Sep 19, 2021
Neon Tail - rocketjuicegames

A huge major update, changing the whole game experience.
Everything was reworked, improved and polished!

Thanks to our community's feedbacks we reworked the whole experience so that it fits a smoother, more pleasant and fun learning curve.

New features such as the city's map, subway transports, radar, skating up slopes, a whole new district to explore, Figurine viewer, Material Collecting, music, tons of new animations, Dialog Portraits, Aliens, lore, new cosmetics, chocolate crepes, cutscenes, combat system, and surprises!

Complete rework of most missions, the stats system, the modules and abilities structures, workshop, the night sky and its lightings, big translation work.

Of course, a tons of bugs were fixed, way too many to list here.
We hope you'll enjoy the new content! We'll keep on working hard on the project!

Sep 19, 2021
Gedonia - Oleg Kazakov
The game was updated with a small patch 0.36c:

  • It's easier to hit more enemies with energy beam now
  • Shadowstep is now intended to work out of stealth, but you can only use backstabbing once per 10 seconds while not in stealth
  • Improving speech skill will now reward you with bonus stamina
  • Invoke lemental changed - now instead of transforming you into elemental, it will summon a powerful elemental for a limited time.
  • Fixed a couple of small bugs and issues

Earth Elements - typhoon75jg
bug fixes:
-error in order_unslelct_all_pobj due to removing when iterting in array ..........................fixed
-error in astar update locallyout3 - case20 ......................................................................................fixed
-added very similar case 21 to update locallyout3.........................................................................fixed
-added case 22 astar localout3..............................................................................................................fixed
-life support food stoarage menu behind some elements (z to 11)..........................................fixed
-life support food sotrage after load - buttons panel stays on error.........................................fixed
-life support food storage errors when updating dropzone values............................................fixed
-gui element will catch mouse event properly (implemented unhandled input)
all that means no more yellow cursor on gui elements................................................................fixed
- build menu under the hood changes; semiautomatic build menu for new pelem............fixed
-rough stone stairs roundones were very often stuck due to y changes.................................fixed
-fog of war (already discovered tiles) not saving correctly............................................................fixed
- added more astar update out3 cases: 23,24,25 for 1x3 cases.................................................fixed
-changed tooltip offset to be better visible.........................................................................................fixed

-new game - fast removing old data for game to facilitate new game..............................optimized
-load game -fast removing old data for game to facilitate new load game ....................optimized

-added buttons to active task overview..............................................................................................added

When task is active it will be easier to manage task.

-added [SET NEW MIXER] to build menu. It might be useful to access it from there
-added cotegories for builds to easy identify them and know what to expect by building them
-restrict enemies movment (gates, npc walls)
-llife support for ROundONES (sleeping capsules, food storages, all food supplies)
-restric animal movment (animal gates)
-restrict RoundOnes movment (walls, main blocks)
-allow RoundOnes movments (ramps, stairs, elevators, tunnels)
-decorative elements has no effect on any movement (flower pot, panels, columns etc.)
-added new pElement: Glass
-added new builds: glass panel, glass vaze, rough stone flower pot, wall art, dresser and more

-added back panels - changed all existing panels builds to back panels. This new type of build will allow
to place back panel build and on the same tile some other builds. Back panel are meant to be a background. See screenshot below - especially nice looking are glass back panels. Back panels builds have no functionality other than aesthetic although they count for epoch progress

Idea for back panels is to make visual separation when creating FORT. only one build per tile was a limitations.
-added BUILD tab in Detailed info panel - to accommodate new back builds; auto switching tab for what is selected on screen

-changed fog of war sprite to more dense
-added possibility moving screen by clicking on mini map pixels. With mouse left button clicking on mini map will move screen instantly to that location. For future work I created bar under minimap
to accommodate new minim functions comming soon.

I am proud to introduce new successful optimizations. New game or load game will
work much faster (instantly) right now thanks to under the hood optimization of removing
previous game data.
Loading older saves will cause error due to implementations of new functions in LOAD/SAVE.
Also again please use link in help tab to General Game Guide for more info about game mechanics. Thank You
Tower of Waifus 2 - galartinc
Our partner’s DLC is released today
Begin Your new adventure, face challenging odds, and meet new gorgeous ladies!
Experience new gameplay mechanics and more.
Tower of Waifus - galartinc
Our partner’s DLC is released today
Begin Your new adventure, face challenging odds, and meet new gorgeous ladies!
Experience new gameplay mechanics and more.
Dum-Dum - TheDeparture
Dum-Dum is exiting Early Access!

This has been a long road for me. The game was originally released in Steam's Early Access two years ago. Since then I've added a lot of new content: obvious things like stories and puzzles, and less obvious things like quality of life fixes and updates. Developing this game has been a great experience. But there have also been hurdles.

About a year ago I discovered a major problem: the game's graphics were completely corrupt on certain new laptops. It only seemed to be an issue on a small percentage of computers, but that was enough to bring my creative development to a halt. It was very disheartening. I didn't feel comfortable releasing the final game knowing that it wouldn't work on some people's systems.

The good news is that, while it took awhile to address the core problem, it should now be completely fixed! I uploaded a test fix to the beta channel several months ago, and it has run perfectly on all test computers including the two problem laptops. In addition, during the process of fixing the graphics issue, I discovered a related issue where some users weren't being notified of getting Steam achievements while playing the game. That has now been addressed as well.

In addition to the technical fixes, I've also added a bonus feature:

  • After completing the main quest, players now have the opportunity to upgrade the operating system to Hogo OS 1985.1 Edition. This is mainly a "creative" update over 1985.0, allowing for desktop customization like designing and/or coloring unique program icons. There may also be one or two small fun discoveries. Search the in-game Hogo/BBS page to start the upgrade path.

At this point I think this version can be called complete and officially exit Early Access. But I do hope that I can add new story and puzzle content in the future. Thank you to everyone who has played the game, and especially for all of the kind comments and support! I set out to make the type of game that I would have enjoyed playing myself. I'm glad that it was discovered by other people who have felt similarly. :)
Sep 19, 2021
Dungeon Arsenal - Wendeoo
Change list:
> better distribution of the unlockable cards;
> included on save file: build version and number of endings based on difficulty level;
> added visuals and information about the unlockable weapon cards on the hero select room;
> Wizard sprite and name updated to Cleric;
> increased chance for a chest to appear;
> now each hero creates a specific epic weapon when the special gauge fills up;
> hero’s epic weapon is now displayed on the hero selection room;
> Oil lamp and Floor Map effects will now activate only when the floor name bar is gone;
> Epic weapons will no longer lose 1 USE when you move to the next floor, however, your Special Gauge is frozen until the Epic Card is gone;
Heartbound - Pirate Software

Hey everyone!

A number of reviews lately have been saying that we've abandoned Heartbound or are no longer working on major updates. Not only is this not true we actually stream the development of Heartbound for 6-8 hours a day every day except for Sunday. This is my full time job and I literally don't do anything else. The last major update was around 3 months ago and we're almost done with the next one. In terms of completion Animus has 92% of the needed tasks finished for a full launch of the chapter.

You can watch the streams here:

You can get involved in the community here:

Animus has a huge number of routes for Avocados storyline.
  • I've been working on hammering down every possible route through this section and adding dialog and cutscenes for all of it.
  • Avocados section splits off dramatically and can lead to the end of the chapter under some circumstances so it needed to be completed along every route at once.
  • The cutscenes in this section used a ton of new art, audio, and writing assets that needed to be built as they don't exist anywhere else in the game. Much like the mini-games for Fern/Rhode these assets are unique and used only for this scene.
  • Unlike other areas these all need to be completed together because they can all be reached based on different things done in Animus. Waiting on any of them would lead to a terrible experience and ruin stuff for a lot of people.

We've updated the scene between worlds.
  • Quite simply this cutscene didn't fit the narrative.
  • It now has a ton of dialog and interaction with The Artifact.
  • I also removed the chapter plates because they didn't look or feel right.

We've started releasing a ton of backstory content on Ko-Fi.
  • Patreon was taking 8% of every transaction and Ko-Fi takes 0%.
  • As a small studio this was a pretty big deal so we migrated over to them.
  • Our Ko-Fi stuff has tons of physical rewards and write ups for each character every month.
  • You can find our Ko-Fi by clicking this link.

I hope that clears up some rumors or perceived lack of work ethic. All we do is work on Heartbound every day, all day, and we do so very publicly. Come hang on stream and watch it come to life!

Can't wait to launch this next bit.

Thanks and have fun out there!
Love n War: Warlord by Chance - rebornentertainment
Sisters of Castus is online. Grab it NOW!

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Experience new gameplay mechanics and more.

Also, do not forget to check out and Wishlist these games:

Upcoming game from our partner

This is a free game for chill and relaxing

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Love n War: Hero by Chance II - Soldier
Sisters of Castus is online. Grab it NOW!

Begin Your new adventure, face challenging odds, and meet new gorgeous ladies!
Experience new gameplay mechanics and more.

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