UnderMine - Thorium

  • Added 25 new WHIP starting item packages
Bug Fixes
  • Penance now heals you if you have Starvation
  • Penance starting cost reduced back to 50hp
  • Fixed a display issue for seeds over 6 digits in the Log and Game Over screen
  • Shrapnel kills now count towards Tsar Bomba and Capture Sphere
  • Box of Holding now stops working when Nullified
  • Fixed an animation glitch with Nullstone when the peasant resurrects via Resurrection or Lucky Charm
  • The right analog stick now respects the controller deadzone setting
  • Fixed an issue preventing Death’s Hand from speaking if you leave his room via Shop in a Bottle before ending the run
  • Secluded room encounters are not rerolled in the case of emergency layout rebuilds. This would lead to rooms appearing on the wrong subfloor on the minimap
  • Fixed a softlock that would occur if you attack Toadvine or Bathcat after using Selt’s key on the Dungeon door
  • Fixed a cursed relic choice encounter in the Caverns from working correctly with Mutation
  • Fixed a few text typos
  • Fixed an issue with Miner’s Flask that would spawn a non-interactable potion and slide it across the floor when restoring a save state
  • Fixed some issues surrounding Simple Chest and shop cost-modifying items such as Rabbit Gloves and Accursed
  • Fixed a counting issue in the Dungeon gargoyle fight that would end the fight early if the last gargoyle turned to stone
  • The major curse loot table now falls back to the minor curse loot table to prevent players from becoming locked in the Othermine antechamber if the major curse table had become exhausted
  • Combo items now forcibly remove their component relics, even if the component is indestructible
  • Fixed an issue with Eidolon and Spirit in WHIP mode that would prevent their equip bonuses from applying if you already had them equipped
  • All boss exits should now correctly spawn, even if the boss dies during their intro sequence
  • Maybe fixed Seer’s head from sometimes rotating upwards during his attacks
  • Fixed some mouse-detection issues that would prevent controller players from being able to swing if the mouse was hovering over a clickable UI element
  • Helios Boots now correctly inherits the insulating properties of Galoshes
  • Scattering items now attempt to land inside the playable room bounds to prevent them from falling outside the doorway and touching the kill zone
  • Fixed an issue with Hayfever that would cause the plant to be able to shoot for a few seconds after it had died
  • Canary lv3 now shows a little restraint when going after newly-spawned gold so as to not interrupt duplication as often
  • Fixed a longstanding issue that would cause the interaction state of items and other things to become stuck to the player no matter how far away from them you get
  • Added yet more safety checks to prevent arrow traps from spawning behind interior wall sections
  • Fixed a targeting issue with Vilepots that would cause them to become unresponsive
  • Tightened up Lucky Charm to better prevent the player from jumping around during the resurrection animation and made the invulnerability period outlast ignite and poison
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Hobble Doll’s beam to persist if the doll was instantly destroyed via Midas Touch or other instant-kill effects
  • Canary is no longer interested in shop items, free or not
  • Fixed a few issues with Selt getting stuck and causing bombs she eats to sometimes double-explode
  • Resolved a few lingering crashes
A huge thank you to our dedicated bug hunters for reporting these issues and helping us to continue pushing forward the quality of UnderMine!
Nov 12, 2021
No Plan B Playtest - GFX47
[Campaign] Increased the probability to have elimination missions in campaign
[Campaign] Decreased the probability to have domination missions in campaign
[Campaign] Tweaked campaign chapter 3 mission tree
[Campaign] Fixed the weapon points reward not being applied when finishing a campaign chapter

[Game] Fixed locking agent collisions

[UI] Fixed the playback buttons after the game over screen has appeared
[UI] Fixed the main menu home being displayed when coming back from a campaign mission access through the "continue campaign" button
[UI] Changed the tooltips colors

[Localization] Update
Angeldust - Firefly
Prince Of Wallachia - sp_games
- Added new levels
- Added secret level
- Added map
- Fixed Errors
SYNTHETIK 2 - Shrike

SYNTHETIK 2 finally launches into Early access on Steam and is out NOW!

You can find the full feature list patchnotes above!
Spoilers: It's pretty big

You will find a rough roadmap in the in-game pause menu for the next 2 weeks, a full one will follow soon. The next patch with some new content and plenty of changes based on your feedback + the Recon class is expected next week or the update after.

E A - I N F O
The game is playable up to and includes the first version of the final boss, so it does not cut off at half
Please keep in mind that the multiplayer has been delayed (too many new features which need polish first) The build also includes the full modding suite. Please check out the full S2 Feature post!

F R O M - T H E - T E A M

We hope you enjoy the launch of the early access version! A lot of work went into making Synthetik 2 the best it can be and we hope to get you on board right away! Much is to do and much is to come, this is only the beginning!

Especially now at the start is the best time to shape the game with us and you actually also have the same tools to do so!

Have fun! - Team FFG

For the people who already joined early access and gave their input, we already did many
sweeping changes based on your feedback!

NEW - Recycling Items
You can now recycle items in the upgrade menu "U" (or ESC)
This is a rudimentary first implementation

NEW - Attachment Menu
Due to the attachment workshops not working as well as hoped due to the big levels,
attachments are now purchased through an upgrade button in the weapon menu.
We will add more polish to the menu interactions and popups in the near future.

Big level change:
We noticed the game is way way longer than Synthetik 1 and does feel too stretched, which also made balancing of loot very strange. We now moved the mainboard level as an alternative to Oilrig, and you will get to Arctic afterwards now. This makes the game shorter and adds more variation, while also allowing for better loot and less stretched content. It will probably still be longer than S1 but we keep an eye out. Keep in mind that Arctic still needs work and will be improved next week.
You will get more non-weapon chests and terminals due to the map change as well.

- Terminals and chests have been slightly increased
- Attachment workbench removed for the new system mentioned above
- New Stat upgrade chest
- Chests have improved visuals

We are aware of the pacing issues in some areas, but we do think this is mostly due to enemy spawns and level layouts, less from actual in-fight speed, this issue has a pretty high priority for us.

- Movement speed slightly increased for all classes
- Base Grenadier Frictionless boots gain movement speed buff due to the long dash cooldown
- Base Chrono Trooper movementspeed slightly increased
- Increased reload speed across the board

Exp Gain
- Increased Exp gain by around 150%

- Pickups now have info popups
- Added a dark overlay for abilities on cooldowns (will be expanded to other areas)
- Removed display of charges recharge time if not needed
- Item / Weapon popups now show the weapon rarity color
(more cooldown / charges display improvements are coming next week)
- Mod upload has a better explaination
- Keybinding rebinding now works again
- Added character to End screen back (end screen will be improved soon)
- 16:10 improvements
- Improved weapon ammo display on right side

- Varied performance improvements
- Added static shadows, still work in progress

- Better default audio volume
- Improved audio mix slightly in some areas

- Varied small map improvements
- Breaching charges projectiles ares now shorter
- Curses work
- Shock grenade launcher damage increased
- Deathstick damage increased
- Riotguard tear-gas no longer affects friendlies / self
- Chrono trooper chrono charge has better feedback

Last Defender:
- Last Defender now works as it should
Edit: apparently still shy, fixing on monday

- Many fixes

New Uncommon Weapon - Industrial Breaching Cutter

New Uncommon Weapon - Tokko Fusion Carbine

We hope you enjoy!
The next update is coming next week, stay tuned! A roadmap will also follow soon.
Don't forget to play with UniversEdit!

- Team FFG
Nov 12, 2021
Biolum - tonio_tonio
Hello all bioluminescence enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the science of Biolum? Hold your breath because the ethereal beauty of earth’s lesser explored areas, bioluminescent flora and fauna are still a mystery to many.

You might not know this, but fireflies are an example of the bioluminescence we witness on land. They’re reputable for their synchronous light displays, a chemical reaction occurring within their bodies in order to attract a mate. They are often found in open fields or in forests near water and have long been a source of fascination for biologists, but they’re easier to access in comparison to other forms of bioluminescent life, those that exist in the depths of the deep sea.

Down in the inky blackness of the ocean, where the light begins to dwindle, the underwater crannies and caves are home to a wealth of bioluminescent diversity that has been barely touched. Scientists have discovered a number of life forms that can only be described as magical, from The Firefly Squid (pictured above) which emits jewels of light from its underbelly, camouflaging its silhouette against the sea surface; to The Flashlight Fish, a badass looking creature that darts around the ocean with its eye-like luminous organs.
These bioluminescent creatures are an example of nature’s beauty and bizarreness combined. The latter of the underwater organisms, pictured to the right, has organs under its eyes that contain a bioluminescent bacteria. The bacteria produces the dazzling light, and enables the fish to communicate with each other via the blink of an eye, just like a built-in headlamp! A fishy creature that would freak anyone out if they ran into one.

Whilst scientists have discovered an array of natural life, from fish to fungi, there is still fascination surrounding how and why this luminosity occurs. It is believed by many scientists to be a language of light, and since 76 percent of ocean animals are bioluminescent that would make it the most spoken language on earth! But studying the phenomenon has proven difficult, as access to the deep, dark depths of the ocean, where much of this nature thrives, is often impossible for humans. The renowned marine biologist, Edith Widder, said during a TED talk that “one of the things that’s frustrated me, as a deep-sea explorer, is how many animals there probably are in the ocean that we know nothing about because of the way we explore the ocean”, and she’s not wrong. Accessed either via nets on the back of ships, that drag through the ocean collecting such creatures in an undignified way, or submersibles and remote-operated vehicles, both of which often exhaust their bioluminescent ability when captured or the process damages their light producing organs.

Creators Abel Kohen and John Rowe were inspired by the mystery of these bioluminescent creatures. In Biolum, we meet the Needlehead Worm. This creature infects individuals by passing up through the food chain and is the source of light that radiates throughout the underworld area being explored. An abundance of luminosity within a corner of the ocean, it’s a feast for the eyes. The captivating impact of virtual reality is achieved via a careful yet creative combination of many elements, including interactivity, visuals and audio. An underwater setting provides the perfect scene for these elements to be explored.

The recreation of bioluminescent nature is done in a bespoke way, and has allowed for prefrontal cortex to develop and apply effects, such as a complex lighting system, using procedural shaders and optimized real-time lights designed to replicate the luminescence of the creatures and vegetation (such as corals, kelp, and seagrass) that are featured. Biolum is an example of what can be achieved when you mix the intricacies of technology with an artistic idea, and combine biological fact with the imagination. And if that’s lit up your imagination, stick with us for the next article, when we’ll be chatting to indie dev, Paul Kirsten, about how he and the prefrontal cortex team, including lead technical artists, Felix Herbst and Tim Schuster, transformed the story idea into (virtual) reality.

Evil Seal - Leonraf
thanks to your opinions we added fix for the switch weapon system and camera system.

Thanks for your support and continue to follow us for great news and updates!

Have a nice day,
Staff Evil Seal
Nov 12, 2021
General Practitioner - Bruni Multimedia

Thank you for your support on this game!

  • Fixed mispelling and other minor issues in Selma, Monique, Martina, Summer and Emmet exams
  • Fixed an issue with the girlfriend counter in a couple events
  • Fixed an issue duplicating the point value assigned after Sara's 2nd exam
  • The game will no longer address Kiko as Elisa during her story
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to play the 5th day in Japan with Kiko during her loyalty trip
  • Fixed an issue which prevented Claudia to visit the player if she was already hired at St. Mary's
  • Fixed an issue during the doctor's hepatitis when Claudia might repeat the same lines under a rare circumstance
  • Fixed an issue in Brian's exam which prevented his wife to give you valuable information if you skipped the graphic medical image
  • Fixed some Chinese/English characters not showing correctly
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to play Dwayne's exam in story mode. You can now meet Dwayne after October 30th
  • Fixed an issue in Dwayne's exam which prevented to examine his genitalia even if undressed
  • All equipment checks have been removed from Dwayne's exam since this is an hospital exam
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to ask more questions to Erika in her first interview if you chose to ask her "Are you at my full disposal?"
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to change your mind about who to invite at the Christmas' event
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to kiss Vanessa when you first meet her
  • Fixed an issue which prevented Vanessa to tell you about Aaron's sexual interests
  • Fixed an issue which prevented to kiss Aaron when you first meet him
  • Fixed an issue which sent you to play Aaron's date instead of ending Vanessa's if her trust wasn't high enough
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the game to remember the promise made to Claudia during one of your flashbacks with her
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the game to recognize Rita moved out from the apartment if you split up with her
  • Fixed a crashing issue in Faith's exam
  • Removed placeholders images throughout the game
  • "Teaching medicine" will now automatically play before ending the game, if you hired Dr. Poulsen and haven't played it before
    Please remember you can always start a new game and choose to play the DLCs only if you don't want to run through all the game! This will also apply to Emergency Procedures.
Nov 12, 2021
超将棋 - fortgs2018
Skyclimbers - Paratope

Procedural generation can take many forms. In Skyclimbers, every aspect of the environment is procedurally generated -- including villages.

  • Villages will spawn along roads, and always include three types of buildings.
  • At the center of every village is a town hall, followed by a surrounding ring of middle class.
  • On the exterior ring of the seed, farm houses and fertile land spawns.

  • Domestic Sentius will spawn near villages, in the farm lands.
  • These include bovine or sheep like Sentius, they are always Neutra type.
  • Sentius inside the village belong to villagers, but you can inherit them through ownership of the village.

  • Houses are designated to each tier of the village, and will spawn villagers with roles respective to the building.
  • Farmers spawn at the edge, while shop keeps and smiths spawn in the middle.
  • Later versions will randomize houses within each tier, along with the town hall.

  • Villages will spawn naturally along the landscape, but wild Sentius keep their distance.
  • You can find villages in any biome, with be local dynasty-based variations.
  • Village generation will override terrain and flatten it within a radius.

Some features we plan to improve in future versions:

  • Texture spawn rules
  • Terrain flattening near buildings
  • Asset proximity
  • Slope rulesets
  • Building variation

Until next time, thank you for your continued support as we get closer to the Alpha release. 🤝
