Feb 12, 2022
Monster Outbreak - keking26
Hello, today we have a lot of good updates to announce, we have made a lot of progress this past few months

All of the Monsters are now added into the game, the only thing that’s left is the last boss!! Sneak peek of some end game monsters below!

We have all the structures in the game tested and ready to go. In the game we will have 41 structures to choose from!! You can see the shop list below!

All the Maps have been added into the game, finished, and polished! All maps also have survival mode working!!

Potions are now added into the game (eyes) make potions that will heal you up, or give you cool buffing effects!!

Other notes,
-Nintendo switch and online multiplayer are both up and working 👀, both need a lot of testing still though!!
-done a lot of balancing!!
-A lot of testing and bug fixing!!
-Doing environmental improvements!!



For more follow us on Twitter, Tiktok and join our Discord!
Untrusted - evolvedlabs
Hello operatives!

Season 4 starts today, with many changes, especially introducing the new Forensics Specialist class.

Without fruther ado, lets see the changelog and how this new class works:

Untrusted – v1.140 – Changelog

New Features

+ New class “Forensics Specialist”.
+ New skill “Upload Fake Intel” – upload fake intel to a node. If downloaded, the information given will be false. The forensics specialist has no control on which fake intel is uploaded.
+ New skill “CCTV Takeover” – if the forensics specialist targets the CCTV Specialist with this skill, AGENTS will obtain CCTV information as long as the Forensics Specialist is alive. The CCTV specialist must not be protected that night in order for this skill to succeed.
+ New skill “Ambitious Agent” – the forensics specialist will automatically become the Field Agent when they are the last alive AGENT.
+ New passive skill “Network Insights” – when hacking a node, gain a hacking % bonus for each player connecting to it during the same turn.
+ New mutator “Handcuffs” – guarantees a Field Agent Spawn game
+ New mutator “Smartphone” – guarantees a Forensics Specialist Spawn game
+ New mutator “Triple Threat” – AGENT spawn with Agent Leader, Field Agent, and Forensics Specialist. Suggested for 16 players games only.
+ New consumable “Salty Meat” – slightly increase your chances to spawn as NETSEC
+ Famed Operatives Series 2 avatars are no longer available for purchase

Balance Changes

+ CCTVs now start working the day after installation.
+ CCTVs are still updated after converting (true for both CCTV specialist becoming Improvised Hackers or moles, as well as Forensics Specialist becoming Field Agent).
+ CCTV specialist gains the “wiretap” skill
+ Slightly increased overall hacking chances
+ Network Specialist gains “Network Insights”
+ “Field Agent” is no longer a guaranteed spawn. Either the Field Agent or the Forensics Specialist will spawn. You can use mutators to override this behaviour.
+ “X is mole” intel spawn chance has been rollbacked to a more probable spawn chance.
+ “Insider Knowledge” will always return a real node intel.
+ “Upload Fake Intel” can overwrite real intel on a node
+ “Upload Intel” can overwrite fake intel on a node

Server Side Changes

+ Miscellanous minor changes

Client Side Changes
+ “Upload Intel” shows now “1” charge rather than “infinite” in the game manual. There is no gameplay change.
+ Minor translation changes and fixes

Known Issues

+ Opening the game log from the in-game link may leave untrusted as “running” on steam

How do I play the Forensics Specialist ?

I’m glad you asked! Make sure to check the patch note above and make sure to check the Forensics Specialist Strategy guide! https://www.playuntrusted.com/manual/advanced-strategy/forensics-specialist-strategy-guide/

The main difference is that now agents will spawn with a guaranteed Agent Leader and either the Field agent or the Forensics Specialist. This changes significantly both how NETSEC has to approach unknown operatives, as well as how AGENT has to approach their strategy. A night 1 without arrests now have a complete different meaning. Was the Field Agent occupied, or is the Forensics Specialist up to something? Or again, what happens if the Agent Leader goes all in very early on, trading their moling capability for the FA+FS combo? Etcetera.

Combine this with the CCTV system rework (CCTVs won’t lose their CCTV access if they become Improvised Hackers or moles) and you have a significantly changed gameplay for Season 4. See you in an OPSEC, operatives!
天师 - 1017791654
Serial Cleaner - Plumski

Follow @SerialCleaners on Twitter
and see how Bob and his new companions are doing.

  • 4 Characters
  • 4 Personalities
  • 4 Playstyles
Get to know each and every one of them! ːFatBirdː @SerialCleaners

As always, you're welcome to join our official Discord channel, where you can talk directly to both Serial Cleaner and Serial Cleaners developers!
Feb 12, 2022
Nienix: Cosmic Warfare - Fenix
Version 0.55509155
🎯 [Sensors] The game can now handle even greater sensor range (~7300, up from 5000). This should improve the experience when playing with Dreadnaught class-ships.
🎯 [UI] The top-center enemy information widget has been revised - the healthbar is now clearer.
🎯 [UI] The color of elite enemies (blue) has been slightly changed.
🎯 [Bug] Fixed a bug related to some event-type dungeons not spawning with external doors.
🎯 [Misc] The dungeon generation algorithm has had minor changes.
🎯 [Act 3] A few of the event stations in Act 3 have been revised.
Feb 12, 2022
Community Announcements - SKarias
Correction Serveur Dédiers .
Feb 12, 2022
Coronation - Mbdot00
- Upgraded people's panel with summary panel that shows HP bar and personal follow and sleep buttons.
- Reverted back ranked max pop from 10 to 16, and towns don't provide any max population.

- Wrong mobs spawning on the different islands.
- Terrain misplacement.
Feb 12, 2022
Kingdom Chess Playtest - infectedminddev
Finally an update. After about 3 months of work, new character models are brought to Kingdom Chess. It couldn't be updated earlier because changes affected some core mechanics, so all old models needed to be replaced. This month some minor improvements should be made (hair models, inventory icons, item values, item drop models, monuments) along with creation of new models (bandits, villagers).

Here is summary of the improvements:
- More detail has been added. Base model has been rebuilt several times. Now it has about 3-4 times more triangles. Shoulders and hips are now properly connected with torso. All the body parts has been shaped look more like human but it's still very blocky as intended.
- All the previous models have been replaced (pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen king and jester). 3 new models have been made (cannon, phoenix and elephant). Thanks the feedback received before, now it should easier to distinguish different pieces on the board.
- Skeleton adjustments have been made for the models to deform better. Also corrective bones have been added in few places and animations has been reloaded.
- Models are now properly divided for customization purposes. Before I could only add extra models on top of existing ones which was very limiting. Now body parts can be replaced in 4 areas: chest, legs, head and hands.
- Characters have been optimized in few areas. Materials have been put together into atlases to reduce draw calls. Separate body parts are merged into single models. Animations are optimised to reflect visibility and distance from camera. All that together allowed to increase performance by about 30 fps on my computer (standard setup with 32 characters).
- All the weapons have been corrected, to match new character models.
- It's now fully implemented into the game so everything works properly with all systems updated.

Fishing: North Atlantic - Enhanced Edition - Misc Games
Ahoy all fishermen,

A update: 1.7.977.11109 is now ready for download. This is just a small update that fixes some reported issues.

  • Fixed issue with fish quota being reset when loading a savegame
  • Fixed issue with crew level cap, possible to level up beyond level 20 and waste money
Thank you all for reporting issues, giving feedback and support, we really appreciate that :)
Feb 12, 2022
Kingdom Chess - infectedminddev
Finally an update. After about 3 months of work, new character models are brought to Kingdom Chess. It couldn't be updated earlier because changes affected some core mechanics, so all old models needed to be replaced. This month some minor improvements should be made (hair models, inventory icons, item values, item drop models, monuments) along with creation of new models (bandits, villagers).

Here is summary of the improvements:
- More detail has been added. Base model has been rebuilt several times. Now it has about 3-4 times more triangles. Shoulders and hips are now properly connected with torso. All the body parts has been shaped look more like human but it's still very blocky as intended.
- All the previous models have been replaced (pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen king and jester). 3 new models have been made (cannon, phoenix and elephant). Thanks the feedback received before, now it should easier to distinguish different pieces on the board.
- Skeleton adjustments have been made for the models to deform better. Also corrective bones have been added in few places and animations has been reloaded.
- Models are now properly divided for customization purposes. Before I could only add extra models on top of existing ones which was very limiting. Now body parts can be replaced in 4 areas: chest, legs, head and hands.
- Characters have been optimized in few areas. Materials have been put together into atlases to reduce draw calls. Separate body parts are merged into single models. Animations are optimised to reflect visibility and distance from camera. All that together allowed to increase performance by about 30 fps on my computer (standard setup with 32 characters).
- All the weapons have been corrected, to match new character models.
- It's now fully implemented into the game so everything works properly with all systems updated.
