Model Builder: Complete Edition - Just Ob3y
Hello, fellow model builders! 👋

We want to thank you one more time for the support we received from you! Thanks to your contribution, we managed to spot and fix some bugs troubling you during the gameplay. Here's a list of changes:

First on the list: Performance
Model Builder should now run more smoothly on most computers that meet the minimum requirements.

Other fixes
We've managed to fix an issue with graphical glitches on the model surface. This includes the paint glitches and several smaller examples. We also managed to fix the problem with overlapping help overlays. The issue with model interactions without preview and missing Location App images is also fixed.

Last but not least: we made some changes in the credits text.

The Model Builder Team is working full-throttle on the Quality of Life Improvements.

Stay tuned! 🚀



We are also looking to expand our network of creative people! If you're a content creator, artist, real life model builder, or simply just a fan of indies and interested in working with us... please do fill out the Content Creator Application Form!

Join our warm and welcoming Discord to stay updated and follow Model Builder on our social media channels. We love hearing from you.

The Little Cuttle Goes To Battle - Yramash Games

Hello everyone!

I made a video that showing all Cuttle's weapon!

Check it out!

Heroine Anthem Zero 2 : Scalescars Oath - WindThunder yy

February 9, 2022, Rainy @ Taipei
There are just 315 hours left until February 22, 2022,
These are a few important announcements for the Early Access (EA)version!
  1. Save files of the EA version cannot be used in the Official release.
    There are substantial differences between the EA and the official release. The mission story of Heroine Anthem Zero II Scalescar Oath has been renovated and optimized, new performances and animations added, and levels and monsters redesigned. Please start over to experience a richer and more complete Heroine Anthem Zero II Scalescar Oath tour.
  2. All customize button settings of the EA version will reset in the official release.
  3. After the official release, all completed achievements from the EA version will remain, while incompleted achievements will not be available anymore. New achievements will replace the old ones.
  4. The DLC appearance (Heroine Anthem Zero 2: Colorful Feather Pack) and OST (Heroine Anthem Zero 2: Original Sound Track) purchased in the EA version will continue to be available after the official release.

Follow Us
KurtzPel - GM OneShot
Hello Chasers!

Here are new premium items being added to KurtzPel on February 9th, 2022.

1. New ‘Valentine Package’ will be added
※ Valentine Package is on sale from UTC+0 2022-02-09 after maintenance – 2022-02-16 01:00.

Valentine Package

<Valentine Accessory (Male)>

<Valentine Accessory (Male)> (Some items and emotes are for display purposes only.)

<Valentine Accessory (Female)>

<Valentine Accessory (Female)> (Some items and emotes are for display purposes only.)

Thank you.
KurtzPel - b_satellite
1. Valentine Event
1) Event Period: 2022-02-09 after maintenance – 2022-02-16 05:00 (UTC+0)
2) Event Details:
During the event period, log in daily for 30 minutes and 60 minutes to acquire ‘Sweet Chocolate’ and play PVP to acquire ‘Colorful Candy’. Using these materials, synthesize ‘Valentine Gift Box’ and ‘Candy Ribbon Headband’.
Event Period Accumulated Login Rewards
UTC+0 2022-02-09 after maintenance - 2022-02-15 23:59 30 minutes Sweet Chocolate x1
60 minutes Sweet Chocolate x1
- Daily resets will occur at UTC+0 00:00.
- You can receive up to 2 ‘Sweet Chocolate’ each day, per account.
- You can acquire ‘Colorful Candy’ by playing 2 vs 2 Ranked Match or 4 vs 4 Event Battle. (No Limit)

Synthesis Material Synthesis Cost Synthesis Result
Sweet Chocolate x1 Colorful Candy x5 100 GP Valentine Gift Box x1
Sweet Chocolate x6 Colorful Candy x15 300 GP Candy Ribbon Headband x1

Candy Ribbon Headband

Valentine Gift Box Content (Select 1 of 3 options)
Valentine Gift Box Content
[Eltheca] Resurrection Stone x3
[Eltheca] AP +20% Boost (1 Day)
[Eltheca] GP +20% Boost (1 Day)

Below items will be removed during the UTC+0 2022 February 16th (Wed) 05:00 maintenance.
Sweet Chocolate
Colorful Candy
Valentine Gift Box

2. Custom Mission Spectator Mode Improvements
- Added the fixed view functions to better understand match progression and player status. (Top View, Quarter View)
- The match score and important system messages will be displayed.
- The player’s resources like HP and Stamina, and player information like Karma, and skills will be displayed.
- Spectators can choose a player to spectate or change to Free Camera mode.

3. New Chaser Guide Improvements
- Reduced the target score of New Chaser Guide Battle Mission [Real Combat] from 7 to 3.
- Reduced the number of New Chaser Guide Missions in each category from 6 to 3. Needs Image

4. Other Improvements
- Adjusted the difficulty of PVE Dungeons.
- Increased the Boss Monster’s HP in Normal Dungeons.
In Invasion Dungeons, normal monsters will be removed and only the Boss Monster will spawn. Increased the Boss Monster’s HP in Invasion Dungeons.
- Improved the visibility of the Match Ready button. Needs Image
- At the start of a PVP match, the game mode’s goal will be displayed. Needs Image
- Added a notification when there’s an unclaimed item in the mailbox. Needs Image.
- Added the skip function in the Tutorial.
- Increased the number of customization presets from 6 to 10.

- The Quest tab will close automatically after completing a quest.
- Fixed Ensher’s animation during the character creation cinematic.

5. Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where using W + W + LMB attack after using Ruler of Darkness’s Rage skill, Soul Connection, would knock enemies further into the air.
- Fixed a bug where Sword Taliah using LMB after dodge attack would change the character’s location.
Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio - The CSN:S Team

Hello CSNS Fans!

This is the Director of Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio, Jin-hyuk Choi.
Happy New Year!

2021 was a year that taught the Development Team we have a need for new ideas and experimentation.
However it was also a personally disappointing year, as I feel that we failed to meet the expectations of our players.

For 2022, we are setting sights on new development goals.
Our focus will be to ensure more fun for our players, and increase communication with players through various channels.

Finally, we've prepared a small gift for all our players who continue to play CSNS during the Lunar New Year period.
We thank you for your continued support for Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio, and we will continue to work hard to meet your expectations.

Thank you.
Yours Sincerely, Jin-hyuk Choi

The Director's Small New Year's Gift
1 of Each of the Following Decoders + 2,022 Mileage
  • Rare Decoder, Unique Decoder, Transcendence Decoder, Point Transcendence Decoder, Class Decoder, Class Point Decoder, Epic Decoder, Event Decoder

  • Notice: The rewards above will be sent to players who log in before February 16th, 2022.
Counter-Strike Nexon: Studio - The CSN:S Team

New Events have been added!

New Events

Random Weapon Zombie Hero Event (2/9 - 2/23)
During this event, you can play Random Weapon Zombie Hero!

Featured Maps
  • Italy
  • Assault
  • Dust
Weapon Update
  • Quantum Horizon/ Psychic Sizer
  • Mecha Dino MK-4
  • Failnaught / Laevateinn
  • Gear-Bird Cannon Mk. 3
  • SG552 Cerberus

Valentine Heart Grenade Giveaway (2/9 - 2/23)
Get a Heart Grenade to celebrate Valentine's Day! Please try out the once-a-year event grenade!

Receive A [Heart Grenade] Upon First Login
  • Use for free during the event.
  • [Heart Grenades] are removed when the event ends.

Valentine Heart Attack Event (2/9 - 2/23)
Get rewards for killing enemies using a Heart Grenade! Only available during the event!

  • Get an Event Reward for Getting 1 Kill with a Heart Grenade During Event
  • When you use the [Heart Grenade] in Zombie Classic, Zombie Mutant, Zombie Evolution, Zombie Hero, or Zombie Z modes during the event, kill damage will be randomly applied to its blast.
    - Random Damage Rates: 50% chance for normal damage, 40% chance for 2x damage, and 10% chance for one-hit-kill damage
Event Rewards
  • Get 1 of the Following Rewards at Random
    - 100 Mileage Coupon
    - Zombie Damage Meter (7 Days)
    - Left Heart Spray
    - Right Heart Spray
    - Heart of Love Spray
    - Grade 1 Parts Reward Box
    - Grade 2 Parts Reward Box
    - Grade 3 Parts Reward Box
    - Grade 4 Parts Reward Box
    - Grade 5 Parts Reward Box
    - Unique Decoder
    - Rare Decoder x20
    - Event Decoder
    - Nickname Change
    - Reduced Respawn Time (30 Days)
  • Player Requirement: 4 or More Players
  • Does not count in Studio mode.
  • Earn 10 Rewards per Account
Our Apartment - Momoirosoft
After the unfortunate delay last year, I immediately began working coming up with a plan to resolve the progression and content issues mentioned. The plan was worked out fairly quickly, but over the holidays work just generally doesn't get done. But I went hard for the prior two months to get the release, so I guess that break was needed.

Come January though the plan is put into action and going well! At this point, it's basically mandatory the full story up to Act 4 is included in the EA launch. The reason is the progression system is well integrated with the story now. And this isn't just a surface level addition, it also resulted in some change in philosophy with how "Events" play out and if some scenes need dialogue or not.

But I think it's becoming more of what people expect. But there's still a lot of work to be done! And this added complexity on top of the other sim aspects means a lot of testing is needed even after everything "works".

What to expect?
The short of the story is thanks to a misunderstanding Naomi is a guest in your home. This is sudden so initially she doesn't trust you at all, but as the relationship grows you get closer.

Before this was just simple story progression, but now it's based a bit more on additional factors. Requiring some engagement with sim elements. But once things progress to the point of H content this progression affects things more broadly. I'm vague on the stat names for now cause they may change before launch.

  • A stat will affect what outfits Naomi is willing to wear/Outfits you can purchase with "Spare cash", and later on what outfits she'll wear "going out"
  • A stat may trigger an event where Naomi approaches you more directly rather than vice versa
  • A stat may increase how much extra money you have at the end of the week
  • A stat will unlock more positions the player is capable of, or affect how many times you can cum in a single session.
  • Naomi's experience with certain activities will unlock more things to do in that activity

At the moment though while these stats will affect much of gameplay, for now there's no plans for a significantly branching story. It's more focused on allowing you to access content you're interested in, and reward engaging with Naomi in different ways.

This is a first project of this type for the people working on it, so we don't want things too complex but know complexity and depth is where the fun is.

As for when in the game H content is unlocked, I can't give an exact play time yet, but the goal is not too fast and not too slow. I can say there's a prologue and several acts before things kick off properly.

When is release?
We'll make a proper announcement soon, probably end of this month we'll set a release date or at least narrow it down.

Like I said much testing and polish will be needed to ensure these interlocking elements work and aren't too easily broken, and the addition of the story content requires an attention to quality too with some new environments and assets being added.

Thanks for your patience!
I know a lot of people were disappointed in the delay, but the response was very positive and I hope you guys are happy with the release when it comes. More news soon!

Feb 8, 2022
Zombie Carnage 2 - ignaciofdm
General Balance
Frost Rifle freeze duration: 1.5 seconds -> 1 second
Reduced strong zombie health
Increased crystal zombie health
Decreased first zombie health
Decreased health gained from infections as the first zombie
Fixed error that allowed Battle Pass owners to choose a mode every 2 rounds (instead of 3). More changes will come to this system in the future.
Fixed erroneous human combo calculation

Tweaked Mode Durations
Annihilation: 5 minutes -> 4 minutes
Assassin: 5 minutes -> 3 minutes
Infection: 5 minutes -> 4 minutes
Killer: 5 minutes -> 4 minutes
Synapsis: 4 minutes -> 3 minutes

Plague Mode
Increased zombie rewards
Increased zombie damage
Decreased killer damage
The losing team will be killed upon losing
Added missing RPG to survivor

Improved user interface
Now shows your rank
Now infections and kills are properly stored

Mute system
Muted players are now stored
Fixed many bugs related to muting and unmuting

Report system
You can now report other players through the scoreboard

Reset limit
We set a very low limit at the start so that we could closely monitor difficulty and balance. The limit will be slightly raised from 3 to 5 on February 10th at 18:00 UTC
Feb 8, 2022
Primeval - Exhibyte
🔹The skies now have a random chance to have an aurora effect! The intensity varies. This feature is multiplayer-enabled.

🔹The time of day is now synchronized during multiplayer games.

🔹The duration of the day/night cycle has been changed from 60 minutes to 30 minutes.

🔹Sunlight shafts have been enabled.

🔹Moonlight shafts have been enabled.