Hero by Chance - rebornentertainment
Sisters of Castus is online. Grab it NOW!

Begin Your new adventure, face challenging odds, and meet new gorgeous ladies!
Experience new gameplay mechanics and more.

Also, do not forget to check out and Wishlist these games:

Upcoming game from our partner

This is a free game for chill and relaxing

Join us on Discord or Steam for further discussion and important Guides:
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/zHrRdQDYfn
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/RBART
Lotto Life - Rigel
Hello Lottery-teers,

First off, updates:

Rent is no longer astronomical. That debtor's prison was all but inevitable was not intended, but the work of an extra, unintended zero (although one might argue that leaving it as it was fits the overall negative critique of class struggles).

More articles added (shortly)

More images added to end game content

[Note that all of the above updates were server-side, and did not trip an update of your local files.]

Known issues:

The game doesn't always transition well to the end game (being sent to prison when you run out of money). If you find yourself still in the apartment with a negative balance, your game was over anyway and you should restart your character.

Release Date Set:

I plan to release the game on the Ides of October. The game's two main points of interest, a working lottery simulation, and a dystopian newspaper, are fully implemented and have shown to be stable. While I'm not happy about having a known issue on the table (it's like I'm inviting negative reviews!), I'm not optimistic that I would redress it anytime soon. I haven't really touched the game since I got a new teaching job. I made promises to my team - a talented group of folk who did a lot for the project and helped me through the pandemic - that this game would be released in the summer, which ends this week. I'm sure they'd understand if I was holding off while I made improvements, but keeping the project in limbo without putting in such work doesn't seem fair to them. Should any of these contributors ask that I hold off, I'll change it, but, otherwise, the 15th of October it is.

Should this game gain a following, I will return to it on some school break.
Blastboard - nokoyama
Blastboard's online multiplayer has been revamped from the ground up to make it much easier to invite and more stable!
Participants do not need to be Steam friends with the lobby owner, just need to enter a 6-digit lobby code to join the game.

This update is specifically designed for streaming of viewers participation, so adds security features for playing with non-friends. Lobby owners can now use the feature to kick neglected members. Also, if the communication with a member is disconnected during a game, the member's turn will be skipped and the game will continue.

Other changes from ver. 1.1.1 are as follows:
  • A lot of bugs of online multiplayer related with the old communication system have been fixed.
  • The interval to determine if all the object balls have disappeared has been changed from 0.1 seconds to 1 frame. This will shorten the waiting time until the "Cleared!" is displayed.
  • You can now set multiplayer's recommended rule.
  • The appearance of the UI has been changed.

  • Fixed an issue that the weight of the cue ball was not displayed correctly.
Wolf At Evergreen - Artbot85
Minor Update | Now with Achievements!!

Firstly, thank you all for your patience and understanding. We’re looking to make improvements where/when we can.

We’ve been listening and have made a couple of tweaks and bug fixes. Thank you so much to those who pointed out the Seth bug. This has now been fixed. We’ve also gone and added some achievements in, because, well, why not?

Thank you for checking it out and we hope you enjoy this quirky VR experience! We love hearing about your experiences (positive and negative) so please keep sending them through.

- Unnatural Freaks peeps


20 Sep | Minor Update
  • Five achievements have been added. One of them is hidden. We’re keen to see who finds it.
  • Seth bug is now fixed.
  • Removed teleport lock (would love feedback to see how this feels for players).
  • Tweaked audio levels, though there are still some issues.

Known Issues
  • Spatialised audio volumes continue to be a little inconsistent.
  • During the dialogue interaction, clicking the continue button before the audio is finished can cause syncing errors.
  • Occasionally, on launch, audio can be distorted. At the moment, you can troubleshoot this via re-launching the program. It will only happen on launch and not mid-way through the project. We’re working on getting this solved.

Updates still in the pipeline
  • Support for other headsets. This one is taking a little longer as we want to make sure this runs smoothly and with little errors.
  • Better user controls. As we’re working with Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit there are some limitations to what we can do.
Memory Illusions - sedwisustm
Patch Notes 0.1.1-7d

Added - M1A1, Smg,
Added - STG44, Rifle,
Added - M712, Pistol,
Added - MN9130, Sniper,
Added - Kar98K, Sniper,
Added - STV40, Tact Rifle,
Added - DeLisle, Tact Rifle,
Added - SjogrenInertia, Shotgun,

Added - 7.62x54mm single loadable cartridge.
Added - MN-5x PU Scope.
Added - MN9130 items and cloners.
Added - Kar98 items and cloners.

Added - Kill planes to Red Flag
Added - Orange outline to shopping cart images

Added - Audio for Backpack - taking off, putting back on and storaging things over the sholder
Added - Audio for whenever Ammo is added or removed from the Player inventory

Fixed - Attachment setup needing extra setup for suppressed barrel
Fixed - Speedloading missing materials.
Fixed - Blackout material sticking out of wall on one spawn point in Red Flag
Fixed - Some smaller objects in Red Flag not being collided
Fixed - Bullet's penetration power not being effected by muzzle velocity
Fixed - Infinite penetration bug occurring some times
Fixed - Kar98k not having dissolve enabled
Fixed - Some cloners using wrong highlight color
Fixed - Some guns not locking back on empty when they should
Fixed - Some pathing issues in Red Flag
Fixed - Directional light shadows being on in Red Flag
Fixed - Weapon machine sometimes taking two click to return weapons
Fixed - Weapons machine not rendering correct penetration value
Fixed - Bug that would stop objective progression in Red Flag
Fixed - Planes in redflag not having collision for projectiles
Fixed - Entire walls disabling in Red Flag instead of just the doors
Fixed - Red flag gates having delay after purchase making it seem like you need to grab it again
Fixed - Bar carry handle not being properly physical
Fixed - Some AI in Red Flag not being able to be set on fire

Updated - All new weapons to use approriate mask and shader

Improved - New scope rendering

-- Experimental Notes --

Fixed - M1 Garand, MP7, and R700 suppressed sound
Fixed - Grenade script having errors
Fixed - No button to spawn zodiac
Sep 19, 2021
Mictlan: An Ancient Mythical Tale - Anna_Somniar
Macuiltochtli, the god symbol of excess and over-indulgence, presented to you in a new variation.

The Sahagún informants describe him with a fine featherwork headdress, facial paint in the shape of a hand, crystal ornaments and an obsidian hatchet. He also carries an enormous calabash filled to the brim with the first pulque, the one that was made by Mayahuel and Patecatl.

As he pours one jicara shell after another for himself, he claims that there is no finer drink than true pulque, the one hailing from Chichinautzin.

Thanks to the unparalleled creativity of our art team, all the historical references have been fused with fantasy elements, as is distinctive of our style, in order to create this kind of character.

What do you think? Do you like it?

It would help us immensely if you decide to sign up to our Kickstarter campaign.
In order to launch the campaign, we need at least 20k people to register to the page. It literally takes a minute to do so, but it would mean the world to us.

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown - TinManGames
Hi there. We've pushed out a patch that should fix some of the issues some players have been having when launching the game in VR and flatscreen (non-VR mode).

As always, we're constantly tracking the forums so let us know if you have any issues.


The Tin Man and Zero One team
Closers - Naddic

LV.85 Jumping Character Event
Take a big leap! The most anticipated Character Jumping Event has returned!

Event Period
September 23, 2021 to November 3, 2021

Receive a Lv.85 Jumping Ticket from the Event Tab! For new players, you will need to create a character first to claim this ticket.

Jumping Character Overview
Available to Characters
All characters excluding Eunha
Character Level
PNA Level
3.5M (With costumes and gears equipped. For Rattus Team, after Resolver promotion)
Special Agent/Hireling
Starts from Hunter's Night Area
Special Benefit
Inventory Full Slot open, Gear/Costume/Consumables/Material Item Support
Main Gear Items
Glutton Infinite Core/Module

Following items will be provided to Jumping characters

Jumping Support Boxes
Jumping Gear Box (2021 Autumn)
Infinite Glutton's Agile Core V
Infinite Glutton's Booster V
Infinite Glutton's Engine V
Seduction Booster V
Striker's Infinite Illusionist's Amplifier V-A
Striker's Infinite Illusionist's Amplifier V-B
Striker's Infinite Illusionist's Amplifier V-C
Striker’s Pilgrim Ring V
Striker’s Pilgrim Signet V
Striker’s Pilgrim Pendant V
Demons' Night Cosmic Striker Ring
Demons' Night Cosmic Striker Necklace
Demons' Night Cosmic Striker Doll
Jumping Trigger Selectable Box (2021 Autumn)
Nearing Shadow of Chaos Trigger Set
Rampaging Wave of Destruction Trigger Set
Dark Erosion of Oblivion Trigger Set
Burning Hellfire of Anger Trigger Set
Jumping Consumables/Materials Box (2021 Autumn)
x10 All-in-One Talisman Box
x20 Phase Stabilizer
x20 Luck Stabilizer
x30 UNION Special PNA Stabilizer
x1 Alpha Equalizer
x5 Transcendental Elixir
x5 Normal D Component: Gear
x5 Normal D Component: Costume
x5 Slot Type Modification Tool
x1 Origin Chip x10 Box
x5 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit
x5 Resurrection Capsule x11
x5 Sector Pass Selection Box ver.1.1
x100 Multi-Dimensional Reactive Substance
x50 Luck Stabilizer
x5 Holy Grail: Fly King Investigation Report
x30 Splendid Phase Fiber
x100 Greater Phase Fiber
x10 Essence of the Sea Breeze
Jumping Costume Box (2021 Autumn)
x1 Special Agent/Resolver Costume Full Set (3-star, Non-Tradable/Repackage)
x1 Signature Costume Full Set Selection Box (30-Day)
Renew Chip Support Box
Renew Chip Support Box
Level UP Box Lv.86
Level UP Box Lv.87
Shining Synchro Fiber
Level UP Box Lv. 87
x1 Level UP Box Lv.88
x1 +13 Gear Booster
Level UP Box Lv. 87
x300 Fast Dual Recovery Capsule
x1 Punisher Wings Box (30-Day)
x1 S Guaranteed D Component: Gear
  • Unused Consumables will expire on December 31, 2021 at 9:00 AM UTC
  • All Level Up Boxes will expire on November 30, 2021 at 9:00 AM UTC

Jumping Package

Get the new Jumping Package to maximize the growth of your level jumped character even more!

Sales Period
September 23, 2021 to November 3, 2021

Jumping - Essential Package

x1 Elite Status (30-Day)
x5 Resurrection Capsule x11
x200 Fast Dual Recovery Capsule
x10 Network Interference Device
x30 UNION Special Phase Stabilizer
x30 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer
x30 UNION Special PNA Stabilizer
x1 Closer Name Tag
x1 UNION Name Tag
x1 Han High School School Uniform Basic Full Set
x10 Perfect PNA Evolution Kit
x1 Transparent Costume All-in-One Package
x1 Visual Slot 17 piece Full Set
x1 Character Pet Random Box
x1 Gear/Consumables /Material Slot Expansion Full Set

 2,000 UMP 

Package Value: 17,360 Now for only 1,990 N-coins!
89% Discount
Purchase Limit: Once per account

Jumping - Support Package

x3 Sector Pass ver.1.1
x2 Transcendental Elixir
x2 Slot Type Modification Tool
x1 Resurrection Capsule x11
x50 Fast Dual Recovery Capsule
x10 Networkd Interference Device
x10 UNION Special Phase Stabilizer
x10 UNION Special Luck Stabilizer
x10 UNION Special PNA Stabilizer

 300 UMP 

Package Value: 980 Now for only 290 N-coins!
70% Discount
Purchase Limit: 10 times per account

The Shadow Government Simulator - [LoX] Chile Vengador
Hello fellow co-conspirators!

Last time I promissed the bug-ridden audio manager would submit or die, and I have kept my word!! The game's audio has been completely revamped, using a more advanced state machine (🤖)  in order to keep everything in place. Reports of audio bugs have significanlty lowered, and they will stay that way if they know what's good for them! (ed. please, please stay that way)

In other news, I've also tackled one of the UX issues that has plagued the game from the beginning. When activating a unit, it was hard to understand how it affected their traits and what bonuses were going to be gained or lost. It was not transparent, and that confused new players.

There were several iterations:

But after a vote from the Kickstarter backers over at Discord (thanks guys!); we ended up with as the final screen:

Turns out the more information you give players the better! 

Next week I'll be focussing on the end game. It's a loooong campaign, so it'll be a bit of a grind, but the advantage of being the dev is that you can always cheat 😉

In discord news: Last week we had our first-ever community lecture! The idea is for the community to present and discuss interesting topics. We realized we had a lot of very knowledgable and interesting folks in our server, and we're trying to spread the knowledge. The first lecture was "Demystifying Artificial Intelligence" by OWA.

It went well and was really interesting to hear from an AI master's degree student how modern AI works. 

It was a nice experiment and we might be doing that again in the future. If you want to stay up to date with these events, join our community!

Happy conspiring!

Haunted Shores - AeroDonkey
Today Wildebeest Labs began extensive in house play testing. Progress is good and we are on schedule, despite the absolutely excellent weather in Louisiana.