Rail Route - Angel

Let us announce that Rail Route 1.2 is out!
We covered most of the upcoming news in two previous blog posts:

Update Changelog

Narrated Story Tutorial

We hope the new narrative tutorial will help the newcomers enjoy the game to its fullest potential. It's just a start, and we plan to update the tutorial even more in future updates. Just play Prague map from the beginning! Watch the recording of the tutorial or jump to the game and try it.

The tutorial was brought to you by these changes:
  • Simplified menu for a new player
  • Story-based tutorial for a new player


We listened to our beloved community's call to ease the handling of the contracts in endless mode. We are sure it will make the game more fun and less attritive in the long term. This gave the name to the whole update, although the tutorial consumed much more work.

List of changes:
  • Structural Contracts Manager upgrade that allows setting preferred contract types and rejects other offered contracts
  • Financial Contracts Manager upgrade that allows setting minimal reward for contracts and rejects offered contracts that do not provide it
  • Boosted Contracts upgrade for contracts to generate twice as fast
  • Regional Contracts Manager upgrade that allows setting preferred station contracts should use and rejects offered contracts that do not
  • More Contract Offers upgrade for increasing the offered contracts limit to 10
  • Ability to adjust entire train timetable at once
  • Added and updated tutorial video for adjusting timetable with new UI
  • Added clear field button to minimum reward field
  • Extra research options for offered contracts limit

Endless Score and the Cycle Report
Endless mode is satisfying itself, but we added a scoring model for the players to see their progress more visually. Cycle Report compares your performance between the hours of the game clock and provides more details to the score. We could compare the score also among the players, could not we?

Long story short:
  • Cycle Report and score for endless maps
  • Cheating via Debug panel registered, score hidden after cheating
  • Don't make a ding sound in the first cycle
  • Sign "–" (en dash) shown instead of "0 %" in cycle report if the previous cycle field value was 0

Sounds & Music
The game now contains brand new sounds from Sergio Ronchetti. We will write more about this topic soon. Rupert Cole created a new track called Recollections to please your ears and it's awesome!

For the sake of completeness:
  • Sounds made by S. Ronchetti
  • New music track Recollections, made by R. Cole
  • Show FMOD logo on splash screen, required by license

Included with 1.2 are two new maps! Based on real locations, there's one timetable level and one endless map - something new for everyone to try! WES is based on the Westside Express Service (WES for short) on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon, United States. The commuter service itself is small and simple, being only one route with just five stations served... But it shares tracks with a freight railroad! It's your job to juggle the two commuter trains in an ocean of freights on an odd track layout. Make sure to pay attention! Some trains may need special maneuvers...

Oh, and did I mention it's our longest timetable map yet? Clocking in at one hour and thirty minutes, you'll need to stay on top of everything more so than usual! There may be far less trains than usual with only 17 for the entire duration of the level, but that doesn't mean you can slack off!

Meanwhile, our new Endless map sits on the other side of the Pacific ocean: Osaka! Japan's rail network is unmatched when compared to the rest of the world, with trains running like clockwork; Even a delay of only a few seconds can be considered a late arrival or departure! While we won't hold you to that same standard of excellence, how close can you get to it when automating Osaka? Many thanks to the Japanese community who gave feedback on this map while it was being made! We got tons of support and insight on how to represent Osaka while also making a fun gameplay experience, and the map wouldn't look anywhere near as good as it does now if it weren't for the community's insight!

Related changes:
  • WES timetable map
  • Osaka endless map

Quality of Life

We constantly strive to provide the best possible user experience for our players. Here is a list of what we did for 1.2:

  • Display tunnel connector and price during building
  • Explaining text displayed when not possible to bulldoze a signal because one of connections is not free
  • Maps can be unsubscribed from Workshop ingame
  • Show upcoming trains on the overview when no trains to dispatch
  • Research item that raises switch speed limit
  • Trains UI panel is no longer being highlighted (dose not require attention) when stop at queued auto signal
  • TrainVisits in station panel in editor are now clickable same as playmode
  • When mouse on queued auto signal it will highlight the first destination track
  • When TimeTable panel is maximized in the Editor, the station panel will be moved to the left of it instead of being disappeared
  • Zoom on active station when starting endless map
  • Cleaned up offered contracts UI
  • Localizations
  • Music tracks are streamed - much faster map loading, much lower RAM usage
  • Sensor detail - signal selecting auto-activated if signal is not linked yet to save click
  • Text size increased in whole game
  • Train arrival sound muted for now
  • Train will now reverse if stopped and the game is paused
  • Update overview table less often to increase the performance

Things That Belong Nowhere
We work on Rail Route first and then compile a blog post that summarizes them in some more- or less-organized way. The byproduct of this approach is that we did changes that do not belong to any of the boxes. We learned how to live with this kind of chaos:

  • Add VSync toggle in Options
  • Added animated text on the transition screen
  • Help translate button in the Options
  • Simple background of loader scene
  • Do not auto-unlock Faster Switches upgrade for timetable maps saved in versions before 1.2.0 (faster switches => faster trains => unwanted impact on map difficulty / challenge)
  • Game icon improved
  • News section in Menu
  • Remove all screenshots when removing the map
  • Unity Localization package has been upgraded
  • Work in progress text on Loader

The Oldest Bug Fixed
A curiosity for the geeks: the upcoming version contains a fix:

FIX: Time was erroneously truncated to milliseconds each tick what caused large (5 %) errors when running on normal speed.

We traced the bug to its origin and found: NEW: TrainController – spawning, moving deleting trains
Miso Oprendek 20. 10. 2017 15:17

Do not mistake the year – it is four years old! Rail Route starts to be a persistent topic in our lives... while still being and surprising adventure every day! The bug caused the trains to be slower (arriving seconds later) when running the game at 25×. They were correctly and equivalently fast on both speeds, but the game time accumulated slower at 1× because time step fractions were truncated.

On top of that, we solved a lot of issues:
  • FIX: A loop could be built by using a switch causing trains to become stuck
  • FIX: Active contracts UI filter options size and color were different
  • FIX: Cancel queued autosignal route caused invalid braking penalty
  • FIX: Departure sensor did not trigger when train came from other station with same platform number
  • FIX: Departure sensor was not triggering when train entered different track on same station
  • FIX: Dispatching a train from an unconnected Coach Yard was freezing the game
  • FIX: Distance traveled by train was wrongly computed in frames when it just reached the target speed
  • FIX: Long trains stopped at a station got braking penalties from manual signal
  • FIX: Minutes Slider value was being reset to 0 after closing and opineng the editor
  • FIX: Prevent floating signals and sensors after deleting their tracks
  • FIX: Prevent timer from being negative if you set it in editor to start from 00:00
  • FIX: Search for nearest platform when building a coach yard was improved.
  • FIX: Sounds did not stop playing on level reload or switch to menu
  • FIX: Special character "|" could be used in station name that would break loading the map
  • FIX: Stations for CoachYards in old maps assigned using old method, CoachYards in new maps using new method.
  • FIX: Steam workshop upload added all files in folder
  • FIX: Steam Workshop upload could fail if preview image already existed
  • FIX: Texts were dissappearing (linux, mac) - different material now used for UI and 3d space
  • FIX: Time was erroneously truncated to milliseconds each tick what caused large (5 %) errors when running on normal speed.
  • FIX: Train was able to escape autoblock if going full speed
  • FIX: TrainStoppedAtSemaphore event was triggered twice (most probably caused double penalty in the timetable maps)
  • FIX: Wrong localisation settings prevented station sign from being clicked in tutorial
  • FIX: Editing timetables from the past could cause desync in future trains for that contract
  • FIX: A loop could be built by using a switch causing trains to become stuck
  • FIX: Accepting the contract was possible even before the Accept Contract task in the tutorial
  • FIX: Active contracts could be rejected during tutorial
  • FIX: Build Track Task was started even if the track was occupied, preventing the building
  • FIX: Contract Accepted narration was being played regardless if you refused or accepted the contract after the trail train
  • FIX: Contracts were not being generated after skipping the AcceptContractChapter
  • FIX: Train of the FirstTrainChapter was considered as one of the trains that need to be dispatched in DispatchTrainsChapter
  • FIX: Cycle report UI text was overflowing with 1 cycle report
  • FIX: Auto signal route could not be removed when part of route was occupied
  • FIX: Bulldozing two tracks that have mutual start and end switches was not possible for one of them
  • FIX: Contract limit reached hint did not display actual limit value
  • FIX: Departure Sensor wanted to select a signal (was highlighted red) to connect the sensor to (misfiring shortcut valid for Arrival / Routing sensor)
  • FIX: Editor train search only found trains starting with search term
  • FIX: Endless hints button was not working on Prague map
  • FIX: Loops were not checked and message displayed when bulldozing by right click
  • FIX: It was possible to open other panels while menu panel was opened in editor
  • FIX: Only one of the tunnel portals was becoming occupied when train is inside tunnel
  • FIX: Version text overlapped offered contracts text
  • FIX: Tooltip panel was improperly padded
  • FIX: Selecting station sign was not showing you the scheduled trains in the station panel if you were adding new stops for trains
  • FIX: State of the train in the train label detail was showing "stopped" instead of "stopped at signal" if the signal was queued
  • FIX: Station blinking sound has not been stopping
  • FIX: Station Timtable panel was not being closed using ESC button
  • FIX: Train color was staying white after you select it
  • FIX: Upgrade price tags had wrong size in some orientations
  • FIX: Various improvements to better visibility of bigger texts
  • FIX: Was not possible to highlight a track when choosing UpgradeTrackSpeed mode if that track was so short and is surrounded by tunnels

Thank our great community for helping us pinpoint things like this. If you would like to join us, we are on Discord!

Happy Dispatching!

Follow us:

People Playground - zooi
1.22.2 - November 10 2021


  • Fixed some out-of-bounds stuff again
  • Made PhysicalBehaviour.IsUnderwater's set accessor public

Nov 10, 2021
Eyes of the Night - TomShif
Patch Notes

  • Spider themed art set (Spiders, spider eggs, health crystals)
  • Added new forest art sets (thin deciduous, ancient ruins, abandoned graveyard, thin conifer)
  • Stealth Mode: an option for all difficulty levels that provides a very different gameplay experience. Here a few key points about Stealth Mode
    • The enemies have hearing and vision.
    • Hearing is mostly a factor of movement (especially movement speed).
    • Vision is mostly affected by whether you are crouching (which is new) and whether you are hiding in bushes (also new).
    • You have a new stealth icon on your HUD that indicates how visible you are to the enemies. The size and color of the icon give you a clue as what's happening.
    • Of course, if you have your light on...they will see you unless you're on the opposite side of the map, then...maybe...
    • The enemies have a new "suspicious" state where they sense something but don't know exactly where it is, so they go looking in the general vicinity of where they last heard/saw something. It's possible to hide (in bushes, crouching and not moving) as they pass RIGHT by you...but that doesn't always work.
    • There are no health potions in Stealth Mode. At all.
    • You don't lose health in Stealth Mode unless you're hit by an enemy or your sprinting (sprinting costs less health than it does in other modes).
    • Obviously, you cannot do Stealth Mode Deathruns...they are pretty much the opposite of each other.
    • Stealth Mode high scores are stored separately (example, Easy - Easy Stealth - Medium - Medium Stealth, etc)
    • Picking up treasures (or smashing spider eggs!) will cause noise that could attract enemies!

  • Moved enemy spawning farther from player at start of game
  • Fixed several ambient sound issues
  • Fixed issue with enemy detection of player in certain situations in Nightmare difficulty
  • Fixed attack sound not playing correct variations as intended
  • Fixed issue with foliage spawner
  • Fixed collision issue with one of the bush models
  • Fixed rare issue with art set selection not loading correctly from saved preferences
  • Fixed rare save file versioning issue
  • Fixed very rare issue with tree overspawning
  • Fixed very rare AI issue where enemies would run in circles instead of circling around player on Nightmare difficulty

  • Improvements to input smoothing for low end systems
  • Improvements to lighting on chests for low end systems
  • Added game version to score, stats and main menu screens
BustyBiz - anca.b
Join the latest event and get a full service from our hard-working girls.

Limited Garments, new photos and more are up for grabs, so don’t miss out!

The event is available between November 9th ~ 17th.


The Busty Biz team
The Falconeer - WIREDGary
Today marks quite a special anniversary for myself, it’s a year to the day that Wired Productions published my game The Falconeer to Xbox and PC, on November 10th 2020.

Now that date might ring familiar for many gamers, as it also was the launch of the Xbox Series X/S and a whole new generation of consoles, and The Falconeer had the honour of being one of the launch titles for the new generation. This was massive for me. My little indie game bringing in the dawn of a new gaming era.

When I look back now there are lots of memories, many good and some not as good, that will forever be associated with that period in time for me. It was certainly a challenging time with the stress of release but mostly due to the onset of the winter lockdown of 2020 and Covid19, not to mention me recovering from Covid myself just a few weeks ahead of launch. And this all coming after a year bereft of shows and any real life interactions with gamers! How I missed that. I think it's easy to underestimate what impact just watching a gamer play your game can have. Not just in learning and feedback but also in the confidence and motivation it can inspire for the creator.
Hopefully in 2022 we will see events get back to their pre-pandemic days and we can meet up and perhaps share a beer!

But I think that unique set of circumstances actually allowed for something quite amazing, a game that took flight over the course of a year. In any other year I’d dare say the release of this game would have been easier, but it wasn’t any other year and 2020 and 2021 have pushed myself, Benedict Nichols (the game’s composer), the crew at Wired Productions and more, to fully realise a vision of the Falconeer. It has been incredibly tough, but worth every moment.

And if you are a fan of the Falconeer you have reaped the benefit with a game that has grown in content and expanded into its current form, which is now available on a staggering number of platforms:
• Xbox to Microsoft GamePass,
• Steam
• Epic Game store
• PlayStation,
• Nintendo Switch
• Amazon Luna
• Google Stadia

Phew, we have been busy! The Falconeer is a flight you can now take on any serious gaming platform. We have more platforms than King’s cross Station!

Over the year it's become evident to me that The Falconeer has left its mark on a genre that has all but been extinct up until now, with an idiosyncratic and esoteric game that was lauded with numerous awards including a prestigious BAFTA nomination (as the team at Wired have wisely let you know about at every opportunity!). Personally, I’m incredibly proud of the very positive Steam reviews (currently at 82% recommended and still rising) and the very positive reception on Nintendo Switch with a Metacritic rating of 80/100, taking it to the top 25 of best released Switch games this quarter. It’s 60fps handheld mode is a testament to the dedication of both myself and Stefan Wijnker (responsible for porting the game) to responsive high fps gaming.

The game has also grown exponentially in content and diversity. I’ve worked furiously to keep the community satisfied; (I hope!), with a string of free content updates which included adding wreck diving and exploration missions, flyable drakes, guided rockets, pirate mechanics and pirate missions and eventually a fully-fledged DLC “Edge of the World” that added 3 mini campaigns, new weapons and mounts to the game. It may be one year old, but the Falconeer evolved way more than that.

I wonder if all of that would have happened the way it did if the world had been in a different place over the last 12 months?

I’m grateful for the collaborations and friendships I’ve been a part of, especially the talented Benedict Nichols who created a unique score for the game. And we all get to celebrate this anniversary as it coincides with the pre-orders of the Double Vinyl OST of the game going live, another brilliant milestone, and a truly epic addition to any record collection! Go buy it here 😉

But most of all, I am incredibly grateful to the players who’ve played the game and have let me know over the past year how much they did, and those that still participate to form the wonderful community of Falconeers. My heart is warmed by their energy, creativity and passion for the game. I read every comment and every day I am surprised by the sheer out pouring of love for it. This made all the blood, sweat and tears worthwhile.

As for the upcoming year, the story of the Falconeer is far from over. I’ve already spoken to the community about the building/RTS spinoff of the game that will be my next focus. And there’s also a big box with a VR kit in my studio waiting for me to see if the Falconeer can be VR!?. So, there’s plenty to look forward to this anniversary!

Thank you once again.

Viva le Falconeer!

Tomas Sala – Creator of The Falconeer

Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Myzzrym
Hey there folks!

Did you know that there's currently 2 Solasta Community Contest running - with a prize pool of $600 Steam Gift Cards and 7 games?

Make sure you give it a try, there are plenty of participation prizes to go around! Much love to our wonderful community for hosting those contest❤️


Nov 10, 2021
General War Memories - jtggame

During the event, total silver consumption in enhancing equips and upgrading buildings will be calculated and top players who spent the most silver will be rewarded. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, keep the prizes and win!

Best regards JTGGame Team!
Nov 10, 2021
General War Memories - jtggame


It's time to level up the HQ, as this will allow you to earn rewards in the event.
Stay on top places of the event and get rewards!

Best regards, JTGGame Team
Nov 10, 2021
General War Memories - jtggame
During the event, total EXP consumption in upgrading troops and generals will be calculated and top players who spent the most EXP will be rewarded.
Get stronger!

Best regards, JTGGame Team!
Blood And Zombies - Axe
Hello players!
We are pleased to inform you about the release of the next update, it is already available.

New mechanics and fixed bugs:
- Added achievements to the store.
- Replaced the character's hand models and texture.
- Fixed the zombie hang bug
- Bug of destroying the block under the turret, now it is being destroyed.
- Bullet decals remained on the trigger from the gas explosion.
- Removed the fire on the alt key.
- When walking, the Savage left the store.
- Zombies passed through the electric fence.
- Blocked the exit outside the map on the map of Japan.
- Now the player does not fall through the floor next to the house in Japan.
- Corrected the calculation of the cost of repairing items, now the repair costs twice as much.
- Fixed a bug with a safe place on the map of New York.
- Removed the spider and replaced it with a running wild zombie.
- Now the player can't see zombies through the walls.

Thank you for being with us and we wish you a pleasant game!
