Patch notes

Small tweaks to help with the playthrough of the current build.

  • Fixed a bug where the players game would crash due to the map not loading in-game
  • Fixed a bug with guns not loading into the next level properly
  • Removed intro cutscene for reworking

Take it easy
Jan 22, 2022
Project Hedra - Zaphyk
Hey guys I am sorry about the lack of updates, because of some personal stuff the development slowed down substantially.

However, I started working on the game back again, and here is a new update as well as what I am planning for the game in the next few months. Please let me know of any questions or suggestions you may have.

Here is an overview of what this new update brings and what's next for the game.

What was added

Linux support

Support for Linux has been added to the game. As of now, it has only been tested in Ubuntu. If issues arise please let me know via the forum.

New mobs and NPCs

  • Random hair colors for NPCs making them more unique.
  • NPC have and can drop random armors.
  • Added new item attributes like Sorcery and Accuracy.
  • New mob spawning algorithm that improves the diversity of the spawns.

Here are a few pictures of some of the new entities:

New structure generation algorithm

I've created a new structure generation algorithm for placing the structures in the game. The benefits of this are:
  • Structures no longer collide
  • Structures no longer spawn very close to one another
  • Smaller structures like obelisks and campfires spawn more frequently making exploration more rewarding
  • Better distribution of different structure types.
  • Fixes bugs in questing
  • Improve performance when generating the world

The algorithm is new so if you notice any bugs related to the placement of the structures (like something never been placed) please let me know.

New Weapons

Several new weapon sets have been added that create synergy with their respective armor sets. Here are some pictures:

Chitin weapon set

Noble weapon set

Primitive weapon set


A couple of hats with special properties have been added which allow further customization of the character. Here is my favorite one:


A new song called 'Deep Places' has been added to the soundtrack. I am building an official soundtrack for the game with the current songs (~10) and a couple more unreleased tracks I haven't added yet.

I am looking for opinions on this matter so if you are interested please feel free to reach out.

Help UI
A help UI has been added to help new players with the default controls of the game.

Several improvements have been made to the game's engine. Some of them are:
  • Linux support!
  • Added a splash screen when loading the game and the window no longer hangs
  • Improved rendering performance
  • Moved the game to .NET 6
  • Improved AI performance
  • Game generates a bit faster

What was fixed

  • Shadow clone skill drops FPS dramatically
  • After resetting skill points icons become invisible
  • Game gets stuck when loading up
  • Fixed music stops when changing characters in the character creator
  • Fixed sitting on a bench
  • Fixed fog being too close
  • Fixed explosions can knock you into buildings
  • Fixed limiting framerate not working
  • Fixed black colors appearing on terrain
  • Fixed sometimes graveyard cannot be completed
  • Fixed visual bug in the explosion of entities when SSAO is disabled
  • Fixed sometimes cow in the possessed cows fall through the ground
  • Fixed arrows not aiming correctly
  • Fixed sometimes structures being placed too close to each other
  • Fixed structures sometimes placed in the incorrect orientation
  • Fixed traveling merchant not spawning
  • Fixed fishing villages generating on invalid terrain

What's next

I want to get the game out of early access this year into a complete release.

Here is some of the stuff I am planning to work on next. Some things may change and others may be added but here is a rough list:
  • New map system
  • Incentives to explore more the world instead of generating new ones
  • Maybe support for multiple maps at once
  • Death markers
  • 7 different cave structures
  • Mushroom real with new boss
  • More epic terrain using heightmaps
  • New character animations
  • UI and SFX improvements on combat mechanics
  • A simple goal system to orient players
  • Workshop support for uploading and installing mods
  • Add unique items and attacks to the different bosses

Please let me know your thoughts or anything you would like to see in the game!
Tournament Ark - Faws
General Changes
  • Reworked the Technomancer archetype, replacing all the placeholder art and rebalancing the cards
  • Created the "Last Resort" tag and add it to some of the cards.
  • Changed the starting deck of Techomancer and some of the rarities
  • Adjusted the general speed of the game
  • Introduced a "Fast Mode" for people who feel the game goes too slow with the new animations. You can activate it in the Options menu!
  • Dodging now literally dodges, the projectile no longer collides if you're doing it
  • Guard animation activates if you hit armor without damaging the character
  • Added a border to the HP UI

  • One Punch power was slightly reduced, it no longer gives "3 Doom", instead it has the tag "Last Effort"
  • Nuclear Energy gives 1 Poison charge instead of 3 at the start of the fight

  • Fixed a bug that caused lifesteal to fail introduced during the last update
Jan 22, 2022
Company of Heroes: Europe in Ruins - Europe In Ruins Mod
Hi All,

Happy new year! While the regular patching schedule has not been implemented, we're still proud of the progress we've made streamlining the progress, so expect more! We've also included a little teaser, so make sure to play games against devs these next few weeks! ;)

Patch R055 which we deployed earlier this month though introduced a number of balance and gameplay changes, the most exciting of which is no doubt the LV rework. We've completely overhauled how small-caliber cannons and small-arms interact with vehicles which are less armoured. This has brought a lot of extra depth to the interaction between light vehicles, and not to mention has lowered the effectiveness of spamming light vehicles against infantry. Patch R055.1 Has been small, unfortunately, but has brought some well needed changes, and we hope to patch more often!

The full changelog for Patches R055 and R055.1 is included below.

Best of luck in the war effort, commanders!

Patch R055 and R055.1

  • Numerous launcher description updates (SQL) Thanks Howieroark and RikiRude for your diligence!
  • Added 2 new maps! Achelous river and Operation Overloon. Courtesy of Gork
  • Updated 2 maps: Abbeville (8p), Deserted Village (6p)

  • Light Vehicle rework:
    Massed light vehicles have forever been a difficult balancing act in the mod. Their invulnerability to small arms and lower-caliber cannons have allowed them to be used relatively risk-free. We’ve put in a lot of deliberation into this, and have come up with a solution which we believe could see us move past hard caps in the future, which can be summarised as follows:
    1. Rifle-caliber weaponry now have a small chance to penetrate light vehicle armour (up to the Stuart).
    2. Low-caliber cannons (20 mm’s) and heavy machine guns (.50 cals) now have more effective penetration versus light vehicle armour types (up to Stuart armour).
    3. Light Vehicle (armored car and light tank) pricing will see further changes as we assess the impact of these changes.
    Various weird interactions between lightly armoured vehicles and guns of all calibers have been addressed.
    With these changes we hope to create more dynamic interactions between light vehicles, opening up more LV vs LV counters and moving the emphasis of their use to hit-and-run tactics. We further hope the changes bring a clearer distinction between light tanks and armored cars, whereby lighter vehicle types like Pumas, ACs and M8s wont always require a 100% dedicated AT weapon on the field.

  • Note these changes are experimental and will see further finetuning based on player feedback
  • Side effect of changes : All weapon target tables have been equalised between factions (Jeep/Bike, Greyhound/puma etc.).

  • This will remove some of the weird situations where stolen weaponry (flakvierling, for example) would not penetrate bikes, pumas and such.
  • All rear penetration modifiers have been equalized to 2x. This will prevent situations where some weapons had less penetration hitting rear armour.

  • M8 Greyhound cost reduced to 290 MP 140 FU (From 320/0/160)
  • Broken Arrow - Halved splash range from 9/5/0.5 to 4.5/2.5/0.025
  • Jeep repair cost price lowered to 20 MP 5 MU
  • Grease gun and mp40 S/M/L range bracket change which will make the upgrade more effective at close range combat. Current S/M/L range brackets : 6/13/20

  • Artillery HQ: price reworked. Base unlock now grants 120 ingame munitions instead of 100. Precision Strike cost increased to 40 (from 30), Airburst cost reduced to 50 (from 70), Earthshaker cost increased to 70 (from 60) Launcher cost increased to 150 MU (from 120)
  • Artillery HQ: Airburst barrage reworked. Now deals higher damage to infantry in radius but with a low crit chance. Also increased scatter. This will make it a more effective anti-blobbing tool but will still require you to follow up with other units to actually kill the infantry models
  • Scoped enfields: now excludes with heavy munitions
  • Stuart gun change - lowered penetration against p4, p4 skirts, stug, stug skirts, lowered accuracy against infantry from 0.8 to 0.5.
  • Crusader AA lowered damage to 8, increased effectiveness against cover, penetration against LV’s.
  • Fixed ablative armor for non churchill tanks (123 hp to 125hp).

  • CW Crusader AA now has accurate target tables, penetrates LV's
  • CW Stuart gun now functions as intended.
  • Fixed direct fire piats unintentionally rolling accuracy instead of scatter
  • Fixed a bug with crusader AA not getting its upgrades when multiple are purchased
  • Crusader AA can now benefit from CCT bonus

  • Puma cost reduced to 220 MP 90 FU (from 240/0/110)
  • AT Puma cost reduced to 260 MP 130 FU (from 280/0/150)
  • Unbreakable now works on volksgrenadiers
  • ZB26 damage increased by 50% vs soldier armor, 4x instead of 2x.
  • PAK cover & evasion cost reduced to 30 MP (from 50)
  • Added a captured vehicle from the Eastern front as a legendary unit. Play to find out what it is!
  • Added distribute supplies to walking stuka
  • Puma upgun heat cost reduced to 50 MP (from 75)
  • MP40 S/M/L range bracket change which will make the upgrade more effective at close range combat, S/M/L brackets : 6/13/20

Panzer Elite
  • AC cost reduced to 200 MP 90 FU (from 210/0/110)
  • Fixed bug with panzer pioneer repairs not working for PE players with advanced repairs
  • Panzer 4 IST up-gun rotation increased and health increased from 600 to 636
  • Henschel run change - Flies twice as fast, fires 1.5 times faster.
  • Elite grenadier fg 42 upgrade cost reduced from 110 MU to 60 MU
  • 2cm IHT vet requirement lowered to match Armored Car
  • Luftwaffe doctrine Airdrop medkits from 50 to 70 MU
Jan 22, 2022
Tranquil Cove - Linkball
Patch 22.01.22
  • Added tutorial
  • Entirely redesigned burnt house area
  • Improved environment
  • More details added to the church
  • More details added to the environment
  • Decreased popping on some objects
  • Improved interior of some houses
  • Greatly improved environmental sounds
  • Improved enemy AI and effects
  • Easier to open camcorder
  • Balanced battery drain on camera at different difficulties
  • Small optimizations and bug fixes
  • Renamed difficulty levels
  • Improved brightness adjustment
  • Many small quality of life changes

Know Bugs
  • Doors do not reset between playthroughs
  • Pop in issues on some objects
  • Winning at the same time you die causes game to freeze
Jan 22, 2022
Lenna's Inception - Bytten Studio
Hey folks, a quick little patch here to address some issues that have accumulated. Patch 1.1.8:

  • Fixes crashes affecting users with PS5 controllers.
  • Fixes crashes caused by certain kinds of firewalls denying permission to make internet connections.
  • Fixes the previously cursed, unbeatable seed 'Xindaris'.
The quickest way to get help if you experience new issues with this patch is to email me at http://mailto:contact@bytten-studio.com with as much relevant information as you can.
Inheritors2078 - Eagle

The battle outcome is in your hands, either alone (single player) or with other comrades (multiplayer) you have to defend your main base secure all resources, and avoid exhausting your reserve forces. To guarantee victory, you first have to destroy the enemy's (Territory Control Center) and replace them with yours which are necessary for having revenue of resources. After capturing all territories, the enemy's main base shield will go down allowing you to strike and destroy them for good.

DEPLOYMENT - Whale Rock Games
SALE 97% "We are the Dwarves"
Jan 22, 2022
Tranquil Cove - Linkball
Tranquil Coves first major update featuring a new tutorial, improved map, improved enemy AI, and improved sound design.
DanielX.net Paint Composer - DanielXMoore
Now when publishing your songs to a public URL Paint Composer will also publish the SoundFont used in them as well. This way you can share a link with anyone and they will be able to hear your song exactly the same way you hear it! The MIDI file includes metadata that links to a permanent URL of the SoundFont so that when someone visits the link Paint Composer automatically downloads and caches that SoundFont to their machine.

To add a custom SoundFont simply drag and drop a .sf2 file from your desktop into Paint Composer.
To change which SoundFont your song uses select one from the dropdown in the "Settings" panel.

When you "Publish to a shareable URL" the SoundFont will automatically be uploaded (if it hasn't already been) and anyone who follows the link to your song will hear it the same way you do.


P.S. always feel free to share any questions, feedback, or comments. I listen to all the feedback I can to make sure that Paint Composer will make your wildest dreams come true.