Jan 26, 2022
Fighties 2 - pillowpiggames
Fighties 2 Early Access is now available.

We plan to add more content to the game.
Space Betrayers - Igualop
New Content

Change of Plan (Eve Special card)

Vote (Setup Step): Dismiss the current vote check.

Who said you need to follow the rules? Eve Special card allows her to completely dismiss any vote check during it’s Setup Step. This powerful Special card can be used to either escape from tough situations or even remove any chances of reaching good outcomes.

Balance Changes

Lucky Dice

Nerf: Reduced pass increase from 25% to 20%.
Reason: We re-balanced most of the luck values so that players don’t need to rely on Luck Dices plays.

Intercept Challenge

Nerf: Reduced pass chance from 75% to 60%.
Reason: This card is intended to be considered a risky play. Previously players had 100% success when combined with a Luck Dice. This is a huge nerf and we will keep an eye on how this card will perform to see if we need to tune up it’s value again.

Cancel Destination

Nerf: Reduced pass chance from 75% to 65%.
Reason: Same as the Intercept Challenge. However since this card has fewer uses than Intercept Challenge we decided to keep it’s value a bit above the Intercept Challenge card.

Anti-Tick Room
Buff: Increased pass chance from 25% to 30%.
Reason: This is an indirect nerf to the Ticks since they were too punitive to the Sailors.

Jump Control Room
Buff: Reduced fail chance for each battery value.
  • 3 batteries: from 90% to 80%,
  • 4 batteries: from 75% to 60%,
  • 5 batteries: from 25% to 20%,
Reason: This should help reduce the risk of earlier jump attempts. We will keep an eye on how these values will perform.

Luck Checks
Tuned up most Swarm challenge values to make it a bit easier for the sailors to pass these checks without a Lucky Dice.

Included last Demo patches and bug fixes.
Fixed Swarm cards inspect description.
Fixed Anti-Tick location inspect description.
Various other localization fixes.
Updated Portuguese (Brazil) localization.
Jan 26, 2022
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer

Hey Skul Squad!
There are now more than 1,000,000 players, meaning that Skul is now a million seller! We are extremely delighted and honored to have more than 1 million players with us. Hence today, we’ll be looking back on our journey to becoming a million seller.

Early Access

Skul was first shown to our players on February 19, 2020. It was SouthPAW Games’ first game, created over a period of 2 years.

During Skul’s Early Access period, which featured 22 skulls, we were able to closely communicate with our players and worked towards fun changes.

We remember the June 2020 2.0 version as being an experimental yet successful update. Can you believe that before the update there were no map rewards or crossroads, and that the amount of items owned was limited to only 6? Not even half a year has passed since Early Access began when we decided to challenge the foundations of the game with a variety of changes through the 2.0 update.
It was then that many systems such as stage composition, rewards, stats, inventory limit etc. were changed to become the basis of Skul’s system today. Although we were certain that the game would become even more enjoyable with this update, some of those around us were doubtful, questioning if the update was too drastic and what if the game loses its enjoyment.
It was risky of course, since it was extremely experimental and brought changes to various systems. But, isn’t that what Early Access is for?

Another reason the 2.0 update was particularly memorable is because of the DeadCells collaboration, for which we had a lot of fun integrating the Prisoner to Skul. While maintaining true to the speed and characteristics of weapons in DeadCells, the detailed designs of weapons that only existed as icons were brought to life through character animation. We wanted to stay true to DeadCells while bringing a new feel and sense of enjoyment that could not be experienced in DeadCells.

Official Release

After almost a year of Early Access, Skul was finally officially released on January 21, 2021.

Skul experienced many changes after graduating from Early Access. Among which, the most memorable was the “Awakening”. To be honest, originally there were no plans for an Awakening system. But, it ended up being a newly designed system to resolve issues discovered during Early Access.
At the time, whether the player had a powerful skull greatly affected the likelihood of finishing the game. Meaning even if they had a skull that they liked, it was recommended that higher grade skulls were used. Naturally this led to an increase in the importance of luck. Hence during Early Access, the Awakening system was created to resolve such issues. However due to the amount of work required for the Awakening system, it was clear that starting development so late would cause a delay to the official release schedule.
It was a hard decision, but we decided on moving forward with the Awakening system because at the end of the day, what really mattered was that our game was fun. In order to reduce the delay caused by developing the Awakening system on the official release timeline, our team members put forth their best efforts to speed up the development process. It sure was difficult, but we were able to reach our goal because we had a great time while working on the Awakening system.

In 2021 many updates such as the item unlock, event map, and Quintessence reform were carried out. Among these updates we think that the Quintessence reform was an especially meaningful one. The context of the Quintessence reform was also similar to the Awakening system.
Because the stats of each Quintessence varied greatly according to grade, the base stats of a high grade Quintessence was much more important than having a good combination of Quintessence, items, and skulls etc. This led to only a few high grade Quintessences being used constantly while the others were barely utilized.
As a result, we emphasized the unique effects of each Quintessence and reduced the performance difference of each tier to resolve the issue.

We also attempted to display each Quintessence in-game. It was already possible to see some of the Quintessences when used, however most of them were only expressed through text so players had to use their imagination.
Creating a physical form for the Quintessence by combining the concept designer’s imagination and the textual descriptions was an interesting and fun experience for our developers as well, which is why the Quintessence reform was such a memorable update.

Future Plans
We originally planned to provide updates such as a hard mode, and QoL improvements in 2021. But it unfortunately didn’t happen and it is true that recently updates have been infrequent. This is because there was a lot of trial and error while developing hard mode, which meant that we had to adjust the design and update plan.

In the midst of developing hard mode, we came to the conclusion that Skul's hard mode shouldn’t just be “a higher level of difficulty”. It was a difficult decision but we ended up redoing the previous design, and are currently working on developing a more daring approach. Hence other systems related to hard mode must also be reformed in order for the hard mode’s content to function as intended.

Therefore as you all know, plans were changed and it was decided that the reform of Skul be carried out first.
Old skulls will be renewed, boring skulls will be more fun, and it will become meaningful to use skulls that were weak.
Through the upcoming Skull reform update, we would like to bring forth a new sense of enjoyment and experiences while laying down the foundation for hard mode content.

In addition to skulls, items and Inscriptions will also be reformed, and adjustments to level design made along with the hard mode update. The direction of this reform is the same as the skull reform.
The goal is so that even more diverse combinations can be powerful and enjoyable to prevent certain items and combinations from becoming overused.
It is very unfortunate that content which should have been released in 2021 is delayed once more. But in addition to re-creating hard mode, many quests occurred in the process of expanding the size of the development team, which inevitably led to a longer update cycle.

It's under construction!

One of our recent quests is to move our studio from a regional city to Seoul, the capital of Korea. Thanks to everyone's support we are now able to continue developing in an even better environment. In return, we'll continue to do our best for our games.

Even though it may be a bit slow, we’ll continue to provide updates for our players and stay true to SouthPAW Games’ philosophy of guaranteeing the fun in our games.

Thank you for sticking with us while we looked back on Skul’s road to becoming a million seller. This was a lot of fun to write while reminiscing about our journey with our players.
Once again, we deeply thank all of Skul’s one million players for your wonderful support. We’ll continue striving towards creating fun in our games.

Jan 26, 2022
Stream Arenas - SA_Zanzer
Bounties are Live!

You can now use your POQ Quarters to create bounties on other players or put one out on the Arena Boss!

Bounties are created on a player that is currently in the lobby queue. When the game starts the players have 2 minutes to kill the player with the bounty on them to collect the bounty if the player survives they collect the bounty. Additionally Bounties can be placed on the first boss that appears and the first player to kill the boss will receive the bounty.

  • It costs at least 100 Quarters to start a bounty.
  • You can increment bounties by 100.
  • Winner takes 1/2 the bounty the other half is split between the game and the Streamer
  • Your POQ account has to be connected to create or receive quarters
  • Only one Bounty per round and the player must be in the game

!bounty -> Creates a 100 quarter bounty on the First boss
!bounty @name -> creates a 100 quarter bounty on the @user game
!bounty sa_boss -> creates a 100 quarter bounty on the first boss
!bounty @name 200 -> creates a 200 quarter bounty on the @ name

Entity Researchers - newbuildc
With this final update all the Casefile entity models are now unique, now Entity Researchers can finally be called complete. With 30+ new models the game is now much more fleshed out, each Casefile entity encounter will now be much more memorable.
The next version will hopefully be V1.0 and the move to full release.
Plenty of stuff to be done behind the scenes, hopefully I will have a more concrete release date soon but the game is ready.

All 160 entity models

The Albino Hunter (Original) - 🍒CherryCo.Studios
So, after announcing the rerelease of my game for just over a month, I figured that everybody who wanted a Steam Key had already gotten a Steam Key, and that I didn't have anything else to worry about. So I released a short, sweet, simple announcement to wrap things up in a nice little bow.

...Then I sign on today and find 14 Comments left by people who apparently didn't get the memo because of Steam's Stupid Faulty Notification System. ːsteamfacepalmː


Okay, guys. You can have the keys too. It's not your fault you weren't notified. Just reach out to me like the others with a friend request, and I'll give you guys keys too. I ain't playin' favourites.

...Just know that this really IS my last offer. -.- I'd like to make SOME money on this revamp...


Offers now closed for good this time: https://steamcommunity.com/games/355520/announcements/detail/4992805031276799201
Final Theory - Monticube

The Syndicate Navy DLC is now available, alongside two additional DLC navies. The ships of the Syndicate Navy feature a mix of new abilities and weapons, titanium alloy armor plating, advanced shields, long range railguns, energy weapons and much more. The package includes a full navy consisting of 8 ships in total: Dreadnought, Battleship, Carrier, Battlecruiser, Cruiser, Destroyer, Frigate and Corvette.

The Syndicate Navy DLC features

  • 7 different ship classes to command + 1 deployable ship.
  • 7 fleet-wide stackable ship bonuses.
  • 8 ship tiers featuring weapons, abilities and skill points.
  • 56 module upgrades to choose from.
  • Supports the main game, Quick Battles and Custom Battles right out of the box.
    You don't have to unlock any achievements before you can use the navy.

Introducing Legendary Navies

The Colonial Navy and the Federal Navy are both variants of existing navies that hold special historical significance in the world of Final Theory. They feature an alternative weapons and abilities loadout from their base navies, while also retaining a measure of familiarity. These two new navies are now available as part of the Legendary Bundle, and can be collected and used to add variety to your games.

New Bundles Now Available

The Deluxe Bundle includes:
  • The Final Theory Game
    (Includes the Imperial Navy)
  • The Royal Navy DLC
  • The Syndicate Navy DLC
The Legendary Bundle includes:
  • The Final Theory Game
    (Includes the Imperial Navy)
  • The Royal Navy DLC
  • The Syndicate Navy DLC
  • The Colonial Navy DLC
  • The Federal Navy DLC
The Deluxe Bundle and Legendary Bundle are both adaptive bundles. Adaptive means you'll only be paying for and getting, the content that you don't already have, and you still get the bundle discount.

Buying a bundle will however not include DLC that is added to the bundles in the future. But as adaptive bundles, they can be repurchased to just pick up future DLC, and you will still be getting the bundle discount that is active at that point in time.

In short, adaptive bundles are awesome and will always hold the biggest savings.

Head on over to the Steam pages to get a better look at the new navies:
Syndicate Navy, Colonial Navy, Federal Navy

As always a huge thanks to all of our players. It's fantastic to see so many new players having a go at Final Theory, as well as our veteran players eagerly awaiting the new content. We hope all of you will welcome the new navies and have fun playing with them. Stay tuned for even more content on the horizon and we thank all of you for your support.

Jan 26, 2022
Terra Randoma - Deniz_K
This is a small bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug about poison spray talent stone. Sometimes it was duplicating the screen message.
  • Corrected lightning arrow talent stone's icon. It was showing fire breath talent stone's icon.

Ancient Dungeon - ErThu
Hey everyone. This is the 5th development update. This time it will be a short one since we are still in the middle of the codebase rework.

Codebase Rework
Last devlog we talked about most of the things you can expect out of the codebase rework, so we will only focus on the things we have already got working:

  • Switched to Unity 2020.3 and removed the old VRTK framework
  • Implemented OpenXR into to the project
  • Implemented some QoL additions, like menu pointers on both hands, mod settings, and some item changes
  • Reworked the stat system to make it more consistent
  • Worked on creating a modding documentation to make modding more accessible

Currently, we are looking into implementing the climbing, grabbing and pickup mechanics back into the game with OpenXR as well as the weapon interactions. I'm currently estimating that getting back all functionality with OpenXR will still take around 2-3 weeks. After that we will also need additional time for all of the other optimizations and things planned for the rework, mainly the improved seed system for the world generation, localization support, and optimizing parts of the codebase.

We hope to get this done quickly, so that we can start creating new content for you again!
Penkura - LionsArt

Hello, world! Midway Branch of Penkura is now updated to 0.2.0 MW 7

Patch notes are a combination of patches MW 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.3 / 7.0

In this patch, we are introducing a new dialog system, special effects, a more "personal" appearance of Sara, improvements to all buttons, switches, and visual updates to Command Center and Med-Bay.

We felt that before we can introduce new even bigger dialogs in Penkura, we had to rewrite our dialog system. In the first rendition, it was designed with somewhat cumbersome features that slow down our development.
Now not only we can add much longer and more complex dialogs, but we can even insert exit points for players to "halt and save" conversations before making drastic decisions (very useful for the future feature). Of course, visual improvements and "fell" of using the system are also improved.

Next on our list are special effects. There are few "special encounters/events" in Penkura that we felt aren't a proper representation of the situation. For the last week, we added particle effects, sounds, lights, and everything else needed to make a proper "impression". To not spoil the future events, we will showcase one of the first problems the player will encounter. Tirix Power Plant power fluctuation, in the first rendition it was just a red alarm without any sounds or effects, now it showcases proper power discharges, sound effects, and light flickering.

Now, graphical updates, besides visually updating Med-Bay (which will soon become a buildable structure) and Command Center, we decided to finally give Sara some major appearance changes. In the older version of Penkura, Sara was just a simple Box labeled Neurocore, later on, we added an Avatar that showcased our concept art of Sara. But because Sara is one of the key NPCs of the game, we finally gave her some deserved attention and completely visually change her into what we originally imagen her to be.

Lastly, we want to talk about Buttons and Switches, a simple thing, but unfortunately in our first rendition, sometimes players didn't even know that they could be pressed, or inform us that they provide too little information. From now on, all buttons in the game will have a holographic display, representing exactly what they are affecting, how they are affecting it and most of all, they will change their look depending on the situation. This should make every interaction with machinery much easier.

We plan to release the next patch in 7 days, it will contain 3 new items, a new building, and rebalance of buildings and craftable items.

In case of any problems, always feel free to contact me here on Steam in Sub Forum "Midway Branch of Penkura"

Link ---> https://steamcommunity.com/app/739720/discussions/4/

or contact me personally on Discord.

LINK ----> https://discord.gg/2ukYHQm

A small tutorial on how to access the Midway branch is available in the link below.

Link ---> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357998690

Till the next Dev-Com, over and out.

Patch 0.2.0 MW 7
⊞ Bugs/Errors ⊞

◈ Fixed window in Small Habitat being loaded with proper setter but improper position.

◈ Fixed trigger refresh for all doors in the Archeological Research Base.

◈ If the enemy body is despawned by the timer while the player is interacting with it, it will freeze the inventory UI making it impossible to exit.

◈ There was a chance for the Options Save trigger to not be triggered.

◈ Bio-Recycler didn't reset its power consumption/hydrogel consumption, in case of its tanks being empty.

◈ Minor spelling error fixed at Epsilon Base.

◈ C.A.T Storage, T-1 Storage, Ore Extractor Storage, and MMC Storage will now properly refresh when adding or removing objects from outside sources.

◈ Minor collision fix in cave tunnel connecting research base with communication station.

◈ Fixed sliders in Main Menu not loading properly.

⊞ Improvements / changes / additions ⊞

◈ Added new deco models that improve starting location to make navigation a little bit easier.

◈ Added soft hover sound effect in a dialog system.

◈ Drastically improve fog coloring, depending on the light intensity, cloud coverage, sun position, and time of the day.

◈ Improved "mission added" notification to make it more visible.

◈ On Journal open, if no missions were previously selected, the first available mission will be.

◈ Minor visual improvement to Journal.

◈ Changed wording of all Tirix Power Plant instructions to make it easier to comprehend.

◈ Improved Tirix Power Plant UI.

◈ Recreated power control panel in Tirix Power Plant, provides much more information to the player.

◈ Recreated Emergency Manual Reset Panel, provides more information to the player about the state of the Power Plant.

◈ Power Plant Fluctuating Error, now provides more visual effects.

◈ Added window to the med-bay (and improve visual errors).

◈ Improved Command Center Window.

◈ All buttons that control windows, and panels, now have screens that provide useful information.

◈ The dialog system is now saveable, adding points of exit.

◈ Added icons to the dialog system. (Exit Icon, Looping Icon).

◈ Sara is now physical rather than an empty Neurcore Box.

◈ Removed unnecessary background calculations after each dialog. (minor improvement to performance).

◈ Added Soft Fail to the mission system (if the player has data on the next step in the mission, and skips it while still completing other steps, the step will turn to Soft Fail, which will gray out the step as it cannot be completed anymore).

◈ Added additional steps to "Blackout Investigation" missions, to make it less confusing.

◈ Minor improvement to sound attenuation.

◈ World Material upgraded to make landscape textures less repetitive at long distances.

◈ Added security system to all objects, NPC-s connected to the inventory system, to make sure any effect done to them, won't block player UI from interacting.

◈ Improved building stat refresh when loading the game. (Game should load slightly faster and smoother).

◈ Quality improvement to some of the voice lines.

◈ Improved Missions Update notification.