighting and Simple FX modes
  • NPCs can move through props player can
  • Button to review level shown at end of campaign levels
  • Direct hits from explosives can edit prop voxels
  • Small tweak to npc aim logic
  • Turrets dont suffer friendly fire from NPCs
Thanks for playing and creating!
Gun Ugly - Floggy Noggins
Out of bounds softlock should now be fixed.
and businessmen objective markers not showing up properly should also be fixed.

Health is a bit more generous too, you get a bit more time to pick it up before it dissapears
Community Announcements - GM CHII
안녕하세요. 소울워커입니다.

​이전 안내하여 드린 이관 관련 문의 처리가 현재 지연되고 있는 점
다시 한 번 진심으로 사과의 말씀을 드립니다.

​또한 관련하여 다시 한 번 상세 내용을 안내 드리도록 하겠습니다.

1)현재 인입되고 있는 문의 유형

2) 처리방안

다만 이 과정에서 워커님들의 회신이 필수적으로 진행되어야 하는 점과 더불어
회신 여부 및 시간에 따라 문제 해결 기간이 다소 지연될 수 있는 점
워커님들의 부디 넓은 마음으로 양해를 부탁드립니다.

​또한 아래의 양식에 맞춰 정보 기재 후 접수를 진행하여 주시면
더욱 빠른 처리가 가능하오니 문의 접수 시 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

-게임 닉네임 :
-이관 신청 진행 날짜:
-STEAM 인증 정보가 수신된 메일 주소:


아울러 문의하여 주신 내용에 대하여 빠르게 처리가 진행될 수 있도록
내부 인원 모두 노력중에 있사오니 이 부분 또한 헤아려 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.

워커님들께서 불편을 겪고 계신 부분에 대한 처리 방안 관련 공지가
지연된 점 다시 한 번 죄송하다는 말씀 드리며 빠르고 정확한 해결을 위해
최선을 다하겠습니다.

