CorePiercer - xenonlu
1. Update game engine: speed and animation improvement.
2. To fix crash bug when releasing liquid-n.
FOREWARNED - Dreambyte Games
Hello everyone!

Thanks for your patience and feedback over the past several weeks while we've been working on our largest update yet. We're excited to announce that FOREWARNED: Zealots of Akar launches on January 14! Below is a sneak peak of a new tomb environment included in the update.

Jan 8, 2022
Arena of Kings - Iverson ♛
v1.3.0.0 Changes:
- Added Region support for EU-West. Players will have a choice on which region they would prefer to play. The system is smart enough to automatically attempt to place you on a lower ping server before assigning you to a less favorable region. Most players should have US-East and EU-West selected (assuming they are both playable for you) since your best region will be weighted more heavily automatically in the matchmaker.

- Ranked Season 1 has begun! Players will be able to team up to climb the ranked ladder on level **10+ Characters**! Your rating is tied to your character, not your account. Your ranking will be the foundation for Esports eligibility for most of the automated tournaments in Season 1. **Your first few ranked matches will swing your rating significantly while the system determines your proper rating.**

- The Ranked Ladder is now visible on the Esports tab. We'll be adding the Tournaments section later.

- Character Level is now hidden in Quick Play. Players were frequently dodging games based on Character Level. Instead of punishing that behavior we’re reshaping the mentality of the game mode. Quick Play is intended to be a fast casual mode that you can just hop on and get a match in. We want players to use this mode to level characters, experiment and learn new things, all while being friendly to new players.
- Removed the “dinging” sounds.
- Blackwood Vale arena no longer poisons when stepping in the water and no longer burns when touching the torches. This was disproportionately frustrating a lot of Assassin players due to Stealth interactions, as well as new players that had no idea that these areas were hazardous.
- Improved the quality of loot contained in Winner’s Satchels.

Balance Changes
- Bandage cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
- Disappearing Act’s Empowered Stealth breaks on receiving 1000 damage.
- Stealth (non-empowered) now breaks on receiving 500 damage.

- Master of the Sword cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
- Resounding Warcry cooldown reduced from 35 to 30 seconds.
- Safeguard cooldown reduced from 22 to 20 seconds.

- Remedy cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.
- Serenity duration increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
- Spirit Wolf movement speed increased from 35% to 40%.

- Abyssal Spike damage reduced by 5%.
- Exhaustion cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
- Parasite life steal reduced from 2% to 1.75%.
- Terrify now breaks on 9% damage (up from 6%).
- Torment duration reduced from 11 to 10 seconds.
- Underworld Armor damage reduction reduced from 10% to 7%. Healing amplify reduced from 10% to 5%. Health regeneration reduced from 0.5% to 0.25%.

- Fixed a bug that was causing Disenchant to remove more Effects than intended.

- Orb of Absolution now ticks when placed and ticks every 1 second.
- Lingering Demise damage reduced by 4%.

- Purify healing increased by 30%.

- Aether Shot cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 seconds.

- Gospel of Harmony duration increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
- Life Burst instant healing increased by 3%.

- Combust damage increased by 5%.
- Sheepify now breaks on 6% damage (up from 4%).
- Fixed the inaccurate Magic Missile tooltip regarding a critical strike bonus (we’ll revisit this in the future).
Above Earth - MidwestVideoGames
Greetings and Happy New Year.

Here are some screenshots showcasing a new and more realistic art style that will be part of the next update:

The module in these screenshots is meant to appear clean, minimalist, optimistic and memorable. It is also meant to be easy to navigate and orient oneself in.

This is a small sample of the large amount of content that will be coming with the next update(1.5.0). The current goal is to get all this content in the game by April 2022 although, as usual, that is subject to change depending on how well things go.

It will be by far the most ambitious update visually.

The Trello board remains the same:

Thanks for supporting the game.
Wytchwood - Vermeulen
Hey everyone!
We updated with some small fixes, and added 'Chinese Traditional' as a language option.

Wytchwood has a total of 60k words, so we weren't able to get a lot of languages in before release. We are hoping to add more languages this month though. If you'd like to help, please let us know! Contact us by email at - and let us know what language you'd want to help with. We're looking for help with French + German + Russian especially

Some fixes / changes:
- Absolutely fixed Humble Pie bug :) - last update still had some players hit it then only pass on reloading game
- Fixed some issues with getting struck
- Hearthseed can now be crafted even without ingredients (only for 1 of them)

- Lee
Jan 8, 2022
Magneta Box - Laptopcoder11
Minor bugfix Update.
Fixed a bug in Area 5 where the breakable walls stay broken when you undo.
Fixed a bug in Area 5 where the textures of breakable walls changed when you undo.

Consolation: Board Meeting - Anthology Edition - Sayincraft Studios

A major patch has been released for Consolation: Board Meeting bringing several bug fixes, and adding an entire new achievement to be found!

Bug fixes:

- Some bugs preventing certain achievements from being acquired have been fixed.

- A Brand New Achievement has been added to be found. It is an extra special one!

- Certain balancing has been added in order to improve PvP scenarios.


For more information on the major update, check out this special announcement from the link below:

I implore everyone to share videos, guides, streams, and clips of their adventures through the Board. Stay tuned for more major and minor updates to this fun innocent party game!

And remember, everybody needs a little Consolation.

(Join the official Discord community to share, and learn more about the game: )

Check out the game's new credits, and YouTube trailer descriptions for more info on the artists who helped bring this update to life.

Rum & Gun - Borington
Ahoy, mateys!
Patch 1.5.1d is out, adding the following changes:

Added Conversation Editor GUI to the map editor. Access it through the Map Properties menu. Use it to create journal pages and conversation lines.
Fixed: now only .json files are included in the load game list
- Most of the changes are specifically aimed at integrating the new systems into the netcode. There were some game breaking holes in the networking with the release of 1.5 , but now it should be playable once again!
Fixed: client didn't get xp and achievement progress from kills
Fixed: cinematic skips are now synced across network
Fixed: hero actor and body rotations are now shared across network
Fixed: non-local hero projectiles did not spawn blood effects
Fixed: weapons in arsenal are synced across network
Fixed: sprinting boolean is now shared across network
Fixed: multiplayer fiddle healing was broken
Fixed: spell casting was broken in multiplayer
Fixed: desynced enemies no longer attack on client side
Fixed: client player no longer loses perk data when joining a game
Fixed: Perk roll GUI no longer appears in cinematics
Fixed: tagged units are now always updated in the netcode
Fixed: some minor netcode bugs
Fixed: damage absorption was applied twice to client player's damage

As always, feedback is much appreciated on the forum, or on the Discord server. Have a great weekend!
Jan 8, 2022
Faylinn's Quest - DDreamsGames
- Konrad + Random girl CG fix
- Natasha when defeated at the Inn, now disappears
- Some fixes with the Lucid Lingerie quest
- Typos
Jan 8, 2022
Scribble It! - söanski

Patch is now live!

A new patch has been deployed. We brought back the possibility to change the in-game UI color. You can do so in the options menu. Please tell us if you like this change!
We will think about also making this possible for the main menu.

Another change that we implemented with this patch concerns the word selection. If it's your turn to select a word, you can now see which word packages the different words come from. This should make it easier to decide and reduce ambiguities between different languages.

We also got feedback that selecting lots of different word packages when creating a lobby was kind of a hassle so we implemented a possibility to select multiple word packages at once. To do this you need to hold down SHIFT after selecting a package and then click on another package while still holding SHIFT.

As always, we encourage every one of you to give us feedback or opinions about the game on our Discord or on Twitter!

Patch Notes
  • Added customizeable in-game colors
  • Added option to search for multiple game modes at once
  • Added shift selecting for lobby creation to select multiple word packages at once
  • Moved drawings from Scribbles to Drawings folder
  • Word package names are now shown for drawing players

  • Fixed hosting players could be votekicked
  • Fixed hosting players can't start a votekick
  • Fixed own word package changes are not directly shown
  • Fixed online players are not shown on Discord button
  • Fixed long hotkeys causing the toolbar to change layout
  • Fixed report text can't be edited, when guessing word
  • Fixed title of drawing is deleted when deleting favorite
  • Fixed rich presence doesn't work correctly in main menu
  • Fixed analytics are disabled by default
  • Fixed save hotkey is not shown
  • Fixed various crashes