Dec 31, 2021
Ruin - rarejake
With this new update, expect a upgrade for the graphics.

  • Misery island should hopefully look alot better, with improved graphics!
  • Updated some objects visually
  • Optimized some code
  • Added fog of war, if your units cant see them, neither can you!
  • Trees get a change to give them different sizes, hopefully making things look a little more interesting.
  • A way to get new survivors?
RoboSquare - fizzostia
Hey, good looking!

We are pleased to announce we are releasing RoboSquares biggest update, V2.0. With it come some big changes including, a new jump mechanic with improved bot controls. A huge UI rework, making the game feel more professional. New maps and game modes are included in the rotation now. Finally a bunch of new customization, shop, and scrap improvements as well!

If you are excited to join the community you can join our discord here, where you can drop all your ideas, suggestions, bug reports, and giveaways!

Also, here is the trailer so you can quickly see what RoboSquare looks like now!

Full Change List Below;

-Added hint text for when a player is stuck for a long time, explains how to flip over the bot
-Added speed trails when the player exceeds the hyper mode speed
-Added Vignette intensity increase when a player reaches the hyper mode speed
-Added a new "Orange Flow" customization set.
-Added a new map for race mode, this will be the first map for a maps rework update.
-Added new collision mechanics to add some skillful gameplay. This includes when entering hyper mode speed, collisions should have blue particles indicating a harder hit. This will throw the other bot up harder. Also to add to that, there is also a new mechanic that if you supersede the other bots speed (i.e. you at hyper speed while somebody is sitting still) you will be temporarily slowed in place, causing only the other bot to go flying, allowing hits to be more precise, and adding a level of the judgment of other bots speeds in comparison to yours to decide if you want the collision or not.
-Image of the item purchased now appears in the purchase successful screen.
-Boss of the hill game mode added
-Better end game screen to show how much scrap you have earned.
-Added button links in the main menu for better access to our discord, twitch, and leaderboards.
-New player death animation and sound. Allows you to be more aware of when others are dying and where
-Added the mars rover bot customization pack (animated topper! coooooool)
-Added camera shake showing how hard you hit a bot.
-More settings, like quality control for lower end pc
-Added a good amount of steam achievements for players to earn
-Added anti speed hack scripts, first of many anti-cheats

-HUGE UI Overhaul, including looks, and functionality improvements.
-Added fun and unique achievements for players to try getting
-Changed skid marks trails to smoke particles when the bot's wheels are sliding
-Increased gravity from -11u/s to -15u/s to feel more realistic
-Gave the player more acceleration from a standstill, and overall more driving strength (faster)
-Increased Air-roll strength to help players stuck on their side flip easier, and to also allow for quicker air movements since there is less air time due to higher gravity.
-Made small changes to how finding new matches works. Tried making it more seamless
-Map changes for the background/skybox/surrounding buildings.
-Once again added more code to make the driving of the bot feel better. Hopefully, this helps, if not let us know your feelings about this and what you think it should play/drive in our discord!
-Temporarily removing the crane map to be remade.
-Changed some physics materials of the bots to make them less bouncy, so continuous bouncing, toward the edge of the map happens less often
-Increased size of the gap jump map, other little tweaks, and fixes with it also
made forcefield DLC not so dark when equipped
-Added jump mechanic, Shift is now the brake button, and space jumps
-Bot brakes now also affect air roll brakes, helping stop you from rotating in the air.

Bug Fixes
-Timed challenges were buggy, no longer the case
-In-game item store automatically refreshes when the timer for new items expires
-Original race map had platforms that were not falling, they fall now, good luck
-It is now almost impossible to flip when the bot blade touches the ground (much more enjoyable rides)

and a bunch of other little changes not worth mentioning...

Thanks for everybody who helped us through the early access stage of the game, if you owned and played the game during the early access stage, you will now have a new "Early Access" customization set in your inventory to show off your support of the game!

On top of this all, happy New Year! We hope you had a great year, and here's to a better year moving forward!

See you all around!

AI War 2 - x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)
New build!

This is quite a big one! Dozens of bugfixes to the game and to various mods, and things should be running better than ever. Plus a whole lot of other things:

Doomsday mode (a new DLC1 feature) got some refinements from Badger.

Expert mode got some more refinements from Tom.

The message log has been upgraded a ton so items in it are clickable, and same for the right-side temporary messages that pop up. They have tooltips explaining what will happen when you click each line, and the message log has a new icon in the bottom left so it's clearer that it's not just for MP chat.

Speaking of icons, the tabs on the left sidebar have gone iconic rather than text-based. We have more room now, they're more attractive, and people have not been a fan of the sideways text that used to be there.

Puffin has been busy on his Classic Fusion mod, which is not yet released, but which is seeing a lot of internal updates frequently. Three new mechanics have been added by him to the game in general to support some of what he wants to do there, and that's the devourer, weapon points, and infestation ship mechanics. Goodness!

The list of bugfixes is pretty intense, and StarKelp has made both improvements and fixes to his Civilian Industries mod.

And lastly, a last-day-of-the-year surprise from ArnaudB, he's created a new "From Spire Frigate to Dreadnought" mod, which lets you hack the lone spire frigates to turn them into massive spire battleships or dreadnoughts.

Wow! Well, more is going to be coming very soon, but not before the end of the year (which is in about five hours where I am).
Happy New Year!
Dec 31, 2021
Wayward - Drathy
Hey all,

Hope you are enjoying (or already enjoyed) your holidays! We have a patch ready to fix up some of the issues everybody has spotted after the major release launch with a few balance changes thrown in for good measure. We still got lots on our to-do list for this release series, so expect more soon! Happy New Year!

Bonus Promo: We now have an Instagram, follow us here:

Double Bonus Promo: We are gathering feedback on a recurring Wayward multiplayer meetup to play as a community at some to-be-determined interval. Let us know your thoughts:

Bonus Tip: Instead of opening the action menus every time you do an action, why not quickslot the action and use a single keypress for it? Right-click an empty quickslot to assign actions to it, or Ctrl + right-click to assign an item action to it. Item actions will automatically pick the best item from your inventory to do the action you set, saving even more time!

  • Added an option to protect required (non-consumed) items from use in crafting.
  • Coordinates are now presented in NESW format.
  • An error prompt will now be displayed when save data fails to load when starting the game.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed item action quickslots not getting the best tool in some cases. (Thanks num ca nem vi!)
  • Fixed crafting tooltips blinking on and off in real-time mode. (Thanks olatuf!)
  • Fixed line of sight passing through blocked terrain. (Thanks Ashery!)
  • Fixed an issue where burning certain containers would result in a new container. (Thanks DerSimon!)
  • Fixed an issue with magical properties when using the new wisp mechanic. (Thanks DerSimon!)
  • Fixed liquid containers not being available for the magical "Aptitude" property. (Thanks DerSimmon!)
  • Fixed "Advancing Island Time" not showing a progress bar in multiplayer.
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs related to frequent player connections and disconnections to the server.
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs related to crafting an item and using it within 16 milliseconds of its creation.
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs related to packet data getting corrupted.
  • Fixed occasional errors when closing the game while connected to a multiplayer server.
  • Fixed getting stuck if the server shuts down while a player in on the game over screen.
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncs related to players sailing to and from the same island within a single session.
  • Fixed a timed-out interrupt showing up after canceling the "Unable to Join Game" interrupt.
  • Fixed the sleeping/resting/player screens connecting getting "stuck" in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed the game getting stuck at "Finalizing Island" when trying to load a corrupted save.
  • Fixed an inspection error when traveling to another island. (Thanks DerSimon!)
  • Fixed issues related to ranged attacks in multiplayer dedicated servers.
  • Fixed several items spawning incorrectly on merchants of the wrong island type.
  • Fixed graphical issues when placing tiles underneath doors. (Thanks TheLukeyBoi!)
  • Fixed dryads spawning on water. (Thanks DerSimon!)
  • Increased the chances of getting resources when gathering (at low skill levels) but also increased the skill/tier bonuses required to gather multiple resources in one action.
  • Dismantled item quality will now be impacted greater by the base item's quality (so exceptional items will now lead to more exceptional items for example).
  • Decreased base merchant spawn rate and limit.
  • Aberrant versions of creatures will now only be able to spawn naturally at double their normal spawning reputation (capped to -64,000).
  • Digging failures will now provide skill gains more commonly.
  • The fishing skill will now provide more effectiveness when attempting to cast in empty water (previously more RNG-based).
  • Fixed the +mod command installing the latest version of the types and messing up the mod.json "waywardVersion" property. (Thanks Amax!)
  • Fixed typing errors when building mods.
  • Fixed "Move to Player" dropdown box not updating when in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed errors after TARS travels to another island when in Survival mode.
  • Fixed TARS getting stuck if it already explored all the surrounding islands when in Survival mode.
SCP: Secret Laboratory - Voidus
As the year comes to an end, so does the Creation Contest. You have submitted your entries, voted for your favourites, and chosen the winners.

Let’s take a look at the best part of the event, statistics!

Total Submissions: 247

Art: 75
Literature: 12
Music: 22
Meme: 99
Video: 22
Other: 19

Total Votes: 11,067

Art: 3,571
Literature: 462
Music: 559
Meme: 4,922
Video: 973
Other: 580

We want to thank everyone who participated — those who submitted their work and those who voted. Sadly, we are unable to reward all of you. For now, the runner-ups:

Art: Carrion Crow#3705, Literature: Mased#6857, Music: Astowo#7661, Memes: Stella Sin#0336, Video: eXIL Games#1406. You all did wonderfully but just fell short. Better luck next time!

Now what everyone’s been waiting for... the winners of the Creation Contest 2021 are:

Art: “Stella Sin#0336” for “SCP: Secret Laboratory Poster”

Literature: “Draconocor#2167” for “SCP-XXXX: The Trees Have Eyes”

(This year we had a surprise, the Literature category ended up tied by the end of public voting. This meant we needed to host a tie breaker within the studio alongside the staff vote)

Music: “AtomSnow#4484” for “The SCP Foundation Theme Remake”

Meme: “Shiba#9323” for “Warhead, just a week away!”

Video: “GBC_2015#6193” for “Scratching the Surface | SCP:SL Community Content Update Trailer”

Other: “Meganeko#6107” for “Fully recreated SCP:SL map for Minecraft”

You may have noticed that there was no runner-up for the "Other" category. That’s because all the runner-ups were placed into another category where Northwood Staff voted for their favourite piece. The winner of that vote is:

Staff Vote: “Plookiedookie#6925” for “SCP-914 CC”

Congratulations to everyone who won! We will contact you shortly to set up rewards.

Thank you, once again, to everyone who submitted their wonderful creations. Happy new year and we hope to see you next time!
Automobilista 2 - Reiza Studios
Greetings everyone!

It´s now New Year´s eve - or maybe even already the New Year depending on where you are in the world! It´s been a busy month on a personal level in and out of Reiza to cap what has been another very busy year, but we couldn´t let it end without a proper send-off and some important updates to all of you!

Automobilista 2 in 2021 - A Great Year!

What a year it has been for our team & AMS2 - 12 new tracks, 22 new cars, and a long list of new features & improvements have been delivered to the game over the course of the year, developments which we can all agree brought the game to another level relative to where we started 2021.

From the very first announcement, we´ve always maintained that AMS2 was a long-term project which would evolve considerably over the years, but even for ourselves plans are only reality after they have been successfully executed - although there´s been some stumbles along the way and still plenty to be done, as we enter the third year of development we feel AMS2 is where we hoped to be at this point, and confident we have all we need to fulfill our remaining targets.

What We Have Missed

While we have covered a lot of ground this year and are proud of the progress we´ve made overall, we´d also like to acknowledge the bits where we´ve fallen short - contents due from already-released DLC packages are a commitment we´ve made to the people who bought them, and if a schedule was proposed for releases and not quite met, then some explanation is due - the remaining Racin´ USA Pt2 items especially which had been projected to be included in the latest update haven´t quite made it in yet. We´d like to assure all who are eagerly expecting the remaining cars and track of this pack that these are well on the way and will be part of our first update of 2022 in late January.

Also pending on the DLC front are additional historical versions of Spa and Nürburgring from the early 1970s which, both part of their respective DLCs which will be delivered within the first quarter of 2022 - the first milestones of a year that should see AMS2 greatly expand further its historical reach for all types of motorsports.

Furthermore, a roadmap outlining plans for remaining items of the Season Pass & Premium Expansion Packs in 2022 will be presented in our January Dev Update.

We are also in process of putting together some updated documentation on the latest Force Feedback system and the new Multiplayer Rating System - these and other valuable info and instructions are being assembled for a digital user manual similar to the one from AMS1, also expected for the early weeks of 2022.

Here it´s worth perhaps to make the distinction between plans and commitments - there are naturally many other features, improvements, content and bug fixes that are eagerly anticipated and that we are pushing to deliver to AMS2 in the coming months, and these development updates are meant precisely to offer some perspective on what we are working on and where we intend to the take the sim; while we obviously fully intend to adhere to any plans we make public, these remain subject to changes as circumstances require over the course of development.

With this bit of housekeeping out of the way and hoping we can extend everyone´s patience a bit more for what´s still due to be delivered, let´s take a glance into what else you may expect already for the beginning of the New Year!

Formula Retro Gen 3

Our first update of 2022 will expand our F-Retro series into the early 80s, bringing 1983-spec Grand Prix cars to AMS2.

The 1983 season was technically a turning point in the series history - a ban on ground effects from side skirts used by previous gen cars (the Lotus 79 already present in the game being the pioneering example) lead to regulations mandating all cars to feature flat bottoms, promoting diffusers as the standard device for generating downforce from the undertray; the first carbon monocoque & the first coke bottle-style shape car as featured in the the MP4-1C from this season set standards that remains to this day; turbo engines and carbon brakes also became the standard as of this season, both featuring in the championship-winning car.

All of this makes cars from this era great choices to sample in the sim - the new class will initially feature the McLaren MP4-1C and a generic turbo F-Retro Gen3, but more will join them over the course of 2022 - it will indeed be a very exciting year for the fans of classic Grand Prix cars from the 80s and early 90s,with many more iconic models from Brabham, Lotus and McLaren expected to arrive to AMS2 over the course of the year.

What Else to Expect for 2022?
New cars from premium brands filling up existing classes as well as well as branching out to new ones, new tracks, historical tracks, further AI development, more multiplayer features, Steam achievements, full course yellows, oval racing, dirt racing and maybe the beginning of what should be a very elaborate career mode are just some of the highlights of what we have planned for Automobilista 2 over the course of 2022 - we´ll naturally share more specifics as we progress through the year, but for now the important thing we´d like to assure everyone is that we go into the new year as went into 2021: full throttle, monthly updates and with no intentions of slowing down. It should be another exciting year and we look forward to having you all along for the ride!

For now, we´re back to enjoying the remainder of our holiday break in order recharge our batteries and get ready for the new season - we sign off from 2021, with the whole Reiza team thanking all our users for your support over the course of the year, and offering our best wishes to you all for a fantastic 2022 filled with great racing!

Drox Operative 2 - Soldak Entertainment
This patch fixes some hotkey issues, makes enemies using missiles more dangerous, makes chips stronger, fixes a bunch of UI issues, and fixes several more minor issues.

1.005 change list:

  • fixed manual aim beam weapons missing Flame monsters and possibly others (Whatever100500)
  • fixed a couple problems with the first hotkey slot changing automatically to something else (Automaton/Damnation, Ltd.)
  • fixed hotkey of a doomsday device changing when sorting (Morte)
  • linked weapons will no longer fire if left clicking on a usable object (Morte)
  • now enemies using missiles have a higher chance to hit
  • chips magic modifier is now closer to the item level (will in general be higher level) (Darkness)
  • now bombers get added to your dps value correctly (firecat666)
  • fixed plasma cannon wave weapons not having power load (will only effect new items) (firecat666)
  • Drox Guild will no longer decide to help races that won't sign treaties (firecat666)
  • non-primitive races will no longer be able to become subjects of primitive races (Xeltek)
  • increased Monsoon habitability for Vegetation trait from 0.5 to 0.6 (firecat666)
  • since much easier now, decreased xp reward for protect planet quests
  • fixed selection point of the attack cursor to correctly be in the center of the icon (contrabassist)
  • now extra money applied to research is applied over time instead of instantly (DrIstvaan)
  • made range prints more consistent with themselves and speed (most of them will get larger) (Lainthrill)
  • moved message/chat highlight text position (firecat666)
  • can no longer add 0 credits to a trade (firecat666)
  • no longer show skill hints for skills that have reuse timers less than 1 second (firecat666)
  • no longer show damage on stars (firecat666)
  • thruster boosters now highlight defense like engines and thrusters (firecat666)
  • added a new word to curse/slur filter (Cory)
  • reworded power load in race specific slot text a little to hopefully make it clear that is is better in a race slot (Tyrax Lightning)
Dec 31, 2021
Black Desert - Vinyl Mix

The long-awaited 2022 has finally arrived!

Feels like the year flew by thanks to your Adventurers’ loving support and encouragement, even during these socially difficult times.

Thank you for enjoying Black Desert together across the various parts of the world and time zones.

Here are the New Year’s greetings from Jaehee Kim, the Executive Producer of Black Desert, and each of the services teams for all regions!

Mo-ha! (It means “Greetings Adventurers!” but shortened in Korean)

The new year is upon us. The ddukgoog (a rice cake soup) is a must-eat dish every January 1st. It also has the meaning of getting a year older when we eat the ddukgoog. How about you? Do you eat a special dish to celebrate the new year?

As the Korea Black Desert service team slowly went through the memories of 2021, our most memorable moment is probably the “2021 CalpheON Ball.” Due to circumstances, we couldn’t meet in person, however, we were glad and found it truly meaningful to have that chance to meet and hear our Adventurers directly.

You are also probably planning to make new year’s resolutions for 2022. We from the Korea Black Desert service team would like to send you our energy so that you may achieve them (of course, this includes Enhancements!). We will continue to support and cheer for our Adventurers and strive to provide great service in the year 2022! Now, shall we start to make great memories in 2022, the year of the Tiger!?

Taiwan & Hong Kong & Macao
Ni men hao, Adventurers! In Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao, we gather with our family and friends from December 31st to January 1st to enjoy good food and/or new year concerts to welcome in the new year. Are you all enjoying a pleasant 2022 with Black Desert?

The Taiwan & Hong Kong & Macao service team recall meeting with many of our Adventurers through offline events, in friendly T-Arsha matches, and other fun events in 2021. We promise to make Black Desert a more pleasant and heart-warming experience for all of you in 2022! Xin nian kuai le! Happy New Year! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Sawadee kap, Adventurers! We here in Thailand are bearing through warm temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius as we await the new year. On January 1st, we also take part in counting down the minutes of the previous year, and 4 years ago, today, we still remember the ordeals of preparing for the Thai server launch.

It is truly our joy and blessing to be able to welcome in the new year together with our Adventurers. 2021 went by so quickly thanks to you all! It was truly a thankful year we will never be sure to forget!

We were especially grateful to have been able to greet all of our Adventurers across the globe at the 2021 CalpheON Ball. We hope you get to enjoy countless dishes as tasty as Cron Meals, that you stay healthy, and make plenty of fun memories with Black Desert! ♥ And join us to celebrate the 4-year anniversary of Black Desert in Thailand this coming January 17th! All together now, “khop khun ka!”

Turkey & MENA
Merhaba! It seems like CalpheON Ball was only yesterday, but we’re already on the last day of 2021! In the Turkey & MENA region, we have a new year’s greeting that goes something like, “start off the new year well to enjoy the rest of the year."

We hope that the wishes of all our global Adventurers will come true in the new year! Happy 2022 in Black Desert! ♥

Konnichiwa! (*'ω' *)ノ On January 1st, we here in Japan traditionally visit shrines or temples to pray for our fortune for the rest of the year. How will all of you global Adventurers be welcoming in the new year?

2021 was an exciting year for the Black Desert Japan service team as we hosted the thrilling Guild Arena of Arsha and made wonderful memories through various events with our Adventurers!

We hope for the new year to be a joyous one as well! Praying for a happy 2022...★

Southeast Asia
Greetings from the Southeast Asia service team!

This time of the year is when we’re preparing for the Southeast Asia server’s anniversary, so January 1st is an incredibly exciting time for us. 😊

We hope everyone achieved their goals this year! Although the Southeast Asia team does have some regrets, we still believe 2021 was a happy year for us as we held many surprise GM events and made many memories with our Adventurers.

And if you didn’t achieve all your goals for 2021, don’t worry! We still have 2022~! We hope the new year of 2022 will be full of happy memories. Love you all...♥ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Russian-speaking Regions
Privet (Hello), Adventurers worldwide!

2022 is just around the corner. In Russian-speaking regions, there is an interesting tradition where you write down your new year’s wishes on a piece of paper, burn it, mix the ashes with a glass of champagne, and drink it on New Year’s Eve to make your wishes come true. We believe many Adventurers are making their wishes with their eyes closed -- at this very moment!

As we’re able to make memories with everyone, we’re able to provide a happy and meaningful service every day. We hope to make more memories with you all in Black Desert this coming 2022. We wish you a blessed and happy new year, and hope all your new year’s wishes come true. Love you all!

Greetings, Adventurers! This is the Console service team. 2021 was truly a meaningful year for Black Desert Console Adventurers. With the “Summer Season” that began this past summer, we were overjoyed to finally bring about the seasonal content to console (especially thanks to so many Adventurers who took part in the update! We’d like to take this time to thank you all once more.)

We’re also preparing a streaming show in a weekly update format as we hope that 2022 will be the year we can finally communicate in person with all of our Adventurers. Happy New Year!

North America & Europe
Greetings Adventurer! Liebe Abenteurer! Chers Aventuriers! Saludos, aventureros

Greetings from the NAEU service team!
Every day has been a joy-filled opportunity to meet with and hear the voices of our Adventurers thanks to the start of Pearl Abyss's service on Feb 26, 2021. The screenshot event we held in celebration of NAEU's service, with the wonderful “Together As One” Title, is still so fresh on our minds. We're so happy to finally be able to show our gratitude to all our Adventurers, who are all so amazing, each and every one of you! :D

Thank you for enjoying the thrilling adventures that Black Desert had to offer this past year. We will strive to continue providing even better service and more content with the coming year of 2022!

Thank you! Vielen Dank! Merci! Muchas gracias!

South America
Greetings, Adventurers!

Being able to spend 2021 with our Adventurers brought us incredible joy. Thanks to the love and support you’ve given us, Black Desert South America is heading towards its 5th Anniversary after our 4th Anniversary in 2021.

Unlike other regions, South America is seeing the start of its hot summer. We hope the winter events will keep you cool at least in-game. To celebrate the coming new year, we’ve prepared various events and fireworks, so we hope you’ll make many fond memories with your fellow Adventurers.

And of course, make sure not to miss South America’s adorable alpaca event! Although we’re physically apart, we hope 2022 will be a year we can get closer together. Happy New Year~♥

Special coupon!

Coupon code: 2022-WITH-BDTH-ANKU

* This coupon can only be redeemed once per Family.

* Coupon/Web Storage/In-game Mail Expiration Date: January 12, 2022 (Wed 23:59 (UTC)

* Coupon codes are no longer redeemable after the expiration date. Any redeemed items stored in the Web Storage or in-game mailbox (B) will also disappear after the expiration date.

■ How to Redeem Coupons (Details)

• In-game ESC menu -> Adventurer Support (F11) -> [Use Coupon]
• Black Desert+ app > Menu > Coupons

Be aware that incorrectly entering the wrong coupon code 10 times in a row will prevent you from entering coupon codes for 1 hour.
Dec 31, 2021
Urbek City Builder - Brukoslav
Last update of the year! There are many changes, in particular the scoring system and policies. Changes to v0.7.0

Remember that if you want to participate as an alpha tester, join the game's discord !

  • You can now define policies, to shape your city's society as you wish, from utopias to dystopias.

  • If you manage to build certain constructions you will earn points, depending on happiness, population and time taken.
  • The difficulty of the map changes depending on size, river choice, starting resources and so on.

  • Fixed a major bug that didn't calculate the production rate of resources correctly.
  • Fixed bug when abandoning buildings, especially when clicking on them.
  • A warning sign is now displayed when a building does not meet your needs (it was missing in the last version).
  • Some builds used to show giant warning signs, fixed.
  • In some situations the overbuild was not working.
  • The resource lock is now correctly displayed when you have less resources.
  • The "has:" section of builds now displays correctly when more than 3 variables are involved.
  • Build links are now always clickable, previously some areas of the link were insensitive.
  • When deleting a city, the menu is no longer warped
  • Light buttons are now easily clickable, previously there were insensitive areas.

  • The origin of the constructions is now displayed: Upgrade from, for easier navigation
  • Floating numbers on selection in strategic view now
  • Red text colour more visible
  • Tooltip of global variables is now shown to the left, so you can see the values better.
  • All biomes have description now
  • The information text of the constructs is now lighter.
  • When there is nothing to display (only steppe, or desert, for example) a smaller menu is displayed.
  • The colour for the hotkeys is now more legible
  • Improved order in the "upgrades to:" list

New menu
  • Now there is a new menu in the upper left corner

The following points are now added in the tutorial
  • Mini map
  • Layer view
  • Policies
  • Score

  • All other biomes will be blocked

  • All buttons now sound when clicked.

New constructions
  • Neighbourhood council
  • City Council
CaptMeow - Chris_Costello
Test Map has weather system and a large island to conquer . It can be Saved , but you cannot select a character yet . This is only a test of a new multi-pirate map . Each player will start with a "Boom Stick" aka Grenade Launcher ...