Feb 9, 2022
Groove Gunner - Chalkairtoe
Fixed a bug where the song stats panel would be visible over the menu after quitting a custom song.
Breakwaters - Soaring Pixels Games
-Fixed Lighthouse beam so it finds a valid location after save load instead of pointing towards world center
-Changed wind directions to only change per zone instead of per subzone.
-Cleaned up mouse icons in UI
-Setup wind to blend over 10 seconds instead of 4 seconds to smooth out the transition
-Improved contraption placement logic to smooth out the time between each placement and make it feel better and faster
-Fixed blue crystal arrows so if they are used to kill a creature, the creature will drop resources. Where if a blue beam damage is used to kill the creature, it wont drop resources.
-Turned on boat anchor tether force so that boats will better stay at their home location. This wont perfectly fix "save load boat drift", but it should greatly reduce the issue.
-Fixed "My brother shu" mission so that it will succeed even if you have used the relic on the ruins before talking to Shu and don't have the item anymore.
-Fixed equipped item UI and ammo UI not clearing when you switch characters to a character with nothing equipped by default
Motor Town: Behind The Wheel - Motor Town Dev
* Roadside refuel service is now charged to the driver instead of the owner of the vehicle (Thanks to MorphZ)
* Roadside refuel service will not charge if no more emergency refueling is required

Feb 9, 2022
Hunter Project: Operation Survive - グリフォン2_3
Cleaners suit up, we got infected to kill. Get down to Earth and begin to assault! The next assault is a work in progress.

What is currently in the build?

  • Basic Combat
  • Melee Enemy Type 1
  • Basic Main Menu
  • Testing Map (Survival)
  • Music
  • Pause Screen
  • Basic UI

What is planned for the upcoming?

  • Basic Combat
  • Melee Enemy Type 1
  • Range Enemy Type 1
  • Basic Main Menu
  • Improved UI (Health)
  • Music
  • Testing Map (Survival)

Thank you for checking this out!

Also, good luck down there Cleaner!
- Griffon Command
Spacelines from the Far Out: Flight School - teamcoffeenauts
  • Fixed language glitches
  • Campaign difficulty curve adjustments
  • Improved online stability in late-game routes
  • Fixed getting stuck in public toilet issue
Vectorio Classic - Vitz

Hey everyone!

Been almost a full month since the last update, so I thought I'd pop in and show everyone what I'm working on, along with a new game that'll be releasing in just over 2 weeks time! So, let's get to it!

Update 4 - Progress Update

Although I've been fairly busy with getting Neon Sundown thrown together, I have still be working on Update 4 quite a bit. It's over 50% complete now, including a complete redesign of the interface. For example, below is the new hotbar design in Update 4.

New Hotbar Design:

On top of this, I also have more enemies ready to deploy in Update 4. I'm not gonna share exactly what each enemy does like I did in the last post since I don't want to spoil too much, but as mentioned before you can expect most enemies to be receiving similar redesigns.

Overall I'm happy with how progress is coming along for Update 4, and I'm REALLY excited to see everyone get their hands on it once it's ready. There's a chance Update 4 might mark the end of early access, though I don't want to say for certain as it'll depend on how stable the update is. (Regardless of that fact, it certainly wont be the last update!)

Update 4 - Release Date

And what do ya know! I have once again inaccurately predicted the release of the next update (who could've possibly seen that coming?) - I had originally said the update was going to be out in February, but with the release of Neon Sundown I unfortunately don't think that's doable. I want to make sure Neon Sundown has a smooth launch BEFORE I release Update 4, as releasing both around the same time could easily turn into a nightmare for me.

So, with that said, I am aiming for the new release date of Update 4 to be March 22nd, which is actually Vectorio's 1-year anniversary! I think it'd be awesome to try and have the largest update drop on the same day Vectorio released last year.

I will keep everyone update on progress and will make another announcement in March if Update 4 is looking to be on track for hitting that new release date.

Neon Sundown - Releasing February 25th

I am excited to announce a new game I've been working on, Neon Sundown! The game is a fast-paced roguelike that takes place in the "Vectorio universe" (if you wanna consider that a thing). It was originally going to be a DLC for Vectorio, but I was having so much fun with it I decided to make it a standalone!

If it looks interesting to you, please consider wishlisting it! You can also find the Discord and Reddit links below if you want to chat about the game more with both myself and others involved in the project.

Wishlist Neon Sundown:
Discord: https://discord.gg/NHnR7zcaCc
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NeonSundown/
Feb 9, 2022
Cursed Island - maximsh23
A big game design update aimed at improving the responsiveness of the game and new ways of progression

A new money system has been added to the game, on which various mechanics are tied. In particular, now getting some types of equipment now requires money.

Feb 9, 2022
Sneaky Kitten - Cabamacadaf
Quality of life changes:
- Made jumping more responsive.
- The library room should be easier to get through.
- Stairs are now easier to walk up and down.
- Sensitivity options for mouse rebalanced so you don't have to set it as low.

Bug fixes:
- Interact UI should now work for both keyboard and controller.
- Fixed audio issues.
Nienix: Cosmic Warfare - Fenix
Version 0.55509153
🎯 [Ships] It is now possible to quick-swap the ship using a key.
🎯 [Skills] It is now possible to designate a focused skill that can be quick-swapped using a key.
🎯 [Balancing] Damage has been reduced for enemies summoned by Brains in Act 2.
🎯 [Balancing] Worm huggers can no longer pull really large targets.
🎯 [Balancing] The Axiom skill "Straight Shooting" now provides 5% decreased bullet spread per level (up from 2%).
🎯 [Bug] Disabled a few incorrect weapon mods for raycast-type weapons.
🎯 [Bug] Ricochets are now correctly cast from the collision point of raycast-type bullets.
Realms of Magic - Wiktorian
Can you see it glowing on the horizon? That’s right! The game’s full release (aka Version 1.0) is real, and it’s out there! However, we still have some fair bits of rebalancing and polishing to do. All in the name of giving you the best gameplay experience possible.

Blackwall Province

The last of the Old Kingdom’s provinces is almost done! In fact, its quests and locations are fully complete. However, we still have some significant issues (such as sandbox content, enemy encounters, and loot placement) to tie up. But don’t worry - the province itself looks… actually quite dead and barren… but that’s kind of the point here, okay?

Boss encounter

We really wanted to give the more story-focused players a proper send-off. This final encounter with the “big bad guy” aims to do just that. We believe that it will be a fitting culmination of a rather long and rocky journey. We are currently checking and rebalancing this feature to make sure that it’s good enough. The fight will also have its own music theme (it’s also a work in progress).

Balance and polish

To be honest, this part right here is where we still have the most work to do. Because (once again) we aim to bring you some brand new features, improve the old ones, and make sure that the game plays well. This particular category has some truly important subcategories so let’s go over them:

Combat rebalance

Yup, the good ol’ combat system is back to haunt us! Well… not really, but we are preparing some pretty significant changes. We want to completely overhaul all combat values (such as damage, health, etc.) to find the perfect difficulty curve across all in-game provinces. We also want to improve our tooltips for talent and spell descriptions to make everything clear and coherent.

Improved encounters

We want to make the Old Kingdom feel more varied and dynamic. That’s why we want to include more diverse enemy encounters across sandbox locations and even some handmade locations. We will also introduce a couple of new humanoid enemies.

Professions rebalance

This might be the biggest change of them all. Some new recipes (along with a couple of new items), change of every significant parameter (exp, item durability, recipes), entirely new experience curve for all professions - it has it all! It’s a revamp of an already hefty in-game mechanic.

Gold rebalance

Let’s face it - the current in-game economy of the Old Kingdom could be compared to the financial crisis of 2008. It’s rough. Our goal is to make it a fair bit better (to at least push it past the crisis stage). We want to do that by introducing more reasonable prices and values of items.

Loot rebalance

We also plan to introduce a simple but effective loot overhaul. We want to give you fewer junk items and focus on the importance of unique and valuable weapons or armors.

Improved sound effects

We want the game’s sound to be as varied and pristine as possible. That’s why we plan to introduce some unique sound effects for different enemy types (let’s just say that tritons will finally stop grunting like troglodytes). Moreover, we are working on a slight combat sound overhaul.

Other minor improvements

There are, of course, going to be a whole lot of smaller improvements along the way — lots of bug fixes, minor quality-of-life changes, etc. Don’t worry; we will list them all some other time.

Release day suprises

Let’s just say that even despite giving you this roadmap… we still have a few aces up our sleeves! Some might say these aces are only cosmetic changes that don’t affect the game itself that much. However, we believe that the devil is in the details. Hopefully, these improved “details” will be a pleasant surprise for the returning players and introduce our more recent fans to a brand new level of quality. We will give you more information about this topic soon!

So here it is! We believe that this roadmap will help you understand our current situation. There are still some more significant improvements to make; however, the home stretch is genuinely approaching! We hope that this update will also leave you hungry for more!

Thank you for your continued support! See you soon!
