The Glade - Michael schade

Hello survivors!
This is a content update and i will release a bug fix update during the week.


* Added first person arms to the game.
* Added a new weapon (flintlock pistol) (balancing still needs to be tweaked)
* Replaced the spear with a sword (spear will be added back later)
* Added new craft able in the furnace (Bullets)
* Added new repair button in the repair section (Flintlock pistol)
* Added new repair button in the repair section (Sword)

This may seem like a small content update but it really does change the whole feel of the game.
as mentioned above a bug fix update will be pushed during the week.

Star Of The Show - The Grapist
Here we have another small update. Here we go again.

- Fixed a bug where the enemy would disappear during the camera animation.
- Added a change for the character/animation for the camera.
- Fixed the camera in the ending.
- Updated the animation in the ending for death.
- Changed some of the audio. Should be easier to hear.
- Fixed a section where the key couldn't be clicked on a few sites.
- Added a little secret in the ending.
- Changed the TRAP ROOM music. Reasons being wrong.. Well, you'll see in-game.
- Fixed some issues with certain ad spot clickables that weren't clickable. Went through each site and tried that out for each site.
- Edited some animations.

As a single dev, my apologies for any late updates. Anything I see in the bug discussion, I tend to get to it after seeing it. No waiting here! <3

Thank you for the suggestions once more. Get to work, Mr. Detective!

APICO - tngineers
Hey Beekeepers!

Thanks so much to everyone who took part in this playtest and helped us weed out the less friendly bugs from the multiplayer!

I'm reasonably confident now with the multiplayer offering, definitely way more than I was before! For the most part a lot of the multiplayer bugs are duping related (things we can't really prevent due to it being a relay server) or a few rendering bugs that were pretty minor (as apposed to getting bugs that crash you or disconnect you randomly!)

The only major bug we had was on Linux but we managed to fix that one (shout out to Vil for his patience on helping me find that one!). I would of loved to have been able to test more concurrent people (400 people played the playtest out of 1500 sign ups, and 75 games were played online this week) but i mean, if we have 1000 people wanting to play APICO online at the exact same time that must be a pretty high quality problem to have as it'd been we must of had like 10,000+ people buy the game haha!

That's the end of the last playtest for APICO ever now! The demo will be up, as always, and I'll be updating it to match some of the fixes found during the playtest in the next week or so - but outside of that our next stop will be release!

Thanks again, and can't wait to let you all have the game properly in the new year! <3

~ Ell
Fishards - rivernotch
This patch focuses on balancing the classes by making weak spells stronger and more interesting.

We also added a new mini game called "Fish Ball" where players try to shoot a ball into the other team's goal by using magic!

Several bugs where fixed too.
TechnoTsunami - snakebite
Fixed sometimes not being able to use mouse after changing keyboard controls to default.
Fixed an issue where the left and right arrow keys could not be assigned to other motion controls.
Fixed the issue where vsynch and fullscreen settings were not saved when restarting the game.
Nov 28, 2021
Engine Evolution 2021 - simunekpetr98
Race 3 of 4th Engine Evolution Championship live!

Thrive - Revolutionary Games Studio
This hotfix contains efficiency improvements to the auto-evo algorithm which should make it roughly 20 times faster to keep even later game waiting times more reasonable.
After investigation the exit code 3221225781 turns out to be a missing DLL error. We have added automatically shown advice about this problem in the launcher. The issue seems to stem from using an older version of Windows (only Windows 10 is supported) or not having latest updates for Windows 10 Universal C Runtime. The beta branch will contain a build that may work better for older Windows.

This build also includes a few unrelated changes that happened to get done: auto-evo prediction text now changes when language changes, and mod manager caveat text is now auto-wrapped for translations that wouldn't fit on screen otherwise.
Nov 28, 2021
Smelted Kin - Microbat Studio
  • Added more checkpoints.
  • Many jerky animations are now smoother.
  • Jump height adjusted.
  • Some enemies are now significantly slower.
  • Satellite drone shoots faster and can use special attacks under certain conditions.
  • Added the ability to remap gamepad controls.
  • Many optimizations, fixes and visual improvements
Naev - UncombedCoconut
Naev 0.9.0-beta.1


It’s been a very productive year. With almost 8,500 commits from 0.8.2. For reference, this is roughly one third of all the commits in the entire Naev source code have been done this last year. As you can guess, with so many changes altering fundamental things including most of the core gameplay mechanics, there is a high chance that many things have been broken and things lack polish. For this reason, like with the 0.8.x releases, we are going to do several betas as we near the final 0.9.0 release, which we hope to be able to get out this year. Of course, this will depend on how many bugs and issues are found.

If you try it and find any issues, please report them at [url]the issue tracker[/url]. Discussion about the game can be had on Discord (discord invite).

To get the new version you can:

Full Changelog
  • New mechanics
    • Added new utility outfits with complex effects
    • Changed ship classification, removing rare classes while adding Interceptor and Battleship classes
    • Illegal cargo and ship-to-ship detection
    • Pilots can now go into stealth mode
    • Systems have “safe lanes” patrolled by the governing faction
    • Electronic warfare parameters are simplified and visible
    • Added escorts for hire
    • Some simple minigames have been added
    • Scramblers and jammers have fixed chance to mess up missiles depending on their resistance
    • Restricted systems where dominant faction will attack on sight
    • Some bulk freighter-class ships added
    • Systems can have different effects on all ships in them
    • Fake transponder replaces fake id
  • Visual improvements
    • New fancy system rendering effects
    • Ships and rockets now have engine trails
    • Beam visuals have been made more flexible and pretty
    • Jumping visuals improved
    • Redid the shake visuals and added a small damage visual
    • Most special effects implemented as shaders
    • Most small visuals redone to be more visible and clean
    • Similar presences are now merged in map
    • Overhauled all the backgrounds
  • Gameplay changes
    • Pirates split into multiple clans and marauders
    • Added discovery messages as you explore the universe
    • Overhauled NPC AI
    • Overhaul and rebalance of most outfits
    • Wanted ships no longer aggro defense forces (bounties)
    • Bribed pilots don’t become hostile again unless attacked
    • Stress now decreases based on ship mass
    • Merged the Independent and Civilian factions
    • Game now tracks meta-data like ships destroyed and time played
    • Trade lane routes made explicit
    • More common and useful derelict ships
    • Missiles have lock-on reduced and in-flight calibration added
    • Tutorial redone with Ship AI that is also accessible from the info menu
    • New ships including the Starbridge
  • Quality of Life
    • Autonav supports landing and boarding
    • Comm window reworked and you can bribe multiple pilots at once
    • Possible to change or unequip ships with deployed fighters
    • More fine-grained autonav reset control by setting enemy distance
    • Added autoequip functionality
    • Able to filter equipable outfits
    • Minimal view mode for the map
    • More visible map markers
    • More in-game tutorial-ish explanations for new mechanics as you encounter them
    • You can now favourite your ships to help with sorting
    • Redid boarding window to be more intuitive and easier to loot what you want
    • Paste support for input stuff
    • Translation completion status is shown in the options
  • New locations
    • Added gambling resort “Minerva Station”
    • Revamped and improved some existing locations
    • Several new planets and systems
  • 40 New missions
    • Challenge adversaries in the Crimson Gauntlet
    • Follow happenings on “Minerva Station”
    • Invade the frontier with the Dvaered
    • Ship enthusiast quiz
    • Deliver fancy contraband all over the universe
    • Raid trader convoys
    • Rescue derelict crew
    • Small early game tutorial-ish campaign
    • Neutral campaign to transform the universe
    • Help the Za’lek do particle physics
    • Meow
  • New translation(s) in progress: Czech, French, Korean, Portuguese, and Japanese
  • Engine Changes
    • Added an optimizer to improve automatic outfitting choices
    • A ton of new ship stat attributes have been added
    • Support for Lua-based hooks in Outfits for complex behaviours
    • Support for post-processing shaders
    • Added rendering and update hooks in the Lua API
    • Added image format support beyond PNG (notably WebP)
    • Support for arbitrary ship display classes
    • Game data now handled by PhysicsFS, allowing for multiple sources and easier modding
    • Meson is now the only build system, and development builds can integrate all assets/translations without being installed
    • Fonts now use distance fields and much better in many cases
    • Improved how Lua was being loaded
    • Added library that supports lots of Love2D API in Naev
    • Added Visual Novel library
    • Added card games
    • Added dynamic factions
    • Added dynamic commodities
    • Lua support for advanced sound effects
    • Most markers and indicators use signed distance functions now
    • Internally using linear colourspace
    • Faction presence computed with base and bonus values
    • Virtual assets have been redone and are more flexible than before
    • Point value system for ships to help with presence and other things
    • Support for shipstats at a system level
    • Initial support for 3D models
    • Proper support for line breaks in most languages
    • Most objects (ships, planets, etc.) have tags that can be used from Lua
    • Lots of optimization
Nov 28, 2021
Goat's Tale - FoxSox Games

Update 0.9.5
  • Improved graphics on the second map.
  • Loading screens have been added.
  • Added more flags on the first map.