Low Magic Age - Low Magic Studios

New Player Races: Drow Noble - Exceptional drow born with special powers.

About one out of every 20 drow is gifted with special powers from birth — the overwhelming majority of these exceptional drow are female, and as a result, drow society tends to be matriarchal in nature.

These special births are engineered and encouraged among the ruling caste, and are far more likely to occur when the mother is of noble heritage. Strangely, the status of the father seems not to increase or decrease the chances of a child being born a drow noble.

Common drow children born to nobles are usually put to death — sacrificed to one of the many demon gods to whom the drow offer worship.

It is rare for a drow noble to be born to common parents, but those who are usually murder their parents or family before they come of age in order to hide the truth of their base upbringing and to ease the processes of joining one of their society's noble houses.

Drow nobles are more powerful than the majority of their kin, and as such they quickly rise to power within their houses. Advancement through the hierarchy of a drow noble house is usually accomplished through a combination of assassination, seduction, and treachery, leading most drow in power to be overly paranoid.

Balance Adjustments:

New Optional House Rules:
Lower Abilities Compensation: +1 house rule bonus per 8 levels on a character's non highest abilities related rolls and values, including attack rolls, saving throws, AC and spell DC, etc. (default: on)
Spell DC: + character level / 2 (default: on)
Summoner's Cha modifier applies to summoned creatures' physical abilities (+6 max) (default: off)
Barbarian: Damage Reduction: = barbarian level (default: on)
Monk: AC Bonus: limit maximum bonus: If the sum of Wis bonus and Dex bonus is greater than the highest ability bonus + 4, ignore the excess of Wis bonus. In addition, limit the bonus based on monk level to +6 max. (default: on)
Paladin: Smite Evil: bonus on attack rolls: +10 max (default: on) (merged related HRs)
Paladin: Divine Grace: +5 max (default: on)
(+2 modifications of House Rules for old saves)

Some monsters armed with Deflection wondrous items
Optimized abilities growth of some monsters
Removed elite/solo monsters' bonus on Combat Maneuver Defense
Saving throw bonus from a wondrous item is up to +5
Changed robes' saving throw bonus to Spell Penetration
Changed weapon proficient bonus to –4 penalty on attack rolls when use nonproficient weapons
Player attack rolls bonus of Moderate/Easy/Relaxed difficulty: +6
Enemy attack rolls bonus of Moderate/Easy/Relaxed difficulty: +4
Weapon Finesse: ...If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Weapon Finesse: Apply to melee touch attack
Zen Archery: Apply to ranged touch attack
Spell DC: Add spell level
Removed base 10 of Fortitude/Reflex/Will
Changed rolls/checks of spells, conditions, turn, and quivering palm, etc. to standard saving throws
Changed bounce damage from 1 per action to 1 per attack
Changed Wake from standard action to move action

Bonuses of Rage no longer increase every 10 levels, but changed to Greater Rage and Mighty Rage:
- Greater Rage: Bonuses to Str and Con during rage each increase to +6, and morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3. The penalty to AC remains at –2.
- Mighty Rage: Bonuses to Str and Con during rage each increase to +8, and morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4. The penalty to AC remains at –2.

Discarded Main-handed Weapon mechanic. Changed following 6 main-handed weapons to one-handed (except Spear as two-handed)
- Longsword
- Battleaxe
- Heavy Pick
- Warhammer
- Flail
- Spear
If a one-handed weapon is wielded with two hands during melee combat, add 1.5 times Str bonus to damage rolls.
Discarded Light/Heavy Thrown mechanic. All throwing weapons use the same rule: Apply Dex modifier to ranged attack rolls and Str modifier to damage rolls.
Changed Sling to one-handed

Improved Character Panel:
Added Equipment Information
Added Details Information
- Max Melee Attack
- Max Ranged Attack
- Melee Touch Attack
- Ranged Touch Attack
- Combat Maneuver Bonus
- Combat Maneuver Defense
- Armor Class
- Armor Class (Touch)
- Armor Class (Flat-Footed)
- Fortitude
- Reflex
- Will
- Spell Resistance
- Spell Penetration
- Caster Level
- Spell DC
- Turn
New Options:
- Expand/Collapse All
- Show/Hide Information Section
- Show All
- Hide All
- Hide Empty Items
--- Attacks Information ---
- Combine Same Type Attacks
- Show Weapon Magic Bonus
- Show Weapon Icon
- Show Weapon Name
--- Toolbar ---
- Top
- Show All Buttons
Show corresponding information as button tip
Optimized display speed

Optimized initial equipment of some classes
Optimized class structure of default party
New option of Combat Difficulty: Player doesn't multiply damage on critical hits
Auto-Combat button no longer affects subsequent combats
Changed Hunting Giant Spider's Poison Burst to Poison Spit
Fixed: Monk pre-builds learn caster feats
Fixed: Creatures continue to attack even if they die during attack
Fixed: Mithral light armor still has speed penalty
Fixed: Ignite damage not statistics

Slider control can be fine-tuned with arrow or ADWS keys
Improved descriptions of 6 abilities
Optimized descriptions of some items
Optimized bounce damage log
Encyclopedia: Improved and optimized equipment chapter
Encyclopedia: Optimized loading
Fixed: Encyclopedia sometimes crash
Fixed: Tip blinking
Fixed: Incorrect Finesse entry in description of Dart

Next, we'll work on:
Druid, Bard, class saves and BAB growth with extra attacks, new player races (Bugbear, Lizard Scion, Gnoll), more elemental creatures, etc.

Note: If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in this announcement or send to support@lowmagicage.com (attach your saves if necessary: game folder/saves).
Hi everyone,

We've issued a small update for KOF98UMFE with the following fixes:

  • Fixed intermittent problem joining or being joined by Player 9 in the lobby
  • If two players compete to invite a third at the exact same time, the player that wasn't accepted will now correctly have their invitation rejected and be returned to the lobby
  • If two players compete to spectate a third at the exact same time after the match has already started, they will now both succeed
  • Fixed minor communication loss when a lobby member leaves
  • Fixed cases where Ranked Match didn't reset to default settings
  • URL to invite to lobby can now be used even if game is already launched
  • Fixed stray green pixels in some victory scenes
  • Updated some Japanese and Portuguese translations
  • Fixed rare crash if cerain buttons hit during certain transitions
  • Fixed situations where opponent name may not be shown in PLAYBACK
  • Made popup cancel/continue buttons consistent with the rest of the UI
  • Fixed cosmetic issue in search results highlight when revisiting menu
Mar 1, 2022
Arcane Waters - burlin_gauna
fixed guild ally panel close functionality

Fixed some customisation issues with guild maps.

- Fixes for door sound effects

- Fixes for water checker

Fixes for footsteps sounds in Interior areas

Merge from [5467]

- SoundEffectManager code cleanup

- Implemented sound effects for Horror Boss attacks

Fixed SoundEffectManager.createEventInstance method

#5415 - Character creation coming up after logging in

#5516 - Wrong behavior on character creation screen

Updated PerformanceUtil to fetch zabbix data through web requests.

updated context menu panel, removed server dependency

Fixed order error in PerformanceUtil setupZabbixWebRequest.

respawn screen updates to show go home on pvp open world death

added sea entity death null entity checker

added on death null handling / added class generation if null for damage record

split silver rewards equally when killing a sea entity instead of based on damage inflicted

removed redundant logs / added null handling / fixed bug causing pvp open world player ships to be set to caravel

updated version display offset to prevent conflict between pvp state and game version

scene reference assignment / fixed error for player ship ability log

#5416 - Logout does not return to character screen, stuck on black screen

fixed host mode bug where ships cant attack

updated guild invite to be rejected if already in guild / guild invite now has cooldown

guild ally content now refreshes on guild alliance establishment and removal

updated guild alliance to have auto ignore option in options panel, inviter will receive notification that invited user is auto rejecting invites

updated players to refresh pvp state when creating/joining/leaving guilds / added new disabled pvp state icon in top right panel if user has no guild

updated scaling of pvp state indicators

fixed bug wherein sailors do not reflect real time in sailors panel when purchasing ships in voyages,

updated guild alliance to reflect realtime in the open world pvp targeting system

added confirmation popup when deleting guild alliance before proceeding to CMD function trigger

#5417 - Character name taken appears behind other panels

#5520 - Character can be created with duplicate name from the deleted characters

added ping based object interaction delay

Mabinogi - CM Katherz
Light, Darkness, or Twilight? Everyone is choosing sides in the land of Erinn, so head down to Dunbarton and choose a side today! You might even get a special gift for choosing a side. Check out the details below.

Event Dates: Thursday, March 3rd, After Maintenance - Thursday, March 31st, Before Maintenance
Event Details
  • During the event, you will receive the guide quest, [Guide] Twilight Time.
  • Talk to the Follower of Twilight in Dunbarton.
  • Register a main character with the Follower of Twilight.
  • You can only register one character per account.
  • You will receive the following rewards after completing [Guide] Twilight Time:
    • 10,000 EXP
  • You will also receive a pair of Misty Wings.
  • The event resets daily at 7:00 AM PST/PDT.
Upgrading the Misty Wings
  • Throughout the event, you can upgrade the Misty Wings by collecting 5 Radiant Shades.
    • Radiant Shades can be obtained by completing the daily quest, [Event] Radiant Shade.
  • Each time you obtain 5 Radiant Shades, return to the Follower of Twilight and deliver mixtures of Light and Darkness.
  • You can choose between the Shard of Light or the Shard of Darkness.
  • Each time you choose between the two shards, the Misty Wings will be upgraded and replaced by new wings. Each stage will reward you with a new robe and a new wing type.
    • Stage 1

      • Tattered Teddy Robe
      • Semi-solid Wings
    • Stage 2

      • Momentary Twilight Robe
      • Solid Wings
    • Stage 3

      • Eternal Twilight Robe
      • Wings based of your choices
        • Choosing all Light will reward you with the following:

          • Wings of Light
          • Caller of Light 1st Title
            • Max Damage +5
            • DEX +5
            • Strength +5
            • INT +5
            • Will +5
            • Luck +5
        • Choosing all Darkness will reward you with the following:

          • Wings of Darkness
          • Caller of Darkness 1st Title
            • Max Damage +5
            • DEX +5
            • Strength +5
            • INT +5
            • Will +5
            • Luck +5
        • Choosing a mixture of Light and Darkness will reward you with the following:

          • Wings of Twilight
          • Caller of Twilight 1st Title
            • Max Damage +5
            • DEX +5
            • Strength +5
            • INT +5
            • Will +5
            • Luck +5
[Event] Radiant Shade - Daily Quest
  • After registering a main character, you will receive the daily quest, [Event] Radiant Shade.
  • Complete a Shadow Mission in Tara or Taillteann and pick up the Impure Radiant Shades to complete the quest's objective.
    • Impure Radiant Shades can be obtained from the end chest of the Shadow Mission. You must pick them up to complete the quest.
  • Once you complete the quest, you will receive the following rewards:
    • 10,000 EXP
    • Twilight Coin x1
    • Radiant Shade x1
  • This quest can be completed daily even after the wings have been fully upgraded for additional Twilight Coins.
[Event] First Light and Darkness
  • Complete the daily quest, [Event] Radiant Shade, 5 times to receive the following rewards:
    • 10,000 EXP
    • Twilight Coin x5
[Event] Second Light and Darkness
  • The quest, [Event] Second Light and Darkness, will be given after the wings have been upgraded to Stage 1.
  • Complete the daily quest, [Event] Radiant Shade, 5 times to receive the following rewards:
    • 10,000 EXP
    • Twilight Coin x5
[Event] Third Light and Darkness
  • The quest, [Event] Third Light and Darkness, will be given after the wings have been upgraded to Stage 2.
  • Complete the daily quest, [Event] Radiant Shade, 5 times to receive the following rewards:
    • 10,000 EXP
    • Twilight Coin x5
Twilight Shop
  • The Twilight Shop will be available after you complete the quest, [Event] Third Light and Darkness and the wings are upgraded to the final stage.
  • Even if you do not upgrade the wings to the final stage, the Twilight Shop will be available on March 21st at 7:00 AM PDT for everyone.
  • You can speak to the Follower of Twilight to access the shop.
Twilight Box
1 Twilight Coin
Nao's Soul Stone (Event)
2 Twilight Coins
Artisan Upgrade Restoration Kit
7 Twilight Coins
Forgetful Potion
12 Twilight Coins
Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
12 Twilight Coins
Skill Training Seal (10)
12 Twilight Coins
Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Day)
15 Twilight Coins
Platinum Hammer of Durability
15 Twilight Coins
Trade Unlock Potion
20 Twilight Coins
Enchant Protection Potion
20 Twilight Coins
Protective Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
25 Twilight Coins
Protective Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
25 Twilight Coins
Wings of Light Extension Coupon (1 year)
20 Twilight Coins
Wings of Darkness Extension Coupon (1 year)
20 Twilight Coins
Wings of Twilight Extension Coupon (1 year)
20 Twilight Coins
Twilight Box
  • Wings Permanent Coupon
  • Protective Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
  • Protective Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
  • Trade Unlock Potion
  • Enchant Protection Potion
  • Dual Gun Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Music Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Martial Arts Skill 2x EXP Potion
  • Life Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Combat Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Magic Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Alchemy Skill 2x EXP Potion (Event)
  • Ninja Skill 2x EXP Potion
  • Puppetry Skill 2x EXP Potion
  • Party Phoenix Feather (Event)
  • Name/Chat Color Change Potion (Event)
  • Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event)
  • Movement Speed 40% Increase Potion (Event)
  • HP Buff Potion (Event)
  • MP Buff Potion (Event)
  • Stamina Buff Potion (Event)
  • Protection/DEF Buff Potion (Event)
  • Special Tendering Potion (Event)
  • Special Tendering Potion S (Event)
  • Production Failure Potion (Event)
  • Potion of Proficiency (Event)
  • Topaz
  • Star Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Aquamarine
  • Garnet
  • Jasper
  • Ruby
  • Spinel
  • Diamond
  • Homestead Eggplant Seed
  • Homestead Strawberry Seed
  • Homestead Pumpkin Seed
  • Homestead Cabbage Seed
  • Homestead Tomato Seed
Terminus: Zombie Survivors - Ingeon Games

It's been a year since I released Terminus on Steam.

Thanks to all of you who participated in Early Access, Terminus has improved significantly over the past year. Without you, Terminus wouldn't have gotten this far (although there's still a lot of work to be done!). Thank you so much for being with me in completing the game. To commemorate the 1st anniversary of Early Access, I made an official trailer.

Additionally, I am working on releasing a new content update at the end of March. Content that complements the points you have reviewed will be added. Please stay tuned for the next update.

Thank you all!
- In-geon
Closers - Naddic

Legion Program Package
Clear Legion Program with the help of these awesome packages!

Sales Period
March 2, 2022 – March 16, 2022 UTC

[Legion Program] All-in-One Package

x1 SS Guaranteed D Component : Gear
x1 S Guaranteed D Component : Costume
x5 Alpha Equalizer
x10 Gear Booster Fortifier
x100 Gear Booster Fuel I
x10 Transcendental Elixir
x1 T1 Platinum Chip Selection Box
x3 Unique Synchro Fiber Selection Box
x3 Costume Fusion Fiber
 UMP 10,000 
Package Value: 21,030  Now for only 9,990 N-coins!
52% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per account per week
[Legion Program] Enhancement Package

x15 Gear Booster Fortifier
x15 Lucky Gear Boost I
 UMP 5,000 

Package Value: 6,150 Now for only 4,990 N-coins!
19% Discount
Purchase Limit: None
[Legion Program] Costume Spec-Up Package

x10 Normal D Component: Costume
x5 Unique Synchro Fiber Selection Box
x5 Costume Fusion Fiber
x100 Greater Phase Fiber
x50 Splendid Phase Fiber
3,000 UMP

Package Value: 4,800 Now for only 2,990 N-coins!
38% Discount
Purchase Limit: 3 times per account
Star Sonata 2 - SWCDavik

Greetings! I’m reaching out to update you all on the release schedule for the next universe cycle and the upcoming changes to PvP in Wild Space. My aim here is to provide high-level information on the planned changes and communicate when you may expect more detailed information and a concrete universe reset announcement. If you’re just here for the basic information, here it is:

  1. The next universe reset will occur in April at the earliest.

  2. Once decided, the reset date will be announced with four weeks’ notice.

  3. Upon universe reset, there will be a two-week temporary universe so that players can get accustomed to the new ownership mechanics in Wild Space.

  4. After the two-week temporary universe, another reset will occur and we will have a full 4-month universe.
If you have any questions or clarifications, you can feel free to send me a DM on Discord at enk#3571.
Controlling and Contesting Territory
While contesting territory is an iconic part of Star Sonata, too often it takes place in a cynical manner where the actual value of the territory is irrelevant and the true aim of the conflict is to inconvenience one’s opponent. To make matters worse, the rules and restrictions surrounding galaxy assault are impossibly complicated to the point that even the devs are not always certain of every detail of the system. It is clear that we need to drastically simplify the process of contesting territory, and do so in a way that prioritizes genuine conflict over resources.

One of the greatest obstacles to this vision is the current ownership system. Simply put, it’s too quick and easy. In a short ten minutes, you are capable of greatly reducing your opponent’s ability to assault your territory, and any assault they would make would be subject to the arcane rules of BvB. We are going to have to make some big changes to galaxy ownership if we are going to realize our vision for Wild Space conflict.

We have prepared two major changes to the process of claiming and contesting territory in Wild Space:

  1. Establishing ownership will take longer than before, and carry an initial and periodic resource cost. Instead of merely controlling a galaxy for ten minutes, you must deploy a new type of base and complete a resource-intensive construction project in order to establish ownership. This process may take a couple hours. Once ownership is established, a steady stream of resources will be consumed to maintain it.

  2. There is no PvP possible whatsoever in owned galaxies.
Note that these changes work together to focus all territory conflict on the first few hours after an initial claim, as this is the time when it’s most typical to see genuine conflict over resources. The rules of engagement are also drastically simplified since all fighting takes place in an unowned galaxy state.
Changes to Base Combat
Focusing all territory conflict into the unowned galaxy state means that we need to make some changes to how base combat works. Otherwise, it would be too easy for people to deploy effectively unlimited numbers of bases (especially unattached bases) and cause the same kind of lag and frustration that led us to take this project on in the first place. We have prepared a couple changes to base combat that will address this concern:

  1. Unattached bases can’t be deployed in unowned galaxies.

  2. Base weapon ranges are greatly reduced (maxing out around 3k overall).

  3. Bases no longer use healing weapons.
The reason base weapon ranges are so long is to allow bases to effectively defend against players while the base owners are offline. This is no longer necessary since ownership confers absolute defense against PvP. In the new system, base combat (against other players) only takes place in a window of a few hours, during which time the base owners are online and actively working to establish ownership. Therefore, it’s no longer necessary for bases to be able to “take care of themselves” to the same extent as they do on Liberty. A similar explanation holds for the removal of base healing: this is something that helps bases stay alive while their owners are offline, but that won’t be a concern anymore in the new system.

These changes mean that contesting territory is all about surgical PvB against your opponent’s isolated industry bases, all the while fending off PvP from that opponent and potential PvB incursions against your own growing territory. The best thing about this is that the time scale of each fight is on the order of an hour or two, not a 12-hour BvB slog or a universe-long war of attrition. I’ll never forget the time my EU friends made me get up at 2 AM Eastern to organize a BvB and then teased me six hours later for wanting to take a break for breakfast.
Mid-Universe Reveals
Changing the ownership mechanics as detailed above has some serious knock-on effects to other aspects of Wild Space. By ruling out any PvP in owned galaxies, we could be making Wild Space too safe and boring. Not only that, but someone who had an unlucky reset or joined mid-universe would not have any way of taking territory away from those who got there first. It turns out that these two concerns share a common solution: mid-universe galaxy reveals.

  1. Every 9 days and 17 hours*, a fresh batch of galaxies will appear in Wild Space, connected in some way to the existing map.

  2. These galaxies will have higher average resource abundance to make up for lost time.

  3. Since ownership is a time- and resource-intensive process, it no longer requires a connection to your team’s HQ. Anyone with spare base slots will be able to compete for the newly revealed galaxies no matter where they appear on the map.
*Bonus points if you can figure out the logic behind this timing!
Release Schedule
We will continue the precedent of giving four weeks’ notice of universe resets. This means that April is the earliest that the current universe can end. You can expect detailed information on the Wild Space Conflict project to be released along with the universe reset notice. In order to give players time to familiarize themselves with the new ownership mechanics, the next universe reset will enter a 2-week temporary universe after which we’ll reset into a full 4-month universe.

I’m sure that many of you have questions and concerns about the information I’ve shared here. That is completely natural and expected since I’ve glossed over the details and left out a lot of nitty-gritty considerations and adjustments we’ve got planned. Rest assured: you’ll get your hands on all that information when we make the 4-week universe reset notice. However, if you are fired up about this and can’t wait until then, you are more than welcome to reach out to me via Discord DM and share your comments, questions, and concerns.
Mar 1, 2022
The Scam - LeFrench
less mega big scams
slower enemies by 2 pixels per second not very big difference
should no longer crash when exiting
Puppet Play 🎬 - yolokas
  • Improved attachement points of hairstyles to make make them easier attachable to the mouth puppets
  • removed blinking red dot from spectator view
  • corrected snap item size of new dragons
Trepang2 - sekkisei
This month has been very busy for us. We have been working on cutscenes, visual tweaks, and the boss battle for the 2nd mission. Also have been experimenting with player customization, cheats, and a new way to play the Horde gamemode.

We don't have anything we are ready to show from that just quite yet as it is still being worked on rigorously, but we can show this new gun and a preview of one of the side missions:

Bolt Launcher

A ridiculous explosive piercing/pinning weapon that can devastate and eviscerate.

Thank you all for being so patient with us as we get ready for our release later this year. We could not feasibly do this without your support.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TREPANG2
Discord: https://trepang2.com/discord

♥ - Trepang Studios